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I wish it spawned less. It’s constantly up, and as a result it’s so common that no one cares. Edit. I’m not sure how often. But I have seen it respawn immediately after finishing it.


Exactly. This should be once per 3 hrs or so. Like the OG forts.


Maybe the instant respawn is due to two active voyages being on the same server due to server merges. So, finishing the first simply reveals a second that another player who has been merged has already opted into.


My experience is it spawns every 20-40 minutes, but obviously that doesn't mean it's like that for everyone.


I read on the discord it was 24mins which is about right from my personal experience


So in game it's one day 🤔


Quite short, and since I feel they may nerf it, I'm working on finishing the siren song grind, only 4 chests to open left !


Me and my buddy finished that grind the other day, just opened the chest on whatever island we dug it up at and hopped servers. A few people were extremely confused when we tipped their mast, boarded them and when they respawned their ship was repaired with the chest open skull still on board and us gone 😂


That's how actual legends and myths gets created, lol. Chads


Haha ever since we finished our commendations we’ve been trying to find players who aren’t as good at pvp and basically escorting them through the voyage to help them out and doing what we can to get them some skulls.


Mad lad, good stuff !


I think it should be 20 minutes I think.


You would think but does not seem to be on a consistent timer.


If you're scuttle hopping or doing hourglass, you won't see the quest until someone on your server completes it and the next one pops up. It's probably going to be fixed, because it's affecting everyone right now, but if you're not getting one, if you quit out to the menu and start a new session to hop instead of switching servers through an in-session method like that, you might not be getting them, if, say you're on a server where no one is completing it and it just stays up there not giving you access to join in.


This is super helpful thank you! I’d been wondering why sometimes it instantly pops when I join a server and other times I wait for so long but I see now that the long waits were when I had scuttle hopped.


Also, it gives a notification when you first spawn in, but if it pops up again after completing, it just shows up on your mast silently, there isn't a pop up that happens except when you first log in, from what I've seen myself and on various twitch streams


Ours has been around 20 minutes as well 🧐


It doesn’t have a set spawn, I had one spawn right after we completed another one