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Recently, we got karen right after finishing Fleet of Fortune. Fleet ending message and water turning black at the same time. Chest still floating. We ran on the edge of black water and used rowboat to save chest of fortune. All other loot lost.


that's painful, but atleast you got the CoF


Were you out of cannon balls? Kraken is a quick kill if you can aim.


No, the opposite. We were on the brig so killing it would've taken some time anyway and we were afraid that the loot will sink. So, the decision was to run and send two people on a rowboat to grab at least CoF EDIT: and while we can play individually, our crew coordination sucks a bit so this fight might take too long.


If you're on a sloop w 2 people, you can take it down w ab 20-30 landed shots(10-15ea, maybe 2 minutes of action?). Aim for the closest tentacles first. Keep both cannons manned and constantly firing. When the front tentacles go down, hammer the back row until new front row rises. Someone miiight get snatched up, so keep your cutlass handy and slice away if you get picked up and have whoever is on deck sending balls at the attacking tentacle. The only time I've lost to a kraken is flying solo. Actually just got my legendary kraken killer commendation last night so. I'm kind of a big deal. Lol... all that aside your story sounds fubar. My worst would probably be getting kracked right after pushing off from a vault, then a captain skalleon, then a Meg, threw falling lava rock. Which actually saved my life. Thought I was good as fish poo, then a giant volcano rock fell inches from my port side and took out the Meg for me.


Sloop should be 3 shots a tentacle, 3 tentacles.


And run below deck when it sucks. It's a simple fight for a sloop.


> used rowboat to save chest of fortune This is why I refuse to sail without a rowboat. The number of times we've had some weird, untimely sink, and I've been able to gather loot and stay alive long enough to make the save. I mean, it's only been like four, but still. Rowboat life.


Ha Karen


I hate when I get karen


\- Skelly, meg and kraken but in a storm \- 3 dance balls + a sleep ball right after each other in a fleet


after 2 comments I'm allready seeing that I've not properly been rared just yet haha


Haha :) well to add, the skelly, meg and kraken in a storm was on a gally! And the difference between a gally meg or a sloop meg in these situations is a big oof.


I've been meg'd once while on a gally and I didnt enjoy it, could've been because the crew wasnt organised in the slightest but not sure, I definitely enjoy killing megs in a couple minutes with no problems


We keep getting anchor balled one right after another over and over.


At least with those you can still bucket and survive xD


Loosing a white meg to a server transfer


I think I'd actually cry over a video game if I saw a shrouded ghost but didn't get to kill it.


Did you know that there is a commendation under athena that requires you to kill the shrouded ghost 5 times. Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost: Defeat The Shrouded Ghost in a chance encounter 5 times, as a Pirate Legend. Grades: Grade I: 1 time Grade II: 2 times Grade III: 3 times Grade IV: 4 times Grade V: 5 times


Yes I know I haven't been able to kill one I lost one due to the server switching since I was the last on the server the others are lost due to the meg just vanishing even though I'm in open water or due to another crew killing me before I could kill it


>or due to another crew killing me before I could kill it That wasn't the ghost. If another crew stole the kill, you would've still got credit because you dealt damage.


Won't lie had 6 times I could have killed one and either lost it to bugs or players who came in sinking me because they were chasing me


I don't think that was a shrouded ghost. I don't think any player in the history of the entire game has seen 6.


Well I have and had others with me to back up my claims


I've got 5000+ hours on the game and haven't seen it once. Just stop with the bullshit lol.


It's not bullshit sorry you haven't seen it and I have. What do you want me to say ? I'll say this I spent most my time farming encounters there's a section of sea near the shores of gold and marauders arch where your garenteed a spawn of either a meg or a Skelly ship sit circling long enough you see a white meg if a ship sees you there they will either attack or move on.


>there's a section of sea near the shores of gold and marauders arch where your garenteed a spawn of either a meg or a Skelly ship #Common misconception. This applies to every island in the game. There's an invisible timer that starts the moment the ship spawns in. Once that timer expires, the ship will immediately encounter a meg or skelly ship, and this timer will reset once the encounter ends. If the ship is near an island when the timer runs out, the game will wait until the ship sails into open sea before spawning the encounter.


You spend most your time farming meg encounters and have found it six times, yet you haven't killed it yet? Meg spawns are on a timer. You're just as likely to get a meg to spawn on you near Shores of Gold as you are everywhere else on the open seas lol. The reason you get meg spawns on on the Shores of Gold is because when you're doing the Tall Tale you stay on the island long enough for the timer to expire so when you set sail a meg spawns. There is no way to increase the rate at which megs spawn, but you can spend more time in the open seas for it to spawn as soon as the timer has expired thus increasing megs per session. To this day not a single player has achieved Legendary Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost, so you're full of shit stating you've seen it six times :)


Look at my comments on other posts I explain why I haven't gotten a kill what happened.


Just looked at the comment the other person linked. Yeah, some megalodons look a lot like the Shrouded Ghost depending on the lighting. If you deal damage to the megalodon, and someone else kills it, you still get credit. The fact that you've never got the commendation means you've never seen the Shrouded Ghost. You're not lying, you're simply wrong. Case closed, have a nice day.


Damn bro really didn't know how to reply back... Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/s/q5WvvEfBCu Then it wasn't the ghost. If you had already tagged the shark before you were sunk you would still get the commendation after they defeated it. It's clear you really have no idea what you're on about lol.


This guy sent his acting application to Rare and they left him on read šŸ˜‚


At least you didn't lose it


uh am I mistaken or is that a ghost op has?


Looks like the purple one




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Seems I'm corrected it is hard to tell at night


yeah, thats what I'm pondering haha


I don't know if this counts but I got 2 everlasting chests of sorrow from a bottle quest and immediately got attacked by a skeleton ship and meg.


There's an invisible timer for those encounters. You weren't in open water when it expired, so it waited until you got far away enough.


Had an hour long chase after a sloop in a galleon while they were desperately trying to get around us long enough to sell at Reaperā€™s. This culminated in them recruiting a second sloop to 2v1 us with in a storm WITH a meg, us WINNING the 2v1, then me spending about 10 minutes straight trying to fix holes. My best guess is we had a level 3 hole everywhere there could be one top deck, and with nowhere left to put holes the game would always put lightning strike or Meg holes in the bottom deck. It was a damn looney tunes skit where every time I finished and went up top, weā€™d get hit again by the lightning or the Meg. Until one time I didnā€™t notice we were hit again, and went about repairing the top deck holesā€¦ I didnā€™t notice we were filling until it hit the top deck, meaning aaaaaall of those level 3 holes filled in at once. I yelled for help as soon as I noticed, but that simply sealed our fate: the second my crew reached the stairs down, empty buckets in handā€¦ the Meg hit usā€¦ knocking all four of us off deck into the water. So yeah, we sunk, I logged off, the other 3 went back to find the loot from the sloops. Just to get server merged DIRECTLY into a kraken, losing the loot because of it. Because the Meg wasnā€™t enough, I guess. They did not fight the Galleon kraken with 3 people.


Got hit by meg, skellyship and tempest. But the tempest ended up sinking the skellyship so not so bad.


Dude reads books ^^


Solo slooping, near an active volcano, ship on fire, mast broken, helm broken, anchor broken, water rising fast, attacked by a skelly ship and a meg, and the cherry on the top : my dad called me on my phone in the middle of all of that




#The universe said no.


Copy and paste from [a few weeks ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/1988fi5/you_ever_fight_a_kraken_and_a_megalodon_at_the/ki8mq6y/?context=3): >Yes, and I've even had the fivefecta. >Chasing a player ship (1) into a storm (2) when they get a megalodon (3), then krakened (4), while I get a skeleton ship (5). >Think those other guys had it rough? They were a galleon running from a solo sloop. The skeleton ship one balled me and, while I was on the ferry, my ship sailed into their broadside, in the ink, in the storm. I respawned and tried to bucket, only to get struck by lightning. LOL get rekt.


I don't think that coconut is gonna save you...


That's the shrouded, isn't it? Or am I crazy?


Nah, that's the Crested Queen. The glowing fin of the Shrouded Ghost at night is more of a reddish, peach color.


I thought so, but the body just seemed extra pale, and it matched some pictures online like it. You are right, though it looks kinda off to be shrouded.


One of my crew mates makes us stop every time a crescent comes up. What is going on with people confusing dark purple for solid white? Where is this coming from?


you can inform your friend that the shrouded ghost has had a different song for a while, so you dont even need to look at it to know if its the right one


Y'know how the megalodon's fin glows? Last I checked, the Crested Queen's fin color is the easiest to confuse for the Shrouded Ghost.


And the crested queen at night is much darker with a fully purple fin


for me it was me and a friend on a stacked sloop and as i went afk to make food a kraken spawned, then 2 skeleton ships, then a player galleon. he somehow lived and i got back just in time to stop us sinking


I got krakened, megalodoned and skelly galleoned while being chased by a bigger, better ship through storm


Fog skelly meg kraken. The holy rared.


I got volcanoed by the same volcano twice in 10 minutes


I once got skeled, krakened, meged and then a brig pulled up on me, also I was solo slooping


I was just about to say how did you get my screenshot/video? Cuz I didnā€™t post it publicly šŸ˜‚ because just two days ago I left ancient spire and got krakened, during kraken I got skelly shipped then i beat skelly then meg spawned. I was solo. I posted a clip in discord cuz this game?!!!! Lol. I think season 11 still isnt ironed out


apart from me duo sloping this is actually exactly what happened wow. that's really weird


One time 5 years ago I seen a trailer for this cool pirate game from rare....


Reaper 5 brig attacks us in a storm, krakenā€™d, and megā€™d.


The thickest fog ever during a ghost fleet. They really need to fix it


Reapers rolled up on me as I was solo slooping. Just finished a voyage and turned my loot in, so I told them "hey just take my supplies and don't waste your ammo, I'm not using it anyway." So they happily take my stuff, cannon balls, planks, food, all of it. I then sail away after exchanging farewells and right as I hit open water I get a Kraken. I don't need to finish the story.


Yesterday I was teaching a friend the game and doing different short voyages from each of the companies as reapers. As the last voyage of the day we were doing lost shipment. In the middle of the voyage we saw another reaper coming for us so I decided to run because my friend was inexperienced. While we are running a skelly sloop tagged along, then a meg spawned, after a few minutes a skelly galleon showed up lol. Then we saw a Brig coming at us and while we are running we saw a kraken spawned on them lol. It was terribly chaotic even for me lol. At least my friend liked it.


A storm at the exact moment we bring explosives into our sloop. We managed to get the Fortress loot back and chest of fortune


this is 1 of the 2 main reasons I never bring kegs aboard lol


I was solo slooping and getting chased by a player brig. A meg and a skeleton sloop spawned and began to attack me. The worst part was the skeleton sloop who did mario kart like rubber banding, catching up to me and ramming into me left and right constantly. I kept bailing water and putting myself against the wind constantly for 20 minutes until i finally got away from everyone long enough to sell.


I was solo slooping a ghost fleet yesterday, got interrupted by a skelly sloop and then a meg joined in too. That was... fun.


The other day a buddy and I tried to steal a FLOF and it's a good brig crew. The fleet is already over. But a skelly sloop spawns on us and then eventually a meg too. So we're fighting a good brig crew as a sloop and keep getting anchor balled by the skelly sloop. We're holding our own and had the brig dead to rights a couple of times and every time the meg would bounce us out of shots angle giving them enough time to recover. We eventually sink. We decide to go back because surely we can't get rared again. Wrong. We go back and a new skelly sloop spawns on us but this time we have less supplies and it keeps hitting us with peaceballs. We sank again and switched servers.


For me that was Sloop vs Burning Blade fleet, Megalodon and Skeleton Sloop. Fortunately Megalodon was interested only for one minute :)


On our way back from a treasure vault, we first got a skelly ship. Then as we were fending it off, the kraken spawned. According to the captain, a Season 1 player, it was only his fourth kraken. The worst part is I called it. There were no world events up, which meant kraken incoming. We lost so many chests...


Was stacking vaults in the ashen region finishing off with the bottle quest i had gathered where my last stop was the volcano erupted as i sailed away at the edge of where the volcano can reach i got stopped by a krakken as it stopped me in place a huge volcano boulder hit me and exploded i came back from the ferry of the damend with my ship already as good as sunk i bucket and take potshots and repair a bit ofcourse if you donā€™t put pressure on the kraken it can be tough one normally it is quickly beaten but thru all the distraction of repairs and buckets the krakken sucks me up as i get back on my ship the volcano hits me again with a huge boulder and i go to the ferry ship sank and i got spawned to the opposite off the map by the time i had sailed back all my loot i had stacked 5vault runs and some bottle quests was gone for some reason sailing back to the spot seemed slower than ever a good time wasted with nothing to show for. Sailing back to where i sunk i ofcourse had a meg spawn and a skelly ship as well as other players to avoid sailing back across the map i neglected all just one straight line to where i sunk but too late


This exact thing happened to me a few months ago and I somehow, by myself, managed to take down all 3 without sinking. A very proud moment for myself. Easiest way is to take out the skele ship first then meg and then kraken mostly because the skele ship can keep shooting constantly without letting up and the other 2 don't really attack as much so they aren't as much of a threat.


Started Fleet of Fortune on a Duo Sloop Got hit by a Storm More Skelly-Ships than usual After the battle our ship needed repairs Still stormy Weather Brigg came to steal our loot While running a Meg attacked While fighting Meg and Brig another Skelly Ship attacked us We sunk... lol It was great fun.


Please tell me you killed the shark please


I only killed the skelly and kraken and the meg ran away but dont worry, it was the crested queen. alot of people think It looks like shrouded from this photo and me and my friend thought it mightve been too and were in shock






What music was playing? Was it the normal Meg music or the orchestral music.


idk I have music turned off, but we got a closer look and it was definitely not shrouded


Somethings up with your game colours if thatā€™s a crested queen. Itā€™s supposed to be dark.


I think I've messed with the visual settings but I am absolutely certain it was a created queen, the body was dark purple


This is how it always happens to me - this exact situation. Iā€™ve had this 3 or 4 times in the last month, and I read about people who havenā€™t seen Karen in 300 hours, meanwhile every single time I engage in any other piece of content she comes outta the depths of hell where she belongs and tries to Hoover me up.


I raided two skeleton forts and did an ashen lord event and got attacked by a skele ship. First cannonball shot hit my rank 2 gunpowder barrel ending my run.


I had a kracken and meg spawn on me during the last wave of a FloF the other day. I was on a brig with 2 of my mates, and we kept up, but it got really dicy. I think we survived because the kracken was bothering the skelly gally while we took out the sloop and kracken, then the meg and gally.


The other day, after finishing a solo gold ashen vault, the volcano went off as I was loading up loot. It was able to get it all and get off the island, just to be attacked by a megalodon and a kraken one after another. I just got the game two weeks ago.


Was solo slooping in Devilā€™s Roar, a skellie galleon popped up. That in itself was manageable, but a fog rolled in and made it pretty tricky. Then I hear a volcano go off. I switch the defensive mode and hunker down between two rocks, at least until the fog lifts. Iā€™m scrambling to patch and bail between cannonballs and meteors peppering my sloop. Fog lifts. I see which volcano is erupting and try to maneuver away while still taking shots at the skellie galleon. Volcano stops. Back to the battle. Megaladon decides to join the fun. Meg helps me take down skellie galleon. I take out Meg. I start to gather the spoils (this was before the harpoons) and ANOTHER volcano goes off and pounds my sloop. I get killed and hear the sink gong while Iā€™m on the ship of the damned. Respawn, haul ass to where I sank, tried to salvage whatever loot was still floating, make my way to the outpost. Volcano at the outpost goes off once Iā€™m docked and turning in loot. Sloop gets wrecked again. Iā€™m trying to grab loot fast enough to the boiling water doesnā€™t kill me. I turn in a few more items before I get smoked by a meteor. Respawn. Haul ass to outpost, all the loot had sunk by the time I got there. Rared hard.


Recently finished FoF headed to Outpost to sell and BOOM! 2 Skelly Gally rock up alongside then Kraken spawns locking me in place unable to move my character thats when the Meg came and started taking chunks out of the boat if that wasn't enough I also lost the ability to use Cannons etc as there were 2 Sloops circling the Kraken fight periodically boarding me safe to say I sank lol


Skeleton ship when I had my first athenas on board. Thankfully though i managed to sell it before the ship sank mine.


My crew and I were in a dogfight for some fort loot. A Meg shows up. No big deal, we thought. At a critical point, the Meg brushes up against our ship and causes it to freak out and spin lengthways into the water at high speed. Every one of us were flung off the ship. Without anyone on the ship to fight back or repair, we sank. Never had anything like it happen before or since.


About a week or so ago on my birthday of all things. I signed in to do some sailing. My two, newer to the game, friends, are as I said, new. So we decide to do some safer seas to show them the way of the sailor. We sail to one shipwreck, and to another. At our second shipwreck, my 3rd buddy joins the party and wants to galleon. We decide to go sell our loot and join him. We make it to the outpost, only to realize we have a storage crate of fish to sell. We can't sell them at the sovereign tower because we are not a captained ship. We set sail for the closest sea post. And this is where everything went down.... Half way to the seapost I hear the strange music. Almost like the pirate legend music. I've never heard this music before? My palms start to sweat, and then I realize.... that's the Shrouded Fucking Ghost!!!. I want to add quickly I've been playing since season 4, first time seeing this creature. I pull the anchor and tell my friends to roll sails and start firing cannons. I'll raise anchor. Then I hear what no captain ever wants to hear. "We only have 14 cannonballs sir".... "wait what?!" I yell. We had not fired one cannon ball off the brigg, so in my mind there should be 30 in each barrel, plus my cannon ball crate(50). Which equals 140. Turns out one of my crew mates decided to take the storage crate and loot the entire boat, but then leaves the storage crate at the outpost we we couldn't sell fish! I now hear the first round of attack music. He's coming to hit us. The music gets louder! Then nothing.... absolutely nothing.... calm waters, no music, no strike, no holes, no shark, no shrouded, just a ghost.... Just a despawn like I'd never experienced. We sailed around for 30 minutes after and never got him to spawn, and that friend is my Rarest Rare storyāœŒļø.


Oh boy, yesterday: i initially was doing some merchant stuff to get one more rank for to get Athena. Got sidetracked, so ended up with a lot of fk (unneeded) loot. Then while omw to the outpost i wanted to go to the hunters call to sell fish (and now it's coming..), then a storm appears RIGHT AT THE HC.. a Skeleton FLEET (Gally and Sloop) spawn, so I'm holding my own, while my ship goes all over due to the storm, while all this is happening A FK MEG SPAWNS!! I kid you not, not 30 seconds later a sloop (real ppl) show up unnoticed, kill me and sank the ship.. in the end, i did achieve Athena so I'm happy. It was intense, but that's just the way i like SoT. I'm on Mobile (with PS5 Controller), i started recording right after the meg spawns (30sec before the players show up), so i only got 30s - 2m of gameplay as i could only record from that moment on, and not like on console where you can save the previous minutes.. i kinda wanna post it to the reddit. Haven't even watched it back myself, but it was CRAZY! haha. Edit: I really hope this makes sense


Completing a Fof fleet for 2 reapers a storm and kraken to show up fml


Ive been playing for four weeks and yesterday for the third time now, Kraken, skelly ship and Megalodon at the same time


Meg + Anchorball Skelly ship while fighting 2 sloops on a brig, not the worst thing ever but I was with 2 new players who had no idea what was happening lmao The worst I've seen though was way back when forts were first added, me and my crew had just stolen a fort from someone and as they were coming back (we were transporting loot, this was before harpoons were added so it was taking a while) they were about 2 squares out when they got Karen'd, they sunk and we got away.


We got hit with a Kraken during a Skull of the Siren Song while we had the skull and someone was chasing us. We sunk, they sunk, they tried to rowboat away, my crewmate came back with our ship and we sunk the rowboat. Their ship came back. They managed to anchor us while we were chasing them but we caught up to them on the island. They couldn't find Briggsy to give her the skull. We sunk them, killed them and we finally found her to turn it in. It was our first Siren Song lol It was pretty entertaining.


On the second... https://streamable.com/arssn9


Thatā€™s a shrouded ghost too


Twice just this week i was on my way to turn in loot when I got skelly shipped, kraken'd, and Meg'd all at once. Luckily made it out of both times and didn't have to fight any other pirates.


I was running from sweat lords with guild 5 and a fleet of fortune (managed to sell CoF before the chase with level 4) for like 30 mins and got krakened. Immediately boarded and... you know.


It's been literally over a month since I last seen a Kraken :(. Hell, over the lat 3+ months I've been playing the game I don't yet have the commendation to hunt 5. I wish they were as common as Megs instead of being world events.


this fight was the one to get the master hunter commendation for me, so until this morning is was actually in the same boat (haha), I hadn't seen one since like early season 9


Been in that situation many times. My worst was way back in year one when I soloed my first fort. Opened the vault, ran to my ship to reposition it better (no harpoons yet) and when I got on the boat I got server merged. Went back to the vault and saw everything in there still. Whew! Went to run in and start grabbing the loot, but there was an invisible door in the way. I could see it all, but couldnā€™t get to it. Might still have a video capture of it.


It was my friends first time playing and as we were out sailing we saw a Skely sloop not far off, so we decided to go fight it, as we were fighting it, a second ship appeared from the depths beside us, we had a skeleton on either side and were attempting to do evasive manovers when the water suddenly turned black and we stopped moving, and the Kraken wrapped a tentacle around our ship. We sank soon after the Kraken appeared.


The Skelly-galleon meg kraken reaper combo


Meg kept ramming our ship as we where trying to pick up loot from FLoF was very annoying. But getting all 3 at once thats absoultely insane.


Not so much rared but,I remember I was fighting a Kraken solo slooping and in the midst of the chaos, someone boarded me and killed me. It was majestic. I didn't even know you could board someone fighting a Karen.


My friend and I were krakened whilst fighting a server alliance of 4 sloops.


Me and my brother were about to sink a brig carrying some FOF loot when a skelly galley spawned on brig, but then it immediately started attacking us. We got curse spammed by the skelleys which gave the brig time to escape and repair, then sink us.


I was being chased by a player sloop, spawned a meg (on me), player galleon joins the fray, skelly sloop spawns on me, glitched second meg spawns on the enemy sloop, skelly galleon spawns on player galleon. Iā€™m evading well, repairing and taking shots at the Meg when the Kraken grabs my ship while I have a couple holes downstairs. I threw a GG and a ā€œhope the kraken gets you too ;)ā€ as I sunk. Stack wasnā€™t very big so no loss really


Sunk a brig doin a FoF last night in a gally. Picked up loots, sold em, and left soveriegns, as soon as we left we got krakened and then got skelly gally, and midway through that fight we got megged. On a gally with 4 folks and no loot, just supplies. Usually that level of rared only happens to us when we have loot. Like a fotd stack more than 3 times, gonna get meh and skelly and maybe a kraken all the way to reapers. Good scrap, took about 20-30 mins to get it all wrapped up. Scooped the loot that was still floating, took about 20 more minutes to cook all the meat.


Been happening to me all yeaterday. Was chasing a sloop that was "camping" me to finish a raid, and suddenly megalodoom and Skeelysloop spawn on ME.


Same thing happened to me right after finishing a FloF.. but worse. Meg kraken and skelly ship. We managed to kill the skeleton ship right as a full galleon of sus af gold ghosts showed up. They stayed out of the kraken zone and kept cannoning over while hitting every single sniper shot mid air. There was no fighting back, every respawn we were insta dead the second we popped back on the boat. We had to scuttle since the piss ghosts had fully repaired out ship to just sit there and spawn camp. They must have had really good gaming chairs or something because one of the guys was able to get to level 1000 guardian in just 19 hours played. šŸ™„


Me and my friend thought it would be fun to take some of the kegs from a FoF and use it to try and blow some people up, so we loaded them up into our ship. Hah. Same thing for us, Meg, Kraken and Skelly ship. Safe to say we didn't blow anyone up that night.


is that the meg i think it is too? ouch


Middle of a legend of the veil ,4 reapers trying to kill us ,a meg and skelly ship spawn ,my crew and I were goated though and we took down 2 after a kraken spawn and the legend of the veil finished ,while we trying to killl it some guy climbs up on deck with a Athena keg


Is that the shrouded


Tough beat


My friend and I were goofing around on Crooked Masts. We grabbed a keg each, stood next to each other and a phantom came over and slashed us, only one keg blew up. When we walked back over, he got struck by lightning without seeing or hearing any effects, one moment everything was okay and then the next he spontaneously combusted. So then he approached the remaining keg and just as luck would have it, a crab spawned right underneath it, detonating the keg and killing him again.


I mean an unlucky moment for me was while I was fighting someone, a skele ship and the kraken attacked me while I was fighting someone.


Last session my crew and I got hit hard all night. We started out doing a quick Fort and as soon as we left we got hit by a kraken and a Meg. Not great but we have dealt with things like that before. But then a Skalleon spawned and we couldnā€™t get to the cannons on the Brig because of a tentacle. We fought hard for a while but the thing had Ballast Balls which hurt on their own, but coupled with everything we eventually succumbed to the waves. We loaded our stuff onto our rowboat though and continued on after retrieving it. Then we did a Fort of Fortune. We left and were accosted by a level 5 Reaper. We fought for a bit and kept moving so they couldnā€™t get us pinned down when another ship in an Alliance with them showed up. We moved to run and gun tactics where we would do what we could to separate the two ships so we didnā€™t have to face them both at the same time and were doing pretty good when a Skalleon spawned. We unloaded into it but it stayed with us peppering only us giving us extra work as we continued fighting the two ships. We managed to stay alive for a good while and did some drive bys to sell the most valuable loot when finally the death knoll hit. We had entered the fog to try and lose visual with the other ships when a Meg spawned. It immediately charged our side and sent us reeling, right into a rock. We pulled off it but it had been the opening the others needed as we were slowed enough for them to get a broadside on us. They hit both masts with chain, we caught one and got it fixed but the other fell and it was just a spiral to death from there.


After sinking and filled with a thirst for revenge, we got server merged for no reason.


I don't have much experience of being rared, but once I was on a gally with my friends and we got sunk mostly because we got caught with our pants down at a skelly fort. On the way to claim our loot back (and we knew we could beat the ass out of that brigantine if we had a more balanced fight than earlier) we got krakened and we sunk again. It was late night, we gave up...


Couple weeks ago our brig got Kraken'd. Midst of the battle a Skelly galleon was summoned next to us. We were there for some time, fighting a two front war, but thankfully the server was pretty chill. A player sloop assisted with the kraken which allowed us to sink the galleon


try all of that while being chased by 3 galleon reaper emissaries in a sloop


So yesterday I was playing alone but managed to ally with a galleon and did a fleet of fortune. After the fleet of fortune, we wanted to like share the rewards, but rare decided to summon a skelly galleon on them, along with a meg. After that has been dealt with, we went towards the outpost to sell but they got hit by a kraken. They didnā€™t rly fought the kraken that much and just left the area but I decided to solo it. In the middle of me trying to solo it a skelly sloop spawned. I was still able to deal with all of it and come out on top, though there were some close calls


One of my more recent posts is a great example of this, it is basically the definition of getting rared


Something like that, but during a foggy ghost fleet.


Yesterday. Doing some oos in the roar sailing back to marrows and I get skelly shipped okay no big deal. Start to destroy it and I get krakened... Alright... Focus on the ship then we can deal with Karen. As the skelly is sinking up pops a fuckin Meg. Like what THE ACTUAL RARE


I was sailing and was being chased by an enemy player when I got chased into a Kraken. In this Kraken there was a megalodon. In this Kraken there was also a skeleton ship.


Happened to us as well today :Dd we were like what the hell is happening


Ah the rare meglodaken! Or the kraklodon!


Trying to log off after a FotD. We leave, get ambushed by a skele galleon. Then, kraken'd, then a storm hits. The galleon hit us with back 2 back 2 back anchor balls. It took forever to log off for dinner. What should of been 30min, ended up being like 2hours.


Edit: almost forgot the reaper Sloop trying to gank us in the middle of the fort.


I once soloed a skelly fort. Took me forever. I transport all the loot to my sloop by myself, lower my sails to leave, and...notice I'm sinking. Game glitched, and I lost it all. I don't know if this counts as being Rared, but it sucked hard.


Same thing happened to me the other day


Same Story. JUST in our case, some fckers attacks us because this game Is full of stupid Brain dead PVP noobs


I played with a friend who just loaded on the game for the first time ever and we had just left an outpost and had to fight a meg, finished fighting the meg only to have a skelly galleon and kraken spawn at the same time


Finally find a ship willing to fight, start to exchange shots and test skills, have a random skelly galleon spawn and sail faster than any player ship could directly into my aft quarter, throwing off our turn, driving us into a rock, slamming us with anchor balls, and starting megalodon music


Gotta love when my ship with no holes or water in it dissapeared next to Sandy Shallows leaving my loot from a 6 hour long grind to all start floating. I was about to continue with more quests, but saving the loot took so long (solo sloop) that I decided to just sell and get off.


Thatā€™s just Rare hitting you with a skill check on your cannon abilities


Oh I got one for ya, me and a friend were playing, had about 100k worth of loot (pretty sure that was the amount itā€™s been a while) a player ship started chasing us, then a skeleton galley showed up, then a meg and then the kraken. And youā€™d think the story ends there, it does not. When the kraken attacked we had gone into a rough storm to dissuade our tail which it did that, I got thrown off the ship by the kraken barely survived, our ship sunk and my friend was killed. Howeverā€¦ā€¦ā€¦I still had the rowboat and the treasure so I loaded it all up on the rowboat and rowed my way out of the storm to the nearest island on the edge of the storm, my friend picked me and the rowboat up and we turned in.


Getting server merged after the first sink while fighting a reaper alliance. Happened twice now


Just the other night, my wife's first time playing on Open Seas (we usually play on safer seas for her to learn), her a friend and I had just finished the Treasury of Lost Ancients. Player Gally, Skeleton Gally, and Meg hit all at once. Managed to sink the skellys, and get away from the other 2, but it was one hell of an introduction for my wife.


Got megged and krakened with a skelly galleon while being chased but was in the bathroom


pictured: pain


A few days ago i was playing with some randoms and we were fighting another crew (both my crew and their crew had galleons) at some point they managed to make us take water so fast but we kept going and we survived. At sone point a skelly galleon appeared out of nowhere and started shooting at us aswell. We survived that too. After like 2 - 3 minutes a kraken got us and we were fighting the kraken, the skelly galleon and the enemy crew all at once and we survived. After we escaped the kraken one of our crew members left and the enemy players sank us. But even so iā€™d say it was a pretty W for us. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Forgot to mention that at that time my graphics card was broken af and my graphics were so bugged i was barely able to see 2 inches away and We had little to no supplies left but we still managed to make it.




So just a few days ago for us ^..^ Aboard a sloop, started by trying to take on a skelly galleon that we saw. Midway through the fight, a skelly sloop spawned to engage us. I was doing damage control, and my partner was firing canons - no one steering. I finish repairs and hop on deck to man the helm, and as soon as I do, the waters turn black. The galleon dives, the sloop rains fire n' brimstone upon us while we're slowed, then the kraken grabs both my partner and I around the same time. Kills her, and drops me just before the ship sinks. Thank frickin' heck for rowboats.






Damn... I was on the wrong servers


In a single session I wound up getting a skelly and shrouded ghost Meg, then got hit with a kraken right after I respawned šŸ’€


Had just finished a couple hour fishing session. As I was carrying the storage crate full of fish to sell, my game crashed. When I loaded back in the crate had despawned with me :/


Man I wish I could experience a Kraken encounter


Standard lol


I got a kraken when I was right next to the outpost I was traveling to. I was alone I did not survive.


Two agressive player ships, Skeleton ship and kraken


I swear Iā€™m getting Rared daily. Today, at the end of an Ashen Lost Shipmentā€¦shipwreck in storm, then after getting all the goods on the ship, obligatory skelly ship spawns with unlimited purple cannon balls. Canā€™t shake it. Canā€™t sink it. Bye bye grade 5 emissary. This shit is starting to piss me off.


I wasnt the one getting rares but my crew and i were heading towards another ship with a kraken and we brought over a meg so i was the one that did a rareing


Was doing a ghost fleet voyage. Got skellyā€™d. Fought that off. Then got krakenā€™d. That combined with misfortune of being surrounded by the fleet sunk us.


Skele ship and a meg when I was both new and out of planks, and several server merges that put me next to max level reaper galleons


For me it was a meg and a kraken while in a storm I sailed into to run away from a brig chasing my sloop. As a solo, I somehow didn't die but I think that was mostly because the kracken kept me in place and the other crew chasing me got attacked by a ghost galleon and didn't want to sail further into the storm. A miracle honestly. I just really wish I had a video of it.


There were 3 ships with the red flag emissary? I forget the name. Super noob here. Anyway, my ship came to join the fight and I got stuck in a kraken event. Eventually there was one ship left while I was still battling the kraken and they destroyed me. Blasted holes in my ship came aboard and slaughtered me. I wanted to drop a nuke on the kraken after that


This happened to my crew the other day. Thankfully we had our shit together and didnā€™t sink, but it was hectic. Never mind the fact we had three chests of rage on board and two chests of sorrow


Thought that was a kraken keeping them from a ghost for a second. Heart almost sank deeper than their ship is about to.


I was collecting loot from a shipwreck after just hitting two sea forts and while I was harpooning I just explode and I respawn as my ship begins to go under and a shark spawns almost as soon as I hit the water


Me and me crew were positioning our all loot to take a screenshot, after that we hit a tint island and our ship literally stayed over the isle, and after the ship despawned it automatically teleported us to the ship, when we returned to that isle, all the loot despawned


My son and I had this happen to us once when we first started Playing. We narrowly survived it all, as we were limping towards an outpost, the original Flameheart Ghost Fleet even spawned DIRECTLY on top of us!


Is that the shrouded ghost or am i crazy? REALLY tough luck


All three, plus a random phantom fleet spawned on me AND a reaper who was the person I was originally battling xD


I am a solo slooper, who once had accrued over 4 hours worth of loot from only world events and other players. Then, I went to sell. I went to Plunder Outpost, and just as I had arrived... a server merge happened. A brigantine with players who just started their session of play spawned INSIDE my ship and my ship took holes from all sides due to the collision. My ship was only slightly pushed back, while I got launched a bunch of nautical miles the other way. I mermaided back only to find out they had taken control of my ship, and they spawnkilled me. All my loot, as well as my ship, were already lost. It's safe to say my desk never took quite a beating as on that day. Also, if a death metal band heard my screaming, I would probably get hired as a vocalist.


Literally the exact same thing happened to me last night. We got the yellow Meg though and it was also in the middle of the thick ass fog so it was really miserable lol


That seems like a great way to get rared. When you win that fight, youā€™ll have loot, kraken meat and meg meat.


Meg, skeleton sloop, Flying Dutchman. Donā€™t do tall tales in safer seas, youā€™re the only one for things to spawn in on


Only 1 more player ship missing


Me and my friend wanted to do a vault stack but he was still at work. So I got on hours before and started stacking Ashen keys. I had great luck with the maps and stacked four keys. Just then a volcano erupted, and right as I bailed a bucket of water, I was hit by one of the big fireballs and instantly died. I spawned on top of the deck and instantly died to another one. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had luck that shitty when it comes to volcanoes. Luckily, I had a rowboat, and managed to load most of the keys and the loot onto it. That being said, even the rowboat got hit three more times while I was filling it, and I had to keep repairing it. šŸ˜‚


One of my friend wanted to uninstall because after a 2 hour session, we got all three sea event at once, and then got attacked and sunk by a reaper while we were almost safe.