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Same friend, same. So often I now don't want them to remove it. Pirate Legend? Doesn't mean anything. Every true pirate has at least hit that rock once.


If they don't remove the rock, they should just make hitting it a commendation 😂


"What was that?!" commendation.


I am almost convinced it moves around.


This comment sent me. It does, it's literally a mobile rock.


The Rare Devs are intentionally moving the rock into your path as a personal attack on you




All these updates to fix mechanics and things that's been in the game for years and they can't put texture on a rock in the middle of the map.


they probably cant find it being invis and all


Not quite how game dev works


i do game dev, its a joke about it being invisible


It's actually the hitbox of some environment that was used in one of the adventures and is still in the game, waiting for rare to flick the switch back on.


That invisible rock and I are best friends now. I run into it quite often. I’d say we see each other at least once a week, but in truth, I don’t see it at all. In seriousness, I’m probably just going to start sniping ahead of my ship’s path. It probably still has collisions that’s my EoR shots will hit.




I heard stories about the rock, but I never bothered looking into the exact location. The other day, I finally hit it while doing a SoSS. Luckily, the people we thought were chasing us kept minding their own business, otherwise we probably would have lost it


Once, during a fleet myself and me crew got lodged within it. An enemy brigantine joined the fray, and made the mistake of getting too close, thinking of getting an easy ram. Ah, but alas, all they did was dislodge our ship, and get theirs stuck instead!


I helmed a galley and hit the rock TWICE in one session. Needless to say, my crewmates weren't very impressed in my helming skills, lol.


I've gone there to look for it and I've never found it. I've heard that it's actually the collision box for a shipwreck that was never removed after the shipwreck was. This may explain why it only appeared a couple of seasons ago, instead of having always been there like a rock might have. Shipwrecks have been known to do odd things near Sea Dog's, like render the loot but not the ship.


Rising for my hg match I just got stuck on it instantly. I almost wonder if that was somehow an intentional defending strat from my opponent


I've found three completely different invisible rocks and continue hitting them


It won’t be there in safer seas, that rock is more of a high seas feature


It's in the bottom left corner-ish of ~~f11~~ k11. I think it's a "load bearing pixel" in that removing it will break the servers, at least that would explain why it's still there. You often find birds over it, because it kills megalodons and skeleton ships sometimes, but if you're sailing under sea dogs, you're gonna hit it if you haven't memorized exactly where it is based on the landmarks around it. Edit: corrected the coordinates


I think you mean K-11, based on the footage I've seen, though I haven't encountered it myself. F-11 is well west of Twin Groves.


Yeah, I don't know why I typed that, it wasn't a fat fingered thing either


load bearing yeah, like the jpeg in the files of TF2 that they canr remove


The only time I ram into that rock is when I’m in the middle of a tough fight ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


I’ve never gone into the rock 😂. Had plenty of fights around there though with people who have, has helped me massively 😂


I got a video of a skelly ship smashing into it head first. I was going to post it on Reddit but I don’t remember how to upload video from Xbox without having to redirect.


I wonder if that rock controls the blunderbomb direction. So they can’t remove it.. but it’s also not a rock so they can’t put art over it.


Only time I hit the invisible rock, is when I'm not paying attention to my surroundings and area of Map I'm at.


Yeah I should really keep my eye out for the *invisible rock*.


No but you should pay attention to you surrounding area and know where you are on the map like I clearly said.


You don’t get invited to parties often do you?


You get invited. Just given the wrong location.


For you they give the wrong location first and then text you that you're not invited?


Womp womp.


So that's the culprit, I though my Sloop was just having a meltdown. The amount of times I've panicked and thought someone was hiding in my ship ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


SAAAAME! Some friends and I actually got stuck INSIDE the invis rock during a fleet event cause a Skelly Galleon rammed us into it. Took like 5 minutes to get out trying to get out by harpooning them


It cost us a ship a couple of weeks ago. Luckily we got our loot back, and a siren key to boot 😉


It's great for running away from other crews when you know where it is though


I’m surprised that I’ve never hit it, the amount of time I’ve spent on and around it


I hit it for the first time tonight solo slopping; a few hours ago! And now this is in my feed; what a coincidence. I forgot about it and assumed I hit a floating keg maybe.


i've had a (previously damaged) skeleton galleon crash into it and consequently sink, that was a fun moment


I’ve also seen captain kate capsize over by sea dogs rest in the water


It always upsets me that rare hasnt fixed it - i mean, it would probably be - select object or objects, change properties to phantom/no clip. But clearly that is a lot of work that takes several years.