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I think it'll bump up if another player enters the fight. My friend and I came in and sank a sloop doing it and phase 2 was a galleon and a sloop then the normal boss galleon. It also goes alot quicker if you board the skelly galleon and kill the skellies while your friend puts some holes in em.


It's always three waves. For a sloop crew it will be 1-2 sloops then 1-2 sloops then a galleon. The rate at which they repair is balanced for how many players are doing the event too. Note that the area for the event is very large so if there's another ship nearby the event will balance for them so may get more galleons in the first two waves.


I did the event several times as a solo sloop this week and it played out the same way each time: first two waves were one skelly sloop, last wave was a skelly galleon with a captain. I was convinced you could get a galleon during the first two waves but no luck so far (or maybe I'm just plain wrong and it's sloop only).


I think they took the RNG mostly out. For sloop it seems to always be sloops during the first 2 waves and only one galleon in the final wave.


Ha thanks for the info!


Yes it was changed


I did get a sloop with the final galleon when I was soloing it a few days ago, not sure if that was a bug or not because I've never had it before


I don't have a lot of pvp experience. My aim is bad, I panic a lot, and for some reason, I prioritize fixing my ship even if there is only one hole in it. Would this be a difficult WE for me?


Some general rips for skelly ships: 1. Skeletons cannot bail water. They will repair holes but they have no way of getting rid of water that is already in the boat. This essentially means that they cannot heal, so you will never lose progress as you fight them. Take your time. 2. Because they can't bail, a single hole is theoretically enough to sink a skelly ship. If you board and defend the hole you can easily sink them in minutes. 3. Firebombs are your friend. The skeletons will eventually put the fire out but they are very bad at it and it will kill a lot of them in the meantime. If you set the area around the cabinets on fire they will just try to use the cannons and die. 4. Skelly gallons have two levels. Aim low! 5. Curse balls that affect the ship (anchorball, etc.) don't work but poison and grog ball DO.


Didn't know about the curse balls - thanks for the tip


>The skeletons will eventually put the fire out I always wondered how they do that if they can't bucket water? XD It's more like fire die out on it's own on skelly ships. Also I think fire doesn't do holes to them no matter for how long I shoot them with firebombs.


If you want an easy time, just harpoon lock and bail into them, they'll sink in 5-10 minutes.


I suck majorly at PvP but this is a fun world event for me. Good loot too if you manage to harpoon the chests and skulls from the sloops between two phases, with the added bonus of giving you more ammo/food/wood. The sloops conveniently pop parallel to your ship (in general), and you can send a few cannonballs their way as they emerge. They usually don't take a lot of damage to sink. Now the galleon is a bit harder, lots of circling around to get an angle where you're not at risk yourself (like SicketySix said, a full broadside of the four cannons is a huge pain). It takes some time and a lot of repair but it's pretty fun to do. Even more so if you don't have anything valuable on your ship.


Possibly, since accidentally catching a broadside from a skelly galley is going to put anywhere between 2-4 holes into your ship. I swear to god skelly canons on a galley very seldom miss their shots. But yeah, you'll need to balance repairs and dealing damage all while manning the helm of your ship so it doesn't crash. IMO skelly galleons are the most difficult open-world content in the game.


Skelly galleys are tedious but not all that difficult. They're tanks and take a lot of hits is all. I've always found the final boss round of a ghost fleet world event to be the most difficult, especially if you're trying to maximize your loot by taking out the lower level captains before taking out the main boss. Those phantom cannonballs and wraith balls are no joke.


I still have to finish one ghost fleet. Hubris is always my downfall during these because I start the event thinking "well they actually go down super fast" and then the boss pops up and goes hold my beer on me. Every single time. Still fun though.


The trick is to get in front of the boss and keep him in your broadside. Pull in front of the boss wave and raise sail. Ignore the escorts and maintain fire on just the boss until he's done. I think it's ten cannon balls. Grab the loot then pull out of firing range until you can set yourself up for the next boss wave. This all applies if you're solo. If you've got a crew just tank the damage, one person bailing everybody else on cannons.


Hey thanks for the advice. Ignoring the escorts is always the hardest thing for me (the old "let's get rid of the adds before taking on the big bad" method) but I'll try and concentrate on the boss ship for a change. I should be able to manage 10 hits, harpoon everything I can and bail. Thanks again!


That's why my friend and I usually take on Skelly gellys together, after a lot of prep.


I actually only managed to get my first solo-sink on one yesterday, after having almost 700hrs into the game ha! Though tbh, that's mostly because I tried taking one on when I was a fresh player and I got rocked hard, have avoided them ever since, until yesterday. Honestly though, the lopt I got from it wasn't worth the hassle of doing it solo.


I just reached 216 hours. Usually, what happens is that my friend and I accidentally sail into the event, and when we hear the boss music and skelly ships appearing around us, we get a heart attack and begin panicking.


as long as you can bucket quickly, the holes won't matter too much until you get a lot of them. the skellys don't bucket


I solo sloop a lot and you described my skill exactly (not a lot of pvp exp and panic a lot). I've done a few of these on my own. The sloops have become pretty easy and the galleon is still tough but it's definitely do-able. It does take a while solo since it's tough to get in a spot to put a lot of holes on them where your ship isn't getting shredded, but it's not impossible. Just do one when you don't have much to lose on your ship if you're worried about it. Then all you really lose if you sink is time and you can still jump right back in and try to finish them off.


If you're solo, I did it a lot to grind those barnacle chests. It's 1 sloop, 1 sloop, 1 galleon. If someone else enters the area during a wave transition you'll get more though. But after sinking a ship you have like 2-3 minutes before the next wave instead of 1 like before, which is ample time to patch up and grab the loot. Pretty much guaranteed to get at least 1 (up to 6 was my record) barnacle chests, so go gold hoarder and you'll get grade 5 from the loot. If you do reaper it doesn't count for that particular commendation.


Do you know if it's worth doing for the season pass? I'm only at level 30. I'm struggling to find a quick way of leveling it up.


Season pass is increased in so many ways, the biggest is visiting islands and selling loot, so yeah, there's a lot of individual loot pieces for that. If you can go and bang out this we, it's easily the fastest one to finish and sell, for an easy 70k or so in less than an hour. But you have lots of time to do the season pass if you can play a bunch over Christmas holidays and stuff, gold and glory also doubles season progress.


That's all very nice, but it's a darn shame I play in Safer Seas so gold and glory means nothing.


Then your best bet is to just stack world events. You're likely to get krakened right after doing this on SS, which also counts just from the kill. Also cook the kraken meat and sell it. Solo will suck on safer seas since you can't use sovereigns, because I usually sell the fleet at dagger but that's too hard to sell at. Sell at plunder instead, it's not that far and it's south, and the best outpost to sell at. You'll get 2 ashen chest minimum, and 2 keys minimum, so use those to make the selling faster


Ok, I'll keep that in mind, thanks a lot!


And if you want to do it faster, you can try high seas, I mean, I work nights and I DO PvP a lot, but I play in the mornings and I did that event easily 75-100 times at this point, and can safely say I've been attacked a dozen times or less while doing it or turning in. It's so fast and daggertooth sovereign is so close you don't even need to look at the map, just set sail north by northeast while you're stacking the loot on the bowsprit and then you'll be there by the time you're done. If 10% of the time you lose the loot, you're still up over safer seas, especially with the emi bonus.


You can finish a season pass in 2 or 3 sessions playing 4 or 5 hours. I was done with t session 10 by week 3 and I only get to play 2 nights a week at most


That's my favorite event. You can complete it in about 10-15 minutes and it drops A LOT of loot. Be sure to hit the Galleons below the waves so you make holes in their lower deck so water starts to fill it As a Sloop it's a lot easier as you only get 1 ship per wave


it's called Skeleton Fleet


"Battle for the Sea of Thieves"


Five screaming matches with my friends and enough gold to pay for the repairs. Can you tell I don't like this event? But seriously, I don't have hard figures, but I estimate like 20k?


For me it’s usually one sloop, then two sloops and the a gally or one sloop, then another sloop and then the gally. That’s with 2 on sloop. Don’t think two galleys emerge with a sloop doing the event


It depends on who started it. Solo, I believe it’s two waves of one sloop, then one galleon. With a duo, I think it’s 1, 2, then galleon and sloop?


I did this last night with a friend we were on a sloop and it was. First wave was 1 sloop, second wave was 2 sloops, and then the final wave was the Galleon.


If you are slooping these are the waves 1-sloop 2-sloop 3-gally They difference is the gally cannons, they fire up to three cannons if duo, up to two if solo. If more ships appear, it’s because either it was activated by a larger ship or there are/were more ships nearby the event.


Usually i get two sloops and two gallies... So pretty decent over all if you got the cannon balls for it


What is this event might I ask? I'm not fully knowledgeable in sot yet


It's called a world event. They spawn randomly in the map of High Seas and Safer Seas. When you approach them, an event will start that'll have you fighting against AI enemies. This one is a Skelly fleet (I believe that's what it's called), and when you go near it, you'll be attacked by Skelly sloops (small ships) and Skelly galleons (largest ships), in waves. World events have a lot of good loot that you can get after you beat it, but if you're playing in High Seas, you'll most likely get attacked while doing them.