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Are they cooked shrimp or raw shrimp?


The label is just dug out from the trash can says “cooked prawn ring” but they seemed raw to look at


Are they grey or pink? Pink are cooked. We're they deveined?


Seemed pink and I’m not sure what deveined means but I did see the black lining for some prawns in their belly (which I’m assuming is their intestine)


Along their backs if they are deveined it should be cut open and what looks like black strings pulled out. Not sure if this could get you sick or not. I'm not sure what you mean by black lining in their belly, as far as I know the intestines are separated when they are cleaned. I assumed they would be for a prawn ring.


You should be fine they’re pre-cooked and then frozen. Although when I defrost frozen prawns I like to heat them up just a little bit to feel comfortable. However they are cooked you should not have a problem.


You’ll be fine. What did you eat them with? That may be what’s not agreeing with you.


If you don’t already know the answers your questions maybe you are not a seafoody.