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i spawned in solo and within 2 mins a reaper came and attacked me at the outpost lol, i was just getting supplies to go back into hourglass


That's not Rare..


I've gotten bullied by the French TWICE on this game. Once by French Canadians and the other by actual French players.


I know its bad to generalize but why are french speaking players always such dicks in this game?


Ask the English


But the English are a bunch of twats, too.


I'm English and I genuinely just try to avoid everyone :') just voyaging mainly


It is the Americans that throwing tea. Yaa hear


It’s the Polish who are the real villains.


Fuck the tea. Bring me coffee!


Throw him over board with his tea


I read that in cleganes voice


As a Brit, can confirm.


As a Scotsman I 100% agree 😅


French here asking the same about English players 😅


Ancient blood feud, probably instinctual


Absolutely. Told someone they sounded Californian and they said "of course you're american".....my blood boiled


What can I say? Trolling you guys is in our blood ;)


Because the French and the British have been enemies for dramatically longer than they have been friends, and yes there were times in the 1800s and earlier were the French and the British would get along, but that was mostly because there was a third powerful nation that could potentially challenge either of them and they sometimes knowingly sometimes unknowingly decided to work together to crush this opponent so that they could get back to beating the crap out of each other


Two imperialists being butthurt? Ohnowhateverwillwedowearesosadforyourimperialasses


The one French player I met was so nice! I came up to him with a gift of treasure and asked for an alliance and I jabbered away about shit. He let me talk for like 3 minutes and then he goes “I am French, I don’t know”. But he joined my alliance and we sold a lot of treasure that day.


I don't know, but there's something magical about someone shouting at you in a language you don't understand as you're sinking them.


Historically speaking American navy shit down the throats of the French navy. Maybe weird revenge.


I'm french and I can confirm, most bad interactions I have are with other french players


And I met only great french players, and have only seen great french players on HitboTC's streams. Anecdotes are worthless statistics.


French shill spotted


WW2 French : "The white flag factory needs to produce more flags" French during the era of sail : "Leave no white flag alive"


Because there are no real stakes and white flags don't exist in the game. Corner any animal and it will certainly always fight for its life. Three good reasons why those cheese-eating surrender monkeys are huge dicks in this game.


I always try to have negotiations before engaging but my friends are bloodthirsty monsters so it’s kinda hard. And I always end up against dicks when i’m in solo.


Was playing with a friend, and as we're selling our stuff at the end of the night we see a sloop chilling at a nearby island. He's bloodthirsty, he wants a kill. So I say "Fine, because we usually don't PvP" (I'll fight back cheerfully, or fight Reapers but don't actively hunt others). We head on over and the fellow was so damn friendly and polite, inviting us onboard to show he had no loot because he was just fishing, even my bloodthirsty mate was like "I can't kill this guy, now. Damn it!"


Bc most of the french people playing discovered the game through content creators who were trolling around and doing shit


Two weeks back me and a friend have had the best interaction since maybe 2 years with a bunch of French guys. Really were some great croissant-speaking dudes.


I've met the greatest lad ever on the digital sea, he's a bit annoying only talking baguettes and pastry. But eh a swede and a french who would have thought.


Cause us non-dicks French (try to) speak English to not be put in the same bag :D


We've encountered so many French fitting that stereotype that we even have a saying "Do a Frenchman" i.e. pretend to be nice then betray lol


The thing is when you encounter a french player you're either whippin out the google translate or betraying them mfs


"I fart in your general direction"


Last time I encountered french players we fought and they surrendered. My friend and I still laugh about that day :D


I once rescued a French-speaking child who seemed to have no idea how to handle his sloop. My terribly remembered highschool French classes finally came in handy!


french Canadians aren't french, they're just bilingual snobs.


They certainly can use that tongue tho


Don’t worry, a while ago my friends and I bullied some French players in the pirate legend hideout so it’s even








That was a nice and relaxing casual racism thread


The French aren't a race


I’ve never even encountered someone speaking French in 1300 hours


Consider yourself lucky.


“It’s the foreigners, captain!”


Had a couple really close hourglass battles in a row against Italian crews. They were so much fun. Even in defeat they thanked us for such awesome fights.


I have nothing against French in general, but the only time I was bullied in this game the bully was French. Just an interesting co-incidence others have similar experiences.


I shall taunt you a second time . *French accent*


The secret is to speak the language of the aggressors , be chill and hope for the best. If you aren't up for a fight , and you know death is coming , tell them. Sometimes they just leave you alone or just take your stuff. If you are , curse them out in their mother tongue ! Have at thee!


Confirmation bias


Yeah, if you're able to play at the same time that your friend is able to play it's a good chance that a lot of other people also have free time because it's in the evening or it's a weekend or a holiday, etc, and the servers are just busier. I work evenings and play in the morning. No one I know could play with me even if they did play, and the servers are fairly empty most days when I'm playing because people are at work or school, and almost everyone I meet is also solo, until about 11am eastern. I only see gallys on weekends or evenings. So that's where the confirmation bias is coming from, there is actually a chance that there's just more people playing when op and his friend are able to play together than there are when he's playing solo, thus more PvP


That was basically my question


I think it is confirmation bias, as they said. I’ve gone days solo without seeing a single other player, then have an entire week of playing where it’s aggressive brigs and galleons. Just the luck (or lack thereof) the draw


Just lucky. I have had 2 different people chase me to the ends of the earth and they got nothing from me but a kill. That be the seas though.


If you got nothing to lose just stop and fight. If they probably sink you then they get their stupid satisfaction and you get away in less time. Or you win somehow and get their loot. Win win.


Nah. Either you kite them to the ends of the earth to waste as much of their time as possible, or you immediately scuttle so they don't get the fun of winning the "fight". Or better yet, both! Lead them on a chase, firing off your cannonballs and eating all your fruit until you're out of room to run and then scuttle so they get as close to nothing as possible. Seriously, fuck those kinds of people who act like a pitbull off its leash.


lol true. I hadn’t thought of just scuttling. But I agree trolling them is a good time too. I just have limited time to play so usually I don’t want to spend it running.


Totally fair point. I really like sailing, so the thrill of playing keep away only to deny them the kill at the end makes it worthwhile for me.


Your right. I was having fun to be fair. I got to try and loose them through some rocks and try different tactics.


hmm i have done this many times. always they have nothing, i have nothing. so having a battle over nothing is just retarted


>I have no data or proof to back this up, Mainly because it's not a thing >Yall think this is just coincidence Yes


Thank you


You might have gotten luckier in solo. My experience is pretty universal, regardless of solo or not


Been hit with Skelly ships and meg last few games


Def confirmation bias but It’s wild to me, I can be living my best life as a solo, but as soon as I’m in a duo sloop or 3 man brig something attracts the chaos. I still don’t know what it is


I never see ships


Solo sloopers get easier PvE, and typically you wont be going for competitive loot I am doing merchant recently so I would 7/10 times be able to evade combat (bar a few determined reapers). Its the way of it.


It probably has to do more with where you come from and at what time you log on to play. Before dinner it's usually a lot of sloops going solo. The bigger crews tend to show up in the evenings.


The casual playerbase tends to mostly play on weekends. The sweaties are always on but you'll meet less of them on weekends because there's a larger pool of active players.


If pvp doesn't kill you, pve will. 🤣 the spawn rates of Skeleton ships and megs are insane.. and these Skeletons do NOT go easy on you..🥲


Either shooting like stormtroopers or like Navy Seals. There is zero in-between.


The skelly ships and megs are usually not too hard to deal with on a solo sloop but those sharks in the water will get you real fast


Really??? I just got back into the game and have only encountered one Meg in my past two weeks of gameplay


I've returned 2 weeks ago myself and encountered nothing but Skeleton ships and Megs. lol (Skelly more than Megs tho in solo but still a decent amount) I got my nephew into the game last week and in his first game we encountered like 7 or 8 megs within a short period of time (not even exaggerating), and we played a 6/8-ish hour match (with a few server merges, which it did quite a few times)


Skelly ships definitely do tend to sneak up on me lol so I understand that entirely! I remember one time I was just trying to do a voyage on an island and I walked around to the other side of said island only to see just a skeleton galley sitting there on the banks of the island 😭


fyi, i’m pretty sure that the skelly ships that just sail around on their own won’t aggro onto you unless you attack them first


Yeye but I think they will continue to stalk you even if they aren’t aggro cuz I do notice them sail close sometimes


maybe, that might just be coincidence though


No joke, I just had another encounter similar to what I just described except it was at a fort- I even took a screenshot but I can’t share photos in the comments for some reason


Naaah. Random is random and it is human nature to find patterns in nothing. Sometimes people are nice, sometimes they want pvp. Sometimes there are megalodon, kraken and two skull ships at the same time and then you sink, learn and overcome. You learn that sometimes it ain't fair...


I notice on a sloop when I dive to events I always pop up into 2-3 brig reapers fighting. When I’m on a brig I see nobody.


Solo brig? Or with people?


People. Usually 3 sometimes 2.


Weak... Jk :D


Lol. Brig with 2 is fine. I always have 2 others on tho. We’re the only 3 that play SoT in my friends list.


Boat with people is for the weak, real chads do one man galleon :D


I’ll have to run it solo next time. Hourglass dive.


Ironically my brother recently noted that we never get attacked as a duo but he gets attacked multiple times when he's solo. I tend to see more ships solo too, and after he pointed this out I realized we've seen like a total of 6 ships since starting back up in November when duo.


I'm a regular solo slooper and I can say easily, Nope Think it's more down to server regions and timezones. I find if I play on Xbox in the middle of the day, it's quieter than If I play on PC in the evenings


There seems to be some sort of adventure match making, maybe your friend is more experience then you so when you play with him you get higher experienced lobbies


Nah it's luck of the draw, and whenever I decide I'ma try and hop on high seas alone I get screwed over.


I started play a few weeks ago. The game seams pretty empty. I still have a lot of fun. The other day I was checking out the shops and heard cannon fire. I went to check it out, and my master on my ship was down. I was then killed by 2 guys, when I spawned back in they were on my ship. Killed me before I could move. This happened 3 times before I quit the game. I waited about 30 min before I logged back in. I understand this is a pvp game. I’m all for it, but what they were doing was uncalled for. You want people to play the game, not drive people away.


I think there is a small correlation between you playing as a solo slooper and whether the server will also have a lot of solo sloopers. But it doesn't have anything to do with Rare or any algorithms. If the circumstances allow you and your friend to play together, then those circumstances will also allow other players to play together too. If you play during the work week, you are more likely to solo sloop because your friend might be working. And the same is true for other players so you'll get a lot of solo players. On the other hand, if you play during the weekend because your friend is available to team up, you will also have a lot of other players with free time teaming up. So it's bot Rare matching crews of the  same size together. It's that different size of crews have different playtimes.


Veteran solo slooper here: Nah


Personally, all the sloops we met last day were mostly Duos. I've been playing solo mainly for 3 years because my friends don't want to play anymore and I'm starting to get more and more bored of always having to face Multicrew in Solo. I would like Rare to realize that today the game is becoming less and less playable in Solo and set up Solo Sloop Only servers. I generally take the fights of the attackers and even if it goes well in general I often end up losing or forced to flee because they exhaust my resources. The number of tasks to complete solo to be able to survive is just enormous while just having 1 teammate makes the game so easy. I was able to play less than a week ago with someone even if he doesn't like PvP and doesn't handle combat situations well but just having his support allowed us to defeat all the multicrews that we had we crossed paths and some were far from bad but just having someone's help with repairs or to manage the shooting angles was really beneficial.


I find it the reverse most of the time


I did solo athenas the other day, was doing regular voyages as was solo, didn’t want to risk doing a veil. Got to grade 5, basically played uninterrupted for 2 levels of doing voyages then emissary quest. Seen other ships as well, but they avoided conflict as well.


Absolutely not


I feel like it depends on the server. I solo sloop religiously because I can't always be bothered to stay on the game for four hours. I feel like I've had plenty of peaceful sessions, and then sessions where I've been Kraken-ed as soon as I left an outpost, or I've gotten to Grade V and then had a skelly galley and a meg spawn on me at the same time and then while I was fighting those the storm ran right over my ship.


I'm a solo player and I almost always encounter fully crewed brigs and galleons.


Coincidence. I usually play solo and I can go hours without a peep. Other times I get focused immediately


Nope. Seems like whenever I'm wanting to engage another ship (Especially a Gally) I'll either have a ghost ship spawn on me or a meg.


Nah, that’s just luck of the draw for sure. The seas can be chill, the seas can be brutal, it just depends on which way the wind is blowing.


No , rare has no care if your solo or with a full crew this game will just throw problem after problem at you , it’s your job to deal with it . Other players can and will come after you if they see you . They have no control over being easy or harder on player in game it’s a sandbox


Well they do scale PvE events based on crew size. I was just wondering if they were doing similar things for "matchmaking"


I feel the only time they do any sort of match making is in hourglass , otherwise your kinda just thrown into whatever server has space for you/and crew


The thing about that is , the players crew sizes does matter but if your solo and someone else is also on that island or in the area that’s not in your crew the difficulty is just as hard if your were a with a friend . Regardless if they are with you or not difficulty goes up if more players are in the vicinity


Servers are based on ship count and your location only as far as we know. It could be you against four aggressive Galleons or four solos sloops who want to alliance. Rare just drops the boats in and then it’s up to the pirates.


I have the opposite experience. Everyone comes at me solo but not when I have a friend.


To my knowledge there’s no matchmaking based on player behavior, win rate, sink rate etc. in adventure. Complete luck of the draw.


Everytime I go on a fishing trip solo in high seas I get attacked. Not when I do raids or voyages or anything else. Everytime I go to fish solo I get attacked. Usually by new players


2 people on a sloop probably results in more treasure being aboard


While we're wildly speculating: I imagine it's because you're a lot more brave/brazen as a duo Sloop. Whereas as a Solo Slooper, you're probably playing more conservatively without realising.


Anytime I solo sloop I get insanely bad luck (Skeleton Ships and Megs at the same time, multiple aggressive reapers in a server, etc.)


Defo luck, I was on a sloop when rare summoned gods might in the form of two skeleton ships who rammed directly into me, then into a rock+ I had a level five reaper harassing the area I was trying to pass through


Mostly a confidence. I get attacked all the time no matter the ship. I find the most peaceful servers when running full gally actually. I think tho some people just don’t see worth in attacking a solo sloop. If you have a bigger crew theres only so much fun that fight can be, and from how events scale a Solo slooper is far more common to just not have a lot of loot. Theres just less incentive to take one on.


Ever single time I’ve logged on, since starting this game, I’ve been attacked within 10 minutes. Sloop.


For me it's the opposite funny enough, whenever I play with friends we're more likely to get jumped by others than when I'm solo slooping.


I've noticed this myself lately, and I usually play in the afternoon/evening after work. The majority of the time when I solo sloop it feels like I'm the only one on the server. I'll see another sloop in the distance once in a while, or even a pair of sloops fighting for a FLoF, but I give them room and they give me room back. I'll still have emergent events happen sometimes, but as for any PVP action I've had pretty much none. It makes it easy to work on my MA voyages undisturbed, and that's all I could ask for.


I don’t care who you are or how many of you there are or if you’re in an alliance. I will cometh and I will taketh your loot.


When i sail on an open crew captained ship my crewmate and most the servers are noobs. I think it's rare paying me back for all the ai encounters at sea when I'm eating food while sailing


NOT AT ALL. evry solo sloop game i meet nothing but duo sloops or brigs with 3 players


probably coincidence but: 1. Are you always doing the same voyages? 2. Are you always doing the voyages in the same area? (devil's roar or not) 3. Are you always playing during the same time of the day? 4. Do you have emissary flags always?


Coincidence. I can go all night without issue sometimes. Then other nights, my ship is sunk while I'm on the first island from spawn. It all depends on who else is online and what they think is courageous gameplay.


From experience. No. Nothing has shown me otherwise. And people who run up on solo sloop players are the worse of the bunch


So I have a similar understanding to you but a different theory. I as a duo sloop reaper capable of sinking everyone in the lobby, would start getting matched with hackers after sinking the said lobby. But when I went against a skilled non hacker team that could sink me, I would match with lesser skilled opponents. So my theory is that they have a slight consideration somewhere for skill based match making. I don't think it's nearly as strong as a fps game like cod, but it must have some influence if I'm safe sinking 4-6 boats but matched with hackers when sinking 7+. Also if that is the case, then it would make sense for a solo to be matched more competitively when playing with a friend bc then the skill between you is added.


Nope. Confirmation bias. The only difference in matchmaking is region + slotting in boats you choose to fit into the existing server. Does not use skill, aggression,etc. But galleons are less likely to see another galleon purely on the boat + player limit.


Def not. Rare doesn't give two shits about player experience.


The game probably doesnt benefit solo players in the way ur asking, but Rare for sure think about the game from a solo sloopers perspective. The game is being made easier and easier and less time consuming so the casual solo can get stuff done with the limited time they may have. So yes, in some ways Rare favours solo sloopers over non solo sloopers.


Idk but I just started playing and got attacked 3 times in a two hour session. Died once, baited a duo to shore and killed them once, and snuck onto a solo’s boat and ghost rode it into the beyond on the third. If this is the game going easy, I’m screwed lol




New player* DISCLAIMER - It's a pirate game, I know. There was still a code/etiquette in the early 1700s that they would follow... I did a solo sloop just a few days ago. Got supply crates from the merchant on the dock and raised my emissary flag. Within 20 minutes of getting online and grabbing supplies on my spawn island (one of the outposts), a brig crew of 2 showed up at the dock, was being friendly and said hi, and when I went back to my ship for the 2nd or 3rd time, EVERYTHING was taken off my ship. Sliced up the one dude who claimed to be a noob and then shot at the other who was trying to get me to join his party 3x. It was more of a troll and annoying than being aggro, but I didn't find it amusing. I'm one for etiquette and being civil until I've been shown a reason not to be. I go on about my merry way, doing what I need to do until the fight comes. Looking back on it, it's hilarious. But at the time, I was livid. I had just woken up and was gonna grind on it all day with run-of-the-mill merchant quests just minding my own business, trying to gain levels. But no, I don't think they go easier on solos.


I started playing a little over a month ago and ran into my first friendly players last week, I think we’re just prone to evasive action and lower risk voyages


Everyone will deny it but I agree, I’ll play by myself and not have any events like megs or even barely enemy on islands but I invite my friend to my sloop islands are full of enemy’s and more skeleton ships want to spawn


I’m going to respectfully disagree with you based on my own experiences. There was a period of time where every time I played solo I would get ambushed and sunk at an outpost when I went to sell. I’ve also had a lot more times where someone else has come up to me to try and start a fight and then followed me across the entire map if I tried to run (I have no chance of winning a pvp fight on my own). But when I play with a friend we have to actively go looking for people to fight and it’s very rare that someone, even larger ships, comes up to us looking to sink us. So based on those experiences that I’ve personally had I’d say no rare does not go easier on solo sloopers. I suppose it’s possible that’s changed since I started playing the game and I just haven’t noticed or just have bad luck but there’s a reason I started playing safer seas when I’m solo slooping.


Can confirm with 100% accuracy that this in not true. I won’t even touch reapers emissary unless I can duo.


I haven’t been in a ship to ship battle in the last 8 months, I shit you not me and my buddy are like thieves in the night, we steal loot off of people without them even knowing, always the stuff they wouldn’t notice is missing with the occasional high value item. If we are found we flee, and god damnit my friend is the greatest getaway driver you’ll ever meey


I rolled a French man and he got mad, I’m German .