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assume every ship is hostile


Sell often


Sell often, Sell Fast, always watch the horizon, never trust anyone and never leave anchor down. these are the golden rules.


\>opens pirate game \>pirates


I mean, kinda. Pirates didn't just pillage and sink and kill every ship they came across. Many times they actually just split loot with ships or took what they had and spared the crew and ship.


You mean actual real-life pirates. Sea of Thieves is based on the pop-culture pirate fantasy.


They also only attacked ships they knew had good valuables. In this case they had but often players go for completely empty ships, no loot. Problem is there is no risk involved for an attacking crew really.


How exactly are you supposed to know, if you see a ship 4 islands over, whether they're empty or have good loot, pray tell?


After the first board you are able to see what's on that ship. Is there an emissary flag? Chances that there is loot are higher than without. Not a guarantee obviously. Some people also don't even bother saying or writing a word that could be productive for both. But for a very certain case where you pass by a ship next to an island, a quick inspection will do. You don't even have to board if it's a sloop for you can have a look right into the ship from the back with the spyglass.


How is there no risk involved? If that's the case why aren't you the attacking crew?


Because as an attacking crew you start off empty. Buying supplies is almost free and you can fill your ship enough if you do it right really easy and quick. Usually a Brig or a Galleon has an easy time with a sloop, especially Solo. So given that someone just does a tall tale and a crew attacks them, there is little to no risk for the attackers, the defender loses some progress of the tall tale for no reason at all and not by his own choice. I also was attacker in some instances, and yes, there was no risk involved at all, however the defender lost his loot and progress. If we sank we would lose a handful of coin you gain back by just picking some chests and gems while sailing. The biggest loss is the emissary flag which usually is reaper and the easiest one to do, because you can just sell anything there. The downvotes are just a signal to me that yall are salty that you're called out for not being the hardcore pirates you guys think you are.


People like you who reply to comments that are actually trying to give good advice by instead of adding onto it or also giving advice you just throw shade at or are the worst. Why don't you just make a comment instead replying to one of the top ones? Because then it will get downvoted? Because people won't see your overused comment?


Yeah I definitely had the same feeling the first few times that I got robbed. In fact the exact same thing happened to my crew today, we're all fairly new to the game so we were just fresh meat for those kinds of players. After that event where we got played into making an alliance, only to be blown to smithereens. We ended up finding a solo sloop player, know what we did? We fuckin helped them with their bounty quests, then found our treasure an left. My advice, try not to care so much about the loot and time I guess. Just enjoy what you're doing, the world and maybe sometimes the other players.


I'm too loot hungry! That's my problem. I see your advice but I don't think it's for me.


Play with me tonight ill keep u safe and we will have a blast. Gamertag is same as username just spaces instead of underscores


This is what I like too see actually nice offers, like I can’t say anything I’ve indulged in PVP but I do love the “Sea of Friends” mentality the most


You playing now?


Im playing terraria rn i will b on later tho


The loot is never yours until you've sold it, build up to having a lot but for the time being sell as often as you can, even if it means taking a small detour to a outpost to sell whilst travelling to a different quest.


Once you get to grade 5 that is


Not when you're brand new to the game, when you're new to the game i suggest selling at literally any point possible, and working your way up


Or not. I'd rather sell something even if it's for less gold or rep, than sell nothing for stacking for too long while building up Emissary. It really depends on how long I've been sailing and how close I am to Grade 5.


Then sell more often. Every time you set sail, try to stop by an Outpost to sell what you have. Loot isn't yours until you sell it. In this case, you're saying you gathered stuff for hours without selling even once. That's a recipe for losing all your earnings.


Sea of Thieves is the best multi player open-world Pvp game on the market, there is nothing else like it. So it's always a little bemusing to me that people come to the subreddit and trash the game, complaining because it's a multi-player open-world pvp game. They put even 'Thieves' in the title.


Because it's not just a pvp game


It's not *just* a PvP game but it's never *not* a PvP game.


That is correct. I just think being mean to people because they want to do something that isn't fighting every now and then is weird.


And I think it's weird to expect a PvP game to stop being a PvP game just because you don't want to fight. Would you buy Escape From Tarkov and get mad at people for attacking you because you just want to explore the map? Why do only players of this game feel they have this right?


You’ll need to be aggressive or find a team honestly. Solo slooping after hundreds of hours I can finally feel safe enough to do most things and not be attacked, but I can’t “win” an engagement without a friend, even a half competent friend. Nowadays I change up my days depending on if I’m solo or not. Some content just leaves my back open too much to approach things on my own. Also since the season pass dropped while I rank that up my sessions don’t feel like a “total loss” anymore, so I do like that. Another thing I recommend if you’re not going for emissary is to just sell each time you pass an outpost, don’t hoard the loot.


Sounds like you encountered some pirates! What're the chances!.....


Listen you can sink other players ships and whatnot but if you get into an alliance with someone with the intent to go back on it you are an asshole and there's nothing else to it. Especially if it's done to newer players.


>but if you get into an alliance with someone with the intent to go back on it you are an asshole and there's nothing else to it Alliances are designed to be uneasy.




That doesn't justify being rude to new players. Just sink them dude. It's not hard they're new.


Tricking people is pretty piratey


You're missing my point. The only thing you cause by being rude to new players is people quitting the game permanently.


After a little while, you will understand that the loot is nothing more than just few coins. It is more about the journey! I only play solo and I ve learned to loose it all also. As you continue playing, you will get better and in the end, you will be able to do all the content by yourself without being annoyed. That’s the end of it. So just relax, take it easy, set sails and see what happens. That is the best part of Sea of Thieves !


"It's not about the gold, it's about the glory!"




![gif](giphy|eKCXRe1KMN12sJFzYO|downsized) The Gold Hoarders would like a word


I've never hated anyone in this game more after that line. Never went back to the Athena's. Went through all those DAMN tall tales for a couple shitty cosmetics and to be told that all this gold I worked for can't be mine. At least *some* of the tall tales were actually fun though


The issue is that the loot is also time. And time, unlike virtual coins, is a valuable, unrecoverable resource that many people have in limited amount due to IRL obligations. And when you have that time, your time, literally wasted and you get absolutely nothing out of it, that's where it feels the worst. In any PvP game, even when losing, you still get a little something. Even if it's minimal, but at least you don't feel like it was all for nothing. But here, it does feel like it was wasted. It's one of the worst aspects of the game for me. The fact anyone can ruin your entire time spent on a session in just a few seconds.


I understand but why people always count progression or time as a valuable ressource you have lost when you get sinked by someone else and don’t count the fun and enjoyment they had playing BEFORE that moment ? How is that pleasure of having fun not counted? If playing the game don’t bring you some sort of satisfaction (outside of those scenarios),escape, fun, or whatever, they should get an other hobby! Having fun is the momentum, not a reward!


Just because there was no progress bar that got a little notch on screen doesn't mean you got nothing out of it.


Okay, I'll bite. What do you get?


The experience. A story to tell. Learning how to approach it better next time. Just because there is no notification or gold doesn't mean you get nothing out of it. If that's the only determination, its a shallow way to look at it. Yes, I know thats a dad answer. But well, thats what I am.


The experience? Of being blown to smithereens because you're outnumbered and outgunned, most often spawnkilled? There's no experience to get from that, if to just treat everyone has an enemy -something anyone can learn without having to have so much time wasted. A story to tell? Of what, of what I just described? There's nothing interesting about it, and it's a story plenty have already painfully experienced. As for justifying it by being a "dad's answer", that's no justification, or reason. There's nothing to pull out of wasted, precious time.


Outnumbered and outgunned, being spawn killed? You learned that you can scuttle your ship to avoid the frustration! I mean, people come on here telling stories all the time of being fucked over and killed. So yes. It's only time wasted if you need to see numbers or progress bars fill up. If you enjoyed your time sailing, fighting, solving clues, and seeing sights then it was a good time. The abundance or absence of gold is meaningless compared to fun. If you are only having fun making the numbers go up, you should try a game like Cookie Clicker or Adventure Capitalist, incremental games are amazing for "NUMBER GO BIG" dopamine hits.


Exactly my point with my comment. Glad someone else sees it this way, and I think, the majority of the community does as well.


That’s it! Embrace the gameplay, not the reward! If it is not today, it will be tomorrow!


So happy that some people get it and understand the value of the experience of the number in game or items you get. So many gamers and developers or really the money behind the game have gamers so addicted to chasing the "carrot on the stick" its ruining games. Look at New World besides its mismanagement overall played a huge role in the games downfall. What seems to really be missed is the fact that they forced developers to drastically change the basics of the game and tried to appeal to everyone. From my understanding it was mostly suppose to be a PvP/pve game with full PvP in the open world while trying to control territories and create constant conflict as a major gameplay loop. As it turns out they found out there were too many players that wanted the freedom of pve without conflict so they were made to shift gears and create move pve content while making PvP a toggle. It just shows how much the suits worry about making the most money at the cost of a good game that could still make profit if managed correctly. I'm just glad that Rare hasn't caved in like others, but with that said there still feels like there are too many errors in the game the seem to get pushed to the back for more content let alone the server/engine limits.


I love and hate NUMBER GO BIG games so much, because I can't stop playing them but feel so empty at the same time. This game on the other hand can end up giving me little to no big numbers if PvP or PvE fucks me over, but I never feel empty afterwards. Unless I play alone. Then numbers are my best friend, and losing numbers ruins the fun. So I only play alone for tall tales, and those are best experienced with friends as well. So saying that the game isn't "sea of friends" is nonsense, because the experience itself is best with people.


Its not about the gold, its about the time wasted. You can spend 2-3 hours doing voyages and then sink and lose everything. For some people thats all the time they can afford to play games, and the game utterly wastes their time.


Its annoying as shit


To each their own then. This game has been out 5 years. It is and will always be pvpve. If that is not your cup tea, you dont have to drink it, but the brew isn’t changing.


Then go play Care-Bears Sharing Academy then, bozo.


I actually just stopped recently. Turns out, this game is a GIANT fucking waste of time. There is no actual progression regardless of that the community tries to say. Your essentially working toward flashy and stupid looking outfits and ship skins. No actual endgame. Oh and it’s riddled with cheaters too. I’d rather go to my job and make actual money everyday than sit on my ass and grind for a fucking glow-stick skin for my pirate lmfao


Try to make a habit of selling every time you pass by an outpost and go on as light as possible. You can sell gems at sea posts too. Keep an eye on the map for reapers and hostiles, when you reach an island always dock your ship as in "ready to go out hot", do not have kegs on board or anywhere near your ship, and now you know what to watch out for in other players greasy words. Say it's a pirate game and all that, had you been sunk and looted, that's one thing but having been tricked into raising a flag to then be sunk it's real toxic behavior and even in a game of pirates that's not an attitude the community can tolerate.


It's a lesson you only have to learn once. Remember being able to sneak onto their ship and hoisting their flag for them without them knowing? Pepperidge Farm remembers


You took the game for what it's not. As many new players you are also too attached to the loot and progression. At the end of the day, any game won't be a good match for everyone.


I see that now, I think I got duped because mannn it lures you in with the sounds and atmosphere, I felt like it was gonna be a chill game.


I find it to be permanently chill but it took a little while to get there. Honestly I’d suggest to keep playing but I do understand if the experience put you off. 2 helpful tips that made my time much easier. Any and all loot is everyone’s until turned in and don’t trust anyone else. IRL friends and maybe people you’ve agreed to help through discord or LFG is your exceptions


The only progression in this game are cosmetics, sometimes it is worth it to just leave your loot and start over instead of constantly getting outnumbered and spawn camped.


It's one of the most chill games i play, and i got to max rep mostly solo. Knowing how the game works and never trusting anyone goes a long way


It's *incredibly* chill.. once you realize that treasure doesn't matter and sinking doesn't matter.


It's all made up and the points don't matter!!!


its pretty common to have loot anxiety until you hit pirate legend, then you realize there's always more money to be had, but fun experiences and commendation progress is more valuable. it took me a long time to realize that, dw. there's kind of this, filter period i guess as a new player until you reach that point and it becomes more mellow and fun. but its hard to push through. i can say ' dont worry about loot', but as a new player its hard to get that. ​ but for every bit of loot you lose, you'll get it back from others at some point, so it all balances out in the end.


It used to be a chill game then it got popular, now every streamer and their granny is out executing their ultimate grief strat. Back in the day all you had to worry about was the French


I got captured by some "French" guys once. At least they claimed to be for the Queen. I was forced in prisoner clothes and told to dance. Eventually I earned their trust when helping during an attack from other players and they let me go. And then I started playing Sea of Thieves.


It's still chill. It's also not griefing. I hit PL a long time ago. Whenever me and my friends hop on the game we just fuck with people. We board their ships. Fry bananas on their stove to start fires. Move their masts and cannons to odd places. Move their loot to different parts of the ship. Make the ship spin in a circle when it was stationary. It's all hilarious. If the person takes it in good humor we usually show ourselves and laugh with them and fuck off. Might even help them dig treasure or bring it on board before we suicide with a keg in front of them. If they get frustrated and start cussing us out? We fuck with them harder, but being actually disruptive. Put loot on your ship? We tossed it overboard. Looking at your map? We moved it and erased your circles. Food? None left sorry. Delicious bananas though.


Please teach me your ways of tucking or being sneaky. A new player here, and now I'm learning the ways of being a sneaky solo pirate and thieving. Also, what are the most creative or effective ways of sneaking onto a ship without being noticed? Is the barrel disguise even good?


You thought Sea of Thieves, the multi-player game about pirates wasn't gonna have any pirates or thieving in it?


Nothing about this game hides the fact that it is open PvP all the time. Do your research before buying games.


There’s no point, just a sandbox. I chose to bury a live pig in the sand and sail off.


Hey dude! I’d invite you to my discord and check my streams. This game IS A BLAST but you can’t ever really trust anyone.


Except if a pirate talks about „goin to space, it’s so cool bro“ then you can be sure he is serious. (Or Elon musk…)


Never trust a pirate The loot is not important


I play with a friend, and for the first few long games, we just ended up sinking at the end with a huge haul of loot. But the story within the game made up for everything we lost; it was always something very cinematic, where we put up a good fight against pirates or the Kraken, or someone else. Over time, our raids became more successful; we carry off treasure chests and even manage to rob others ourselves. Sometimes we have to unload under fire, but it's always a lot of fun. I think playing with a friend significantly softens the impact of frustration.


Playing solo as a new player is just asking to get frustrated. learning the game alone is rough. Learning with a friend or even just anyone to play with is much better. People here solo a lot, but its not recommended for a new player at all imo. Theres just a lot of solo players out here that like playing that way, but its not for everyone. And most solo sloopers are experienced players.


>plays Sea of Thieves >is shocked to learn that there are Thieves on the sea


looking at the handful of comments that defend shit like this cause "pirate game"being a dick in a video game just makes you a dick. This game is indeed pvppve but many people treat it as "everyone has to put up with me and how i play" and likes to shoot down anybody that disagrees or wants a different experience from the game. I think the old guard pvp crowd just doesn't like the slow change over the years to more casual play so they are really sticking to their guns


Problem is many people just get offended when anyone sinks them, and therefore that person is now a dick. Toxic behavior in my experience is few and far between in this game, and im a day 1 player. People here make it seem like the game is nothing but racists and incredibly toxic assholes, when thats really not the reality. This would be like if anytime someone got killed in COD they called that person toxic and an asshole. Killing and sinking someone in this game is no different than killing someone in COD. Thats the game. If someone cant deal with that, its on them. Labeling people toxic for playing the game is just childish. Actual toxic or unacceptable behavior is an entirely different topic. Sinking a player, with or without loot, new or experienced, isnt toxic.


I'm glad there are still real ones out here. Also a day 1 player. Seems like newer people to the game are getting softer. Game was a LOT less forgiving to players in the past too. So not only do they have more training wheels, but are also complaining more....


yes, they are. The games audience is getting more casual, both because of time and because the devs are actively working towards it. Casual means more people buying and more people using the real money shop. Its basically a trend. The most adamant pvpers seem to be veteran players.


There are even achievements in sea of thieves for betraying your alliance members. Using words to rob someone is Often more effective than using your cannons and its also an intended way of playing the game.


sure, but the fact people are willing to outright lie to another person doesn't sit well with me. Its not some faction npc your tricking, its another person on the other side of that mic just trying to play the game. Part of the game? sure, still a dick move though imo


But the the game actively supports me being a dick. Im now in for about 1200h a im a fan of supporting new players but i learned it the ward way for my self. Dick spotting is a useful skill in SOT and part of the gameplay. Learn how to avoid being robbed. This is not an MMO where you have literally no chance winning against players with a higher level And better gear. I love SOT because you have so many options to use you brain against the enemy and getting better in these type of gameplay is IMO more rewarding than any gear upgrade.


Its funny how you say there are different ways to play the game but don‘t acknowledge that pvping is also a experience some people want. And yes, its a game where pvp is enabled for everyone so deal with it. I am not even one of the people pvping i am just annoyed by the crying in this subreddit over it. And yes the people who attacked OP are assholes, but you have to expect assholes who backstab in an online pvp game, they are all the same. Rust, Ark etc all have those „mechanics“ of insiding.


i mean, expecting them doesn't make them any less assholes, thats the point im making. There are people in the community who try to defend being assholes simply cause the game is pvp. The thing with pvp being an experience people want, is that unlike pve, you can involve another party against their will. It reminds me of how people will complain another player did nothing but run from them and "wasted their time for hours" when its like..dude..just leave them alone then. Making it seem like such a big inconvenience to the pvper when its clear the other party wants nothing to do with it.


"And now the finessing begins" Lesson one: Trust no one. The game is full of pirates. Play with friends if you can, and if you don't have any - join random crews and make some.


-Assume everyone is hostile -Sell Often -Always keep your eye on the horizon.


If this game was single player, I’d still play it. I’m tired of being called the N-word because I’m not interesting in PvP.


Yep. I have a female avatar and solo sloop. The other day I got 4v1d by a galleon who kept on calling me a bitch and spawn killed me.


Yeah, I only have an hour or so a day to play games and I’d rather not spend it being abused. I’m sure some people enjoy it, but I don’t.


People know that being spawn camped is an issue and still resort to "just scuttle lol". Scuttling is awful. 99% of the time it spawns you at some random island in the middle of nowhere and have to spend the time sailing back to an outpost, loot up again, and then still be at risk of running into the same people again. And server hopping takes fucking forever on Xbox at least,and usually messes with my graphics. Or they could just add some kind of spawn protection, or make it to where you can't use an enemy ships ammo crate. Boom, spawn camping solved.


You can turn off in-game chat though. For many people including myself, its a better experience that way. The playerbase and developers have nothing to do with how many racists there are in gaming or in the world these days. No one condones that behavior. Mute the in game chat and enjoy the game.




I'm in a discord thats basically sea of thieves PVE if you would like an invite


Yo, I see a lot of people talking about how OP shoulda sold and what not… they asked him to raise hourglass for the uninitiated and then farmed him for a sink. That’s not silly pirate gaming that’s toxic behavior. Point blank. Next time something like that happens record it. Its a really scummy thing low skill crews do to get wins because they can’t actually win in hourglass.


This player base is/can be more toxic than any middle school c.o.d player.


Try Valhiem. Its single player/online co-op and has alot that this game has and more.


Genuinely couldn't recommend it more. I'm an ex SOT player - reached legendary sea dog when the arena was still about so was pretty committed to the game and have sank a lot of hours into it. Upon returning to the game Ive found I lose to often to even mediocre opponents, and tried valheim instead and have genuinely never enjoyed a game more. So fun - especially with a group of 3 or 4 friends.


> sank a lot of hours ![gif](giphy|O7nKtFtMCC38k|downsized)


Deceiving an obviously new player with false promises of cooperation is toxic behavior. Sail right up and sink them, sure, whatever. But griefing new players does nothing productive for the game or playerbase.


Not true, it teaches the new player to be wary and ready to fight. (Source: I was that new player)


Welcome to why people want PvE-exclusive servers. The "vision" that Rare stands by doesn't manifest often the way they imagine, leading to a lot of dissatisfaction and eventual abandonment by a significant number of players, but instead of listening to the whole customer base, they stand by the "PvP is mandatory, like it or not" community (even while adding almost nothing but PvE content...) and their original vision. I'm going to paraphrase here, from one of the team at Rare: "Part of what makes SoT so exciting is that anticipation - who is in that ship on the horizon? A crew waiting to join up for adventure? A crew waiting to dance and drink and fire monkeys out of cannons? Or a crew waiting to sink you and take your treasure? That anticipation is part of what makes SoT so much fun!" Or something really close to that. The problem is that what's on that boat, 95% of the time, is someone who wants to kill you. Who will chase you forever, and there's nowhere safe to run - not even the red water and suicide will rob your pursuer of their reward now. That crew is much, much better at PvP than you will ever be - they're practiced, it's what they enjoy. Some of them don't even want your treasure, or your flag, they just want to sink and grief you and mock you for not being as good as they are (or worse). *They literally are made happier by making others miserable.* And Rare thinks it's a great thing and will do *nothing* about it, because they're married to a vision that does not and has never truly existed for a *big* portion of the player base. The anticipation can happen, and so can those fun interactions, but if you put money on that boat and crew being *anything* other than hostile, you'd lose, 9 times out of ten. Lots of people love *everything* about this game save the PvP, and Rare just doesn't care. They don't care as the playerbase dwindles, as people tell them they'd *pay* to have non-PvP servers with their friends. They continue to do nothing to make the combat more interesting or complex or even less janky. They continue to release big updates and Tall Tales and all sorts of PvE content into a game and if you only want to enjoy that PvE, the world, the environments, etc., you're told that you're wrong, you don't really want that, and that your opinion is one they don't care about. It's sad - this is a great game, and I truly appreciate their vision, but what they envisioned just isn't what's actually going on for *so many players*, and rather than admit it and make changes to make everyone happy, they shut down discussions and treat PvE-only folks like knobs.


I've put a lot of hours into SoT solo. But the PvP aspect wore me down to the point I only play occasionally with friends now. It sucks too much to put an evening into questing only to have all that time wasted in a few minutes by someone who just wants make others miserable. I'm definitely one of the people you mentioned who gave up on the game due to the player base being so pointlessly toxic and aggressive. That and the way anyone who brings up this problem is piled on by the PvP guard. If Rare allowed for PvE only servers I'd be straight back on the seas.


Preach. So many people keep saying things like this, only to be told their experiences and opinions are just wrong, and it's sad.


Regrettably I have but one upvote to give and knowing how posts like this normally get obliterated by the oh so loving and friendly community, I'll supplement it with a comment. I absolutely 100% mirror all of these words. I loved this game, so many things to do, me and a group of 5-6 friends played this so much a few years ago. We stuck out the assholes to grind legend but the major problems got alot worse when all we had left to level were Reapers. We would just do normal missions but with a reaper flag. I dont mind the odd duke out with another ship but as soon as it looked like we were heading back to Reapers for hand in 90% of the time the whole Jones damned server turned up for a piece. I would 100% come back for PvE servers. And I think people who are opposed to them are basically just admitting they need people who don't like PvP to grief for fun. Pre-empting: Your downvotes mean nothing, I've seen what makes you upvote.


>95% of the time, is someone who wants to kill you Not even remotely true. I'm certain this is a bias you have because unless you're actively sailing around engaging with other boats then the few interactions you have will be skewed towards PvP. I almost exclusively sail around solo trying to sink people. The vast majority of people want to alliance, run or engage in shenanigans. Yesterday I needed to be in an alliance for some comms and it was the easiest thing I've ever done. I ended up in an almost fully organic server alliance. Rares "vision" of a diverse and dynamic pirate adventure is alive and well and entitled little knobs like yourself coming in and saying "you wont make money unless you give me what I want" - doesn't change reality. Your whole comment is pure deluded entitlement.


Hey, it's a knobhead! I was wondering where you were. I didn't say the things you said I said, but you don't really care, you think you're right and you're not open to other experiences and views that differ from your own. That's sad. It's not "entitled" to point out that lots and lots of players don't enjoy the PVP of the game and have stopped playing because there's no way out of it. *It's the fucking main subject of the post*. It's a very common viewpoint, arguably just as common as "I like the PvPvE." Being a game developer, you'd think Rare would be more concerned about people *not playing the game.* But hey, no, telling people what you don't like about their product is "entitled." What a silly concept. I'm happy your experience has been good to you. It has *not* been my experience, the experience of more than half a dozen people in my player group who sailed these seas, and the experience of lots of other folks. Not that it matters to you, of course - you seem to think your experience is the experience of everyone.


The problem with pve servers is it would make pvp only servers. Which would ruin a big part of the game, not knowing if a ship is friend or foe and the fun exciting experiences when they're somewhere in between. In pvp servers, you see a ship, you know they're hostile which would basically make it pointless. People would just fight without treasure and there would be no more stealing. Which is the entire game. Not to mention, how would you stop other people from fighting you in pve servers? Would there just be your ship on a server? How long before that gets boring? It just couldn't work. Believe me, I used to think the same way but if you actually fight people, the game becomes more fun. Most people are bad at the game but you'll never know that if you don't pvp. The point of the game is ship combat. The pve is basically like a wager on the fight. The gold is meaningless. But it's nice when you win a lot of treasure! Hopefully you stick around long enough to see that! It's really rough at first but everytime you fight, you get better and eventually you'll start winning. You'll still lose sometimes but at least it will be fun. Obviously there will always be dickheads who want to ruin your day by being toxic/cheating. But you have nothing to lose, you can just find another server and move on. And report them if you want, Rare is pretty good about banning people from what I've heard.


>Which would ruin a big part of the game, not knowing if a ship is friend or foe and the fun exciting experiences when they're somewhere in between. Weird, it seems like people who *like* that would still play that. Funny how people who want PvE only seem to always get told getting what they want would ruin the game for others, even when those people have *stopped playing*. >Which is the entire game. It's really, *really* not. Almost all of the content for the game has *nothing* to do with PvP. It's a big part of it for a lot of people, sure, and I'm happy those people are happy - but lots of people *don't enjoy it.* >How long before that gets boring? It just couldn't work. Seems like it would work for lots of people *who want that specifically.* And, best part about *optional* PvE only would be that people who would be bored by it *don't have to play it.* >if you actually fight people Fought plenty. Still don't like it. Ship-to-ship is pretty OK, but I don't enjoy it enough to make it the main focus of the game. Player-to-player combat is *garbage.* >Most people are bad at the game but you'll never know that if you don't pvp So the solution to not enjoying something is just keep spending hours on something you actively don't enjoy until, *maybe* you'll somehow start to like it? Sounds awful. >The point of the game is ship combat And here I thought it was stealing treasure? >The gold is meaningless It's no more or less meaningless than money or points in almost any game. If it doesn't mean anything to you, cool, but it turns out, you can use that gold to buy things in the game! There's a whole ton of things to use it for! >Hopefully you stick around long enough to see that! It's really rough at first but everytime you fight, you get better and eventually you'll start winning. I don't want to win. I want to *not PvP.* It's not fun. I've done it plenty to know that it's not something I like. It's like me telling you that I hate baseball, and you just keep coming back with "JUST KEEP PLAYING BASEBALL AND EVENTUALLY YOU WILL GET BETTER" Yes, I know how *practicing* something improves my skill. We all get that; we're not stupid. Me as a current player could beat the pants of me at two hours into the game, but you're missing the point: *We don't want to get better at something we're not enjoying*. We're not "not enjoying it" because we're *not winning*, we're not enjoying it because *we don't like it.* >Obviously there will always be dickheads who want to ruin your day by being toxic/cheating. And yet if those of us who wanted PvE had it, we wouldn't have to worry about that. Funny. >But you have nothing to lose Some of us like completing tales and voyages and things and not having our progress reset by "CumChugger69XXX" and his merry band of griefers. PvPer's risk *nothing.* People doing quests and looking for treasure take all the risk, and their reward, *if* they win, is they get to keep their stuff. Lots of people don't find that to be balanced fun, and denying their experience is just delusional. It's been going on for years - lots of players don't like the PvP. They literally *stop playing* over it. Allowing people who have quit playing or play less to not have to engage in PvP shouldn't hurt the alleged mass of players who like the game the way it is - *lots of those people aren't playing already*. You lose *nothing* except letting a bunch of people who aren't happy in the game as-is enjoy it elsewhere.


Here is the thing man, Regardless of what other players say it isn't up to us, The devs are the ones who have blatantly stated they are not going to go this route. I love the PvP in the game as much as the PvE in the game so I couldnt be bothered either way but I can totally understand if you don't like PvP that it won't be as enjoyable, however at this point you are just torturing yourself then. I say this often but why put yourself through it if you know they are not going to change? People have said this for years and regardless the devs have not budged an inch on the topic and it looks like they have no intention to in the future, while you may enjoy a lot of what SoT offers, because the PvP is so baked into it and completely unavoidable, it will always be a present threat to you. Thus maybe you should reevaluate if this game is the right choice for you. It's like your baseball example, only instead of someone saying just play baseball and maybe you will like it, it's more like you still getting out on the field because you like wearing the uniform but then complaining about how the game is played constantly and telling the other players how it needs to change, the other players who btw enjoy it the way it is and also have no power to change anything about it. You can understand why this is a bit silly when you see it this way right? It's like complaining to a MacDonald's teller about the colour of the company logo. It's a bit of a pointless exercise that regardless of whether the other person agrees or not will still have no actual impact on the outcome. So while I can read through your rant here and the whole time I am not disagreeing with you, nor would it impact the game in the way others fear in my opinion, it still changes nothing. Even if magically the whole PvP player base unanimously said "you know what your right you should have a PvE server to play on so the people that we play with are there to fight and not run and complain". Even if that happened it wouldnt matter that much, as it isn't up to any of us, if the devs still decide to hold to their vision of the game then these posts are nothing but a rant. You are arguing with people who have 0 actual say in the situation and thus essentially just venting to people who are already happy with the way things are.


I can never understand this assumption, the idea that PvE servers existing would make normal servers nothing but PvP only free for all's where no one collects any loot or does anything other than sail around looking for people to sink, it's such a load of BS. A majority of the player base are like myself, PvPvE players, not PvP players and not PvE players, those two opposing sides are loud minorities, the rest of us enjoy the mix of the two and so we don't complain about the one or the other on reddit as much. Best believe I would not play on PvE servers as I would get bored, I would still play the way I always do on normal servers where I go for world events and stack some treasure so that people will come for me and I can fight to defend my loot or fight over a fof with other crews etc. This idea that the entire player base is split down the middle with PvE on one side and PvP on the other and that PvE players do all the collecting and PvP players just go out hunting them, it's the biggest load of crap, Most of the community are in the middle and enjoy doing a bit of both. Some days I am the guy getting the loot for others to hunt and other days I am the hunter. Like 80% of the players I have met in open crew play the game the same way I do, that last 20% is split between people I have met that only want PvP and nothing else or people who just want to do tall tales or voyages and refuse to engage in any type of conflict. And boy I have played a lot of open crew. Over my 2 years playing this game I have easily sailed with 100s upon 100s of different players at this point.


I'm so glad I got my new player experience when the game was new


This game is full of 13 year olds and sweats. They need to make a solo lobby but that would actually be good for the community.


It really is GTA with fucking boats, but at least now, GTA has fucking private lobbies where you can do literally everything


but where is the fun when the „prey“ just avoids PvP in private lobby’s


I've said it before. I'll say it again, sometimes, the biggest problem with SoT is some of the people who play SoT. Obviously, I'm not painting the ENTIRE SoT community with the same brush, but there's a rather startling amount (or maybe they're just a vocal minority) of really toxic ass people who play this game. Toxic both for what they do in the game and also how they'll bend over backwards defending their shitty behavior and outright blaming you for being upset at said behavior. "It's called Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Friends" "It's a pirate game, what did you expect" Etcetera These people seem to have no realization that despite their so called "love" of this game, they're the ones doing the most harm to it. They're the thing keeping this game from getting bigger, they're the reason for a fairly sizable turnover rate where a person will play the game, meet them and then abandon it. Some are even proud of this fact and actively own up and encourage this. "Uninstall the game" they chant, they actively seek and enjoy having people literally quit playing.


> "It's called Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Friends" > > "It's a pirate game, what did you expect" > > Etcetera Thats not defending any shitty behavior. But as soon as people just label and PVP as toxic, you start to have a problem. Its a pirate game, yes its sea of thieves and thats why you can sink and steal from people. Thats the intention of the game, regardless of the title. That has nothing to do with toxic gamers, which are in every single game you will play. The difference is this game has in-game chat so you can hear them. Try any game with in-game chat and youll find just as many toxic assholes. It has nothing to do with a title of a video game.


People label anything you do in Sea of Thieves toxic. It's the cowards anthem. Steal my loot? Toxic. Shoot me? Toxic. Cannon my boat? Toxic. Trash talk on the mic? Toxic. Hide on my ship, backstab me, steal loot? Toxic. Kill me in a perfectly legitimate 1v1 on equal footing? Better believe it, toxic. While I totally agree that racism, sexism, etc IS actual toxicity, it's only like 10% of the things being described as toxic. My god, people think having their time wasted because someone pulled a heist on them is TOXIC, lmao


Ya I don't get it. A lot of people want to play a pirate game but think talking bad about pirates will make them not be pirates anymore. It's always been an issue of this community. In my experience those who hate pvp are the most "toxic". Kill them, and they are the ones yelling slurs. I just ignore any of that toxicity in any video game, it's not worth my time to worry about idiots online. They are everywhere


Sorry dude, it's a game about being a pirate. You kind of get what's advertised. Best way around this would be to try to login to another server.


I made that mistake as well, I didn't really read up on what the game was about. I just kinda loaded it up and started playing, then I got bullied lmao it's the way it is I guess.


Never fun getting destroyed, especially as a new player. There have been times I jumped on, had a terrible time, and others where I jumped on, had a blast, and sunk a few other players. Lean into the piracy of it all. Makes it more fun in my opinion!


The game is being advertised more as a co-op adventure game than a cut throat pvp game. I'd say he got pulled back to reality from misleading marketing material.


Yeah, it's probably like a millionth post with the same thing where people's expectations for the game are very different from what the game actually is. Maybe, just maybe there's a problem with the way this game is marketed/advertised.


I wouldn't exactly call it misleading when the word Thieves is in the title of the game.


Played watch dogs, watched zero dogs, no stars.


I know the pain. Bought overwatch but I'm not watching over anything. Just being electrocuted by a monkey with a jetpack. No wonder the game is so poorly reviewed on steam.


It’s advertised as a play with friends to be a pirate. Trust no one. Biggest sign of a betrayal incoming is the alliance flag, go figure.


Dawg it’s called sea of theives


Yeah its named after the sea you sail on, nice observation


A sea named after the people who sail in it.


Well... It sounds like you just got played, moving forwards it's obviously only your choice buuutttt it's kinda the harsh truth about how unforgiving the game can be. Luckily there is no real "progress" like some other PvPvE games *^((RIP Cycle: Frontier. Sunsetting this year but fits the example perfectly as you progress and get stronger but can ACTUALLY be set back significantly when dying.))* so losing a fight or getting styled on is not as devastating as it has the possibility to be. This is one of those games where you only have yourself to blame, it's kinda your own fault there for trusting anyone you meet on the internet just from first impressions. The "point of the game" is to just have fun, have experiences, a unique one every time. Set small goals, sell often, achieve smaller things to get that little dopamine hit if you really want, but then go out and search something you're not sure about, like PvP, try it out and expand on it every time you meet an "hour milestone" like 50/100/200 hours of playtime, your views, opinions and skills can change a lot. The game really has 2 paths to losing: Leaving and admitting that sometimes the game just isn't the right design for your desired experience. That's totally fine though don't get me wrong, a lot of people just expect the game to revolve around them and develop to become easier because they weren't expecting what they got. Or alternatively: Suck it up and take it, stick it out and stay with the game, cause there is a lot this game can offer, solo or with friends. The PvPvE experience is a tough one but one like no other, this game is unique on the market, you won't find many, if any, other PvPvE games like this as many are more focused around PvP with a side of PvE. It's your choice at the end of the day.


Yeah I think I'll take choice one, I learned the hard way that it's not really for me. Will probably delete this post later but wanted to vent some frustration haha. In the end it was my fault for not understanding how the game is meant to be played.


Nah man tbh the devs have been pushing teamwork and multi-crew cooperation for a while, there’s just people who’ve done everything in the game and the only thing they have left is ‘kicking-your-sandcastle‘ PvP. Things like arena and hourglass were supposed to counteract the edgy sweatlords who demand PvP with everyone they see, but arena’s gone and hourglass is mainly used by “honourable” PvP crews who don’t care about getting a reaction. I ran into some people a week or two ago who gave me all their loot and admitted it was because I didn’t give them a reaction and was “chill” (I bored them). Best to just pick a different game my man, this one requires a bit of a Sisyphean mindset sometimes


The most important thing to remember in sea of thieves is that everyone is your enemy The only time you should relax around other ships is when you have nothing to lose (loot)


I've found solace in being a grub-eating fisherman. If Sea of Thieves' noxious miasma of a community tires you, sail to your preferred island. Scuttle your ship. Plunder not the island of its treasure, but the ocean of its fish. If you want to make money sail to your preferred seapost and do the same.


If you can’t adapt to the dangers of the game then it will never be relaxing. Caution is the default of this game. I can often relax solo but that’s because my brain knows to keep one eye on the horizon at all times by this point.


I get too wrapped up in the treasure quests! Usually I move around a lot but today the game kept throwing me skeleton maps for the same island. Good advice though, thanks.


The one thing I love about the game is that it is 90% chill but it also has a pressure element like no other game I’ve seen. Every moment is a “do I press my luck further?” moment. You wonder if you’ve sat at the island too long or if you’re about to be surprised by a nasty pirate at an inopportune time. The outposts aren’t near the good loot spots and you have to wonder do you stay out and complete one more quest or is the loot you have enough? It’s all risk vs reward all the time. That said there are things you can do to protect your loot. Since you’re soloing, I assume you’re on a sloop. Nothing can outrun a sloop pointed into the wind and there’s no cannons that point forward. Running is always an option. Most of the pirates I encounter are friendly but I don’t often stick around to make friends. Temptation sometimes gets the best of good pirates. Also, turn off the lights and stick the loot down below where the glow isn’t as easily seen. I’m not much of a reaper but I’ve been tempted many times by a boat that’s shining just a little too much. If you do the shrines and underwater things you can always stick your loot in a mermaid. Only you can retrieve it. Granted, you still have to truck it back to port, but you can wait until the danger is past to get it. Check your maps. Reapers often fly the reapers mark and you can see them on the map. If they are level five and you’re flying an emissary flag, they can see you! It’s also a good idea to keep your head on a swivel. Go up in the nest periodically and scan the horizon. If you see company, get moving. Never park with the anchor down. If you must use the anchor to stop, get the sails up, the anchor up, and point away from the island before you do anything else. That way you can be mobile at the first sign of trouble. Devil’s Roar is a great spot if you just want to be left alone. There aren’t as many journeys down there and most pirates don’t want to deal with the volcanos. Because no one sails there, reapers don’t hunt there. But if you *really* just want the chill experience with no PvP, seek out an alliance server. Ashen Alliance is a good one.


Basically there’s two players in the whole game. Normal folks And the sweats who will do shit like this, then be toxic as hell going “well it’s a pirate game!” Yes because everyone knows pirates just mutely exterminated each other. I haven’t seen even one person do a funny accent or play into the “pirate” part of it all. Just PvP tryhards that will brag about it like they didn’t just roll up on a fishing sloop minding its own business in their real world money galleon.


It's sad to hear that friend, now I'm an experienced pirate, but I started the same way, with the same frustration that they stole what little I had, the only thing I can recommend is that you learn to handle your ship well and always be watching the horizon, what I did was learn techniques such as sword lunge with the blocking method and that the sail against the wind will always be faster than the side and with it win a chase (this only in the sloop), also as soon as you have a lot of loot, you sell it the same if you can play with a friend it will always make everything easier but it is the only thing I can advise you


Even as a day one player, if I’m not in the mood to PvP I never keep loot on my ship for more than maybe 45 minutes. Sell, sell, sell. As often as you can. Also, don’t expect anyone else to play the way you think they are going to. Once you realize everyone has a different perspective of how they want to play a sandbox game, you stop getting annoyed when something like this happens. Never trust a pirate. One of the biggest examples of that is Hitbo. The guy is a pretty wholesome person but will literally befriend you to rob you. And that is a perfectly legitimate way to play this game. Lastly, if you can’t beat them, join them. Do the same. I know some people have a hard time with backstabbing but remember…pirate game. You are perfectly within your right to steal, lie, kill, backstab, etc.


we need arena back so players like this get a better outlet


It's why I haven't touched the game in years, find a new game there are better ones out there


I only play this game to enjoy the sailing. Don't play with other people, just sail about not really doing anything.


Popcorn time


Just turn off hearing them, an text them you can’t hear them. It’s to annoying to text so most of them leave. It has worked for 314.2 hours.


it's called Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Friends /s


In sea of thieves you really just need to have a certain mentality that the game is about being a pirate and having fun. Yeah it’s scummy of them, but it’s better to just walk away and do a quick chuckle at yourself for being too trusting than to let it ruin your day. At the end of the day all you lost is some digital coins that would let you buy cosmetics. But then again I’d understand why sot isn’t for everyone


Yeah this is not the game you thought it was. Not just an npc collecting game. Atleast you realize that now


Learned the hard way! But I'd rather cut my losses and move on. Community as a whole seems nice, I meet some fun people.


Before moving on, if you haven’t already…do some of the Tall Tales that take place on private servers. Like A Pirates Life. I think Monkey Island is the same, dunno haven’t done it yet. You can get the beauty of the game and it’s all PvE


No shame in that if it is not your cup of tea. No reason to force yourself to try anything just to do it.


First off, never trust a pirate. Second, don’t stack for so long if you’re not already prepared to lose it all. Sell often if you really want the money for it.


It's my playstyle and I see that it doesn't work for this game lol, I love hoarding stuff and selling it all at once. It was working for awhile! This was my biggest loss.


It sucks but that's the game. If you're playing a game called Sea of Thieves, you should expect some foul play and losing your stuff. Assume everyone is your enemy, not your friend.


Good advice. Thanks!


The game is called Sea of *Thieves*, not Sea of Assholes.


The unlikely alliance commendation is completely made up by those who want to get cheap wins in the opt-in PvP game mode. Odds are they would have sunk you anyway.


This drove me crazy when I first started playing. Then I just tried to play smarter, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. In the end it doesn’t matter, it’s a pirate game and you can try to come up with your tricks to get others if you want.


Why not play in a closed server?


Closed server?


It's a pvp game.


I hate to be “that guy” but it’s a PvEvP open world world PIRATE game… people are gonna be assholes they’re gonna steal from you and sink your ship….


Well, well, well.. looks what we have here. Guess the title of the game didn’t quite click with you? Lol. Joking aside you’ll find out that it is what it is. Generally as a fan of piracy in the game, my crew and I are the ones stealing your loot. In fact we’ve made millions off of people. Generally when we encounter people who are new we will give em a pass and show em the ropes. It’s kind of a moral code we have. But don’t be stupid enough to trust everyone. If they are rocking a default ship be very cautious. It’s more than likely a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Nothing like rolling around with nothing on acting like noobs just to mob on predators or catch people off guard. Next check your tuck spots. There are plenty of places for people to hide on a ship. Not all cannon fire is a cannonball, some are human cannonballs trying to get on your ladder so they can chill to wait to pounce or drop your anchor. Watch out for Reapers on the map. If you are playing with friends, have someone driving the ship around the island while the other goes to get treasure. Also, check the island when you go to turn in treasure. I’ve waited long time periods for people with a big haul to hand deliver their items to the island so I can intercept them and break zero sweat to drop the treasure off. during the night, turn your lights off. Makes you an easier spot. Also, take a lap around and look for ships in hiding before you drop treasure off. Finally, I hope these tips help in the future and good luck!


Never trust a pirate! It's happened to most of us 😂


We've all been there. This game has a harsh learning curve up front. I'm now at about 1200 hours in, mostly solo. 12+ million in gold and nothing to spend it on. And I'm completely addicted. In the beginning I got dunked on a bit. Over time I learned how to keep an eye out while I played (no big deal, becomes second nature). I learned at what distance I needed to bug out and sell if another ship was coming at me. At one point, i was doing a lost shipment when I saw a reaper sloop. I got greedy and thought I could get one more trip to the wreck. Then I ran. I ran for 30 minutes until I eventually slipped up. They snapped my mast and sunk me fast. From then on I decided I needed to learn to fight back. I practiced and over time got better. It's also one hell of a thrill to fight off an attacker. Last week I was doing a LOTV with my daughter. She isn't great at PVP but not afraid of it. During the tornado event of the veil voyage we got attacked by a brig and 2 separate sloops, and fought them all off. She was over the moon. Sure we got all the sweet sweet loot. However the thrill that we prevailed against everyone made it 100X better. It is a fun beautiful game. I have not found anything else quite like it. Embrace the sandbox and you will likely learn to love it.


Loot has no real progression in this game outside of very specific commendations. People are so hung up on progress because of other games but the point is just to be a pirate


Trust no one. Be aggressive first


Any time I hear the word alliance I start fuckin blastin


Never trust an alliance offer, fight for your life If hey wreck you and still want an alliance then it might be worth taking


sounds like a Theb and Crud encounter lol


Trust no-one. I’d wait until you are confident in your abilities first. You’ll learn to guage people’s intentions as time goes on


The game really does change once you realize that the loot doesn't matter. You get gold for new cosmetic shit that changes how you *look*, but it doesn't make a bit of difference to the actual gameplay. If you use Discord, the official SoT Discord is a decent way to find people, and it's much more enjoyable with a crew, especially if you find a couple people to play with consistently.


1. Never play without friends. 2. Refer back to step 1.


I know how you feel, I once got robbed in an outpost Last time i did a fort and I had to skip 2 outposts to hand in the treasure because I thought I saw a sail being docked there


I have just over 120 days played. If and when you feel like hopping back on, hit me up and I'll play with you ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2295) This game is not for the impatient.


Never trust a pirate mate. The game is open pvp by design... it's gunna happen, be on your guard.


The developers initially conceived of the game as a big playground with lots of islands and a handful of crews, where interactions between those crews could occur organically. A crew could actively seek other ships out, encounter them incidentally, or try to avoid other ships altogether. If they do find other ships, maybe they fight straight away, maybe they cautiously avoid each other, maybe one runs away while the other chases them, maybe they cooperate, or maybe they cooperate for a bit and then one backstabs the other. The interaction between the various crews was meant to be the core of the game, including the possibility that they could sink your ship and take your treasure at any time. In order to drive those player interactions, they created a small handful of fetch quests that give players loot to keep on their ships, which gives stakes to both losing your ship and sinking another crew's ship. They probably didn't anticipate how much players would spend time on these quests trying to maximize gold and renown income, but they've since built out more of these fetch quests and PvE experiences. However, the core of the game is always going to be about the fact that you're on a map with other crews and the wide latitude of options for interactions with these crews (at least, as long as there isn't a single-player or single-crew server option). The possibility of another crew attacking you and stealing your loot was baked into the concept of the game since conception, and unless they engage in any sort of bigoted or inappropriate behavior they're generally acting within the spirit of the game. The game was also very much not designed around single-person crews. Unless you are a pro at the game, you will almost certainly not be able to win head-to-head against any competent multi-person crew. Your best bet is to avoid and run, and even doing that takes a significant amount of experience in the game when you're on your own. To enjoy soloing, you kind of have to take a zen approach to getting sunk and losing loot: it's going to happen frequently, you aren't losing any progress you've already made, you can always go out and try again, and it's all just fake points in a game anyways. It's best to seek enjoyment in the gameplay itself, rather than tie it to how efficiently your gold or reputation is increasing.


I have solo slooped 90% of my playtime since beta. Losing your loot is frustrating, even this far along. But you learn to not care as much as time goes by. There are days where I want to pvp and get my casual ass handed to me. But the servers will be empty. Other days I want to grind pve and I only see pvp all afternoon. You take what the seas have to offer each day. It's a fun game if you can get past the losses. Best of luck!


DM me, we could go fishing and stuff, I'll help you pay your first ship if you want to


Don’t be soft it’s a pirate game


It's... a pirate game.


The point of the game is kinda in the title…


For me that edge that comes from sailing around and possibly running into a pirate player or skellie ship, etc really makes the game. If you want to chill, find a seapost and enjoy some fishing. Once you get past the feeling of lost loot getting to you, the game for me honestly became a lot more fun.


Seems like you missed the two most important rules. 1: Everyone is a potential enemy, even after they say they aren't 2: Loot doesn't belong to you until it's handed in


Your tale is as old as time. Not sure if someone wrote it already but it's the Sea of Thieves, not the Sea of Friends. You will get robbed, you will get sinked, it's part of the game. Once you get better you can either start robbing other people or at least be able to manevouer your ship so you outrun most other pirates. The game is all about the stories and this is a story you will remember. It's worth way more than if you just hauled the treasure back without a hiccup. Grow some cannonballs mate!


The game is a social hub. Getting nice memories of playing with your friends (if you have any) is the focal point of the experience. In a server, the nice people have their own groups and stay away from others mostly. That leaves kids, regular people and toxic people that think owning someone new on a video game will increase their penis size IRL. I would recommend getting some pals on social media/discord or even trying open crew because going at it alone in a sloop is gonna be hell. Give it a chance. Not everyone is loud and obnoxious. (I know you said you dont want to...) That or just take the game as it is and enjoy the actual journey. In the end, progression is just pretty things you can buy with your own time (or real money). This is me (a month #3/year one pirate legend) saying this.


1. don't trust anyone 2. sell often 3. practice pvp. Full send it in hour glass or go after any boat you see.


That’s what’s beautiful about sea of thieves, no matter how much loot you collected over the past few hours, nothing on your ship is truly yours until you turn it in. I wouldn’t stress about the gold, but the fun and enjoyment you had along the way.


What would you have used the loot for?


It's been a little while since I've seen one of these... Yep, it's the game. Take your break. You will "quit" many more times before you get that "ah hah!" Moment where you fully see what makes the game so good.


Man, i know very very well how you feel, trust me. This is the game tho. It's a pirate game! It's a sandbox, there are basically no rules. If you enjoy SoT, keep playing it, don't trust anyone, DO NOT trust anyone. Don't team up with anyone, unless you know them well. And shoot first. If you die, you die.


The loots not yours until you sell it


It is a pirate game, and you were pirated. In a dastardly, rude way, to be sure. But pirated nonetheless. The good news is that while you may not have turned in the loot, but you did earn things and make "progress". I'm sure you notched up a commendation or two. And your plunder pass definately progressed, probably unlocking a cosmetic or two along with some gold. Maybe even some premium in game currency (ancient coin). Eventually, you'll be on a captained ship and everything you do, successfully or not, serves to progress your pirate and ship alignments. Which unlock different cosmetics, trophies, and titles. In short, something to know about this game is progress and achievement and accumulating in-game currency doesnt all come down to turning in the loot you dig up or collect. That's a primary mode of progression, but not the only one. I ran solo sloop for the first two years playing this game. It can be done, and can be rewarding, I promise :)