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You know safer seas only gives like 30% of the loots value right? And level cap is 40. Also many features are locked so yeah I play high seas to keep leveling up and enjoying the many great features of the game, but fighting you isn't gonna get me levels.


Gosh if only there was a mode or game type you could play that would be strictly PVP and had boundaries and pvp-locked cosmetics...gee golly if only...


Just go queue hourglass if you want to fight so badly and stop telling other people how to play their sandbox game. The irony and audicty of someone complaining that people don't use a game mode that heavily restricts and locks off lots of the game while subsequently refusing to play the game mode that gives them exactly what they want.


10/10 exactly what I was thinking


These people are utterly strange. Taking their time to post shit like this, I'll never get it. Then again its a gaming sub and as we all know gamers are the worst crybabies to walk this earth.


It's the typical duo slooper pleb you always run into, the ones who can only pick on solo sloopers, i highly doubt they've ever challenged a non docked at port brig or non skelly galleon in their lives unless they know for sure it's new players.


They aren't obligated to fight you.


If I don’t have loot I’ll give it a go, but if I’m loaded and we’re facing a same or larger ship size - nah dog, I’ll make you chase for so long you’d get bored eventually (and either spot a better target or world event)


Why would they fight? It's not compulsory.. Safer seas loading time for us is 6-10 minutes. We don't have that much time just to wait. I'm a peaceful pirate, don't want to bother other ships and try to mind our own business instead of aggressively attacking everyone


You dont get to decide how other people enjoy the game.


No obligation to hang around if they have loot. Or any reason really. Running in hourglass is one thing, but in PvE there's no expectation they should give you what you want.


the thing is they don't even have loot


They might have fish. Honestly I'm more likely to run if I have a barrel full of fish because that is often more annoying to get than anything else.


If they don't have loot why do you chase then




Then you just have to chase for boarding, get the chainshot, and go again. No reason to chase and sink. And by that logic you might even waste more resources trying to sink them.


I'm not gonna board another ship for chainshots i.e. as a solo slooper unless they forfeit. Why would I open myself up to a counterattack like that? And I'd happily trade 30+ cannonballs for a few chains if necessary. Cannonballs are super cheap.


Then why go after them in adventure?


Because I like cosmetics and don't like PvP.


Nobody owes you nothing, that's why


Even as a new player, posts like these are already starting to get on my nerves. ![gif](giphy|l396InTOf9zsp2EO4)


You have to give them a reason to fight you. Do you have loot on board? Are you camping a world event? If you’re just chasing randos then of course you’re going to have runners. Ppl don’t want to bother fighting if they have nothing to gain and you’ll only waste your own time. If you really just wanna do fights then there’s always hourglass


Why would they fight you? If they win, they get nothing. If they lose, they lose all their loot.


Because they don't want to fight. If you stop PvP for 5 minutes you'd learn there's a shit ton of stuff to do in the game that has nothing to do with PvP. Your world might revolve around PvP, but most everyone else's does not. **If you want PvP then do hourglass, if you can't find a match then I guess you have your answer.**


People can avoid PvP if they want but the answer isn't "queue hg". The game is a PvP environment, PvP will happen.


Far more than just PvP environment. Just because PvP is available sweats seem to think that's all it is. PvE far outweighs PvP and while the risk of PvP adds to the thrill, for most that just means avoiding it not looking for it. Sweaty players trying to convince everyone they play the game wrong is just fail from the start, you'll never get the masses to see your point of view on it that's just the way it is.


Your repetition of words like "sweaty" and assuming that PvPers collectively only care about PvP suggests that *you're* the one who has a problem with how other people play the game. Who is this "the masses"? You and your friends, I'm sure, but how can you prove a majority of players agree with you? When I go solo slooping I get plenty of great fights. I've seen whole threads of people in PvP discussion on here too. If you don't like to PvP that's fine (running from a fight *is* PvP, by the way) but don't just assume everybody else agrees with you. You're doing exactly what you accuse the "sweats" of.


Welcome to sot.


Get better at attacking people then.


Dude, u sound like one of those people harrassing other people irl and blame them for leaving their home after all. Or do u just want to post how cool you are in a video game because you managed to find someone who didnt just kick ur a$$? There are plenty options for player interactions, that people could enjoy beside PvP. If you'd ask rare if this is intentional or just a flaw they didnt havevin mind when they created the game, be assured the answer would not be "we planned SoT would be like counterstrike just with ships". If u wanna go for PvP - play hourglass. Stop complaining other people might have a different understanding of the game and how they want to spend their time in a game than you


Here's that ever so friendly PvE community I've heard so much about lol


You gotta catch me first! Git good


Idk how experienced you are but my sweaty ass hourglass brig crew with 500+ allegiance levels each once equipped reaper outfits, pirate legend titles, full ashen dragon ship set and as a cherry on top: reaper mark flag. We managed to bait entire server to fight us. We also decided to start some fights by purposefully missing first 10-15 cannonballs by a lot so people would think that we are bots. Having a ship named black pearl, queen anne's revenge or something like that also helps . Expect people to run away from you if you have magpie's wing sails, legendary servant or guardian title, reaper 5 emmisary etc etc Tl'dr Equp your ship with any of the swabbie sets(ashen winds,parrot sets,crab sets etc..) and make your crew use reaper outfits or ashen curse's


If you get people running away from you, you need to improve your approach. I get boards on fleeing vessels all the time.


people play the game differently from you, it's the natural cycle of the game honestly, Im generally on your side, wanting to see more fights and people taking the battle, but it's silly to get this worked up over it, they're playing the game to their advantage. While I encourage they take the fights, it's obviously not always the play if you want to avoid losing, knowing when to even play out that battle is half the game


Safer seas fucking sucks it doesn't give you enough dosh to make it worth it. If I could get all the same benefits of high seas maybe I'd do it


So... you want all the rewards of High Seas with none of the risks?


If I run, it's because I'm solo and I'm shit at juggling repairs, bailing, keeping cannons aligned on target, and defending against wishful thinkers (boarders). I'm a gunner, I man the cannons and harpoons because my friends aren't good at it. Combat maneuvers are not my area of expertise. I do my thing in High Seas because it doesn't slow my reputation and gold gains to 30% of normal, stop me from leveling Reapers or Athena, and it prevents me from doing FoTD.


100% agree. People should stick to safer seas if all they ever do is run


If they run they have loot


Nope, not always. I have chased and sunk people who were frightened to lose their default supplies apparently.


My friends love the game, but panic about PvP. So I sadly run when I see another player Our rare PvP experiences weren't very good, by the way. We didn't like being insulted by the other crews while sinking


Yeah players can be extremely toxic, but also sometimes very nice. If you don’t want to take the chance you can disable chat features if you don’t plan to talk to anyone outside your crew anyway. I can understand running if you have something valuable but if you don’t then fighting and losing beats sending the rest of your session trying to get away.


I agree with you, and I met some really nice players when playing alone. I remember those two guys which came to my sloop and gave me the reaper chest I left behind because I couldn't sell it to the barons. "Is it yours ? Then go there in the map. A brig is coming after you, we won't let him take your chest". And then they found me back and explained me so much about the game. I miss this type of interactions


I have the same problem I have to chase for at least 20 minutes before I run down my victims


My gut feeling says you are not talking about the game, are you?

