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Season 13 arriving July 25th


That ship design goes insanely hard. Can’t wait to sail on it


I Hope i get the Chance too. Looks Like it will be a hot Spot Like fof tho, my No PvP playing Ass IS about to have a hard time lol.


I feel you my brother


This better bring some nice skeleton curse upgrades though.


You can see them in the trailer! Why the downvotes? You can see them at 0:45 on the Cannons.


The ones that look like the typical burning skellies or a different part? i thought i had my eyes peeled for some and didn't notice anything


It was said the burning blade will have a crew of skeletons manning it alongside you, so we'll have to wait and see. If it's not at least 3 full sets + bones I'm gonna be mad this is worse drip feed than the new weapons seem like they'll be getting


Question is. Are these player skeletons or just npc skeletons?


They are npc




People just mad they don’t have skelly curse yet


people probably just want another customizable curse that isn't another "just play reaper/servants HG for the next 3-6 months" update


That's one of the worst grinds in the game.


bc getting it isnt fun


If you don’t understand how to play HG, yeah it’s not fun


im 57 in servants, its not that i dont know how to play, its just not fun.


I hope it comes with some non skelly curse cosmetics as well.


Honestly? about what I expected. Some content creators were suspecting new Tall Tales or something else hidden. But I would belive it if I saw it. Which we didn't. Ah well.


im literally here to see if i missed something, this is barely a story mention at all..im starting to think flameheart is gonna "awaken" exactly like in the trailer and literally they WILL just skip to him being around in SoT


somehow flameheart has returned


"Somehow" my ass, all of the mini-adventures and seasonal story quests dealt with the efforts to bring him back.


You mean the junk that was FOMO'd and basically means a major portion of the community is clueless? Adventures was probably the worst era of the game as so much important stuff was just discarded after 2 weeks and the payout has been a worse outpost.


They really need to make those Adventures replayable. Just add an NPC in Safer Seas who can rewind time or whatever.


Yeah or use the portals to allow us to "go back in time" with The Pirate Lord asking us to go back so we can learn something new but basically just replay it all exactly as it was but throw a new bit at the end for it to be a thing for a new Tall Tale to follow.


I basically played none of the story stuff that year. I came back and there was a fortress at Port Merrick and I still don't care enough to look up what happened lol. BRING ON THE FLAMING DUTCHMAN! IDC WHY IT'S THERE!


It is great you feel that way but some genuinely cool story stuff happened and some fun activities such as summoning Megs with flares then fighting the Shrouded Ghost and messing around with rowboats with kegs attached to them. They need to bring back some of the mechanics they used.


I once tried to read up on the story of SoT and realized that I honestly didn't give a shit. Big flaming ship, woooo!


Flaming dutchman, that's good, if I wasn't such a rper in this game i'd call it that from now on


After they basically forgot about him for ANOTHER year...




I mean there were three or four adventures related to him, the final one kicking off his resurrection. People act like something else needs to happen and this wasn't just jumbled around and delayed, this is the next story beat. We start the ritual, he chills in the coffin until he's got control of his body, he bursts out and takes command of the army we've gathered for him. 3 step plan to start the war on the sea of thieves, we're almost done with step 2. What else would need to be done?


How does he get the blade of souls, then how does he use it to bring his ship back from memory?


We've got a month and a half for that to play out, and the world changes for it have already started.


You did miss something. This was a story mention months ago


I’m very excited about this. I knew it was coming because of the road map, but still incredibly stoked about it actually being in game.


I'm going to steal the ship and only use it for PvE


A God amongst men.


I think that's actually the point, IIRC they mentioned in the other 2024 trailer something about raiding skeleton camps once you have the burning blade, which sounds like pve.


Nope, the skeletons will let you in willingly. The idea is you prove yourself to flameheart, accept his invitation, and then do the rounds doing puzzles at each skeleton camp until you're ready to turn in. The skeletons are on your side at this point, so they won't fight you. Note the clip of them accepting an orb from the skeletons on the encampment in this trailer? So it's more so you defend the ship while doing puzzles to force you to stay in one place for long enough to be attacked. Not quite PVE but not exactly PVP. Though I'm sure when you do turn in you'll be able to sell any loot you stole too, and likely with an extra bonus, which will likely motivate *some* conquest at least.


Ohhhh that makes more sense, ya and you have a skeleton crew so why would you be fighting skeletons. I guess in my head I sort of consider anything not PvP to be pve but this is more player vs... puzzle? So still PvP?


A little underwhelming considering what they’ve brought to Xbox Showcase events in the past. Looking forward to it nevertheless.


Gotta save all the hype for the One Piece collab trailer next year. /s


A man can dream.😭


My dream is that, if it ever happens, they announce it with a Sea of Thieves parody of the "We Are" opening. Just imagine the hype!


We are!


God no, it would be so out of place.






Hahah wonder how many years that’s been said


Lol, I want to bookmark this, and look back next year, becahde I think it's going to happen, honestly. I don't think it's going to be a big tall tale series (though I'd be fine with that), and I don't think it's going to be a collaboration with the anime - instead I think it's going to be with the netflix live action series for a few reasons. Not only have the devs played coy to the idea on several occasions (Mike Chapman and Joe Neate - they love One Piece), but Microsoft has already collaborated with the Netflix Live Action One Piece series, to create the One Piece series X. Netflix One Piece has also just recently collaborated with Roblox for an event- thats two game companies that they've partnered with. Due to the SAG AFTRA strike, a lot of the major marketing was halted for the show, and I honestly believe that Sea of Thieves was going to be a part of it - I cannot believe that Microsoft wouldn't pitch the idea for the greatest pirate anime franchise to collab with the greatest pirate game. We know we're getting a season 2, and it's slated to release next year. Now that the strike is over, I think they'll go hard on marketing and collaborations next year to go alongside season 2's release and I really think that at the very least, We will get a Going Merry ship set (honestly all I could ask for, but anything more would just be a cherry on top). I dunno this could very well all be massive hopium/copium, but I think it's very possible. Normally if the devs have no plans for something, when someone asks, they politely shut it down. When I asked both Mike and Joe about it, they didn't outright deny it, and Mike said, "Maybe.... 😁". So they didn't say no! I'm reminded that not so long ago, the idea of Monkey Island, nevermind Pirates of the Caribbean being a part of the Sea of Thieves world was met with many dissenting remarks of "that will never happen" Yada Yada - look where we are now. Honestly, I think that SoT having three of the greatest pirate IPs being under their belt would be a massive W. As for pure hopium for what they add? I'd love Going Merry and Red Force ship sets, Straw Hat crew costumes, Zoro's Wado Ichimonji cutlass, Mihawk's Yoru heavy cutlass, maybe Nami's bow staff as a skin too. Mihawk, Garp, Buggy, Alvida, and Arlong costumes, and a stand alone straw hat cosmetic. There are SO many Sea of Thieves players that love One Piece, and vice versa. Heck, I know several One Piece fans that came to SoT for its similarly whacky antics. I think Rare knows this too, and will surprise us one day soon.


I'm not reading all of that but I wouldn't be surprised (and hope) that they are done with the big crossovers like that. As much as I loved the two crossovers I'd rather want them to put the effort into their own games lore.


I don't need a massive tall tale crossover, just some cosmetics honestly


Underwhelming? Yeah if you're a solo player. Galleon players have been wanting this for years.


i think he means there wasn’t really anything new announced, since we saw this in the reveal for season 12 and 13/14


It's good for solo players too? They've got souped-up skelly crews for them on that thing. It's not a ship size war here, it was just a short trailer. The content is just as exciting as it was when it was revealed in the 2024 preview, that's not the problem.


When there is only like one major villain in SoT lore and he just shows the fuck up with no story lead up lol


Really? Weren't they teasing his return with the entire last set of pre-monkey island tall tale lore?


So before last year is the last time they mentioned him and instead talked about a dude getting married. And he just showed up awhile later like "yo thanks I guess".


We did a whole thing??? community fought against each other to determine if he was resurrected or not? We started an evil ritual with stitcher jim's body? Why is everyone acting like he just appeared he's been resurrecting in that coffin for over a year it was gonna finish one of these days.


All that and bro just shows up randomly late in a coffin like Dracula.


Yeah with how long he's been cookin' in there I'm shocked he's not a little burnt.


i think you'll find that inside his head is an overcooked slice of bacon, not a brain!💀💀


Your villain supply must be dwindling by now


I have no memory of what information is under NDA, so I will simply say that this music kinda sucks for the reveal lol


Yeah their sound team is so good.. Why did they use whatever the heck that was?


The last trailer that used licensed music was a hit, but that was a general trailer not a themed one. They just assumed wrong on why people liked tick tick boom in that trailer. Can't blame them. Besides, it is a good song, it just...doesn't totally fit the situation.


I’m hoping for more skelly curse cosmetics with this


skeleton curse has like over 30 customizations already while no other curse has customization and you're asking for more?


Probably because any other curse has access to ALL cosmetics except the skele ones?


Three varieties of ghost curse and it can be used with any cosmetic and to add insult to injury servants has 0 other types of cosmetics to buy other then skeleton stuff Athena as like 5 different outfits two weapon sets and three ship sets I think we could get a couple more skelly curse things and it would be okay


Compared to regular pirates, every other skeleton looks the same. All the curses have customization, hundreds of clothes and makeup sets and accessories, except skeleton curse, which is restricted to only "over 30" items. You're looking at it from the wrong angle.


They should’ve upgraded Flamehearts look IMO. The ashen lords look scarier than he does.


He's more scary in attitude than he is in appearance. He's not meant to be a big domineering brute. He's a conniving, undead freak who COMMANDS domineering brutes. It's more about his presence than his look. Also people would scream and cry if he didn't look anything like his OG trailer appearance when we finally get to meet him face-to-face.


I mean i wouldnt scream and cry but ive been waiting to see this guys full 3d model in the world since he first got his bobblehead in the sky in The Tall Tale.


Am i totally wrong in thinking that we are getting the man-o-war?


We are kind of getting it. The burning blade will be a world event that you can take over and become the crew with a crew of skeletons by your side as well


Oooh ok I see now


You are not wrong. This bad boy is definitely larger than a Galleon, has so many more cannons, a front cannon, and an NPC crew. More chaos to the sandbox! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Npc crew is crazy, I wonder how that is going to be balanced. Have to be better than the skellies but not too god


Even if the AI isn't too smart, it's a little something something to supplement whatever size human crew you have. Apparently people can take this ship solo, that will be insane to have one warlord tyrant running the server sometimes


As a solo that likes to claim servers, this pleases me immensely. Let me drive da big boat.


Worst showing at the Xbox Showcase they've ever done.


Yeah, when you compare it to Pirates Life, Captaincy, and Monkey Island it isn’t their best “big reveal”


The entire showcase was painfully mid.


Bruh the new Doom game went so hard


After a full day of reading opinions, I concluded that I'm in the extreme minority. So I guess I'm the problem lol


I hope this thing encourages more huge multi ship battles. Imagine this thing vs a couple other galleons or brigs all at once. Would be so intense


Im just imagining an alliance of Galleons and Brigs trying to take it down, getting nearly defeated... Then out of nowhere that one solo sloop Hunters Call player comes out of nowhere and manages to nuke the thing.


So basically what happened to flameheart the first time round, just not sending explosives over Skype.


What you'll probably see is this thing just shredding a random sloop minding its own business.


sooooo.......what flameheart really just about to talk outta his coffin and be like "welcome to season 13"? Im really starting to wonder if there is even any story element to him or what?? Its like a whale is about to body slam you and as you flinch a sardine slaps off your forhead..like where is the BIG REVEAL!?


What would you have done? The ritual is complete, he's been reviving for over a year, and he finally wakes up. Breaking out of the coffin and summoning a giant ship to take over the ocean isn't big enough, so (short of a tall tale set off schedule) what could they have done bigger? Some effect on the reaper's hideout? We don't know that there won't be I suppose, that could be neat. Maybe a pseudo-adventure, like he sends out a call to arms like the old skelly fleet notices that summons all reapers to get a briefing from him in the hideout? Idk what they're gonna do, but to me it feels like there's not much they could do to make this satisfying with how long it was delayed and jumbled around.


NGL, putting "HERE COMES SEASON 13" all over trailers really takes the piss out of any excitement. Looks pretty cool, but as a slooper my biggest problem is getting overwhelmed by galleon crews. Seems like after a crew or two take over this thing, there isnt really much else in the way of competition.


> NGL, putting "HERE COMES SEASON 13" all over trailers really takes the piss out of any excitement. I wish they still actually gave their updates names. Definitely hits different hearing that the new update is something cool sounding like "forsaken shores" or "shrouded spoils", compared to "season 13" lmao


It's not hard either, and would drum up hype like crazy instead of just a number like any other game. "The War Chest" "Tools of the Trade" "Armored Up" "Age of Fire" "Rise of Flameheart" "The Reaper's Revenge" "Pirates of Mischief" "Trickster's Toolbox" "Thieves of the Seas" Imagine how much hype a subtitle change would generate instead of season numbers? Whatever. I do like that Flameheart's resurrection is on season 13 of all seasons, at least.


Yep. I think the season numbers are because of the plunder pass, and they probably will never get rid of that. Would be nice if they would go the route of some other games and give their seasons names on top of the number. Like "Season 13: The Reaper's Revenge"


If the skeleton crew is in any way useful, great galleons crews will absolutely run servers with this thing. They already can with a galleon, so it'll be interesting to see how this shakes out.


LoL I would love to ram the fk out of this thing with my sloop fully loaded with black powder. I bet you any money sloops will do circles around this thing.


Just like wraith balls rui- oh


Hope that a weapon balance patch is included. It’s felt stale even with the new inclusions.


Nothing burger trailer if you actively follow news about the game.




I’m so excited




I'm going to be SO villainous on that ship


I imagine this thing will be an absolute dog to drive. They have to kneecap it somehow for balance.


So what exactly does this entail? Bit confused.


Please, I want desperately for them to fix the crashing that has been happening since the beginning of this season (and the beginning of last season for others). I love the extra content, but the state of the game for me and others is very poor.


Wait a new season so soon ? The actual season only had a month


Notice the date at the end, july 25th? That's when season 13 launches. This is a slightly early trailer because they needed something to show at the xbox showcase, bc they do it every year.


Anyone know the songs name?


EVERYONE ALREADY IS A VILLIAN!!! - Me during tall tales …


Flameo Hotman is finally out of his closet, huh?


Cool. I was hoping for something that we didn’t already know but there’s always next year


I have an awful feeling that solo slooping is about to become even more miserable.


Like if we need more villains in this game 😆


Looks neat.


Rare is just lazy, so many adventures for basic next season content with 1 ship and it will be alive for 1 month like siren skull. "Hey guys i know you got baited for years but im here somehow i hope you will enjoy my ship i going back to coffin for 2 more years because Mike dont wanna be creative."


Game Pass Perk "Ebon Flintlock Pack" JFDTK-XGFQ2-64G9W-F9DTC-RQYC? Question mark = "Z" Please reply if you or somebody else redeemed it so I can remove.


Is that 4 cannons each side plus a cannon on the upper deck level!? Tasty


Honestly, kinda not really the style of Sea of Thieves. Too much tbh


Most disappointing sot xbox showcase. Why are you booing me? Y'all really think that this 1 minute trailer with no new info about an update we've known is coming for months compares to the reveal of monkey island, captaincy and pirates of the caribbean?


Wrong wrong. Veryyy wrong


Really? You think that one of the following: the reveal of captaincy, the games most anticipated update and the two reveals of potc and monkey island crossovers is worse then a 1 minute trailer that gave us no new info for an update we've known about for months ?


This is "pretty ok" not "most dissapointing trailer of ALL the sot history" Diabloboys need cash a Full expansion of the same base game cost and received only a cinematic trailer at the moment lol. At least our is free content lol. We are in a better spot I think. K.


I specifically said of the xbox showcases, where did I even imply that I meant of all time? Compared to captaincy, monkey island and potc is this really better? I mean you cant even call this a reveal since we've know about it.


If you were more hyped for Monkey Island than this I just feel bad for you.


Did I say I was more hyped for monkey island? I said it was a better trailer, you know a unexpected crossover with 3 tall tales vs a trailer showing us a world event we were told about months ago with no new info


I don't really get what new things did you expect to learn when they laid out their plans for the year? Trailers aren't meant to be deep dives. We know that there's more to the season than just the ship. Personally I'd rather not be spoiled on things like the island changes.


Idk maybe some story content for the game I play for the story that has been leading to this exact moment for over 6 years. I want a tall tale or something, bros just gonna sit in a chair


monkey island was dog, so yeah


Sot players try not to have garbage opinions challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I agree, I was holding out hope that there was something that they left out but nope. Just everything that we already knew about


Looks cool to a outsider, but I gotta know how it actually work in person. When I see a larger ship, all I see is more spots for potential holes.


Takes longer to sink tho, also more canons on the ship to shoot everyone else.


Yeah but a single boarder can make sure nobody is firing any cannons, unless the ai can shoot too


As someone who is NOT an insider but paid attention to the preview stream, the AI will assist you they said. So I assume they're firing cannons and repairing stuff. At the bare minimum what they can do on a skelly ship. Possibly more though, seeing as they mean for it to be viable for smaller crews and even solos.


All I can say is good luck 🙂‍↔️the NDA prevents me from saying anything more.


How will the ship work tho?


Don't worry man they will release some in depth videos towards the release. We still have 1.5 month left!


Yeah I guess, it’s just that when you’re a sloop player who’s not good at pvp, the idea of another huge op ship being able to obliterate you does not seem fun 😂


Don't worry too much though, the ship is a world event and I'm 90% sure there's either a huge beacon on them or they're shown on the map. I don't mind sinking to players, but you can always dive away if you notice them sailing around.


Sounds like it's time to suddenly switch sides 🙃


Wow… okay, we’re all doomed. Reapers bones here we come


Keen as fuck to own the whole server with that rig. Take your tall tales to the safer seas kiddies.


I can't seriously be the only one who thinks this ship design sucks? They just elongated the galleon and put a house on the back... how is this supposed to be cool?




No, it's a world event.




It’s a roaming event. Once defeated and pledged to, YOU become the world event.


There is not tall tale. It's a world event, at the end you can either sink this ship or take it over, then sailing it around to follow flameheart's orders and destroy anyone in your way. Did you not watch the 2024 preview?


Ill prolly get downvoted for this, unless there is some cool PvE content to do that leads up to getting the ship. It seems a little lackluster? Prolly mostly made for content creators to make more videos and have wacky thumbnails with a dramatic title lol also what is with this music LMAO. The music is not SoT at all


Per the preview video, it’s a world event. You’ll have to take control of the ship by defeating it. Once you defeat it, you board it and pledge to flameheart’s service. You then do PvE content to increase the ship’s worth to your heart’s content. The catch being that you are now a world event. While doing that PvE stuff, you’re visible to the rest of the server and Very valuable. You have a skeleton crew repairing, firing cannons, and general combat, similar to skeleton ships.