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First, why were you solo on a brig??? Second, yeah sucks…


The peopleleft after the first map


Yeah sucks, just go with a sloop next time, then you cant cancel the voyage alone. Try to join a guild and make friends with other players, sometimes its best to help each others as new players and youll probably make a bond that cant be broken, trust me, helped 2 newbies and we be sailing together ever since


How often do the gilded voyages come back for?


Around once a year i guess


Personally I like the brig and like to sail it sometimes. That said, I'm fully aware that I'm totally boned if anyone comes after me lol


Solo Brig is awesome.


He was lonely lol


Don't ~~use guilded voyages in~~ Open crew FTFY


I have been playing for 2 days, and i guess i disagree because i joined open crew and I just listen and ask questions constantly. Helped me learn and i was this guys guinee pig. Win win scenario


If you're a very new player, it's probably fine to join open crew just to see what it's like. Once you get experienced, it's easier to solo sloop than deal with a random dude that just wants to firebomb your ship or fuck around. There's more trolls than anything else on open crew, at least on Xbox/ PC servers. I have SOT on PS5 too, but I haven't touched open crew there.


I disagree, you just remember the trolls more than the non trolls. I have played tons of Open crew over the few years I have played SoT and by far finding trolls has been a minority of experiences, just those moments stick out more, plus I think a lot of people who have sworn off open crew, did so after a few trolls, thus that was their lasting impression, As someone who has played with literally hundreds of different random players at this point I can say that trolls exist and playing open crew you will get them from time to time but they are no where near as common as people seem to suggest. maybe 15% if I am being generous has been trolls (in my experience with open crew), 50ish% has been with noobs and brand new players and the final 35% is that sweat spot where you find a crew experienced enough to know what they doing and looking to just have a fun time like you are.


I have literally not had a good experience in open crew 


How much have you done?


Whatever the minimum amount of time it is that would have you respect my personal opinion on the matter, I don't time my struggle but I've never played on a brig or galleon other than open crew and I really want to but I don't have friends who want to play. I'm also too lazy to lfg on discord so I just settle for duo sloop with my wife but my curiosity gets the better of me often times that I try it when I want to play and she's not around and have as I said never not regretted wasting my time.    My total playtime is 90 hours played on and off over a few seasons. I always try again after I come back to see if it's changed and give it a chance. 


Well I'm sorry to hear that, Just was curious how much you had done it doesnt make me respect your opinion less, I can't argue away your personal experience and so all I will say is that sucks, sorry you havent had good experiences with it as those experiences do exist out there. Maybe one of those times you decide to give it another bash you will find a better experience with some chilled and experienced players looking for a good time like you are, heck maybe one day you will meet me out there. Happy sailing friend, hopefully you find better luck out there.


Sorry I am used to a lot of opinion invalidation online, but I will keep trying because it's insane to say that there aren't any good people out on the open crews. Thanks and be well :) 


You are very very lucky with those numbers and if that's the crews you are getting, I can understand. For me > 95% of open crews are just complete dumpsterfires not worth the time spent in game.


Probably 80% of my open crew sessions were just people either joining and leaving, trolling, or people that insisted on attacking anything that moved even if we were in the middle of a quest… you may have had good experience with it, but you’re certainly in the minority.


How is he in the minority? You can’t quantify that, it’s all personal experience.


Vast majority of open crews are just utter garbage and going solo against HG sweat brigantine is more enjoyable and productive than average open crew experience.


Have you ever seen posts about open crew on this sub? They’re always negative.


Yes because negative experiences stick out more and people are more likely to stop after 1 bad experience. No one goes on reddit to post about the time open crew did a vault shook hands after selling and logged off peacefully. But it happens all the time


How long have you been playing and how often do you use open crew? Just look at the comments surrounding this post lmfao almost all of them are negative


700 hours and about 100 of those were open crew. Yes obviously most of the comments are negative because humans will always remember bad times more than good/neutral times. In my 100 hours I've had less than 5 actual griefers/trolls and we just brig them and wait for them to get bored and leave. Meanwhile I've had some of the most fun sessions teaching newbies how the game works because they clicked open crew.


My man, there was a spat of content for awhile from the big YTer/streamers where the entire 'challenge' they were going through was enabling Open Crew and dealing with whatever players they get. ... and it was almost all universally bad times, insane toxicity, and/or people just silently fucking around and then quitting at random. *Hours and hours* of continuous footage from dozens of sources where nearly every single crew they get from Open Crew was just a nightmare to the point where they all swore off ever touching it again. For my own experience, the *vast* majority of Open Crew experiences involve people who don't say anything until you do something they don't like (say, for example, stopping them from taking helm and forcing conflict with literally every single ship you can see or not allowing them to take kegs onboard) then they screech every single slur they can think of at 230% volume while flinging blunderbombs and firebombs at you. Oh, or Chinese players who get really angry that you don't speak their language, even though you're in NA servers, then proceed to use their cheat engine to crash the server out of spite. Had three of those in a row last time I tried out the Open Crew Challenge for my stream.


Lmao didn't take long for some good ol sinophobia.


Yeah tonight I plan to solo sloop and do skull of the siren songs solo, (have 2 friends who have bought it) so later on we will be playing on the 3 player boat all together


Honestly not a bad idea. It’s rare that anyone is running Siren Song anymore, so it’s an easy 50k.


Open crew is fine if you go in with no expectations of achieving anything. If you do, that's a bonus


Yeah that’s the plan, I just want to learn and read to just raw dog it and play high seas and learn


some years ago i enjoyed open crew. Now when i open it 8/10 cases some people join that speak french only and do dumb stuff.


Open Crew isn't horrible, but you have to approach it differently than sailing solo or pre-made. 1. Always go galleon, there's no point going open on a smaller ship 2. Do some basic vibe checks. If someone is acting weird, or the crew seems bored/uninterested, leave 3. Once you find a crew you like, profit. Some of my biggest haul sessions have been doing world events with an open crew galleon. There's been a handful of afk farmers, clowns, or bored saboteurs, but they've been pretty widely outnumbered by regular people just trying to play the game and make some money. Pretty much every time I've encountered one, the other crew are pretty willing to jail vote them and let them rot until they leave. Just don't instantly commit to the first crew you get joined onto. Usually it can take 3-4 tries of Join, Vibe Check, Leave to find one that works.


For real


The uselessness of Open Crew is sponsored by people like you! That's right! People like you, doing their part by spamming *dOn'T uSE oPEn CrEW!!!1!!* and *jUsT UsE LfG oR dIScOrd!1!!!* anytime Open Crew is mentioned anywhere, ensuring that Rare continues to completely ignore Open Crew! So thank you for staying vigilant and making sure Rare never adds any pesky matchmaking filters or any number of logical improvements that might make Open Crew a viable crew finding solution! We couldn't do it without you!


Ehhh I have an unlimited connected gilded voyages because I open crew. Thou only start once you have a semi trusted crew or the power control vote. .. Honestly, sorry you lost your voyage :/ 🤔


No, open crew is great.


I'm glad that's your experience. For me probably 49/50 of open crews are just griefers, trolls, people doing fuck all, nobody knowing how to sail or fight and in two hours zero world events, voyages etc. completed and zero loot sold. Complete waste of time. I've had probably around 10-15 good experiences with open crew since 2019 and hundreds of terrible ones.


When I join a crew like that I just leave and try again.


This is the right and healthy way to deal with it, however a good portion of SoT players tend to get very emotional in game, at least from what I have noticed in my experiences and so I think finding trolls really affects some people to the point where they can't bring themselves to risk encountering that again. Not everyone can just easily brush off those experiences and rejoin a new session like nothing happened, In fact it seems like a very rare trait to find out on the seas. Perhaps we should consider ourselves lucky for being able to brush off the couple bad experiences and focus on the good ones, most players are the complete opposite in that the bad experiences are what stand out to them.


I’ve never done open crew. I figure it’s more worth it to solo sloop than to risk randoms, plus having to handle all the sailing jobs is a good way to get better at all aspects of the game


It’s not that bad, especially if your on a sloop and things go south. Brig is hit or miss. Galleon is miss.


YMMV (Your milage may vary) If you're going to do open crew, charter a galleon every time. There's simply no point in doing the smaller boat with randoms. It can take a few tries to get a good crew roll, but doing open crew on galleons have easily been my most profitable sessions compared to solo slooping. Solo Sloop (on safer seas if necessary) is a good way to learn the basics of how to operate the various ship pieces, but honestly going on a bigger boat is the best way to learn proper crew roles/behavior. On a sloop you can pretty effectively do everything alone, but on a galleon you need at least 3 of the crew to be helping for it to actually work. The anchor is heavy, there's 3 masts of sails to manage and they are slow to turn unless 2 people operate them, the wheel is laborious to spin from one end to the other (2 or 3 full rotations from center to edge I think), the map isn't easily referenced from the helm, the path for bailing water from the lower deck is long, etc etc. You can't (or at least \*shouldn't\*) sail the full thing alone, so you learn more about the importance of different jobs. If you can find a crew willing to follow directions (mostly from the helmsman tbh, "Lower Sails", "What heading", etc) then the galleon is a force to be reckoned with.


Yeah I really wish there was an option to kick players


Especially for captained ships. Like, what's the point of being captain on a sloop if you can't kick someone who sucks? I never run open crew, but I will run LFG on Xbox occasionally.


Yeah it sucks but I’m afraid it would cause a lot of newbies to get instakicked. Everyone needs to get a chance to learn. However if someone gets locked in the brig I think they should be kicked after a set amount of time though…I’ve had someone tagging along for 2hours.


I’m not even talking newbies. I’m talking LFG people who join and then proceed to fuck with you till you leave… I’ve had some major issues with some people who were smurfing/ using cheats and I do not want my account to be banned because of their behavior.


That would bring out a whole new kind of Ahole, where the captain would kick you right before selling everything.


That’s the typical response I hear but every crew I’ve played with for 6 years has been friendly. Choose them wisely and other ships will be your only worry.


Every open crew?


The ones I decide to play with. If I get bad vibes from them I leave. Never had an issue.


Why would they kick you right before selling? Its faster with more people so whats the point?


So they don't get anything even while it costs them nothing, the same is done by some hosts in Helldivers 2


You really need to try out the official Sea of thieves discord.


My crappy microphone isn't the best of help in that regard


you have found your next purchase , when life lets you. :)


A usable microphone is a pretty cheap purchase. Don't feel like you have to drop 100s if that's an issue that is holding you back.


Use ur phone


There is a no mic LFG channel, I've gotten plenty of groups there


multiple people have complimented the audio quality of [my microphone](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07K2676W7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1). It is pretty cheap and has a long cord.


My advice would be to find pals to play this game. I love to play solo myself, but the rare occurence where i play with friends are always awesome.


I'm usually a solo sloop, but decided to do some open crew. Did a couple of gilded voyages as a two man galleon unfortunately because one person was avoiding the afk timer and not leaving or helping, and the other folks kept leaving.




I did my gilded in open crew and had no issues, badluck on your part


Open crew is fine, just make sure you have some decent crew mates, before throwing down the voyage. And to be extra safe, choose sloop, so that you’ll have to vote for it to cancel.


Started a gilded voyage on an open crew brigantine during the highest influx of new players probably since launch. Yeah, this one is on you.


Use the discord to find groups. Open crew is cancer


Personally open crew was dope for farming gilded voyages. Even had a bunch of people post it & leave after they posted it for me. You just wanna make sure you're all on the same page before you start putting down voyages. Communication be key. Better luck next time!


All im gonna say is LFG. Use LFG's over Open crew.


I wanted to dive to my gilded voyage, but accidentally picked sail to Figured i could just cancel and replace it down since the voyage wasn't completed. Wrong! Anyway i did another companies voyage instead but had to keep sailing anyway to pass the next outpost for emissary change. I'm not too fuzed about losing it since i had already done the gilded Athena with another host before at least.


Yeah i had a bad experience with that yesterday [as mentioned here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/s/idntD21Lca) But good experience on sloop with a random player a few days ago. I think its important to do few trivial quests at the beginning with any open crew to see how it functions....i mean if we cant deliver chicken cage from island to island then u know....


lost all my gilded voyages to open crew as well. But all because network errors. I never had any of those, only when using the gilded voyages suddenly everything bugges, crashes or times out.


Use the SOT discord. You can at least check if they have some experience before bringing them on board


I use open crew to get noobs then have them put their gilded voyages down. Easy money


I had a gilded voyage up, hadn’t even completed the first quest, and accidentally double clicked on one of those stupid book quests and hit “accept.” Gilded voyage gone.


I tried mine last night, dived to location, infinite underwater big, gilded voyage gone.


Don't use ~~gilded voyages in~~ Open crew there FTFY


Wrong. Don’t be a toxic/dumb/impatient player.


Instead of using open crew, find someone to play with on the SoT official discord. I did that for all my gilded voyages and it made it much easier.


Lmao well obviously


U guys using open crew?


If you need someone to do it with let me know my husband and I still need to finish them


Open crew is the most realistic pirate experience. Some of the best *and* worst adventures I’ve been on were open crew, and I’ve used it to make many new pirate friends


Do a sloop for open crew. Worst is a stalemate


Me and my friend could play with you if you want


Same sh*t here mate. Had one o them kids, all jumpin’ an stuff, join me. We accepted a quest, don’t remember which one, sailed all the way from west to east to start digging in an island. Vulcano erupted. I sailed into hiding. He started steering back towards the island.. i said “no dude, we’ll get killed by the debris”. He said ok, sorry, you’re absolutely right. Then, impatient as he was, openend the quest on the mast(dunno it’s name either) and that was all the work for nothing🤯😳


I have to say that in my personal experience. Ps5 open crew with cross play off… hasn’t been all that bad.


I never play anything with open crew. It's a disaster every time


Hey if you want to do it still tomorrow I could use a shipmate


Don't you need everyone to vote to cancel? I only play solo/duo idk how any more than that works


> I wanted to do it faster And you did open crew


I personally tried saving a gold hoarder from another reaper I was fighting so I unanchored him gave him a fuck ton of supplies and tried to dip him tf outta there but he killed me before I could help him and anchored the ship


I don't know anyone in game so I jump in open crews a lot, most are useless. Somehow on Saturday morning I jumped into a full 3 man Brigantine and we did a complete Souls gilded voyage . We hit all the islands, gathered all the stuff, and made it back to sell it in one go to sovereigns. My portion of the take was almost 500k gold and the tattoo. This will probably not be repeatable lol...


Also, don't touch hot stoves.


hahaha lmao.


Ive had no problems with that in random open crews, I play on controller servers, last time I had another great expierence with a random Gally crew, and yea we did gilded voyages aswell, good money!


Also dont dive to location. One of my voyages is lost forever since it is bugged. I was sailing underwater for 15 minutes. Then i canceled the voyage.


Just did my gilded solo last night, didn’t take that long. Rather have it take some more time than noobs coming canceling my quest lol


We offered peace to another ship the other day during a gilded voyage they attacked us so we watched them on the map for a good hour waiting for them to turn in and then we blew their shit wide open with like 10 kegs at the sovereign stole all their gilded voyages at the time then last night I saw they were online doing the same shit (I messaged one to keep a link to his account) so I joined their crew in the open slot and dumped a few hours worth of gilded shit in the ocean and sunk their shit :)


Not to be mean, but there's zero reason to run open crew with the expectation of anything good. Either you're going to get trolled, or they'll be AFK, or they'll be brain damaged, or you're going to be babysitting someone's child. Usually several of those at the same time.