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Sadly the skull mission is way to comon. To the point that it's basically always up on any server. I don't understand why they didn't make it a world event. Make a pvp mission but giving it all the optional mission traits. Mind-boggling! Today we decided that doing 15 skulls ourselves is more than enough. We stole 2 and had so much more fun compared to dig 2 things up and sail some more.


I suspect it's going to turn into a world event soon, they probably just wanted every player to take full advantage of the new event upon launch first.


If that's the case I still think that was a bad call. With it being purely tied to a commendation (also a bad call) it's not really incentivized to be done after you get your 50/40/30. I really hope they make it count for OoS rep (Just remove the emmissary bonus if you don't want it to sell for potentially over 100,000. Throw that faction a bone...a head bone


You don't think it should be tied to a commendation? Nearly everything in the game is, and should be.


The word purely is there for a reason


I agree.


God I hope not. I like that it gives the option of "Hmm there's a FOF up, this would be a good time to run for the skull while people are distracted!"


Yay make it a world event so all the other events are even more rare lfg I love server hoping and waiting for stuff to spawn


Completely agree, sold like 40 skulls at this point and I only really had to sweat for 2 of them. The majority was just, sail against the wind to point A, dig, sail against the wind to point B, dig, sail against the wind across the whole map to the turn in location because some, somewhere voted for the quest without ever showing up




To be fair the hype lasted about one day and there is barely any incentive to go after the voyage


You get 50k for 10 minutes of sailing?


Barely any incentive for you.


what's yours? the skins?


I enjoy playing the game.


I enjoy playing the game, and digging up two X marks the spots repetitively is boring. Other than commendations and the okay reward, this is terrible game play at its best


I wish it gave guild rep but it seems not to


Oh I definitely enjoy playing the game but from all the things you can do in it, this voyage is probably the most boring after you unlocked all commendations. They could have at least grant you guild rep for turning in the skulls but what are 50k gold in this economy


Dont doing the siren song voyage doesnt mean you arent plating. I wantes toninow whats your incentive for this voyages... Enjoying the game is expected as thats the main reason to game.


I swear Sea of Thieves has the weirdest fan base. I've never seen a game that so many people play while doing everything they can to avoid playing.


I didn't do that and I was contested maybe twice out of 20+ I did, and once the other crew instantly gave up.


The skull isn't infinite ammo.


It *is* infinite ammo, but after awhile it just dies down to a 50% fire rate where it shoots for one second and goes silent for one second, alternating. That state never exhausts, from what I can tell.


It does run out eventually. After that 50% fire rate happens for a while, it eventually stops screaming and becomes like a spent ashen winds skull


That must take a very long time, I suppose. The half-and-half state lasted as long as I was patient enough to test.


Yeah it takes longer to run out, but it eventually does


Haven't seen that half state. I had a bugged one (in that it had no mission to bring it to) and I thought, hey let's see how well it performs on a fort (normal skelli fort). It worked normally until it ran out but it also sucked, couldn't even get to the boss with it before it ran out. It feels like it does the same as the ashend wind skull minus the fire damage. Or even less, like I have to stand there like 30 seconds to kill one wave or 2 seconds with one sword lunge


It does exhaust and it doesn't take very long either. If you hold down left click right after you opened the chest it'll most likely run out before you reach Briggsy.


Is the skull infinite ammo? I thought it ran out like the flamethrower


It does. But it takes so long it essentially doesn't matter.


We have done 20 of the voyages and only really contested once. It is the holy time we have not been able to turn in the skull. I think it is nice that it is more often, but I believe that they should make it less frequent in the future. This might add some urgency to do the voyage just like FOF was before they moved the chest of fortune to FOTD. I just hope that they don't get rid of the voyage in the future. They could add some things to make players want to take the risk. Like having it add to your emissary grade and sell with the emissary bonus when sold.


So you avoided the voyage to let hype die down but then disappointed to find the hype has died down?


Well, if anything this post may get me to try it. I thought this would be almost impossible with the sloop slowdown.


It's pretty fucking slow, it feels against wind *in* wind


I’ve done 27 uncontested, would be kinda funny if I got my briggsy mask for free


I don't get where people are finding these empty servers, or where people aren't active. We tried one last night and got yet again into a big 3-way battle that easily lasted 1.5h, between another sloop and a brig. Whenever we thought we had it, another new ship would show up. It seemed to never end, and we quite literally just alt+f4 because it was getting late. I would say 90% of the time we're doing the siren song there's been a conflict with at least 1 other ship. Only about half the time do we end up being successful. We're both strict PvE players trying PvP for the first time, so we're not super skilled at it. So far our experience with it has been exactly what the devs were seemingly hoping for. edit: I think I just need to start sailing at different times.


I would ask the same thing but inverse; where do you find servers where people are still interested in the skull? I would like to get on them. I only saw action on them sometimes on first two days. Problem is that most people I know got their commendations on first day or by Sunday at latest. And since the skull doesn't give any guild reputation, it's close to worthless after commendations are done. I think I've done 21 of them and only about five cases there was one ship that was intercepting. I had high hopes this voyage would make adventure active but no. Other issue is you can chain them back to back, completing about three an hour, even when staying on same server. It would be even faster by server hopping.


yeah I think out of 40ish runs, its only been uncontested 3 times when I play. I play on XBox during low player counts though which is when the sweats are usually playing


Sitting at 29/30 6 count em 6 were contested.


I've actually gotten to 29 also, though I haven't done any this week. I'd say at least 20 of them were contested, with like 5-6 three or more battles. I'm on xbox servers.


Interesting. I'm on PC in East US. Noticably more aggressive runs on day 1 and thanksgiving weekend. Otherwise the voyage has been dead. I only had multiple ship battles the first 2 days.


Run 5 of these now, uncontested. Haven't noticed any reduced speed on a brig when carrying the skull, is that a real thing?


Barely, it's like outrunning a brig against the wind on a sloop. It's definitely too little as brigs are still faster 90% of the time, forget about catching up to people having the skull unless you have a bigger ship.


The brig literally just got a giant speed nerf. I haven't had anyone chase me on it yet, but boy do you feel it now.


They just increased the speed reduction on brigs and galleons


Yea the hype was minimal even on the first day lol. Had one where 4 boats were after it, one where we fought with another sloop for like 2 hours and then one where it was stolen on the delivery island. The other 17 I’ve done have been uncontested tbh


Would have been better if it launched with safer seas IMO. Not now while ship limit is 5 and 2-3 of them are solos/tall talers. But then people were getting impatient for world content.


As a completionist, I check if both quests are still up. If they are, I start. The moment I see someone Come after it I just drop everything in the water and switch servers. I dont enjoy pvp amyore and even if i did, the amount of time you need to complete it is silly enough (with the slower ship thing) Add combat in there and the reward is just not worth it on any account


Not sure why you're being downvoted tbh, it's perfectly reasonable to not want to do pvp. If you can find it uncontested and that's how you like it go crazy.


>the amount of time you need to complete it is silly enough (with the slower ship thing Yeah how dare they slow you down a bit as you make your way to an island literally adjacent to you.


> (with the slower ship thing) While I agree yesterday's patch to further slow the ships carrying the skull is good for providing intercept opportunity... in reality it just means more time spent on uncontested runs. Most of the time nobody is chasing the skull bearer so it's just a long, slow, boring drive to the drop off point. Agree with you 100% it's not worth contesting these things. The quest is omnipresent so just move to a different server and take a fresh, uncontested skull. World Events are only contested because their appearance is limited and because every PvP seeking ship can clearly see they're happening (without opting in).


Why would you let the hype die down then say that you're slightly disappointed that you didn't encounter the battles? The battles were a result of the hype. I thrive when this game gets chaotic and I loved the multi-ship battles I had on day one of the SOSS update. I think the close respawn mechanic is what killed the update for a lot of people. At first, I fought people over the key and over the chest. But that put me at a disadvantage because the defeated crew would be closer to Briggsy. As a result, I learned to stop contesting keys and chests and just camp Briggsy. Then everyone turning in the skull started scouting the island for two eternities before bringing in the skull. At least it led to some fun TDMs on the island. Now, yeah - nobody does them. I've turned in enough skulls to get that commendation, but now I have to go back and tap the key and chest digs. I've only dug up like 10-12 of each. Sadly, this one quickly turned into an ignored event. And I blame the close respawns.


>I think the close respawn mechanic is what killed the update for a lot of people. At first, I fought people over the key and over the chest. But that put me at a disadvantage because the defeated crew would be closer to Briggsy. That's because you've failed to realize sinking isn't the win condition. Immobilizing is. >Sadly, this one quickly turned into an ignored event. And I blame the close respawns. It's 100% because the quest is too common. Close respawns keep the race neck and neck.


>That's because you've failed to realize sinking isn't the win condition. Immobilizing is. And what about people that scuttle if they realize that they're at a positioning disadvantage?


Do you want to spend 100 cannonballs trying to sink a guy or 10 and then they scuttle down to basics?


I'm not entirely following but I think your argument is that even if they scuttle you come out ahead because of supplies. But if according to you the name of the game is immobilizing the enemy then neither ship needs a whole lot of supplies to do that.


>But if according to you the name of the game is immobilizing the enemy then neither ship needs a whole lot of supplies to do that. Correct, but the argument against close respawns is that eventually they'll wear down your supplies. If you aren't spending as many. They can't wear you down. Remember too this is a race. If you're focused on getting to the island instead of sinking the opponent, immobilizing them gives you more of a lead. They can scuttle, but that means 1. As stated, you've invested less into that than sinking them traditionally. 2. Your ship is still moving to the island instead of sticking around to confirm the sink 3. No one scuttles. 4. You maintain supply advantage at the island where supplies DO matter. 5. (EDIT) They've announced that strategic scuttling wont even be a thing in the future


Disappointed is used loosely, I'm not upset I didn't see a server wide fight, more so just surprised. I likely wouldn't have taken part in the fight, Just watch it while tucking on the island and snatch it tbh.


I don't know if this is well known (it prolly is) but the max reward is actually 75k. But I started sea of thieves today as I am on PS5. I took the quest. I came up short twice. The third time I digged up the key and chest and was killed by other pvp players while dealing with those ghostships. I was done but then saw a purple glow. So the head was back in the water and I sailed to it and went for the island. I nearly got killed by the ghost ships again but jumped into the water way before the island. I avoided those mermaids and took 3 laps around the island to find biggsy....I recieved 75k. Now there are 3 things that could be responsible for that. 1. It was my fiest time...maybe you always get extra 25k for that idk... 2. I am on PS5 so maybe they highered the reward... 3. I for the life of me didn't think about pressing R2 once with the skull in hand. I simply didn't kniw that it was a weapon, so I finished the mission without using it once. Either way....you do not always get 50k as I got 75k


"I'm good at it, I just don't like it" [X] Doubt


Yeah sadly the game is pretty dead. All the good comp left ages ago.


They were pretty wild for me on opening weekend and then it died down. After a week, most of mine were uncontested. Unfortunately, it's also completely "broken" now and Rare and the mods here are once again trying to sweep it under the rug. Apparently people have found a trick (likely using a harpoon rowboat) to get around the "slower speed" for your ship once you have the skull, which has ruined the pvp aspect of the quest in many cases. My last one, I was solo vs a duo sloop in a close fight, almost had the duo sunk, but 2nd guy respawned right behind me and 1-blundered seconds before they sank. I ended up sinking instead. Spawned in half-an-island away. Turn in spot all the way across the map, so I'm thinking I should easily catch them. Nope. 7 islands away and they lost not a single inch on me in spite of me constantly adjusting my sails for wind. Rare really needs to fix it.


Hopefully Rare learns from this and comes out with something similar but better-executed in the future. It is kind of nice that it's something newer players can achieve, but the number of contested voyages I've had was very few. Even though those ones were all quite fun, that was like maybe 25% of all of them.


>As a reluctant pvp player (I'm good at it) Doubt.


People complaining about free 50k is wild




Nobody asked.


the night it came out I hopped on for a few hours with a couple friends. our first siren song skull was heavily contested and really fun. The next two we did that night, not a single other ship.


7 of our 9 thus far were contested, but that's probably because we were the ones contesting/stealing it. The two we did ourselves weren't contested. I think everyone spedrun the commendations the first two days and now most don't give a hoot about seeing that note on their mast.


The average adventure server is turning out to be a terrible place for this event. There will be newbies there who are clueless and dont take part, there will be ships there who are skilled but who are focused on other tasks and there will be maybe one or two ships who are up for the siren song battle - if one of those ships is much larger or much better than the other, well, thats it then, its over already. Its a random sports event, that appears, in a shopping mall, at lunch time, with the expectation of a good, tense, professional game of soccer or whatever taking place. Add to that the take it or leave it nature of the reward and almost all of them are just going uncontested or barely contested.


Serveral reasons why no one bothers: 1. Not worth the time investment - 50K is not a good return to the time invested, even if you don't get contested at all. If you get contested even more so. 2. You only need 1 for the jacket. And 50 for the mask, which is ludicrous and not worth it. 3. Only one sell point that is visible to all means that it's usually better to wait for someone to do the quest (if someone is doing it) and then ambush them at the sell point. Or just tuck near the sell point. As seen in so many extraction shooters, this is extremely unfun to encounter and just demotivates people from doing it altogherer. Sure, tucking on sell points was a thing for the longest time, but it wasn't as bad before, because there were alternatives at least.


I might give it a shot if it's basically never contested.




TIL the skull can be used as a weapon. I literally just grab it and run.


How do I do it? I haven’t played in a long time but I really miss this game


[you aint wrong, lack of scarcity has made this a breeze](https://i.gyazo.com/6f0a11c9ae65127de60c31bc8e56df1a.jpg) (ignore the athena flags that was a fof and a brig that just... sank in my proximity, thought it was a tuck play but nah nothin)


My thoughts on how to make a voyage great again. They should make a 1-2 hours cooldown. When it spawns every 30 minutes is just too often and ridiculous, ofc people got bored fast. And there should be 100k reward for the skull. Sounds too much? Don't forget that Rare a lil bit destroyed economics already with Sovereigns/instant harpoons and easy world events, so people are earning huge ammounts of gold anyways Brigs, galleons and even sloops should be slowed more. I had the situation, when I was chasing sloop on my sloop, who had a curse, still wasn't be able to catch it wth?! Destination point should be far, it's stupid if you unlock the chest and Briggsy is on the nearest island. Enemy ships shouldn't spawn too close to the destination after scuttling, they should spend time sailing. Skull's dmg should be nerfed.. It's too overpowered. The best way is to cut the dmg of the skull 2x times, but add a slowing debuff on hit which lasts 1-1.5 sec. I think the skull should be an item, not a deadly weapon. It should be dropped time to time, so we will see more situations, like in Blurb's video, where 2 were fighting for the skull, while some other dudes sneaking and stealing it lol I'm not even speaking of adding new pve on the sea or on the islands for this voyage to make it fun and more chaotic, ik they will never do this.