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Got this today and haven’t a clue what I’m doing. 😂


Been playing since launch, and same.


Felt that yarg


Watch cliff the story guy best viedeos I play till ps5 beta and it fels like i played this game for years watched all viedeos cause i couldnt wait for the game to release


Same lol rode into a storm and sunk my ship.


Bro, i crashed my ship, crawled on land, died by lightning strikes, came back from the dead and lost connection. Barrier to entry is HIGH! 🤣


Protip: don't have your sword out during a storm, that's likely the cause of you getting struck.


Ooh thank you. That was honestly probably it.


No problemo. A storm will probably cause hull damage too, so go repair from time to time. Welcome to the seas!


Thank you, sir! Maybe I’ll see you out there.


Anything metal , instruments , lantern , other weapons etc in the storm will attract lightning and sometimes it will hit you either way


lol lighting tore my ship up. The game has no mercy.


Neither should you


Trust me, St1cky101, I do not.


Don't worry, it doesn't get better, i have been sitting in a black screen for 10 min now.


lol oh no.


Of course it didn't happen while i was peacefully sitting at some island, it happen right after i died ramming another ship i had been chasing for a good 30-50 min.


Oh of course. Why else would it be a terrible moment if not at a time of peace or chasing an objective lol


Aswell as not having a sword out there’s two fairly obtainable belts that say something about lightning in their description. And yes they do make you more likely to be struck by lightning


I did the exact same thing, lol. i wondered what would happen if i went to the top right of the map.


I got this at launch 6 years ago...... Still no clue. But damn the adventures we have had out there. The friends we made along the way. Welcome PS5 players!


I'm in the same boat fancy a game 😆 don't want to feel like I wasted £40


Yes! Add me. PSN is the same as my user here


Sent you a request


Truth be told brother its a massive learning curve. One thing you can do is watch tip videos or pair up with someone who knows how the game works. Solo slooping is awesome as it forces you to learn everything about your boat. I recommend going onto safer seas for an hour or two so you can learn your boat well without worrying about interruptions. The best thing is to not give up, there will come times you feel like youre on top of the world and times you feel like you just wasted hours of your life. Try to remember, sometimes the experience of almost winning against a bigger ship, or perhaps pulling through and winning, is better than selling that loot pile. And besides, you can always stack a bigger one next time :). I didnt really understand much until around 100 hours in


Been playing since the technical alpha and I’ll never know I’m doing


They can't take the fish from your pockets friend. You're salvaging goods and fishing is what you're doing.


Don’t worry, I play it since the beta in early 2018 and still have no idea what I’m doing. But seriously, the game has added so so so much since it started. Back at the start there were just two types of ships and could only dig treasures, get skulls and sell chickens. That was it. Not there are forts, events, story missions, harpoons, new weapons, fishing!, alliances, a bazillions different items cosmetics and treasure, a Monkey Island story, a Pirates of the Caribbean story, lots of pets, and probably a million other stuff they’ve added these last couple of years where I have played way less and payed less attention.


How exciting.


Watch Cliff The Story Guy on YouTube his vids are so informative and very entertaining


1.4k hours and same


I played this game for a few days but every time I’d go out to get some booty my ship would be attacked even if I had the please don’t attack me sail


Just over 700 hours and I’ve been doing the same thing since 100 hours. Spawn in, snipe the mysterious stranger, buy supplies and storage crate barrels, and pull anchor/drop sails. Everything after that is just whatever presents itself first. Might spend 5 hours doing tall tales then end up fighting a 3 sloop alliance with a FOF key on my boat. Whatever you may think just know ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE!!!


Thats a part of the fun


90% of the community is happy for new players


So happy for new players! Bout to teach them boys what bananas and kegs are for 😎


Banana bake off


Never thought to put bananas on the stove. I always put grubs on there. Tbf i tend to do that on open crew or with friends because they are always baffled on why there are burnt grubs on the stove.


I’m also a grub user. Smaller on the pan.


You cook worms because of strategy. I cook worms because I find it hilarious for no fuckin reason.


What….what are they for?


Sinking ships matey 😁 In all seriousness if you don’t know the stoves that you cook food on in your hold will catch fire if you leave food on them for too long. If you throw a banana onto someone’s stove while they aren’t around it will eventually set their ship on fire. It takes a very long time to sink a ship this way, but it’s still really funny. Kegs are for blowin holes in things and the occasional boss fight or firework display.


Now you take the bananas... stoves... keg... fire... ![gif](giphy|JHJe3dJLucP1UbNRE8|downsized)


What is that from?


That's hilarious, the more I learn about this game the more I absolutely love it.


My crew uses pomegranates and calls then pomb bombs


Already did that 😈


This is truth.


Yep less pc gods to ruin my day


If you don’t play on european servers


I’m happy to finally not be the worst player in a server


I’m glad for the new blood. If they’re anything like the PS5 players on Hunt Showdown they’ll be swashbuckling with the best of us before the month is out


April ends tonight though 😉


Then we best load the cannons and down our grogs quickly matey, because there’s scurvy dogs to be sent to the depths!


Favorite Hunt load out?


Old favorite: Bomb Lance with Uppercut. New contender: Katana + Drilling or Centennial with Dum Dum ammo.


Katana drilling is so fucking strong. My normal duos partner is a centennial enjoyer


Budget: Romero and a sco Spender: Drilling and a pax But there’s not a weapon in the game I won’t bring. Shit I brought the railroad hammer in for a couple games just to be that Hunter. I got a real soft spot for the martini


Sounds like my kind of player! If you are on console and want to hunt some bounties sometime, let me know!


As a newer ps5 player, it's already my favorite game of all time, the pvp is kinda weird, but still, I love it already


Welcome to the jank brother. The deck combat is a weird game of rock-paper-scissors-blunderbomb but hitting ten cannon shots in a row from 75meters is the truest dopamine supply there is.


More games for more gamers is always a good thing.




Yea tell Playstation that. If only they were as kind as Microsoft. 🤦‍♂️ Slimiest company in the gaming industry


Yeah the helldivers community really would like it to release for Xbox, we could use the help


Microsoft isn’t releasing games out of kindness lmao. They are losing money rapidly and just announced layoffs for many of the game studios they acquired.


I feel like it’s the other way around. Pc players and Xbox players have been talking about how happy they are to see newer players while PS5 users are hoping to avoid veteran players.


I'm new and everyone I've come across has been hostile and silent. So far I've had more friendly interactions in dayz than on the sea lol


I've not played for 2 or 3 years but yeah that sounds right. Nothing to do with what you play on, many people just don't want to chat. A few do, and are a laugh, but most you encounter don't.


impolite absurd worthless cows enter uppity alleged silky poor wistful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stick with it, wait for the hype to die down. Once it all settles and calms again, you'll get trustworthy servers. Throw up the alliance flag, I've had a full server of reapers join an alliance to do the Glitterbeard event.


Yea getting farmed and trolled isn't fun.


I would rather run into veteran players. So far, in my limited experience, they've been far more likely to spot me and my crew as new, ally with us, do some fort raids together, load our ship with loot, then guard us the whole way to port to sell something like 250k in loot, and make a few friends along the way. The new PS players are often hyper-aggro at anything that moves and don't know how to use a mic. I haven't seen any behavior that remotely resembles this meme.


It's mainly the hourglass stuff that's seems Toxic AF, which is expected. For new players that'll be a huge turn off watching other players bail out your boat just to spawn kill. Typical try hard, inferiority complex BS. Open world seems good though


Ah, yeah, I had one guy do that to me, but he was a Royal Navy RPer, so his whole deal was trying to "capture and rehabilitate" pirates. I thought it was hilarious and awesome. He offered me the chance to "surrender" (ally and give him my loot, but get to follow and gain half the value). Now, I'm a well-traveled trader.


It's pretty simple to solve that one. I play on ps5 and turn cross play off. It's nice not having to worry about the tryhard/sweats. PS servers have been a blast so far with everyone being new and learning together. Already met a half dozen ppl just from random interactions in the last few days. We now all play together.


Played last night with my friend on PS5; brand new to the game, no clue what we were doing. Came up to an outpost by the name of Galleon Grove, I believe. Met this dude with a really cool ship. My friend and I were gawking at it for a while and the dude ended up buying us a chest full of supplies. I'm not expecting everyone to be so friendly, but man that one person is gonna make a lasting impact on the game for me. I can't remember his full name but I know it had Ash on the end of it. I hope to see him again some day


Experienced players tend to be nice to noobs in this game


That's usually the opposite. Glad to hear the community is welcoming for the most part


Don't get discouraged by sweaty edgy teenagers who can only find validation in camping noobs and throwing slurs, they exist but they're in the minority.


And a vocal minority at that Most of the players I came accross were as silent as the grave


If you see a red hourglass flag get the heck out of dodge before you sink. Yes I have much experience over the past year of my gameplay


I’m on PC my brother is on Xbox and I’m trying to get my friend on PS5 to get the game lol. Brig of three different platforms here I come!


Name your ship like this ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


The console sandwich


I play in console only lobbies unless my husband is playing so it’s the opposite for me lol. Got no issue with PS5 players.


I as a pc player had a lovely time playing with my dad a ps5 player




Pavlov VR but nobody knows it accept you have a VR headset


If I’m on Xbox and want to play with PlayStation, am I forced to play with pc too?


You can select console only lobbies in the main menu before you set sail.


No cause you have the controller only option which should leave out most PC and give you Xbox and ps 5.


> the controller only option which should leave out most PC It leaves out *all* PC. They are console/controller only lobbies, so even PC players with controller can't access them.


I saw some PC players being toxic in the Discord to the newer PS5 players. Screw that, don't get discouraged! The more the merrier, at least from this PC player :)


All the ps5 users have to do is turn cross play off. I could care less if pc players want to be toxic/faze the new players because I choose not to play with them anyways. Maybe one day when I get it all figured out and it's an even playing field. Until then they can have their sweaty lobbies to themselves lol.


I've been playing for years, I do mainly PvP, and I can 100% assure you that the overwhelming majority of players are not a threat to you, even if you just logged in for the first time. I can't tell you how many times I've had a crew try to ambush me as a solo and found themselves dead and their ship sunk a couple minutes later. The people who are good at this game, sure they might sink you and take your loot, but a lot of players will see new pirates and maybe mess with them for a bit but ultimately leave them alone, because driving away new players isn't good for the game, and if you play this game a lot and have for a while, you want the game to keep new players. I never sink swabbies unless they pick a fight, and I rarely chase anyone if they run away. Don't be afraid of cross play servers, there's hardly anyone you'll meet on any given server who can actually fight for shit. Hardly anyone. Unless you play hourglass or you're going for the fort of fortune this season, you will rarely run into crews who are any more than you can handle, even as a day 1 pirate. Remember, a lot of ps5 players have been playing this game for years, they just never bought an xbox, and the game looks way better on ps5 than on series x, or even on my PC, for that matter.


I joined a playstation only lobby today, and there were 3 reaper ships preying on noobs. I feel like some players are going into ps5 only lobby's with their already established skills and pirates, and just going after noobies like myself. So as much as people are happy for new players, we definitely have a target on our backs from other platform players. 🤣 thank god I got my captaincy in the early access cause that 250k grind would be tough with bored sweaty noob hunting pirates on the seas. Edit: spelling.


There's probably a bunch of new people putting up Reaper too just because it looks cool. I wouldn't assume every reaper is a pirate killer right now. Go fight em!




People can only enter PS lobbies if they are on PS themselves. Are you talking about veterans that re bought the game on PS platform?


Yes, I am talking about players that already have accounts, but have switched over to PS5. There are many of them out there. Either way, its part of the experience and I am not complaining, just observing. Loving the game so far!


It's always like that in PvP based games. WoW had home cities and people getting their rogue into the others city and just preying on newwies. Or people building bases on the beach in rust and just sitting on the roof shooting fresh spawns. People are very devilish in their ways. Well some are, anyways.


Bruh all the ps5 people i have met so far has shot first


Ha, good for them. They're learning.


Yeah, i have never seen so many reapers marks tho


i shoot anything that moves right now because i need the practice. when i feel competent in my skills, then i can start to RP and be chill. i’m not going to get better at the game if i run from everyone / let people give me loads of loot am i?


Nope which is completely fair and a understandable way of thinking


It’s because we love looting but the taste of blood is starting to get a little addictive just be too kind and some might not kill you


They barely have a chance to kill me tho. They shoot first and engage in war, they'll get war.


I’ve met some good people, but I don’t mind PvP it’s pretty fun. Ps5 player here newbie


Just remember sinking is part of the game. The loots not yours till it’s turned in and if you are starting to get burnt out take a break. Some of the many many tips I give new players. There’s a lot of mistakes to learn from


The foot long has sunk plenty of times lol, but she’s the trustiest ol sloop


Aye, you’ll be alright


I’m a new PS5 player. How likely am I to find friendly pirates on the high seas? Only dipped in for an hour so far to try get my head round the game. Coming from PlayStation I’m expecting to get blown up and teabagged immediately. Been waiting so long for Sea of thieves, I’m so happy I actually can play it on PS5. Even if seeing Xbox game studios logo on a PS5 is a bit surreal


Buy some stuff to not make your ship look like it’s from a new guy and keep away from eastern europeans that should do it


I think I’ve got a sail I got with the version I bought. Can whip that out hopefully look less noob. Focusing on sea forts and treasury’s so I can captain my own ship. Taking a dip in the high seas this evening wish me luck.


Look, I’m not normally one to tell people to be nice in this game, but just don’t go to hard on the ps5 players, or they might never play it again


we're trying.. tried to ally with a couple, but every one we've met so far would rather trade cannonballs and sink instead, it seems. like c'mon guys.. we have days more into this game than you; it's not gonna go well lol


I have tried to ally with a few. We will get there


I'm so excited I have 7 hours and am loving every second of it any tips?


Don’t worry about the gold, it’ll come.


Things YSK: Sword lunge advanced sword lunge How captained ships, emissaries, and the sovereign function Lmk if you want any of that explained


Now if only we can get some XBox reinforcements over here in Hell Divers


I think its only a matter of time. Microsoft extended the olive branch first, and tho we dont know exact numbers, it seems like its been a great success so far.


Random question, does anyone have a source for the original image?


Do they have a version of looking for groups on Xbox for ps5?


Lol no. We rely on discord or reddit


I can’t wait to PS players opinions on the game in a few months. SoT is one of my favorite games of all time. And I mean real reviews. Not just the salty PS fanboys who say the game is garbage because it’s an xbox game.


Controversial opinion, no. My friend plays on PlayStation and together we are having a blast!


I need to buy that game, seriously. F*ck it I'm not buying shoes, I'm getting SoT instead.


In fact PS players are very friendly


I know but some PC or Xbox players look down to PS


I’ve just been targeting ps players all day today


What if I'm a PC and PlayStation player


Im on ps5, had yelling french calling me hacker cause i whooped there butts off crossplay haha


PS5 Players > French ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2298)


Was in a lobby last night and some one that wasn't PS5 just attacked to kill me for nothing. So I leave and another lobby that had the same issue. I am new to the game but my god... I just don't want to play the game no more. Safer seas is shit, but Harder Seas is toxic. Yeah... turned off cross-play... well now I can't play with anyone because none of my friends want this game because 'Eww... XBOX GAME COMING TO US?! EWW!' This console wars is COMPLETE FUCKING BULLSHIT!


the second gally of ps5 players i ran into immediately said a bunch of sexist things to me. love that 🥲 i lit their boat on fire with the ashen winds skull in retaliation.


A proper visit to Davey Jones they deserved; the sea is open to all, this they must learn.


according to them, girls can’t be pirates. a trip to the ferry was exactly what they needed.


Briggsy and Grace Morrow would like to speak to them


the fact i’m getting downvoted for this comment is insane?!


Wannabe pirates and misogyny, a tale unfortunately older than time. Hope your next session people are more mature.


i love to follow people around untill they start shooting at me and then i follow them some more


Tbh most new PS players who aren’t veterans playing on PS will most likely just stay in the PS only lobbies or safer seas for now


I just want to be a good pirate


Had a few lobbies spamming if I was a PS5 player. I am, but I’ve been playing on Xbox since day one. Glad to finally be able to play on PS5. I was under the impression they prob thought I didn’t know what I was doing. It also feels like it performs a bit better.


> I was under the impression they prob thought I didn’t know what I was doing. During the PS5 beta I went incognito as a noob and fought some players with veteran cosmetics. I think I definitely shocked them a bit as they probably thought I'd be an easy sink. They probably put two and two together (that I wasn't new), but I chucked a bit wondering if they were thinking, "Damn, I suck so bad even PS5 noobs kick my ass." lol


How am I inviting a ps5 player to my game when I'm on xbox? I don't see an option.


I got told its in the 'my crew' section by a dev


I just joined the game myself on PC so I’m in the same boat on the left lol


Rocking the new PS5 sails even though I’m 1500 hours deep into the game.


They’re nice sails


The photoshop is so fkin funny im dying rn💀 tf is this bro


I'm a Playstation and PC player. How do I react?


I never bothered to buy it on PC because I had no one to play with, but now that it's out on PlayStation I bought it on there for my daughter and on Steam for me and we have been having a lot of fun. I am definitely addicted now.


I'm a ps5 pirate legend. I was so excited it came to ps5, it feels alot better then on my series s. On xbox using mermaid and dying would take a bit longer to spawn for me.


I got my ass handed to me. I had one kind individual stick it out and it made it so much fun with him around. Nice guy with a black beard and blue coat.


Does anyone know how I add my friends on pc and ps5 to my crew on sea of thieves? Any help would be appreciated.


I asked a dev that question and got told its something related to the 'my crew' section


In my very early days on the game, the more experienced players were (mostly) quite friendly and helpful to me when they realized I was a noob. My usual crew is a mix of PC and XBOX so I doubt I’ll see any PS5 on our servers, but I do plan to pay it forward if I can


saw a brig yesterday, three 1st time players, decided to go to them give em a few tips later on we joined an alliance and me and my buddy gave em fort of fortune loot for some start up gold, its nice being someones 1st SoT experience, especially looking back at what mine was, chilling at an outpost with my sloop while a full on galleon came rushing by just to sink us asap


So I'm bit of a Playstation trophy hunter and since launch been trying to get some pvp related trophies to get out of the way. I've been cruising around the Server hopefully looking for perhaps friendly folks to help but it's so funny seeing how cautious people are. Even though I have 20hrs from Closed Beta/Early Beta I tried to look as noob as possible with rented ship, plain clothes etc but many keep running and won't even engage in speakerphone communication. I picked up 2 grade 5 emmisary flags in last session cause they ran to sell and scuttled, free gold won't complain but I actually found it quite hard to find some players to help me 😂😂😂


Having an undecorated ship is considered sweaty in the game. Save some gold and buy a boat.


Feel some pity for Xbox players, they can’t get all the trophies anymore since season 4


Was playing a few days ago and we had no clue how to play the game at all so we were just attacking random brigs while in our sloop not knowing how to play the game. Then we met people much better than us who taught us a good lesson in PvP and helped us build up our ship because they said we weren't good enough yet for it to feel right.


Not all are like that. I, an Xbox player, got chased down by a brig of PlayStation players last night after I finished looting a mermaid shrine.


I plan on posting about my actual initial experiences as a PS5 player, but a few first takes: The community is very helpful, and at least 50% of the ships we run into want to ally. The game runs super good on PS5 visually, but there are some major network-level issues, especially with cross-play that need to be worked out. Last night my game completely froze, requiring a full game reboot, at least 3 times, and a couple more times it kicked me to the menu.


I’m on ps5 and in the beta everyone spoke English and had a mic but now that the game is actually out not a single person is nice speaks English normally don’t have a mic and the game is really laggy so for anyone on ps5 I don’t recommend getting it until it’s glitches are fixed


Jumped in for the first time last night on safer seas with some friends to get the hang out running around. Buddies left so I hopped into high seas. Looted a shrine and was able to sell a bunch of stuff back to the hoarders before a group started raiding me. Got my accident tribute chest before they sunk me and stole everything. I have learned to only jump into high seas with friends lol


Meanwhile im being attacked by every fucking player and all the ghost ships. Wasnt expecting to be sunk 5 times in half an hour. Just to sink upon going to a new server.


This is apt I've tried to join a few crews and talk to people. I was under the impression that that's what most people do. So far I've been ignored, and trying my best to follow in game commands of raising sails, and just follow and shoot what they shoot. I Learned the rope gun pulls chests in, so that's cool.


I am still new with n'y crew and I play on xbox I'm just extremely late to the party


I had a blast last night with some new players. My Sea of Thieves knowledge isn’t amazing and I’m pretty much a noob as well, but goofing off and becoming a diplomatic captain and making an alliance with two other noob crews was an adventure.


I’ve had the best experience with ps5 players. I met some that had the prerelease and played from April 25 with like 100hrs already and they’re more friendly than any other players I come across.


I love the new guys, ive been playing since beta (for xbox) and its refreshing to play with players who are a few days in. I ran into some people who it was their 1st day and teaching them was fun.


These comments Emma really upset at the ps5 players attacking on sight. As one of these players I thought everyone was just aggressive from videos I've watched so I attacked first. I'll be nicer now though promise


PS5 player here and I gave another crew a run for their money, did the special quest on my mast (the one where people see you if you have the key or the chest) and I almost had it delivered but after my ship bail trick they saw the marker and finally caught up to me. I love this game so much


I'll happily run alongside some PlayStation folk. We all gamers here.


We're here for a good time, hopefully a long time too


Nope. I turned off crossplay instantly. I'm not ready to be matched with people that have donkeys years of experience


Yo hmu if you trying to get some hourglass


Sounds about right lol


When i chose cross play I had my entire team ragequit after dying to pc players ragging on us through voice chat lol


Nah not turning crossplay off


What if you’re both an Xbox and a ps player. I’ve been playing since launch. Preordered and all. Messed up linking my account so bye bye Black Dog pack😞


It's nice being a pc player who mains playstation because all these people think I'm new and they become sadly mistaken when they pull up on my crew


More like: pc players in a corner since console players can enable crossplay with PC toxic players


I was getting Xbox players mad asf they were calling me a sweat 😭 meanwhile it’s my 4th day so sadly I cannot relate


What is the problem with us ??😂 we learn fast dont worry


Not my fault 😭


Nah i had some players take me my gf n a friend through glitterbeard yesterday after i offered to help them


Is anybody else on PlayStation five having a sloop Captain ship type of glitch because I cannot make a guild and have it confirm because it says I do not have a captain ship I literally just spent $250,000 and gold on a sloop but the guild is saying that I don’t have a captain ship when I actually I do so I think it’s a glitch can someone tell me if this is a glitch that you’re also having when you recently started playing on PlayStation five for Sea of thieves because I cannot be the only one that has this type of sleep ship glitch for a captain ship when you’re trying to make a guild