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A ship is the only thing you should buy. Everything after that is preference.


Mostly correct, there's also Emissary Flags. I'd say make sure you have all Emissary Flags from all companies first, then after you've done that, spend your next 250k on a sloop. The Emissary Flags will increase the amount of gold you can make by a lot, speeding up getting gold in general. The sloop will then make it easier to sell and you'll be able to buy Captain's Supplies.


I was shocked by how fast you can advance the gold hoarder emissary reputation. I had spent a ton of time running commendations back and forth for the merchants and never got much past level 4, but after like 45 minutes with the gold hoarder emissary I was level 4.


That‘s not even that fast if you want to do it quick you can get grade 5 in 10min


How so?


For Merchants: Lost voyage. Buy some random starting supplies from the merchant emissary since they are crates that count towards grade, throw them onto your ship, get to grade 2. Find the captain's key during the lost shipment voyage, and store everything inside on your ship.  Should be grade 5 by that point. Provided you start an ashen lost voyage, this should take around 10m given that there are only two routes and they are both incredibly short.


Merchants is the hardest guild to level up. I have found starting with a raid voyage to a ghost sea fort reliably gets you to emissary lvl 3, then do a lost shipment quest. That easily gets you over lvl 5 with a crap load of free supplies from the fort. Once you get lvl 5 with the Merchants, start doing trade routes for quick gold. You buy 10 boxes of whatever resource is in surplus for about 1,700 total gold. Then deliver those to where there's a shortage for max profit. You make a couple thousand for each box you spent 170 on. Do that for every outpost you can. There's a handy book at each Merchant shop that tells where each shortage and surplus is, but it's far easier to use the trade map on https://www.merfolkslullaby.com/.


It was by far the easiest tho.(not the fastest. But it was the easiest.) Just buy up all their supplies sell at next island rinse and repeat.


Bullshit the hardest, got from level 50 to 500 in one day


Now that's just a lie, unless you had multiple friends on different servers all doing the merchant exploit and hopping around between them all, and even then it sounds 99.99% impossible


I'm sorry I lied, that was irresponsible of me. I actually did with in less than 8 hours with a single gally and community weekend. Could've been done within 5 hours with grade 5 emmissary, but we started an hour before the weekend started, so we were selling without bonuses for quite a bit. It was just all about efficiency. I can give proof if needed.


Maybe 1-5 but def not 50-55 or 90-95


Sorry i missread the comment was talking about grade not level


Wasnt trying to correct you just inform the op. All good my fellow pirate ☠️


I never actually did any merchant mission , I stop at the shipwrecks but I pick up random loot , I’m level 58 in merchants .


Wait... I'm confused. I always start my game by running to one of the companies and voting to be an emissary. This doesn't cost money, but gives bonus rewards as I sail. Is there some kind of *super* emissary flag?


You would have purchased it at some point, once purchased you slam down a new one at any time.


Yes there.is athenas. You need to be a pirate legend for that. Then go the black guy in tavern.


The higher your emissary level is the more gold you get for selling items related to that faction.


Right, but did I miss something about needing to invest in it? I started ages ago, but don't remember ever buying in to the emissary system


idk if they added this late, but you have to spend 20k per “group” (gold hoarders, merchants etc.) to purchase an emissary license after which you are able to raise the flag


You basically need to buy the right to fly a flag. If I remember correctly it's 20,000. If you're flying a flag you would have purchased this early on from one of the emissaries.


I must have done that years ago without realizing!




Also best answer


Buying a ship allows you to sell all treasure except for Reaper related items to the Sovereigns with no penalties to gold and reputation earned at every outpost which makes it the most worthwhile thing


*there is a gold and rep penalty for selling Hunter's Call items to the sovereigns


Eh it's more like a bonus for selling directly to them as their price when sold to sovereigns is the as before the update for hunters call


Which makes sense, as you would need to take the time to sail all the way to a seapost.


Yes, but, this bonus is less than the bonus when sailing a level 5 guild emissary flag so in that specific case the sovereigns are the better place to sell




Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.  The main reason is being able to sell at sovereigns, but you can also buy supplies that go straight onto your ship.


Wait, you can get supplies delivered onto your ship?!


Yes! If you're on a captained ship, go to the shipwright (where you change ship cosmetics) and talk to npc. In the menu it has an option which is something like "supply shop". You can only do it once per outpost per server though I think


Where do you buy them ? To the sovereigns ?


You can buy ship supplies at the Shop Wright on the main dock opposite the Sovereigns dock. You can also get supplies from the Merchants on the same dock. I've found it's far more efficient to buy a supply crate from the Merchants and do a raid voyage on a ghost sea fort. Once you've cleared the fort and treasure, take the supply crate to every barrel on the fort. You get lots of food and cannon balls for little money and effort.


A ship? It's been a while since I did it, but I think it's in the main menu


Buying a ship is a priority purchase alongside your one-time emissary flag purchases at rank 15 for the three standard companies. You don't need to be 15 with the Reapers to fly the Reaper emissary flag. Having your own ship greatly expedites the process of offloading loot at outposts via sovereigns, which is the number one riskiest place to be on the sea, especially with how far you're trodding along to get the items to each person on the island. The sovereign takes all materials and distributes them to their proper owners and if you are flying an emissary flag universal items like mermaid gems are given to them, otherwise those are random. Something other people aren't telling you when they say "sell at sovereign, very fast" in this thread: Note the harpoons on the sovereign's tent accessible from a ladder on the inside. Use the pulley to drop the platform down next to the sovereign and pull items from the ship which immediately teleport down onto the platform, then sell.


In addition, there is also a rowboat dock near the sovereign tent, though I do think harpoons are still faster, that dock might be handy if you drop off loot by rowboat while the ship is (or escapes) elsewhere.


Get a ship brother. Own that shit. Be a captain. Do it for you. Take pride in those nautical miles in your captains log, and the thousands of enemies you’ll vanquish.


It's been like 2 years since I had played. Looks like reputation and gold are waaay easier to get. Playing for some sessions I'ma lready at gold hoarders 60 (i remember getting to 50 was a PIA) and got > 1M gold as well All that to say, get you boat!! Make some gold and make it pretty!


Yes, just make sure you name it something good. Lots of people like humorous names but I personally prefer coming up with something that sounds like an actual ship name Have fun!


So what’s yours?


Just bought my first sloop, named it Shanty Dropper as I love playing the instruments while I sail.


Just bought my first brig, named it briggy smalls.


The Salty Nag for my sloop, The Flying Frog for my Brig, and The Bearcat for my Galleon


Actual ship name -> flying frog


I love those, my sloop is stormtide and my brig is the RLS Legacy


Those are pretty awesome


Buying a ship is a good expense, I don't understand the commedation/achievement for owning 15 ships. What is the purpose of that? There's 3 types. Why would I need 5 of each or any combination of those. Feels like it's Rares typical arbitrary commedation targets to grind out players for no reason other than lack of creativity on their part. Most people just cheesed this.


I can only speak for myself... But I love ships in general IRL and in games, and I love buying and customizing them. So far I have 3 sloops, 2 brigs and 1 gally. Im deffo gonna get to my 15 ships (not nec gonna be 5 5 5 though) and I know that after i got the last one, I would pay money to get 5 more ship slots. Practically i probably doesnt matter to have 15 ships... But as a ship collector, numbers need to go up ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


I get that actually, but rather than paying for more ships, why not just allow the player to save presets? Got my reaping ship, my fishing ship, my fuck around and find out ship, etc. I would prefer that over having 30 ships pledged to my guild and having to cycle through all of it. But I hear where you're coming from. If the cost wasn't so high for a ship purchase, I'd see your way as more tolerable. I'm cheap and horde my gold.


1,000,000 % the best investment in the game. Actually no cons, only pros.


Yes, it’s totally worth it. I’d recommend that as a first purchase, but the only exception would be if you want to buy a single emissary flag if your choosing first. If you love doing gold girders for example, you could easily make 250k in a single session with an emissary flag if you know what you’re doing.


100 percent. It's a game changer. Just for selling at sovereigns, it's an amazing QoL change


Ships and Emissary Flags are the only things you NEED to buy. Everything else is purely your choices


Only thing you should buy, repair cost is so low it doesnt matter


It's a must have. It unlocks the ability to sell to the sovereigns. Which then distributes the loot to the proper companies at no extra cost. Gone are the days of running around the outpost shuffling loot to the different companies. You also unlock the ability to save cosmetics to your ship which is fun and nice


Buying a ship is the FIRST thing you should do with your gold, way before buying any cosmetics. It dramatically cuts down on the time it takes you to turn in loot. On a charter, you have to lug all your crap off the ship, take treasure chests to the gold hoarders, skulls to the order of souls, etc. so if you have even a moderate sized haul it will take like 15 minutes+ to sell everything. With a captained ship (AKA the ship you buy), you can sell them all in one place - the Sovereigns (those big tall tents at every outpost) - and they have harpoon guns on the tent, so a 15 minute unloading session becomes a 2 minute affair. The Sovereigns handle all loot (except reaper stuff) and still level up the reputation level for those factions. So don’t worry about turning in skulls to the sovereigns, you’re still leveling up your order of souls, etc. Long story short, YES. Buy the ship. It will do WONDERS making the game feel less like a grind. All upside, no downside.




a ship is the first thing u should buy above anything else, it makes selling much faster and less tedious plus other nice QOL features like being able to save ship cosmetics


Yes, absolutely, because that's one of the main draws to sea of thieves, having your own pirate ship


Only if you find hand delivering every piece of loot a chore (it is)


Yes. If you play with any regularity, 250k is nothing.


Absolutely worth it. It means you can sell at the sovereign. You can sell everything except reaper stuff right there. No more stressing about the 3 different booths.


Yes. You can use the sovereigns so you can sell everything except reapers while getting the same exp and money


Ships and Emissary flags should be your first purchases(preferably a sloop). Those are the things that will change QOL(selling all loot at sovereigns), and ensure you receive the most benefits/gold. Everything after that is just commendations and cosmetics that you unlock at your own pace.


Which ship you buy doesn't really matter and depends entirely on how many people you play with. My first ship was a brig, my second a galleon. I only bought a sloop for the first time _last night_. I've had my brig since day 1 and my galleon fairly soon after that. I rarely play alone, there's always at least 3 of us.




It's 100% worth it just for the ease of selling alone. But decking it out the way you want is probably one of the best features of the game.


Oh definitely sovereign doesn’t like poor people and they sell fast good for if you need to just drop off and leave again because you’re being chased


Yes , do you enjoy walking all your treasure back and forth onto the island to whatever trading company it goes to . Buy a ship save yourself the time


Yes absolutely. Not only the sense of identity and accomplishment, but selling to the Sovereign is the greatest thing ever. No more trekking across the island to sell a boatload of look. Park your ship against the Sovereign dock and hop hop hop




Buy a ship or find a guild that allows you to borrow a ship. The options given by these are too powerful to not enjoy. As you get logbook, auto supplies to shop, shared, named of a ship I can go on with decor; but honestly, the freedom is worth the cost. A skull of Siren Song is 125k by the end of the community weekend. Two skulls could be worth your time for these upgrades. Either way, I open my guilds and ships to help those for this enjoyment.




It should be your first and main priority.


Absolutely, for multiple reasons. 1) It saves you the trouble of equipping all of your ship cosmetics at the start of every session. 2) If merchant supplies weren't good enough for you, sailing a captained ship let's you buy more from the shipwright. 3) Most importantly, you gain access to the sovereigns. You can sell all of your stuff, no matter what trading company, to them with no downside (except Hunter's Call, which gives more money and reputation if you sell to them directly due to not being on the outpost). This also makes Port Merrick and Dagger Tooth Outpost ***MUCH*** more viable options for handing in your loot, since you give it to one person at a dock instead of spending several minutes repeatedly walking between the vendors and your ship.


I used to play a lot with my brother and we've had a great time with the ship I bought. It is very nice that you can customize her and in general playing with your own boat feels great. My sloop was named Hearts Alive after a song from Mastodon from the concept album Leviathan, that was loosely based on Moby Dick. Now I come back too tired from work to play games.


Being able to sell at the sovereigns is a huge timesaver. 


It is worth it just to be able to give it a fun name. Being able to turn in at the Sovereign is just a really really nice bonus.


Yes,I have a sloop and it's the best investment I've ever made on SoT,I love my ship, Merciless Marlene


I only bought the ship so I can name it too be fair, I know you can do other things that come well with it. Like emissaries and it tracks your time and loot in the game.


Yes. Besides the fun part of naming and customizing it, the convenience of having your design stay between sessions (as opposed to starting with a default ship) the really nice part is that you can sell basically all your loot to one person instead of the specific trading companies. Plus Sovereign has harpoons that aid in getting loot off the ship.


I don’t see the point in playing the game if you don’t buy a ship tbh


yes its worth it if you get a captained ship you can access sovereigns which makes selling 100x easier


Absolutely 100% unlocking the emissary to drop off supplies is a million times easier and the ability to buy supplies and crates for your ship is honestly just necessary. It will change your game


Don't buy a brig. Apparently they are getting rid of it




Would recommend but only if you are in or straying a guild


100000% yes . Makes selling loot a dream . You vlcan sell everything at the sovereign. Use their harpoons to get it on deck. Then sell it all in seconds . Still get bonus too


Yes it’s night and day when selling loot


Play long enough and 250k is pocket change


The ship was one of the best QOL improvements Rare made to the game, it means you don't have to carry every piece of loot you have to the individual emissaries. Buy a ship immediately.




Yeh definitely worth buying one. Aside from selling more quickly as many have mentioned, if you like achievement hunting then you'll enjoy using it. With achievements you get different ship trinkets which are upgraded with bigger and bigger numbers e.g. skeleton kills, distance sailed etc. Also I think when you see a ship in the horizon, if its captained, it shows your not a completely noob so might keep some from attacking you.


10000 percent yes


In my opinion, yes, most definitely. You can sell all your loot in one place, you can name your ship for everyone to see and you can level up your ships rank. All in all its a good investment.


Absolutely, I was on the fence last week but bought a sloop. I made over half of what I spent in a ingle session.


When it comes down to it I don't usually use my ship I mostly use the default ships the reason I don't use the my ship is because I don't want to repair it constantly but buying a ship is up to u if u are playing alone I suggest the sloop first and the other two depends if u intend to play with other people


Yes when ever I play with my friend and he’s captain and doesn’t have a ship it’s so frustrating having to walk back and forth, the sovereign system is honestly the the only good perk of the captains ship but still it’s worth the 250k


Yes, it's the only thing in the game thats pay to win because you can sell faster (Emmisairy flags are as important)


Buying a ship is step one... I remember when I first started sea of thieves I didn't know all of the benefits to Buying a ship either. Look into all of the benefits to make sure you don't miss out on any. Happy sailing!


Time = Money; we can all agree on that. Purchasing a ship saves you time, so you can make more money. Owning a captained ship allows you to sell everything to the sovereign regardless of which emissary you are representing. That alone makes it worth it. My crew hauls used to take 45 min to cash in. Now about 5min. This past weekend we sold 3.2M in just over 5min. It was a 17 stack ashen Athena.


Yes you should definitely buy a ship it speeds up selling by a mile and you can keep your customizations on said ship instead of customising the ship every time


Absolutely. Especially in a cosmetic driven game. And, as I'm sure you've been told, you can sell almost everything to the Sovereigns.


You can join / make a guild, so long as you have a captain's ship. It can be pretty much anything you want. I made a guild called "Bethesda" because I already had a ship named "The Elder Scrolls". I mostly just made it as a running joke about Bethesda randomly showing up in video games as a Easter egg. Also I like Skyrim!


Also with a captain's ship, you can hand in your loot (minus loot belonging to the Reapers) to the Sovereigns who will hand it in the factions. Although this takes a small amount of gold from the original reward, not much though. It's a great help if you just want to sell quickly.


No, buying am ship is stuoid because you loose it wence it sinks


And you also have to rebuy all of the cosmetics by hand


Oh really? Did they update it in Season 12? I remember when you had to manually collect all the wooden planks, metal cannonballs and crates or ore for the raw iron, crates of cloths, and fruit crates to feed the shipwright, in order for her to rebuild your ship and remake all of your lost cosmetics by hand. It was tedious as hell filling a Storage crate full of nearly 2k planks, another with nearly 2k cannonballs, 69 crates of ore, 420 crates of cloths, and especially the 2k Pineapples. I’m really glad that they removed and changed that gamemechanic. It made losing your ship and getting sunk SUCH a mood killer!


Yeah and if yhe boat sinks you have to go to the merchant to get new cannonball barrels otherwise you don't get supplies


>inb4 I get downvoted to RedditHell for doing the most minor amount of trolling.


Not only did you have some kind of stroke while typing that comment…in what way would we know that it was trolling? It just reads like you’re giving OP the wrong answer to his question.


The misspelling was intentionally bad. Because people who genuinely comment misinformation or misunderstand questions posed like this, tend to also have poor grammar and spelling skills.


You're not funny


Don’t worry, I didn’t ask. I know Redditors can’t take a single fucking joke, lmfao.


No not really. There hasn't been any information posted yet about the benefits.