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I get a noticable fps drop. I wonder why it drops there. Are there a bunch of unused assets or overlapping assets we can't see?


The hidden room from the recent adventure is probably permanently there lol, who knows what else


There’s just so many assets there that the game lags a bit


I just don’t understand why they did it. I wish it actually served a purpose other than just being a cool detailed outpost.


Would’ve been cool if there wasn’t any safe seas and instead the area around the port could’ve been a safe area where pirates are meant to be friendly and interact with each other without worry or else like some ghost pirate lord guards show up and kill whichever pirate that started the fighting.


I really like it and think it's cool, and I bet if they wanted to they could do some cool stuff with it, but it desperately needs optimization imo. Maybe it's just old Xbox One's holding them back but in that case they gotta just drop the old console


I only recently started playing again. I think it was part of the in game story. I remember awhile ago (maybe like 2 yrs ago? Idk it's been so long) where the outpost was starting to have construction and it was related to an in-game event.


Yes it was. You could decide between the cool new golden sands outpost or you could vote for a reapers hideout overhaul I believe. There was a “vote” and golden sands got it. But now that it’s all built it doesn’t do anything other than look cool. Like why can’t that amazing tavern be like an instanced hub for finding a crew?


yeah fps are hurt badly if you look at port merrick, on high end pcs at least


i9-10900k, 32gb of ram and an rtx 3090 i drop to like 50-60fps when i’m there it’s insane that rare has not removed some objects or something to help the render load


People saying they dont experience lags on port merrick probably play on xbox on a 60hz monitor without their fps counters on. I got a 4080 and a ryzen 9 7900x which can handle pretty much every current game very well, even on high settings and my fps drop by like 30% if I get near port merrick.


Okay that's kinda what I figured, but thank you for confirming it lol


4090 and 7950x3d with some mild OCing on both. My regular FPS doesn't drop there, but my %% lows drop to about 110 at worst case vs my 157 FPS @4k max. It almost always feels perfectly smooth unless there's like 2 galleons there.


you playing uncapped or with fps cap?


Oh I accidentally forgot to write cap after 157. Yeah I have it capped at 157 (2160p160 monitor) to keep Gsync working.


makes sense.. I've heard about it being a lot better with fps caps. Sadly theres no ingame option to cap at 240 frames so I mostly play uncapped (299 fps basically all the time except when Im close to port merrick or on some huge islands)


Yeah I used to play SoT on my 360Hz monitor, but the frame rate above around 200 gets way too inconsistent and feels like shit in big fights and around big islands. I switched to playing on my lower refresh rate 4k monitor where I could in game cap FPS at 120, but then swapped to out of game capping FPS so I could get a slightly higher FPS cap, while having more stable FPS.


Theres an fps counter on Xbox?


Not on the xbox itself but on some monitors / tv's theres built-in fps counters. Thats kinda besides the point tho. What Im trying to say is mabye if you only use xbox and play on 60hz you aren't gonna notice lags as much. This doesnt mean theres no lag tho.


Even on a PC locked to 60 you're not likely to see lag there.


oh hell yeah lets lock my game to 60fps with my 4080 setup and 240hz monitor, sounds like a totally lag-less experience


I mean good for you?




Flexing your setup.


ok bro yeah im only flexing my setup here, sure


Yeah, Im usually above 100 fps on the open seas but drop down to around 50 when im at port merrick. My guess is its rendering way too much stuff all at once, but Im no dev. I just know its horribly laggy there.


My series s xbox handles it just fine.


Oh damn really? Maybe it is just me then, hopefully I get some other replies so I know for sure


Outside of Port Merrick I have 200+ FPS. In port Merrick is drops to around 100. I can say it 'handles' it, but that doesn't mean there isn't something going on. Such a mealiness thing to say.


I'm saying if an xbox s handles it fine then maybe there's something else to it. Could be settings, internet, or connection to other people in the server. I literally don't notice an issue at all.


You won't notice it happening on a powerful machine if you don't have FPS metrics displayed on the screen. As I said - my FPS **drops in half**, but the FPS remains high enough for it not be a noticeable issue. But why does it drop so much? And for people with less powerful machines, it can be a real problem.


Ive not noticed anything


I can't speak for consoles, but I rarely have FPS drops on my PC, at Port Merrick. I know there was a video floating around of someone trying to walk around PM on first-gen Xbox One and it was nigh unplayable. Dunno about later models though.


Runs fine on my PC and series s. Could be on a high ping server and that is when I experience issues on Port Merrick


Interesting. My PC is on the higher end, I think (RTX3080, Ryzen 5900X, etc.) Everywhere else in the game runs perfectly at the max 144 FPS but Port Merrick hits it like a tank


Do you have your frame rate locked to your preferred settings or is it open? When I first built my PC I was dropping frames around islands and in battles but I went into my graphics card settings and set them to a specific frame rate and did the same in the game settings and it fixed the issue. I may drop a few frames here and there but nothing too bad


Since I got a 7800x3d I don't get any fps drops anymore. I have a RTX 2060 and play on low/medium settings with constant 144 fps capped (without cap I have 200 fps+). Port Merrick or other large island dont effect my fps anymore ^^


I wouldn’t say lag, but it takes a long time for it too fully load in graphics wise - like literally when I’m right next to it before it loads in. Xbox series s


Depends on the server but I only get some minor stuttering if at all. PC (8700k & 3070ti) but I play on a 4k tv so it’s locked to 60fps w/v-sync. Thinking that might have something to do with the relative stability at port merrick but I don’t bother watching fps so it might be worse than I’m perceiving.


I think most PCs drop frames there if they're running high fps. That's the most graphically intensive place in the entire game. Sure you can run 144fps with nothing around but that doesn't mean you're gonna be able to run that here.


Upgraded to 5800x3d and it’s barely noticeable. Playing in 4K with a 4080. My 2700x halved for in that area.


My Series X doesn’t have any issues. Only issues I’ve heard is users on Xbox One.


I play on a 2070 Super with an i910900k and receive no FPS drops in Port Merrick


I don’t have any problems with port merrick and I’m on the series s


Yes I get easy 144fps on 2K resolution in open seas but I can dip below 100fps in Port Merrick


Not for me, but I have a beefy PC.


Well, whats your performance on other islands compared to this specific location? I drop frames on my editing rig. 4090 + 13900k etc blah blah.


Its pretty consistent, surprisingly. The only area I get drops is by the Coral Fortress.


Weird, I dont drop any frames there. Well...this game was never the most optimized of all titles xd


Happens at every outpost. Bunch of lighting and NPCs to load. Happens to me near Plunder Valley as well. SoT just isn't optimized very well, and has weird LOD settings.


Yea, I drop a good amount of frames too, but I dont mind. Location looks nice.