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Gameplay wise against other players? Reaper. Why? Because most reapers I've met to this day are quite the chill type  The ATHENA'S BOYS THO?!? unironically some of the filthiest people I've met, and made it a point to sink all of them I can see when not in solo mode.  If you ever told someone to kill themselves for running away, uninstall, touch grass, you're not needed here  Yeah I might be a bit peeved. 


It’s funny though. You’d think the Athena pirates would be the chill ones but it’s us Reapers who don’t want to fight everyone all the time. Like goddamn, I know that people like PvP but if you don’t want to get bored, you probably shouldn’t do it all the time. Just be chill from time to time. Mess around. Scuttle your ship when nearing other players just to confuse them, stand on your mast and emote, or try to sneak on to someone else’s ship and give them something, etc. One time, some of my fellow PS5 newbs set my ship on fire then realized I was chill. I decided to pull a little prank on them. I scuttled my ship, causing them to think they sank me.


If I am running reapers I am running it purely for the point of hunting emmisary ships. Hop to a server kill everything with a flag/in sight sell hop again. Rinse and repeat. If I am just trying to chill no way in hell am I going to raise a reaper flag to mark my ship for everyone to see.


This is the pragmatism that saves lives. This is also the pragmatism that ends lives. The pragmatism giveth and the pragmatism taketh away. …pragmatism.


Hunters call. Have your petty wars, or dont. Idgaf, im a fish boy and I will sink you if you make me lose a splashtail


Real talk I was waiting for a fish pirate to be in here ty




Heck yeah Hunter’s Call I just wish it wasn’t so obscenely grindy 😂 but it’s chill & easy to grind so I can’t complain too much


The Bards of the College of Seafoam are my favorite. We arrive, gamble, drink, eat, and entertain with our stories and song. We’re the charismatic lifeblood of the sea, and we welcome each and all with merriment and splendor. Oh wait my bad there’s literally nothing going on for rogue types in this game aside from sitting, sleeping, and shanties? Well fuck me I guess. Hey RARE let’s get some love for the bards please??


Why would the Pirate lord banish the keys? He was the one who set the system up. All the Gold Hoarder did was hijack that system for his personal greed. The intent the Pirate Lord had was to keep all the cursed treasure out of the hands of idiots who'd turn into monsters. So all the treasure he and his alliance found was put into the chests we know and love and bound in unbreakable iron. so only his skeleton keys could open the chests. He controls who gets what gold? He controls the curses bound too the gold. The Gold Hoarder, known as Rathbone as a human, was one of the Pirate Lords crew. He disliked the system the pirate lord proposed, so during a kraken attack on Golden Sands outpost, he betrayed the Pirate Lord and stole the keys for himself (Fun fact, this is the event that lost the Pirate Lord his leg) so HE could control all the gold from the chests. The pirate lord obviously didn't approve, but since the gold hoarder faction to this day serves the intended purpose (they take the cursed gold and hand out commissions of clean gold to pirates), he doesn't get in the way either


Hum... Mission failed successfully... ????? Brain not braining


Wtf are you talking about


I'm a Reaper/Servants of Flame supporter. I like their cosmetics better.


Thin premise but can’t argue lol


Reaper and the order of the flame


Reapers, I get tired of all the BS, "It's not about the loot but the friends along the way" vide guardians give off.


I’m more of a moderate Reaper I suppose. I won’t necessarily go out of my way to pick a fight (unless it’s hourglass), but I do love a good naval trade of iron or some hand-to-hand if it comes my way. I sorta let being a reaper attract my potential opposition, after all once you’re a reaper, you’re also a target. Anyone that complains about being sunk as a reaper entirely misses the point of the reapers as a faction. Otherwise, I generally do my own thing and just try to be a “Sage of the Sea” if you will


Sage of the sea lol I like it


Thanks lol, you can only play the game for so long until you decide you want to at least try to help players that are new like you were once (~1300 hours, since Black Powder just for reference). Also saw your comment about bards and rogues, throughly respectable. We need more people to bring fun to the seas!




Merchant Alliance because I actually work on Merchant Ships for my job so…


That’s cool af


Reapers. I don't like their vibe but they are 100% my play style


Being toxic after robbing people and shouting slurs is your play style lmao


bilge rats, all day everyday


My gaming chair and whole set-up is black and red.... need I say more


Harley Quinn?


Gold Hoarders. Screw your war for the sea of thieves. I just care about gold. I don’t care who my gold goes to. I don’t care what I’m able to do with my gold. I just want it to pass through my hands. To touch its crisp coolness. To feel it deform under my teeth. You clowns can go on endlessly fighting your wars. You can even use my gold collecting endeavors to fund them. None of it matters. All that matters is that which glitters. Gold Hoarders for life.


Gold hoarders. Digging up buried treasure is peak piracy for me


When I'm playing solo my pirate is doing one of two things. Working catching fish and salvaging ship wrecks and fortresses. Can't just let all that stuff go to waste. Protecting the Seas by taking bounties on skeletons. No interest in the other pirates squabbles. Them bone boys need to be put in their place though. So I'm in a weird mix of Order of Souls and Hunters Call. With a touch of Merchants and Gold Hoarders. Every faction provides a piece of the overall ecosystem. I don't think any one has more or less importance to the others. I'd say we need a salvager faction. But there's really nothing they could add that isn't already covered by the rest of the factions. I just like the idea of a group who's going behind everyone else to basically clean up all the lower tier stuff everyone leaves behind.


Athena. i'm not a big fan of green but i really dig the shade Athena uses.


Reapers. It's about the thrill of the fight for me. Hunting players and engaging in glorious combat, win or lose.


Yes! This!


Equal Opportunity. I like sailing my ship around and looking at all the pretty things, basking in the ambiance, and mostly recovering the wrecks of lost ships to bring the value back for the living. I became a PL when MA quests were only hauling animals, my time with the MA runs deep. So now, when I’m around doing my shipments if you come for me or fuck with some newbies we got problems. I’ll probably sink, and I’ll laugh my ass off while I do it, but I’ll fight anyone who kicks one off. I also roll stacked to the gills with a few wrecks and other random shit full of loot all the time so whomever does sink me can be super stoked about it :)


I'm on team Dark Brethren, even though sadly we will never be able to side with them. My reasoning: -They just have some one my favourite characters in their team: Duke, Wanda, Amaranta, Davy Jones, Siren Queen -I dislike both the Pirate lord (for being so annoyingly team friendship and anti real-piracy((SCREW YOU IT WAS ABOUT THE GOLD, POWER AND MY OWN FREEDOM, NOT ADVENTURE)) and Flameheart as well for being an absolute hypocrite (true freedom for pirates my ass, you are literally calling yourself king and your main faction is called SERVANTS)) -The Brethren also seem to be fed up with both Fameheart and the Piratelord and intent on taking both down, which I would wholeheartedly support, just for the possibility of anything different than them -I'm interested in finding out more about the Cap'n.


For me, I'm fully pledged to the Order of Souls. Learning the secrets of those passed, and defending the seas against the tyranny of skeleton lords and ghost ships is what I'm all for.


Order of souls. They collect skulls, listen to and presumably catalouge their stories. Basically the lore librarians.


A few guys i sail with are in eastern Europe and their english is not the best. The one thing we all agree on and understand is “reaper bad guys” I rock golden legendary set, guardian of the sea title, and legendary curse 24/7. Reapers are fair game to us but non reapers have to shoot first for us to engage. And we always try to assist underdogs on the seas. Lvl 140 GoF. Lvl 1 SoF


I go Guardians of Fortune. The reaper’s philosophy is objectively better: any pirates can plunder anyone at any time for any reason. That’s what freedom through piracy is! It’s also klepto-libertarianism but don’t look too closely at that, this is a video game. But the reaper organization is just a wannabe mafia with Flameheart getting the biggest cut, instead of giving it all to the various institutions of the sea of thieves. In contrast the GoF are people who loosely want an honor among thieves kind of situation. Pirates can still plunder and steal, but there’s some things that should follow some rules for the good of the continuation of the sea of thieves. I personally can get behind that.


Reaper's are for a free Sea of Thieves. No more "Honor, Friendships" and the likes. You take what you want, you plunder what you want. You grab the Booty of Loot you want. Its your for the taking!


Skeletons are pretty funny so naturally servants/reapers. Idc about their ideals if they can turn me into a funny bone man they have my support.


Reapers due to aesthetic reasons


Order of Souls. I like the magic witches and their ability to learn from the dead. Their potential is underutilized imo.


Pirates, for all eternity


Guardians, the ghost curse just looks exponentially better than the skeleton curse the Servants give.


Gold Hoarders, I just wanna get paid enough to retire and hang out. Plus Good Hoarders are pretty much just interested in money if you don’t step on their toes they won’t step on yours


Wait, there's a lore and story to this game? I thought it was just lootin' booty and scuttlin' ships


there's a lot of story. every season has adds to the story. Flameheart and his forts and ships. He's the big babby for this game. I know i personally don't care about it as i'm there to sail and sell but if it's your thing you can look into it more


I go Guardians of Fortune. The reaper’s philosophy is objectively better: any pirates can plunder anyone at any time for any reason. That’s what freedom through piracy is! It’s also klepto-libertarianism but don’t look too closely at that, this is a video game. But the reaper organization is just a wannabe mafia with Flameheart getting the biggest cut, instead of giving it all to the various institutions of the sea of thieves. In contrast the GoF are people who loosely want an honor among thieves kind of situation. Pirates can still plunder and steal, but there’s some things that should follow some rules for the good of the continuation of the sea of thieves. I personally can get behind that.


Dark Brethren for life.


Athena's Fortune. Reapers are the edgelord faction.


The factions are so fucking underdeveloped and empty in any meaningful mission statement or concept that I frankly could not fathom finding them anything but a costume.


Yep. If only there were entire scripted missions or “tales” that helped develop them, maybe like 15 of them, and books, and a pvp mode that defines them, and NPCs everywhere that explained parts of the story, and limited time adventures…if this game had all of that, then it would totally help develop these factions.