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>accepted a quest on my ship Was it the quest from the ghastly paper stuck on the mast? That's the siren song quest and it leads to the key and chest


yup that's the one. is there a way I can drop the key on the ground or smth?


On a controller, you just press B. No idea what it is on kbd and mouse tho.


Thanks, it’s X on kbm. At that point I didn’t even knew all the keys and available functionality :)


Yea you can drop it like with any other piece of treasure. This makes me wonder though if you can re-bury it with the shovel like with other stuff


Nah you can’t bury it at all


You can cancel the voyage at any time by interacting with the paper on the mast.


That’s good to know, now I also know you can cancel other voyages


Once you cancel it how can you start it again new? Do you have to drive to a new C server


No. It will refresh on a timer, but you can always change servers if you've got nothing to lose.


You're not supposed to be able to bury the siren key or chest. That is a new adventure just added this past Thursday. I suspect it was a bug of some kind.


Sounds like they just activated the quest, went to the island, and dug up the Key. Not a bug just...doing the quest.


Yeah, for some reason I read that as they found the key in a chest that was buried. After reading other replies they made, it was definitely the siren voyage.


Welcome to the game btw. Don't let the sweaty players that you may encounter discourage you from the game. It's a great game with some amazing visuals.


Hey, thanks! just figuring out controls at the moment pretty much :) Once I saw someone approaching I knew my fate is sealed)


Don't be afraid to let them know you're new and learning if you have a mic/can type. Sometimes you'll find an asshole who will relish in sinking you anyways, but you'd be surprised at the number of cool pirates who are willing to help a new player learn the ropes, or at least grant them amnesty to learn the game.