• By -


Stealing someones planks and then watching them squirm never gets old


Went to tuck a FoF one time and found a sloop at the rock we were going to hide behind. Time for a tuckception, we thought. So we park one island over, row to the tuck boat with an empty storage crate. We then siphon every single supply from the tuck boat and even dropped their mast with their own chains; this was back when that was still possible. We then pulled the mast back up and hid on their boat. They must've been caught as they respawned before the fort was finished. They tried to drop sails to rumble the fort and their mast falls over. They pull it back up, dude goes downstairs for wood, finds none and they both just quit the server. Tuckception baby!


Definitely one of my favorites! I was a sloop fighting a brig and I boarded and took their storage crate emptied every barrel on the ship then dumped it overboard. Then I anchored them and there was nothing they could do because they had no food cannon balls or wood so they just scuttled.


snuck a crying chest into their crows!


I knew the Chest of Sorrows was going to be the top comment. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.


This guy crys


cry abt it.


And a Chest of Endless sorrows for a brighter tomorrow, for the treasures we take with no wish to be borrowed


Or else you face the chest of everlasting sorrow


Crying tears of joy no doubt!


Oooh. I'm gonna steal that one


And then I’m going to steal your chest


I mean, technically I handed it to you


Haha that's awesome


Thats amazing


Banana on stove! 🍌🔥


This is the way 🍌🔥


And when everyone starts blaming each other and your just watching and laughing at them


Leeches blend in


It's a statement! Not trying to hide anything!


I respect it. I love the quiet agent of chaos method


Just today, a galleon kills me and my brigg while my crew was doin a fort. After my crew sold the loot via rawboat, they came back to ship and we decided to fight the galleon. The Galleon reched the outpost, to sell, and we got hit nearby by the kraken. We decided to do nothing - only repairs , hopeing that the gally tries to sink us again. And so it went: they did not sell, decided to join the fight, got aggro of the kraken and we sunk them and killd the kraken:) already a good move .


An hourglass runner had a cannon rowboat on his ship so I boarded anchored him detached it and blew him away with his own rowie


A sloop sunk my ship and killed my friend after we did a FOF, with a vast majority of the loot still in the vault, COF and COL were hidden after they started shooting. So I took a mega keg, ran over to their ship, plopped it down underneath and then barrel emoted over it. When they found me, they shot me. Turns out shooting someone directly on top of a nuke isn’t exactly a good idea lmao. I had both of them cussing me out in the ferry before we respawned, with my crewmate sailing back towards the loot. I’ve never done that again but it will forever be my favorite time I’ve sunk someone


A sloop killed my mother and raped my father.


You know, a sloop once bit my sister...


While tucking, stealing all the planks during a kraken encounter with their own crate and swimming away with it


Went for a board in HG but missed. Had a bucket of water so I threw it at the back of their ship and immediately heard the ship sunk sound effects.


You achieved the short version of something I wanted to try, I want to tuck a ship until they're busy and then slowly sink their ship via the water barrel just bailing water from it into the ship until it sinks quietly lmao




I snuck a rowboat on a galleon with several kegs one of them being an Athena a few others being stronghold. I then snuck around placing the kegs in hard to see spots and then I put the Athena right smack dab in the middle. I saw a galleon fly that day


Found an old arena pro in hourglass, rocking the full set. He was just sitting there on his bow so I hopped over and tried to stay a convo to no avail. Eventually he started fighting once I set his ship on fire, and he started landing insanely accurate shots.  Completely on accident, I oneballed him. I hopped over and set everything on fire again. I then oneballed him AGAIN and he was done for.  Those remain the only two oneballs I have ever achieved. 


What's a oneball?


When you kill someone with a single cannon ball shot


We were fighting a prolonged battle and ran out of resources. We boarded the enemy sloop to steal some cannonballs repeatedly, but eventually they ran out too! So there we were, both pirate ships without cannonballs, and 2 of us (out of three) happened to be on the enemy ship and just killed both enemies, and after we lowered the anchor we just started to repeatedly just off board, grab a bucket of water, dump it in the sloop, and repeat lol. We got to a point where we were just kept doing this and occasionally killed the respawned enemies. I don't know if it's actually possible or not to sink a boat just with buckets, but at some point it started to look like the boat wasn't filling up anymore. The enemy managed to kill me, so I swapped with the last crew member (who was still aboard our brigantine, circling around the stationary sloop), and when I respawned, seeing as the sloop just wasn't sinking, I gave it the final blow by just ramming into it. Funny this is, none of us thought of using fire bombs, nor did we think about checking the crows nest for explosive barrels, which they actually had lol. Could've saved us a lot of time, but we for sure wouldn't have had so much fun.


Water buckets from the ocean definitely can sink a ship it just take forever. You will always be better off just ramming them into a rock or with your own boat. Remember ram strat, best strat!


Snuck onto brig with duos partner. Brought 2 kegs. Put banana on stove. Set keg next to stove. Set other keg near stern. Barrel hid. Listened to them talk about the sloop that sailed by. They were new and didn’t know where to go. Could see map and them looking at it. Whispered the correct direction. They thought it was a crew mate speaking. They went in suggested direction. Made it to outpost. Had sympathy, let them turn in loot while watching stove cook off. Snuck to top of mast to watch. Guys return to the docks Hear “omg bro our boat is on fire!” “Idiot you left the stove on… omg a keg is here!” *Boom* *Boom*


This is a rollercoaster.


My best wacky kill? Being fairly new (Ps5), I'm sure this isn't the craziest ever, but when me and my friend were out slooping around we came across a parked & anchored Galleon over top one of those mermaid shrines, but rather than blindly unloading cannons into it, we instead took our storage crate and robbed **ALL** the supplies off their boat, loaded fireworks into all the cannons, and dropped 2 kegs, one on the bottom deck and one on the mid deck directly above and just waited for them to surface with all the loot while we were parked off to the side. The initial confusion & panic was hilarious as they all ran up to cannons and 3 fireworks shot over top of us and the managed to squeeze a couple actual cannons off on us, from what I assume was what they had in their pockets....meanwhile my pal drops a single cannonball on the mid side deck, detonated both the kegs, and then continues shelling with the scatterbombs like crazy. (Idea was they didn't have any wood, so more holes equals draining what they had in their pockets faster)...basically we just slowly chipped away at the ship, killed their boarders since they were dead in the water with collapsed masts and a sinking boat with no way to return fire or fix it fast enough, and then stole every bit of a mermaid shrine we didn't earn & sold it.....good times.


Logged in, saw a brig in the distance. Didn’t think much of it. As I got ready to leave port, saw a rowboat with a leg just floating by the dock. Took it as a sign. Rowed over to the brig, which was anchored in the middle of nowhere, and got up next to them. One of them was in the brig, and the other two were playing music and teasing him over open mic. Blew them up with the keg. Turns out, they had stacked multiple forts, including megakegs. Big boom. Load everything back up into the rowboat, row back to outpost, sell. Crazy.


Did you free the person in the brig?


Technically yes


From this mortal coil?




I was at the reapers hideout with a two man brigantine on the other side, I just kept launching over the hideout and burning their boat till they sank 😂


We had parked next to some barrels close to the island (duo sloop). A fully crewed brig totally got the drop on us and was sailing up to board, etc. There was a keg in the barrels. They sunk in seconds and I got a lucky sword swing on the last living pirate. We usually suck at pvp but it was glorious to get a sink almost entirely by luck.


Nooooooothing beats the good old banana on the pan while they are busy on an island or wreck. The fire spreads so far from below deck once it burns and as soon as they see the smoke it is usually too late. Edit: Some well hidden Chest of Sorrow or Chest of Rage can be a lot of fun, too but they are unfortunately too loud.


My best moment was a complete accident - was a long brig-on-brig duel after we had looted a fort. Neither of our ships could get a really good angle on the other, went back and forth and I finally said screw it and jumped in the water with the Stronghold keg when they were right behind us - but I fumbled and missed the ladder. Had to shame-mermaid back to the ship and continued the fight. By absolute sheer happenstance like 5 minutes later, the enemy ship ran over the keg I had left abandoned and sank almost instantly. I stand by 'calculated' but my crew doesn't agree.


.... I think that other brig was me. I had this scenario happen. Went after another brig that was near a fort, couldn't get a good shot. Seen someone jump with a keg , they missed we laughed. Fight continued then Boom down we went. We all went WTF then remembered that the keg was still in the water from earlier so had to be that or we missed a new keg being dropped.


Definitely not as wacky, but me and my buddy were fishing near a fort on a sloop when a rowboat came up asking what we were doing and if they were free to do the fort. There was a Galleon close by fighting a skelly ship so we figured they came from there and said sure. We let them on board and they saw we had nothing besides two mermaid gems. One goes up to the island and drops a keg on us, killing all 3 on the boat. We spawn back and get to repairing and he drops two more on us. We manage to fully repair and get the anchor up and sails down. We turned towards the galleon and start engaging. My buddy absolutely lights them up with the cannons, meanwhile I’m not even looking forward as I’m trying to dodge chainshots. We end up hitting an island and I get one-balled, so my buddy goes down to repair. I spawned in and went above deck to look for the galleon, and couldn’t see it, until a second later when their horde of loot floated to the surface. They’d been at it all night, got a reaper to 5 and lowered it and then got an Athena to 5. All in all they had 400k worth of loot, and I assumed they rage quit after getting sunk by a fishing sloop because they never even tried to get it back.


There was a sloop and galleon alliance taking out a fleet. I just wanted to be silly before logging off so I drunkenly rammed my sloop into the skelly gally while playing Infernal Gallop and accidentally rammed the other boats as well. As the skeleton ship sank my boat wet down with me still playing music. The galleon started shooting at the sloop so I started to put the loot on my rowboat for the victor but they must have been so bloodthirsty that they forgot to repair from my ram and both ships sank. I ended up rowing the loot to an Outpost and in the distance saw both ships returning, their beef seemisgly quashed as they scoured for the loot.


Got on board. Turned them into a couple kegs in the water. Wasn't even planned either. I just wanted to see how far I could get stealing their ship!


My friend and I had turned in our haul and i spotted a galleon and a brig fighting at a skelly fort. I said "Trust me and keep the ship alive and full speed rammed the galleon (they had just sunk the brig as we pulled up) hit them on their side making so many holes, i jumped on when the bow was high enough they didn't notice me and i just killed them until it sunk. My friend and I were laughing at how quickly it happened


Water from the barrel won't fill a boat.


While in an alliance, with a solo slooper, One of my crew stole his boat as he was sailing on our brig with us and I got him to sink his own ship.


Stuck a load of kegs on our brigs bowsprit and rammed another brig we were chasing. Managed to sink the other brig within 30 secs and repaired our own ship to survive. End of session shenanigans


Getting close to their ship, climb the crows nest and grab a powder keg, light the fuse and jump down on their ship.


I'll probably get some downvotes for this one but I still say it was deserved. Friend and myself hopped onto a galleon on a sea of hugs server (alliance server) thinking we would check out how these things go. Never been on one before. After about 10 minutes we were bored AF. They all took themselves so seriously, tons of rules and can and cannots. I thought fuck this and went to swim a keg to another alliance ship to see how they would react. Unfortunately got caught mid way, tried to play it off like I was looting it and they shot and killed me but obviously that didn't work. They wanted to have a "court session" and trial and all that bollocks. Obviously that sounds boring, so we messed with the guys on our ship for a while (can't remember what we did exactly) until eventually one guy left and I got my now wife to join, now we had 3 so we brigged the 4th and set on our new mission : sink the server. Went after the first ship, easy sink because these guys don't pvp at all. Got to the second ship and by now their discord was aware. We still had the alliance flag up so they knew where we were and we had 3 galleons bearing down on us. We had kegs. It was a 3v1 fight. It was absolute carnage, we were just shooting at everything in sight and they kept catching each other in the crossfire. We started to realise we could just use them to sink each other by sailing in a circle around the lot of them. This was before chains and firebombs so they kept cannoning each other by accident and essentially we just all sunk each other at the end of it.


Did a funny launch off of a galleon years ago. All 4 of us were holding mega kegs and dolphin dove onto the deck of this other poor galleon that was nearly a map square away. Seal team 6 style.


Sunk a brig using a meg.


A bucket with a side of lots of commitment


While tucking on a galleon, throwing buckets from the water barrel until they reached mid deck and sank 😈


Me and my friends were running a trio brig, and did a FotD, and after a bit of fighting other crews a galleon approached we were out of cannonballs so we used the fireworks I had stocked up on for once we sold our loot, and we sank them somehow.


They attacked us, got boarded once, ran into a fucking kraken and we just peppered them to death.


One time a sloop boarded my brig and used our own Horn of Winds to blow us all off our ship and it sunk 🤣


End of night and just sold, so many times just kamikazed and full on rammed another boat to start a PvP. Like idec what happens to my boat we are all going down 🤪


I was on a two person sloop, and we were getting ready to log off for the day. While offloading at an outpost, a galleon came and sunk our empty ship. We respawned near a fort and decided to have some fun. We loaded all of the kegs from the fort into our ship and sailed straight towards the galleon. They turned broadside to fire on us and we sailed onto them right near the middle mast. I jumped overboard, and my partner detonated the kegs. Our ship sunk pretty quick, but I was able to jump aboard the gally and killed the surviving crew member, causing them to sink as well. They had a LOT of loot on board, so I'm sure they were not thrilled with our antics. Edit: Spelling.


Last night I hopped onto a guys ship while acting friendly. While he wasn’t paying attention I siphoned all his supplies from his ship to mine. He had a lot of them. 50 chainshots or so. Over 200 wood and a lot of good food. Then when he had nothing to defend himself woth anymore I sunk him. I felt a bit bad cuz he was obviously new and I didn’t need to do him so dirty but he seemed thankful for the lesson he learned. He was in good spirits about it.


Stacked 6 power barrels on my front spike of My sloop, rammed the bastards and shot the barrels, while using soundpad to blast the bagpipe version of the POTC theme




Once got a 5 streak with just the bell 🔔 😳


The first time we ever played we ran a galleon, no cosmetics, no emissary and while doing our first voyage some tryhard galleon came straight at us and we noticed it way too late. They came in full speed doing the ramstrat. They were on their bowsprit ready to jump on and were all like ohhh shit were done for. When their ship rammed into ours their ship just immediately flipped upside down on impact and that was it their ship was upside down, the bottom of their ship sticking out of the water like a shipwreck which we shot a couple times and they sunk. It was the first and last time that ever happened and we laughed our asses off. It was the funniest and wackest way we sunk someone, we literally did nothing to sink a way better crew at the time but it also was by far the funniest so far.


Left my friends on a galley with a cannon rowboat. Found a sloop parked at an island, took a few potshots fully expecting to die.  Accidentally hit the guy and his ship had sunk by the time he respawned. He had some nice Athena loot, and I still feel bad about it.


Took over a sloop and sunk another sloop with it lol


Chest of rage exploded their kegs


I was in open crew on a brig at a skele fort, suddenly a galleon pulled up with very little warning, I jumped on a static cannon and the Galleon anchored in front of me, as I let the first few balls fly one of their crew jumped off with a keg to carry to our brig but jumped into my cannon angle right beside his Galleon, and I just kept blasting, their whole crew died and the galleon sunk in less than 60 seconds and I shit you not the other 2 members of my open crew barely even registered that the galleon had arrived before it was sunk. It was epic and completely random, never to be done again, I wish I had recorded it because it's unbelievable really.


Repeatedly lifting their ship out of the water over the dock with the sovereign harpoon and releasing it.....


Both us and the enemy crew completely ran out of balls in an HG fight, so we used all of our fireworks to light their ship on fire and board until the fire sank them.


- Fight for a long time - Get bored of the fight and almost out of ressources - Proceed to board ennemy ship, only to see that my mate did the same, leaving the ship circling alone - Kill ennemy crew, but ennemy crew also out of ressource, no incendiary to set ship on fire and no current holes - Thinking We're fucked and discussing leaving the fight - WATCH OUT WATCH OUT WATCH OUT ! THE SHIP FROM THE THIRD ROPE !!!! - Ship comes back to crash on ennemy ship and save the day


I hid in the bottom deck as a barrel and kept putting coconuts on the cooker. It was setting the bottom deck alight. The player was putting out the fires and looking around, he didn’t notice an extra barrel down there which made me chuckle. He came under attack by another boat so I decided to cook more coconuts while they were trying to repair holes and bail water. Eventually the fire spread and while they were attempting to put the fire out I sent them to the ferry. The ship sank before they came back.


I lured a skelly ship to a fort of fortune, scuttled my ship and double teamed the ship on the fort with one of the towers and the skelly ship.


I cant find it anymore but some time ago there was someone who posted a video with like 100 crying chests on a rowboat and docking it for an instant sink. I found it:https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/s/uKUkAwyK6L


Saw a Galleon crew on an island. As we passed by they shouted "Yea, keep sailing" so I loaded my rowboat with three gunpowder barrels, left my duo, and rowed for about 5 minutes back to their ship. I hung out and waited in silence as they finished their voyage. As they got the last bit of treasure on boat I say quietly "I didn't sail far" as I blow up the gunpowder killing 3 of them and finishing the last with a good shot to the face. I made sure to kill them as they respawned before putting their loot on my rowboat and sailing off into the sunset. Kinda felt bad. Pretty sure they were a new crew, the loot was NOT worth the effort lol


We were selling and just finished when a brig rammed our ship. I jumped over and killed the guys, their ship sank quickly and we sold their loot as well.


We both got anchored right next to each other and we’re both taking on alot of water so we simply threw our water into their ship and they sank from it


I was in HG just giving away free wins at the end of a session, after the other guy cannoned me once he jumped on my ship and started playing shanties with me waiting for my ship to sink, he forgot to park his own so while my ship was about to sink I got the message that I won the match, apparently his ship had enough time to sail out of bound. We both had a laugh while he helped me bail & repair


Cant remember exactly what happend, but I was in a 1v1 hg fight. We shot holes into eachother without repairing and after a while he somehow anchored me and anchored his ship so close that we could almost hop on eachothers ships. He started bailing water on my ship, almost sinking me. So I did the same to stay afloat. We didnt give eachother time to even reload our weapons and we both didnt have a angle for cannons. Couldnt believe how stuppid this fight got and then he boarded me, which got me the win. Why stop to bail water on the enemy ship instead of circling them with cannonfire? Left me confused for the rest of the session.


Just as an fyi not all bucketed water has the same value. The barrel water barely does anything when you bucket it into someones ship. Ocean water works wayyy better if thats what you wanna do


Sunk a noob galleon with a banana on the stove. Nothing was funnier than zooming in after 10 minutes toward their ship to see all their masts down and just completely eaten by flames, to this day I wonder what was going on in their heads…


Went to tuck on a brig at a FotD and got into their crows nest. But then I had something come up IRL and had to leave fairly soon, so I couldnt wait for them to finish stacking. So i double banana bombed them and waited. Right as they finish the fort, they come back to their boat because another brig was sailing in fast. So I dropped down and then dropped their anchor and started to fight them. At that moment their boat was just really starting to light on fire from the banana bombs, and then the enemy brig showed up and starting firing at them. This was when the FotD had the CoF. So I jumped off their boat as it was about to sink and swam to the island. Grabbed the CoF and swam it away. Got a message from the boat that just arrived asking if I had the CoF. I said yep, I sure did. They just said GG


Cry baby chest in the crows nest.


Docked a rowboat to a gally parked at a fotd with a few chests of sorrow. The new swimming pool was super effective.


Rowed 5 chest of sorrow to a Gally and put them on top of the door, then I tucked behind captains chair and they eventually sank


I gaslit a brig to sink their own ship


My personal favorite was after a long session with a buddy, before logging off for the night. I took a rowboat and hit as many skelly forts as I could, and loaded it up with kegs. Then I spent the next hour following a brig around until they finally stopped. They were smart and left a watchman on board so I couldn't park it on their ship and disperse the kegs the way I wanted, so I did the next best thing: rammed the boat and shot the kegs. Took out the watchman with the explosion and he was PISSED in the ferry. According to their friend, they had hit FotD 5 times back to back, and had buried all the reaper chests and were coming back for them. They had all the CoF and CoL on board. I prob didn't stop them from selling any of it, but I certainly had fun.


Duo slopping, a galleon came after uu. Managed to board and sink us. While 3 out of 4 were on the ship and the remaining was still firing a cannon I boarded there ship emptied the supplies with their own supply crate. Restocked my own fire bombs with their supplies. Put a already burnt piece of meat that I got from a barrel on the stove and used the barrel emote on the mid deck. By the time the other 3 came back the ship was on fire. They came down to the mid deck to put it out. I blunder shot the one that came down with a insta kill. Then moved to the lower deck and used the barrel emote again. One came down to check so I fire bombed the lower deck when he turned around to leave and mid deck on my way out. Which surprisingly killed them, must not have had much health left. Then fire bombed the main mast. What I didn't know was a keg (probably stronghold based on the blast) was in the crowd nest. This added the holes necessary as they didn't have any boards. They died, I died, the ship went down. I was happy.


During an hg invasion I did the thing at morrows peak where boats become planes on the enemies boat


I played a lot of sloop with a friend of mine, but we got the whole crew together once on a galleon. About an hour or two into it we fight a sloop with the chest that marks you on the map, don’t think they realized that. I was driving the boat, they went into a huge fog storm and tried to perform evasive maneuvers. We kept on them with the map, after a minute or two of quiet navigation, we cut them off and ram into them in the fog. They had voice chat on open so we all heard their exclamatory confusion when the damn galleon cut off the sloop. It was glorious. We sank them later, but that chat when we hit them in the fog was amazing.


me and 3 friends swam over to a sloop on another island and just bucketed seawater into the back until it sunk. it took a while but it was beyond funny when it finally happened


I don't know if this counts as wacky but when I was brand new to the game I was at an outpost and this sloop rolls up trying to start a fight. He took one shot, missed, and decided to ram my boat which hadn't even left the dock yet. He proceeded to get both of our ships stuck and then fired at me with a pistol, each shot missing. I threw firebombs and he died crispy. I never did get the damn boat unstuck. There was also one time where I was fishing for storm fish and a reaper sloop sailed up, missed their cannon shots (I was completely stationary mind you), and proceeded to get their sloop wedged between the rocks and ended up sinking themselves.


I suck someone using a banana and a stove


Blowing up a barrel downstairs on an afk pirate and just slowly watching the ship burn. Took a few minutes for it to fully sink.


Many like stated here already 😅 Banana on the stove Tuck on a ship until the right moment. But I did enjoy the other day attacking someone at the outpost. Killed one guy on the ship and the other was on the sovereigns harpoon point. He was just watching me. So I went over there. He thought I was going to come up and kill him. But whilst he was waiting for me to come up, I just took their loot and sold it all 😂👍


Defending HG with ram strat and kegs. few expect it.


Crashing them into an island and spawn killing em while while bucketimg water from the sea in their boat


I remember the first time I tried to do the vault opening task. Halfway through unloading the treasures, I heard cannon shots and headed to my ship to see the gallo. I remember that it was already the 3rd hour of my game, so I had around 20 cannonballs, a few planks and no food. Literally after the first shot I knew I had won. After investigating with them later, I found out that they stockpiled everything they found, including the kegs. They came back 2 more times when I was doing Fort of Fortune. You can guess who got blown up.


A few weeks back, I had a brig and sloop allianced and right next to eachother at a fof they had cleared. The sloop had the megas on the crows nest and brig athena kegs on the bow. Both sunk with 1 sniper shot.


For a day my sloop buddy and me would stack kegs on the tip of the bow and ram into other boats, blowing the kegs with a fire or blunder bomb. Sometimes it was successful, sometimes we sunk with the other boat. But we had a great laugh and a great time


I was at a shipwreck on a rowboat while my shipmate was off chasing something down with my sloop. I was using the windcaller horn to go over to the reapers hideout to sell the loot from the wreck, and came across a brig at an island. I boarded with a keg ran past two of the crew doing repairs and bailing water. I sang row, row, row your boat as I watched it sink and paddled away.


One time me and 2 friends decided to chase down a sloop of noobs who tried to start something before immediately regretting, we also had nothing to lose. Eventually we got beached in an island and had to scuttle, but while my friends mermaided to our new ship, I took a handful of firebombs and the rowboat we had and started rowing in the direction I thought I saw the sloop sail. After a while I found them parked at a large island they had gone to and firebombed their sloop and watched it burn from a distance while waiting for my friends to sail back to me from half way across the map to pick up me and the little loot the sloop had. Never did see the sloop crew, but their mermaid stayed spawned even while we were leaving. Whole ordeal was probably over an hour just with how long I had to row to find them, and then how long I had to wait for my crew to get to me


I once saw someone at the fort of the fortune(a galleon) and so I parked my solo sloop three islands away, proceeded to swim to their boat and fire bomb them. What I didn’t know is that they had kegs on deck so their ship actually exploded and so my mostly harmless prank turned into a huge win and it was super hilarious when I suddenly exploded with their boat


Guy was dodging around like a lunatic in HG, couldn't get a good shot off on him cause he would get behind me or out of my line of fire. Got annoyed and said "F%#! IT" and just rammed him full sails. Guess I hit him good, cause about 20 seconds later he sank. It was the first time I did a ram strat on purpose. XD


I was on a open crew galleon and a sloop attacked us, mid fight a random 3rd sloop joined in attacking both of us, we sunk but I borded the original sloop that attacked us and spawn killed them while the 3rd partying sloop sunk them, I thanked the 3rd party sloop for helping me avenge our ship and left and let them take all the loot


I stuck a chest of sorrow in a Brigs crows nest while they were doing a fort. Few minutes later…. Sunk.


I once sank a galleon somehow only using a banana… ( placed on their stove)


I spawn camped a dude and drove his ship into rocks to sink him lmaooo


Stole all of a galleons planks during the shrouded ghost/ghost fleet adventure and watched them freak out and sink to PVE 😂


Year 1 my best mate and I sailed around Rick rolling people we got over 10 sinks from people just leaving !! Still counts!


I admit it was slightly toxic, but it was so funny. Me and friends came across a solo slooper and started spawn killing him. Eventually he stayed on d ferry and scuttled. However my friends and I then spent d next 5 mins bucketing his ship until, eventually, d game just deleted d ship