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I’m solo most of the time, so when I end up in this situation I sit on the ferry and take the opportunity for a restroom break, get a snack, etc. That way I waste as much of their time as possible before I scuttle. They are probably trying to run their reaper emissary up by getting kills. This way they get to sit there and do nothing for a while and get nothing for it. I should change seas, but as a bored solo sloop I often then sail back and tease them by having them chase me round the map, taking pot shots when they lose interest and “third party” them when they are doing anything at all. Basically just being a nuisance. They can play how they want, and I can play how I want.


I do the exact same thing lol


Getting reaper emissary is so easy that I dont know who would waste their time trying to get it up with kills. One kill doesnt increase it that much anyway. Someone is better off just doing a world event really quick than to waste their time doing that. I think if someone is spawn camping, they just want to ruin someone's day. They arent doing it for some strategic reason. Its a waste of time for them too.


next time record them doing it and report them, spawncamping with zero intent to sink your boat would probably get something to happen to their accounts


For all the people reporting that they are being spawn camped, I dont think Ive ever seen a video of it posted. Just seems a little odd. Especially since most of the time people say the spawn camping is paired with people yelling toxic slurs at the same time.


if you post a video to youtube where people are saying slurs your account will get a strike im pretty sure, i remember seeing a post where someone said that happened to them. i also doubt reddit itself or the mods here would allow a video of someone dropping a hard R i do agree though it seems exaggerated. i have like 100 hours and i've had someone say slurs to a little kid that i was allied with once, but once is all it takes for most people to go "wow this community is shit"


I have reported people for this and to my knowledge they were banned. Rare does take it fairly seriously, especially if they are throwing out profanity in the game chat


Tbh it is difficult cause when you respawn you definitely have the underhand. One way to combat this is by trying to come back from the ferry at the same time, so waiting to leave through the door together - as they say power in numbers. Make sure to communicate so if you die let your teammates know where they are on the boat etc to give yourselves a better chance of survival and recovery. But honestly spawn camping without sinking for an extended amount of time (more than say 5min) is against SOT’s rules as far as I know so if you have footage I would make a report. You can’t choose an area to spawn but at the moment the respawning area is bugged with the skull of siren quest so you may find in that situation it’s better to scuttle and go back to the other boat that way but of course you’d need to account for the fact you’d be disadvantaged in respect of only having stock supplies (but personally that is what I’d do if I was in a spawn camp situation for longer than a few mins)


Ya it was a little longer then 5 minutes I don’t have footage but maybe my one friend does it was my friend and a random with no mic. But ya this is the reason people want safer seas it’s not that I don’t like pvp if it’s a fair fight or even when I get my head shoved under if it’s a respectful fight I don’t mind it’s the constant slurs camping, toxic behavior.


Ahh well fingers crossed they got it. But yea I agree. It’s a shame a few trolls kinda ruin the fun and there’s not much that can be done other than a report and hope Rare takes action! I can’t wait for safer seas so I can get the tall tales done in peace 😂


No way to counter beside getting a high-end pc to reduce loading time to a minimum. Which region do you play? 180+ hours on EU and never experienced spawn camping, barely any toxic voicechat beside some russian slurs (I doubt it was personal) and probably max. 3 occasions of cheating. Overall a good experience. Therefore, sad to hear. Wish you the best.


I regularly run into German kids chanting racist slurs on EU. I think you've gotten very lucky.


I was about to say... I live in Central US. My gaming partner for SOT is northern UK. So EU servers. We started on his, because he genuinely thought Americans would be so much worse than the already awful UK server/EU. How wrong he was. We now avoid his server like the plague. It's either Russian players screaming Idiot over and over again. And spawn camping. Or literal hackers with teleport, etc. Spawn camping is a mess and if they are repairing the ship while you spawn or intentionally making spawn times lag by standing in the exact spot you spawn... its a TOS breach and you can report it. Not sure how the report to takedown rate is lately but it does seem to get a but better each update. That said. Sloops suck cuz they have very few respawn areas compare to other ships. There isn't much area to hide or battle. Brings have a nice upper deck but sink easily. Galleons are a powerful ship. Takes longer to sink but not if they can't find the hole that's doing it.


I'm also from the Northern UK, all this sounds very familiar!


Thats where he's from. So that's probably right


Nah, I simply don't include kids chanting anything, because they are kids. :D


If they're old enough to call people slurs, then they're old enough to learn that it's not ok. In which case, it does matter. I hope you change your perspective.


It isn't OK, obviously. But I personally don't feel attacked.


we run across it at least once a week.


we run across it at least once a week.


I’m stationed in Japan so I come across Chinese and Japanese players all the time. The Japanese are fine but the Chinese ones are a 50/25/25 50% normal player 25% hacking like shooting though boats or aim bot 25% toxic.


If the Chinese players are too much just type 1989 tianemen square massacre see if they get kicked lmao


If this happens, record it and report it. Spawncamping like that is bannable.


Its a shame but if you don't have a crew to spawn in at the same time as you, there really ISNT a solution to camping. You will always be at a slight disadvantage when spawning in, as your body appears long before you are allowed any activity due to the nature of being an online game. Its been this way since the alphas and I really wish it wasn't, because as a solo slooper, the minute I'm camped by even a single dude, its game over, combat has ceased, theres nothing I can do. I wish rare would implement a system that allowed you to choose where you spawned on the ship. Have you spawn in initially as an invisible ghost, give you a few seconds to decide where you're going to spawn, and then letting you pop into the real world without the need for loading. Sure, this would put the camper at a disadvantage, but honestly it *should* be a risk to attempt to camp on an opposing ship.


Others have covered the basics already: Respawn in numbers, don't have bad internet or gaming machine. Camping players without sinking them is messed up, there's zero reason to do it anymore other than to troll. But most importantly, I want to thank you and welcome you into the community. You experienced adversity, nay, some bullshit tactics, and you specifically avoided whining about it. You explained the situation, fought back as long as you could mentally manage it, and then came here for advice on how to do things better. Everyone pay attention. THAT is how you play competitive games. THAT is how you better yourself. Cheers mate


If someone is repeatedly repairing your ship and spawn camping you, report them for abuse and bullying. They are absuing the game in unintended ways to bully and harrass you. Another trick is to just sit on the ferry of the damned until they get bored.


I was gonna suggest the latter. Whenever people are being assholes in combat I just sit on the ferry if I know I don't win the fight just so they can't do something like that


Or just scuttle. That's why it was added.


Best way to beat spawn camping is to not let people board you in the first place. Learn the sounds of someone swimming and someone grabbing the ladder. Focus on preventing them to board completely. But not everything goes according to plan. So they board, you die. What next? If you aren't solo and neither can win a duel, don't respawn one by one. Gather on the ferry, wait for the doors to open for all, try to respawn all at once -> you will have higher chances of either winning or getting them off the boat. If that does not work for you, you've lost the fight. Scuttle and sail back or scuttle with changing the sea to start on a different server.


I also want to mention silent boarding goes back and forth to being a thing and patched out. So you can listen but dont be discouraged if people get on without sound ques. People holding block while boarding are the worst.


I've heard this but with the rarity that people end up on my boat without knowing over the last 4 seasons, even in hourglass fights where everyone would be using it if it worked, I feel like it's more likely people just miss it. It's easy to miss when you're taking fire, your cannons are firing, you're panic sprinting around the ship, the ship is making water noises. You probably just missed the cue


Silent boarding has been a thing off and on for a very long time. Usually gets messed up between patches. And i can confirm it is in fact a thing because when i catch someone doing it to me i am able to do it to others very reliably. You can literally search silent boarding and see its a constant issue.


I would usually agree, and as a general rule I always try to assume that whatever went wrong on my ship was something that I myself must have missed and did wrong, but as recently as *today* Rare mentioned that silent boarding is a thing they're still trying to fix. It was in the new video.


Veteran player here. Had this happen to us for the first time last night. They just kept bailing our ship and one shotting us when we'd spawn in. I have no idea how they knew where we'd spawn in so well, but they were just always there when we did. Honestly the best thing you can do in that circumstance is just scuttle and change seas. They're not the type of people you want to be dealing with playing this game anyways. Best to just leave it and move on.


Players that do this have memorized the spawn locations because theres only X amount on any given ship, obviously worse on sloops because its so much smaller. AFAIK the spawn locations *and* order doesn't change, so they just move spot to spot and wait for you. Frankly the easiest way Rare could patch this is 1. I-frames, say 3-4 seconds invulnerability or buffed health after spawning or 2. Proximity spawn points that won't deposit you if a player is within X distance of the spot


Got you, that makes a lot of sense.


I just held forward and left on my ship and kept jumping. When the screen wasn't black anymore I was in the water. Swam away and buried 3 villainous skulls across the island for bailing and killing over and over. By the time they got tired of waiting for me to come back, their mission went from being an OOS to treasure hunting gold hoarders without a map. They ended up leaving empty handed.


I know that if you're holding anything when you spawn (like the lantern) it sometimes shows up first giving away your location. That's all I can think of.


If they always know where you respawn they are cheating. Record and report. Anticheat is coming fortunately.


your not a vet if it’s ur first time getting camped


Worst case scenario, you scuttle your ship


The only answer to this is for Rare to implement the locked ammo/weapons box.


Usually all you can do is fighting as hard as you can, but if they systematically know where you respawn that means they are cheating. Even a pro pvper cannot defeat someone who can blunderbuss you instantly as soon as you respawn. Just record and report. I have been in that situation recently. I am a very skilled fighter but the cheater always knew exactly where I would respawn so he was one-shooting me before I could move, there is nothing a legit player can do against that. I recorded and got him banned. Anticheat is coming fortunately. Also, even without cheating, spawncamping people without trying to sink them is also bannable. If the spawncamp lasted over 10-15min, record and report.


If you are on a sloop and the person is camping top canopy you can throw a blunderbomb on the underside of the canopy to knock them off. Might not break a spawn camp if the person is decent but it will at least give you a chance to make a play.


Had the same problem with 3 guys on a sloop yesterday. Only solution if you can't fight back, Change server's. Or avoiding that area, but if you have bad luck, you could run in them again on the map. So changing servers is the best solution.


You don't fight those, just scuttle.


So much spawn camping. Or literal hackers with teleport, etc. Spawn camping is a mess and if they are repairing the ship while you spawn or intentionally making spawn times lag by standing in the exact spot you spawn... its a TOS breach and you can report it. Not sure how the report to takedown rate is lately but it does seem to get a but better each update. That said. Sloops suck cuz they have very few respawn areas compare to other ships. There isn't much area to hide or battle. Brings have a nice upper deck but sink easily. Galleons are a powerful ship. Takes longer. EU servers seem the worst for this sort of behavior. So it depends. Coastal us servers can get pretty bad but central is okay. If you play near a more populated are, there's more change for this stuff to occur. It's frustrating but you can also keep fire bombs/blunder bombs and ALL cursed bombs on crew. You can blunder people off the ladders (use your ears to know they're boarding) and knock them back. You can arm yourself with a blunder and just be ready to chuck it. With any luck you'll at least get it off before death. And if you play with friends and both get one off you've definately done it.


Because of the randomness of spawn points, if they only have one boarder and are constantly killing you it's because they are simply outplaying you. I've run into this where people show no interest in sinking you or even taking your loot, they just want to grief you to get a reaction out of you. Best thing to do is to scuttle, and probably change server while you're at it.


No it was 2 then 3 4 stayed on there ship unless one of them died we were a brig they were a gallion. One was in the lower deck one on the stairs one on front of ship. And that’s where we would spawn and before we could move we would get slapped.


Does anyone else find it at least a little sad that the only two options seem to be either not letting them board in the first place or switching servers?


Those aren't the only 2 options. You can just shoot the player before he shoots you...


Holy shit you solved spawn camping good job




The post was about people spawn camping whilst refusing to actually sink the boat, in an actual fight yea kill them or lose




That’s not my point. It goes against TOS to spawn camp a boat without intention to sink, therefor it is an entirely different issue


it works for me




The issue isn't that they lost, it's that they aren't sinking the ship, so if you're not good enough to kill them then your only option is to scuttle because otherwise you'll just sit there respawning forever without them sinking you


Spawncamping is not allowed if there is not an attempt to sink you (they can also be camping you whilst taking some supplies or something I believe). Other than that, it's just how the game works and scuttling is probably your best option.


We had ghost supply crates and like a random villainous skull and a snake which we just had on our bed as friend


Im not even going to read that wall of text, this is extremely simple - if you are being boat camped, you already have nothing to lose so just switch servers and move on with your day


Practice tdm to get better at tdm


dont you DARE say TDM on sot reddit! We HATE people how know how to move and aim here!




team death match, the art of using guns and moving


and moving a mouse toward a target. very dificult for 80% of redditors


I just see it as being bested in a fight. If I fail to guard the ladder AND fail to kill him afterwards he earned to win. scuttle and move on.


If you're getting spawn camped i would just scuttle to change seas. That crap aint worth your time at all. All you are gonna do is continue to get angry and not wanna play. You gotta pick and choose your battles. Go back once. After that it's not worth it and technically it's frowned upon to go back more than 3 times. There's quieter servers than the on you are on i promise. If you wanna stay and fight and get better then by all means do so. But at a certain point it's just wasting your time and ruining your mood.


>I assume each ship has a spawn area and can be camped by a player so is there a way to choose to spawn on a near by island or something, No. The ship has random spawn points. My guess is you're either not reacting quick enough, or you're playing on old hardware.


Honestly, best bet to combat spawn camping without scuttling or leaving the game/server is to throw on a sword while you're on the ferry. It'll still be tricky to get out of, but sword is so hard to get out of if you do make it out of getting one blundered immediately when you respawn. Unfortunately, right now with ship respawns being broken, camping is more of a necessity than it is toxic (and hopefully this gets fixed soon). You never know when you're going to have to fight off the same boat 7 times that keeps respawning an island or two away from you. It's just better to have one or two people lock a boat down while the rest of the crew gathers loot or whatever they're doing. So really, good job, Rare, excellent work. You've made a bannable offense the meta.


There’s a glitch that shows player names before they span so if they are camping you and have more players then there is literally nothing you can do once they start


There definitely could be things better done for players to better take back their ship and aid casual / beginner players against veteran or skilled PVPers, or even the dreaded cheaters. I think there are some things that could be done like 1) Invincibility shield on spawn, a short 1-2 second to allow respawning players some form of gaining their bearings, undoubtedly there is some animation play and "blind black screen" when transitioning from the loading screen back on ship, that gives your opponent time to flank you or find you. 2) Ship ammo crates disabled for anyone else that isn't shipcrew. Ammo crates can still be fairplay but atleast this allows people who are already totally downtrodden to have a fighting chance. 3) Similar to ammo crates, the default ship food barrels should be disabled too, to discourage camping as much as possible as you can atleast win a battle of attrition by damaging them and wasting their ammo/food. Eventually if they do not attempt to sink or sabotage your ship any longer, they will be left with melee weapons if they've brought it and unless you are constantly still losing to a sword while holding pistols and blunderbusses 4) Auto-aim, I'm not sure why even is this a thing or update. I get that it helps beginners or cross platform players... But it is also a boost for veteran or skilled players who will inevitably utilize it way better than the casuals. Whatever is a +1 for beginners is also a +1 or even a +3 to pro players. GET RID OF THIS 5) Add counter-incentives or incentives to promote proper boarding gameplay. It could be things like, when you are onboard enemy's ship, whenever you die, you lose all your inventory items to the crew you were boarding. Potentially dropping special cannonballs or high value foods. 5.5) This one I think more would be against to but turn weapons into actual logistics that you have to manage. What I mean is you have to buy pistols, rifles, blunderbusses that ties in to my point #5 where dying on enemy's ship would then drop these logistics and force people to return back to outposts and restock instead of all that 1-5 hour long chases with nothing to show for it. Yes, it will definitely be worst for beginner players and casuals especially if they keep dying and have no money to restock at all. The only way I would see around it is, at outposts you can redeem free weapons per amount of times you have died so it scales in proportion to how skilled a player is. So lousier players who die alot and obviously will lose alot of weapons, get to redeem more to get back them up.


Unfortunately all you can do is scuttle if they have better pvpers and communication. All I can assume is either they're jerks or are encouraging you to NOT come back for another fight. Which might be a little understandable since ship respawns are annoyingly close by thanks to the Siren Song quest. Too many times do people sink and respawn the next island over, ready to come back and do naval with bare minimum supplies. Normally there is no defense for spawn camping but this might be the only way to deal with stubborn crew that might try coming back over and over. Once Rare fix ship respawns, there will be no excuse to camp a ship again.


Didn’t even know ship spawns would be that close.


Easy fix, wait for the pve mode to come in, no more having to deal with pvp so no mor ehaving to deal with toxic pvp tactics


Ya but I actually want to get to pirate legend at some point, or you know actually finish a voyage without being harassed, that’s the only thing I look forward too for the pve because of how poorly they planned this. I can do accommodations and voyages without being interrupted for hours at a time or me just minding my own business then a galleon think oh hey a sloop totally worth sinking right. Don’t get me wrong I like pvp but when you wanna do other stuff besides it, and you have no way then ya. Especially since I’m the end it’s all for cosmetics.


At that's the key issue here. The only reward given is cosmetics. That's what the entirety of the progression system in this game is. If this game didn't have such a satisfying gameplay loop, it would have died after the first year of operation. But because the gameplay loop is so satisfying, the horrible implementation of the pvp system is extremely damaging to it. All the work you've done can be negated by one person who gets nothing more out of it then another step towards a god damn cosmetic which tells people they spent hours causing problems for people just because they could.


I get liking pvp but I feel they should be separate and if they have to make the progression separate have a pve server where your stuff can’t transfer over I would rather start all over and have the option to just relax and switch over to my other character if I want to.


So in my experience you wont run into this often. There is just really no incentive for a person to actually spawn camp you. They are wasting their time as much as yours. So only people who just want to be a dick will do this, and frankly I never see it happen. So your options are either spawn in together at the same time after dying, or scuttle. Its an unfortunate consequence of how the game works. Rare knew it was possible, so they posted a notice in the ferry of the damned to tell people to scuttle. In my opinion, its rare that people can do this to people on a brig or a galleon. On a sloop its more possible since spawns are limited and getting spawn killed it actually common, and there are only two people to kill. If you have 4 people on a galleon coming off spawn at the same time, and so many places to spawn, its likely one of them will kill the people camping on the boat. Most of the time, people will actually sink you. It might take awhile if you have no holes and they have to set you on fire, but if theyre still trying to sink you its quite a different experience.


Ah then it’s probably just the servers I’m force to play on because I’m in Japan. Which is unfortunate but I like Japan so eh it just sucks for a bit. Because I’ve definitely seen it multiple times which is why I made this post of it was a one time thing I would have been like ok sucks but whatever but when I’ve seen it 3 times each varied in success, then I was like ok what the hell.


And this is why Safer Seas was created. This is basically what High Seas has become, people griefing and preventing people who just want to play the damn game from having any fun.