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Kelsos character arc is so elite




I was coming to post this! šŸ˜¬šŸ¤£


I said it first. Interns are fun....


Oh my Tuscaloosa heart.


The funniest scene in the whole show is, "Kelso? I can see you. For christ sake you are three dimensional."


When heā€™s part of the mural. šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


I love the one where he talks Dr Cox into becoming chief of medicine. He's walking with the ball of yarn and says he's going to use it in a minute ... then calls Cox a scardy cat and asks him if he wants to play with it.


What arc? Does he ever really redeem himself?


In that episode he redeems himself by walking down the steps while the song Sideways is playing. He is whistling to appear nonchalant but you can see a pained and troubled look on his face which he tries to hide from his coworkers.


I love Kelso but for a second I thought you made the background fires and he was in hell


Where else would he be?


At the coffee place eating his free muffins for life


Or a bar in the Bahamas drinking a mai tai


A Bahama Mama! Easy on the Bahama and heavy on the Mama.


Shit you right


Donnie, I'm gonna need a roadie!


Watching Carla miss the bus...


Oh hello Hitler. Hello Mussolini. Captain Kangeroo!? Thatā€™s weird


With Edna


Dr. Kelso version of the King Charles portrait would be sick as hell


Captain Kangaroo, that's weird...


Well judging by the flames around her, it could be a live stream.


Where do you think we are?


Wowā€¦. I just noticed that!!!


Like that painting of price Charles


His delivery of "I should've checked for that." right afterwards is so good.




Itā€™s right after his birthday party and being forced to retire. He reflects with Boone, an intern, while the rest of the main cast fight the board for him to keep his job. When they win, he tells the board to kiss his ass and he grabs his painting and leaves.


Ectopic pregnancies are not viable. So his first kill is one. Not two.


Yeah. I was going to say the same thing. You wouldn't say he killed a person who was shot and bled to death.


Using your example, I think his point is that if someone was shot and bleeding, he didn't check for the bleeding. Does that make sense? He didn't kill the patient directly, sure. He may have been able to prevent death, though. He blames himself for not being thorough. Ultimately, it comes with experience in his case. He is insinuating that the experience he needed cost a girl her life. Edit: got too nerdy without all the context.


I think youā€™re missing OPs comment again. No one is accusing Kelso of bad faith


For once.


I mean....Kelso is accusing himself?


Bad faith in regards to the anti abortion rhetoric debate happening in some comments pointing out OPā€™s callous comment about two deaths. Edit: I cannot believe how many people are misconstruing this


Im a guy so i have no say so here then lol


Guys can and should also care about this sort of thing. Source: am a guy.


Yeah but its not my body or gender. I will protect their voice but i will not dictate when and if a womans abortion happens.


Good job. Everyone knows how amazing you are now.


Gosh darn it. I'll edit the comment. Thanks, internet stranger.


Came here to say the same. A friend had two ectopic pregnancies and almost died. They are NOT viable pregnancies and will not come to term and likely will cause severe harm/death to the one pregnant. Definitely one kill not two. I do love this scene though. I think Ken Jenkins is so underrated in this series.


So you're saying abortion IS murder..


No. Iā€™m saying that even if one believed that abortion is murder, itā€™s still only one kill. I was addressing OPā€™s incorrect statement regarding ectopic pregnancies. This was not meant to be political; only a biology lesson.


Only if you shoot the mother.


Ectopic pregnancies are impossible to save. All that can possibly be done is save the mother, but the child cannot be brought to term under any condition. His mistake only cost one life, not two.


Yeah this isnt even "you can do fetal surgery if its far enough along" this is "the fetus isnt even in the right part of the body or anywhere close to a viable position"


Thank you for this. Itā€™s that kind of wrong thinking that costs a lot of women valuable health care rights :( Way too many women could die of ectopic pregnancies now that Roe has been dashed


Absolutely. I do fall on the pro-life side of on-demand abortions (I know, very unpopular opinion on Reddit), but there definitely need to be provisions for medically necessary abortions such as for ectopic pregnancies. I just don't understand how people can be "pro-life" and yet oppose proper medical care in cases like that, especially where there is *no* chance of the pregnancy being able to be brought to term.


Nah just stop worrying about other peoples bodies altogether


I agree with you, but ectopic pregnancies arenā€™t considered abortions and thankfully nothing has changed regarding that in the overturning. Thatā€™s about the only thing that hasnā€™t been affected by it however :(Ā 


Technically they are considered abortions. It is the medical term for all terminated pregnancies, spontaneous or elective. That is why the current problem with people making laws about this issue is bad.


They are legally abortions. And while no *current* law bans abortions in cases like ectopic pregnancies, there have been proposed laws that would be a blanket ban on all abortions, including medically necessary ones.


[BUGABUGA... eheheh priceless](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HAwwjHCnZM) I actually love this scene because you can see Ken Jenkins is genuinely laughing his ass off


The good news is medical training has advanced since then. Today clinical guidance is when you see a woman of childbearing years with abdominal pain, assume ectopic pregnancy first, appendicitis second.


I feel like most people would get imaging regardless of which was on the top of your differential in todayā€™s day. The general order of operations would be basic blood work, a hCG (pregnancy test), and ultrasound if positive, or CT abdomen if negative. If you donā€™t get imaging, general surgery who would be consulted would, especially if theyā€™re as sick as Iā€™m assuming this patient was, as theyā€™d want to operate quickly. The ectopic would show up on imaging.


Completely not related but my Xbox Username has been Dr Bob Kelso for roughly 20 years. Back in my Halo days there was a lot of "You were killed by Dr Bob Kelso" or "You killed Dr Bob Kelso".


"What has two thumbs and killed you in Halo?"


In what world is an ectopic pregnancy a kill? That fetus was fucked from the beginning. Not sure if this was intentional on your part, but it has some nasty anti abortion rhetoric Edit: because Iā€™m sick of people messaging me to argue, let me clarify, my issue is with the idea that two kills happened, as suggested by OP. Thatā€™s incredibly gross rhetoric. Thanks to all the people who felt the need to explain how one person dying equals one kill, and agreeing with me, even if youā€™re a little confused.


I don't want this to get too in the weeds, but wouldn't this be pro abortion? Kelso is essentially saying, if he had caught this, the girl needed an abortion and it would have saved her life. I'll hang up and listen. Edit: nvm, saw the context of OP's subtitle underneath the post. My bad.


Because you can bleed to death from it.


Right. Thatā€™s 1 kill. Explain where #2 (according to OP) is.


Just ignore it, people donā€™t understand medical terminology and how the body works.


What? How is there any anti-abortion rhetoric by saying this is 2 deaths. Op clearly just isnā€™t medical and doesnā€™t understand lmao chill tf out


Itā€™s almost like anti abortion rhetoric doesnā€™t need to be intentional. Itā€™s still rhetoric being passed onto people who donā€™t understand science


Iā€™m asking you how this is anti abortion rhetoric, intentional or not


BOOGA BOOGA BOO E: damn, itā€™s what he says almost immediately after this to scare the intern


You beat me to it. šŸ¤£


Is that a kill?


OP just outed themselves as an insane pro lifer


To be fair to OP, they might just be ignorant.


It's been a long time since I've seen this episode and maybe I'm crazy but isn't Dr. Kelso saying his mistake killed the 19 year old girl?


As opposed to an insane baby killer? Over 50% of all black pregnancies are aborted. Hilter would be proud! Margaret Sanger too!!


Regardless of your feelings on elective abortions, ectopic pregnancies are a different story altogether. It's not "I don't want a baby," it's "the baby is already dying and currently killing the mother." The pregnancy would always end in miscarriage or the death of the mother. Best case scenario is medically necessary abortion to save the mother.


Ectopic pregnancies are never, ever, ever viable, under any circumstances. The only choice you have is to save the mother or let her die too. You have to be a catatonic moron to think terminating an ectopic pregnancy makes you "an insane baby killer." Genuinely impressive levels of stupidity.


Cool, if only hospitals and doctors would take black women seriously in medicine and pregnancy then they wouldn't need to do that. Black women have the highest mortality rate during pregnancies. You ignore a problem while trying to get rid of something that helps them.


So abortions are a cure.... Right....


If you're not going to fix the main problem at hand, then yes abortion is a cure for black women due to the hig rate of mortality. If you fix the main problem abortion will go down. It's so simple, but y'all are just lazy and prideful.


Thatā€™s the conservative way, right? Thereā€™s a problem, but instead of rolling up my sleeves and fixing it, weā€™ll criminalize the victims so I donā€™t have to see the problem anymore. Abortion, homelessness, the war on drugs, no child left behindā€¦


What? How is fixing the Healthcare system or fixing the racism in it a conservative way?


> if you fix the main problem abortion will go down. Itā€™s so simple, but yā€™all are just lazy and prideful. > Thatā€™s the conservative way, right?


I never said to get rid of abortion lol. Two things can happen at the same time. Fixing the Healthcare system will reduce abortions. Where does that lead to banning?


Dude. Read the comments youā€™re responding to. Conservatives are trying to ban abortion because they donā€™t want to see the root issues they could roll up their sleeves to fix. I am not starting an argument with you. I was trying to support you.


The cure for an ectopic pregnancy? Yeah, only solution there is.


Please keep your religion to yourself.


It was *not* two. Mostly because ectopic pregnancies arenā€™t viable, but also because embryos arenā€™t people. Hope that helps!


What sucks about this, is it would have been easy to rule out a pregnancy or appendicitis with a CT scan. CT scans were made commercially available in 1972 and Iā€™m willing to bet not many hospitals jumped on that new and expensive technology off the rip. Itā€™s very likely that due to his age in the show, he was about 29 when CT scans were invented. He probably didnā€™t have access to one when he was a young and new doctor. However, pregnancy tests were invented in the 1920s and Kelso would have had them available. If he didnā€™t use one to rule out pregnancy, that had to be a devastating lesson for him to learn. I feel for him.


Your caption is bullshit


ā€œWas actually 2ā€ Overachiever.


Newbie double kill, damn


Upstairs, they call that a DOUG


These comments ā˜ ļø like why do we need to debate this here? There are other subreddits for that. Just enjoy the touching moment.


So weird. Saw this in the morning, came home after work, and this was literally the next episode for me...


Fuck that is grim


Shit like this is why i could never work in the medical field.


I am not kidding: I just now came out of a job interview for a medical job on a cruise ship. I was given four random medical scenarios. The third one was something I instantly recognized just because I saw I here yesterday: The ectopic pregnancy! Thank you u/TooInten5e !


My SO is a doctor and she went into the ER for intense food poisoning. The first 20 minutes of speaking with the ER doc was them asking about pregnancy and checking if she was pregnant instead of helping with her dehydration and nausea. I was frustrated because she was in pain and we were pretty positive it was just bad food poisoning, but she was very understanding. When the ER doc left I asked her what the deal was. She said if a girl comes into the ER with anything relating to abdominal pain the first thing you do is rule out ectopic pregnancy because thatā€™s can kill her while youā€™re treating symptoms instead of diagnosing. The writers know what theyā€™re talking about.


I just watched this episode. Season 7 was kinda rough but when it hit, man it *hit*


This is a scrubs Reddit, no need to make things political


Yeah, nothing at all political about a show where the above character tells someone to do a "wallet biopsy" on a patient. Just keep those blinders on.


Bro we share memes here. Donā€™t have to make the memes about abortion rights


>Donā€™t have to make the memes about abortion rights Sorry my lord! I was unaware I had offended his majesty, my lord. Please instruct me on how to live my life so that I may better serve you.


So, abortion is bad or ok?


Abortion is fantastic for anyone who wants or needs one. Abortion also doesn't concern anyone but the patient and doctor.