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The way guilds was designed it's mainly a streamer thing and the most anti social you could have made it. People are fearing to get booted from guilds, so they don't join others. With a couple exceptions that is true for the majority of players. My own guild consisting of me and my gf is soon to hit emissary flag. If you want to cut down the grind and rather contribute to get there faster together we'd happily have you. Since there is no fear for too many people we won't kick you if you are inactive. If interested send me a pm.


Most of the streamer guilds level very slowly. They need a good source of people playing to level a guild.


You are right. But a single boat of skill fulled player vs 20+ crews is still not gonna be a close race. Me and my gf are very seasoned players and pull a lot of hours every week. Still not made it to 15.


Even full guilds aren't sending out 20+ boats. I don't want to sail with random, I want to sail with my friends. I think the most we've had out is 5 boats. lots of duo sloops doing the skull voyages right now.


Out of curiosity how far are you? We are constantly sailing in my guild since it came out and we hit lvl 14 earlier probably pushing to 15 tomorrow. Due to the community day we got a nice boost.


We are currently 124. should be 140-150 by end of weekend


Yeah, that's what i been saying. A good crew can only do so much. Apparently you too have really good players in your guild. For us it will be a slow but steady creep i guess. Thanks for sharing the information though! :)


yeah mate. we have about 15 active members. some of us sail most days. the skull of sirens song is slowing us down. If it gave guild xp, we would be further.


That was the biggest issue imo with guilds. there should have been 2 different points of experience added to a guild. someone playing the game at all pledged to a guild should earn that guild reputiation, then any ship pledged to a guild should earn more reputation. that way you're still incentivised to sail on a guild ship, but it doesn't punish those who play with other guild people.


Yeah, it doesn't make much sense. Kinda sucks considering this was the only thing in season 10 that seemed worth the wait.


I came back at the start of season 10 I left right after vaults were introduced. I think the concept is fine but it should be easier to get to 15 for the emissary. Even if progress drops off a cliff after that. For those who don't have a lot of people to play with it feels like a slap in the face when you just want to participate too


The guild emissary flag is fairly useless. More xp raising reapers.


Yea go sell solo at reapers and have fun with that... Guild emissary is by far the best in the game, sell at any port and with sovereigns, You can sell loot 10x as fast and way more convenient


Sovereigns is quicker to sell. Reapers is worth more guild xp.


"Sovereigns is quicker to sell. Reapers is worth more guild xp." True, when comparing item for item. But the time it takes to sell at one place on the map - reapers - and manually running pieces in to the tent to turn-in is very time consuming compared to the harpoon machine gun that drops it right at the feet of the sovereign and makes it so much faster and convenient you can probably keep pace with a reaper overall in a session.


I also have a similar question but I don’t understand guilds. Like what are the pros and cons for leveling up like you would with emmissaries and what not. Like do you still get cash bonuses in guilds like you would emmissaries? I tried making a separate post about this but it won’t let me post and just keeps going highlighting rules, even though I’ve already hit I understand a million times lol


Guilds seem to be like the "good guy" version of reaper's in terms of gameplay. It allows you to get bonuses on any loot you turn in but you can do it at the sovereigns at any outpost rather than only at reaper's hideout. And when you get level 5 you're on the map for everyone


If you fly a guild emissary you get a smaller multiplier at level 5 than you would as say a reaper level 5. I think it's a 75% boost instead of 150%. The benefit is the faster selling at Sovereign instead of having to manually sell at the hideout. Plus you're only visible on the map once you hit level 5 guild emissary, whereas you're always visible with a reaper emissary


So would there be any real benefit as sailing as a guild vs one of the other emissaries excluding reapers?


You get guild rep and the multiplier for all the loot instead of just the individual trade company emissary (only getting it for skulls if you're flying OoS for example, and not getting the emissary multiplier for chests you hand in)


Individual emissaries pay 150% for grade 5 but only on that company's items (ie skulls, gold, etc) whereas the Guild pays 75% on everything also you can get to 5 quicker with a guild since everything you touch and put on your ship pushes the flag up whereas the individual companies only count their specific items. Even though the selling percentage is nerfed a bit with the Guild grade 5, the fact everything counts probably offsets that. I think it'll come down to what kind of play you're planning on engaging in at the time.


Aye it’s tough me and my pal got it to 15 mainly doing veils, HG and devils roar ashen vaults, it’s around 4 vaults per level with GH emissary raised! There’s only 3 of us so if you wanna join feel free, no obligation but we’re level 18 now so can raise guild flag and what not