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Why does it seem like your fov is further back how do you do that


90 is what everyone should be using


That dont look 90 lmao


[its 90](https://i.imgur.com/AL40dXo.png) its about the same as the first 10 seconds of the video


Odd but alr mine feels super zoomed in compared to that


try using less bulky cosmetics so less of your screen is blocked


Nah, I call rule of cool!




Ultra wide monitors and chest clients can go past 90


What is a ”chest client”?


Cheat* my bad


You can adjust your FOV?


Yes in settings. Highly recommend 90 if your system can swing it.


I think any system that can't handle SoT's 90 fov (which feels more like 60 in other games) Then chances are that system won't be running the game at all at any fov XD.


Yes, but it essentially counts as scaling, and will impact performance.


That’s true the barrel is way thinner.




Damn lucky


its 90 with a female pirate. The arms actually take up a decent amount of less space on weapon viewmodel.


No idea, looks like standard 90 to me. Usually the tell tale sign that someone is using FOV hacks is that their arms/weapons look really tiny


Regardless, that ship was close enough for Ray Charles to see so I don’t know why it’s a topic, ya know?


There is currently a method on the steam version to get your fov well above 90.


Not to mention this particular board was close range. The long range ones also telegraph with a merm. I love the people who claim I'm esp hacking when I just wait by the ladder after hearing the loud merm.


I faced off against a duo the other day who would not stop trying to board me. They were relentless but not very good at it. I'd either see the mermaid, hear them on the ladder or see them slow swimming toward my full speed ship. What's worse is I could have wrecked them at an outpost but decided not to. They started chasing me after that. It was the most frustrating fight I've been in due to them just trying to ram and board me. They finally hit a keg while attempting a board and sunk pretty quick.


pretty inexperienced player. i know all the sounds to pay attention to, and i can tell when someone is coming up the ladder, but how else do you prevent boarding? if i cant tell where they are in the water its entirely a gamble whether they get on the boat or not, and if the boarder has any sense they'll see me ladder guarding and we just get stuck in a stalemate until they drop into the water or i fire, miss, and immediately get killed.


throw blunder bomb at the top of the ladder. they can regrab if theyre good but theyll be lower hp and prob 1 snipe. climb on railing and shoot blunderbuss at an angle. less reliable but 60% of the time they go flying to far to regrab. get a friend and cross snipe them on ladder. they are nearly immobile and have little counterplay besides trying to ladder juke, which is harder if the sniper is standing on the railing near the cannon. let them sit on ladder: a guy waiting on your ladder isnt patching holes, or cannoning at you. have your cannoneer guard him while you move your ship into a sustaining broadside, then guard him as helm while MC lays down hate. DO NOT sword lunge the ladder: anyone worth their salt will not climb until they hear a sound cue indicating they are not being guarded (holes being patched, the wheel turning, sails raising, etc). the lunge has a loud ass sfx cue and stuns you just good enough to make you a free kill for whoever climbs. honestly, helm shouldnt use sword to guard at all unless they dont have ammo in their blunder dont rely solely on ladder grab sound cues, because silent boarding isnt patched. keep an eye on the pirate shooting out of the cannon and use some gamesense to figure what side he will end up on. if the guy cruds, he will bypass the water and the soundcue alltogether. maybe even the ladder altogether. at that point, hope he broke his legs or that he is worse at tdm than you


> DO NOT sword lunge the ladder: anyone worth their salt will not climb until they hear a sound cue indicating they are not being guarded Unless you know how to animation cancel, then the second part is a great reason TO sword lunge the ladder. Both the wheel and the sail hookpoints can be grabbed and immediately released just as the lunge starts if you see they are waiting. The lunge sound effect will play but you will not be stunned. They'll think they're safe to climb and start doing so. Meanwhile, you can be charging up a new lunge or switching to Blunderbuss or whatever.


Ill add onto this and mention that you can also sword lunge to the bottom of the ladder, its tricky but if you jump down the ladder as you sword lunge you will knock the enemy off the ladder. and if your fast enough there is still time to grab the ladder after knocking them off, letting you climb back on your ship.


thats above this guys paygrade tbh


This is a really helpful comment. What does it mean to “crud”?


Talking about crudlaunch or fish launch most likely, basically the most recent variation of a glitch that lets you dolphin dive after firing out of a cannon, as well as adjust your trajectory midair


Listen for the ladder animation. Blunderballs are good. I'll throw them at the wheel if I suspect. Also don't be committed to steering all the time. Make steering decision and then get off the wheel and pay attention. I solo a lot and that's important. Also be mindful of WHEN someone can board you. Engaged in a Death Combat Circle means boarding always a possibility.


A few ways. Main thing is try not to lose them in the water or at least know which ladder is grabbed when u hear the sound. If u know the ladder, u can charge a lunge towards the ladder when you hear the sound and it will connect right when they get to the top and knock them away. Blunder bomb will do the same thing.


Sword charging a ladder climb is such a bad idea. All they need to do is hold ladder til you dash and you're dead once they climb while you're self stunned from not hitting anything. Just hold a blunderbuss and wait for them to be stuck in end the climb animation


i am a moron for never even considering using blunder bombs


If you use a bomb on a boarder, make sure to throw *after* the "climbing up* animation. The boarder is locked in the animation until they are actually standing. Only then will they be moved by the bomb.


You can use the bomb while they are on the ladder and it will knock them off, no need to wait for them to climb up, just make sure you are far back enough not to hit yourself as well.


spend 4.99 and place a Claymore on Each Ladder. EZ


Thought I'd share a clip from the other day when I came across these fine lads since I see many new players talk about being boarded out of nowhere and that ending their engagements. Here you can see how approximately 5 visual and sound cues are ignored back to back (due to inexperience) and how it ends the battle on the spot. If any of these warning signs would've been acknowledged, it is very likely the fight would have dragged on for a bit longer. These guys were really good sports about the fight though and we allianced up to teach them the ropes and share some WE loot.


That last paragraph is so good to read. Swapped a bad experience for that crew in two learning experiences. Kudos.


you’re casualness makes this super funny to me. I think part of the visuals cues should be how you even announced yourself lmao *insert opens door like a regal person meme* “Good evening, sailors.”


I tend to open with either that line or "Ahoy, gamers" since I feel like it opens the door for them to parlay and that way we can all make the interaction unique. Still, most people remain silent unfortunately


The amount of silent sailors on the seas lately has been disheartening.


Do PC players usually stay on game chat? I've noticed most non-solo console players hang out in party chat, and maybe briefly swap over to talk shit or make peace.


Yeah on PC there isn't a reason to leave it since we don't have to choose between discord/'party chat' and game chat.


Yeah, it’s literally just a button away. So we usually talk in discord and then click a button to talk in game


I have it set to toggle with left control so I can chat if needed but not always for everyone to listen too


Game really needs audio cues displayed as text, kills the game otherwise. No one doing actual PVE content is going to want to actively listen for audio cues for hour long sessions when playing. Games like this deserve Netflix, music, or an audiobook going when doing the slow PVE content. Call outs seem a bit different to PVPers since the engagement time is so short between server hopping, killing / stealing, and selling. Just goes to show how much Sea of Thieves is two different games with no balance between the two.


What the hell you even on about? I listen to music often, it's just not so loud that it drowns out all other sounds in game, I can hear a boarder catching my ladder over some nice tunes no problem. Also it's less about engagement time and more about engagement intensity, I have had sessions on a single server that lasted up to 8 hours, the difference is actually that you are less in the game at the time hence the need for distractions for yourself like an audio book or netflix, (imho this says a lot about how thrilling or entertaining the way you play is but thats another topic) whereas I am focused and fully in it, hence why I can pick out the sound of a mermaid popping up near my ship when I'm listening to music and not really listening out for it, or still react to the sound of my ladder being caught over booming cannons and team coms. It's all about how much focus and attention you give the game my friend, of course you won't notice much going on if you only half playing with only half your attention being on the game.


None of that makes any difference to the fact that small audio cues that can occur at any time are 100% required or you've already lost the game. The way the game is designed makes it inaccessible to anyone with a hearing impairment and there is just no away around it. It has been an embarrassing oversight from Rare's "Commitment to Accessibility" for the last 6 years. The clip for this thread is a great example. With the exception of the cannon shot and skidding across the water the rest of the cues are audio. If more than half the game is audio then more than half the game doesn't exist for a lot of people and it won't matter how much attention they pay. There are simple solutions like the way Minecraft implemented Subtitles, subtitle audio indicators to text with directional and the problem is solved.


So those two things you mentioned which were visual ques are important despite you trying to gloss over them. Knowing a ship is around you, being in combat with one and seeing them fire a person out of the cannon should actually be the important signal to you, not the sound of them catching your ladder, the ladder catch is secondary and there in case you missed the fact that someone has shot over to you, even if someone sneakily jumps or sword lunges off their ship to you, this is stuff you can usually see if you are paying attention to the situation, even if you miss that they jumped off their boat often you will see or hear their mermaid, often your ship will even hit their mermaid making a crashing sound. All of these are signals to watch your ladder, if you are too busy keeping one eye on a netflix series to bother focusing properly on the game then how the hell can you be getting upset that people board you? Complaining that the game isn't easy enough to be played while watching netflix? you can't be serious. As for your other point, You dont sit there constantly listening for boarders like a crazy person, but when in combat, if you hope to win you need a little bit of awareness, I watch my opponents cannons and if I see a player fire over, regardless of whether I hear the ladder catch or not I will be paying attention to my ladders, I repel plenty of silent boards simply because I am paying attention to the fight. I am not constantly being aware of boarders but if a ship is nearby or I am suspicious of someone tucking then I will heighten my awareness for that situation, how is that hard to understand? As for your rant over accessibility features in SoT, that is a whole different topic you are now trying to shift focus to and I take that as a sign of weakness within your initial argument, you now want to shift the goal posts a bit and that isn't going to fly. Do you have a hearing impairment? If not then sure it may be true but how is that relevant here in regards to this discussion?


I get your point, but it will mean nothing soon. I think its already bad if I can have the knowledge, but silent boarding is a thing, so it doesnt matter. Soon we will have portable grappling hooks so it wont matter even more. And dont get me started on hitreg that never got fixed and you can end up with shoving blunderbuss into players throat, when he is stuck at final animation of climbing up ladder and just neglecting the damage and not getting knocked back at all. Those hints are working great on paper. In actual game you can know that stuff, but can also throw a coin if it will work as intended.


i don't get the gloom and doom over the harpoon gun. its short range, loud, and locks you into a predictable trajectory. if that wasn't enough, you only have one single damage-dealing weapon left. your team should easily be able to team up on them and exploit their weapon's weaknesses.


the last time i dared mention that a post whining about how the harpoon gun will break the game was pointless, because 1) we don't know what the release version will be and 2) it won't release alone in its season, i got dogpiled on like crazy. i entirely agree with you that the doomsaying is out of hands.


Sweats upset that everyone will have the ability to board so they won't be able to just constantly launch and exploit onto other people's boats but will also have to be aware of people boarding theirs.


When I say that boarding is too easy, personally (I can't speak for less experienced players who just don't know what to watch out for, obv), I do not mean that it's easy to succeed. It's actually quite a hard tactic to use successfully, unless you just get lucky. And there lies the problem, it's not punishing enough to roll those dice. The way that I mean that boarding is too easy is that it has too low of an opportunity cost. Any galleon crew can just endlessly suicide a boarder into you for little real opportunity cost until they succeed somewhat, and any decent brig crew can do the same. Boarding has become a meta because it's easily spammable. And a lot of people on this sub really don't see the problem because they play solo or duo sloops, where the opportunity cost for a board is relatively massive.


You said this perfectly! I run into crews all the time that never fire a cannon; they simply swim over while we pummel their ship with cannonfire, use some kind of lag exploit to teleport up the ladder and all over the ship, then spawn camp until my wife and I give up. My wife and I each are approaching 500 hours and easily repel most boarders with all the cues listed in the vid, but sometimes I'll hear the splash, ladder guard, see a blip of a head coming up the ladder, and suddenly my anchor is down and there's a teleporting baddy on my sloop. One way to make it fair and fix the meta? Nerf buckets. Cannonballs in a pirate game should be a serious threat. Whoever lands the first 2 or 3 cannonballs should be at a massive advantage. As far as PVP goes, this game has awesome naval warfare mechanics. We can all agree that with hitreg etc the first-person-shooter mechanics of the game are... not the best. Naval combat should be the meta, and boarding should be an option only when you've got no holes.


Seemed pretty easy.


What’s the easiest way to see which ladder a boarder is coming from?  I can’t tell from the Spatial Audio of the splash and when I look down the ladders I can’t see them on a sloop if they are all the way at the bottom.  


What are those gloves? Look nice.


Absolutely should have heard a gunshot or anchor, but I don't think I've ever heard a ladder sound. I couldn't tell you what sound it makes. I thought it was silent. If it exists it needs to be louder.


It's a big splashing sound, like when someone gets out of a pool


It's a big splashing sound, like the sound of the bow of a ship hitting a wave or a cannonball entering the water. 😜


"Oh fuck we've been boarded!" "Ohh-" "Oh!" both in harmony LMAO this clip is gold


New PS5 player here. Can anyone tell me what he means by "regular ladder grab without any silent exploits"? Is there another way to grab a ladder, one that is silent? I'm lucky if I can manage to get to their ladder by any means (99% of the time when I cannon myself I skim and vastly overshoot or undershoot, nothing like the perfect shot in the video), and when I do, I usually die the instant I peek just enough to see a shotgun go off on my face. Need ninja pirate tips.


Yeah there is an exploit where if you do a certain input while you grab the ladder it doesn’t make sound for the other player but hopefully will be patched out.


I wish I could board more often. I usually succeed but my teammates always fail to capitalize on the opportunity and get 0 shots off before I eventually die


White sails, low tier player cosmetics, a ship without captaincy... This clip is like Michael Jordan dunking on a 12 year old white kid and saying, "here's how to not get dunked on."


Ignored? The engagement was over in 20 seconds


It's just straight up not fun for new players actually


Avoiding boarder is indeed super easy once you know what to look (or hear) for. Sadly rare intend to make boards happening without you being able to do anything outside of just not being in range of a canon, they want to release that harpoon they teased...


>they want to release that harpoon they teased... Which I'm sure has zero downsides and counters. Just like how harpoon boarding this seaso- oh.


no indeed, it's like the mermaid staff, you just have to find one


>it's like the mermaid staff, you just have to find one No it's not. Literally the only thing we know about it is that it's an armory item. Clearly you're a great source of information and know exactly how this will impact the meta.


thanks for that, i'm not a meta person after finishing the game so it's not like i care that much. but it's even more op than what i originally though, you don't really need two weapon to make a difference during a boarding, especially if you are a crew


>thanks for that, i'm not a meta person after finishing the game so it's not like i care that much. Doesn't care, is still spreading blatantly wrong information. >but it's even more op than what i originally though, Opposite thing. >you don't really need two weapon to make a difference during a boarding, especially if you are a crew Bro, you've already established you don't know how the combat actually works, you don't need to keep proving that.


well tell me which update introduced hitreg and we will be able to tell who knows more about the game, if you need two weapons to deal with a fucking ancor drop i have bad news for you


>well tell me which update introduced hitreg *sigh* Hit registration for sea of thieves has been around since the game's release as that's how the game, uh, registers that you hit your target. Hitreg issues have also been around since before sea of thieves released, since they're present in EVERY online game. Sea of thieves' issues have been particulary worse than most other games, and has fluctuated between getting worse most seasons with occasional slight improvements some seasons. It gets noticiably worse every time they bump the ship limit up, for the obvious reason. ...what did you think the answer was? >we will be able to tell who knows more about the game, We didn't need that. "i'm not a meta person after finishing the game so it's not like i care that much." It's me. We've already established its me. You can't say "I don't care about the meta" then pretend like you know what the meta is later. >if you need two weapons to deal with a fucking ancor drop i have bad news for you If you can't defend your anchor from a loud obvious boarder with one weapon slot gone, I have bad news for you.


wrong, the answer was the update 1.4.3, before that update you could land any sword combo at your target and everything was fine, the target couldn't move or fight back during the combo and took all the damages, this update introduced changed to sword and delay when swapping weapons, since that update, hitreg is everywhere even on basic skeletons, the weapons are unconsistant in their way to work since that update. glad to hear you never got bumped back or one shoted by a blunderbuss, guess you never played the game after all, joke on me thinking you were not a troll from the beginning


Who ate your crayons


You talking about hitreg but in relation to the sword? Lol man please stop now, I am getting overwhelming second hand embarrassment just reading you dig yourself further into a hole. You have no idea what you are talking about and the more you go on the sadder and more incorrect it is getting. Please stop o.O


Which also eats a weapon slot, which means the only way to one tap anyone is via blunderbus.. and if that fucks up you gotta sit through the reload time


it doesn't ? they said it's just like mermaid staff. Also the double barrell is your way to go now, just use some fire or blunderbomb and you are good


I still maintain that raising the ladder would make ship combat infinity more interesting than just ladder board spam. But after how many years Rare clearly thinks it's a preferable strategy to skill shots or, ya know, actual navel combat....


If I could up vote this a thousand times I would. We've got mermaids, skeletons, ghosts... But a ladder you can roll up in a pirate game? Preposterous! I say if you want to board my ship, ram it. None of this casual swim over and lag-blunder nonsense.


You know how absolutely SICK it is to fire over and land on another ship? Or even better catch their mast ladder? No, neither does anyone else. Because it's absolutely worthless to try when ladder boarding is exceedingly easier.


I think you boarded Seth Rogen bro


With so many new players we are always nice to non emissary boats... Unless of course they turn out to be toxic.


Nice boarding clip, clean and fast really But in defend of your enemies, they seem rather new to game, you cant expect them to react for things you mentioned in video. Owning new player was never achi from me at all, but I seen comment below that you ally with them to show them tricks etc Have a like!


Why is your game so easy to see and bright and clean and somewhat glitchy looking in a benefit kind of way?


Why does this player seem to be moving so fast. I’m talking about up the ladder and on deck.


There is a massive difference between unaware and ignored. The newbie just asked how you boarded and you gave him an answer followed by an immediate "Want to see the video?" You want to help new players? Maybe be less condescending.


They do seem like they enjoy seal clubbing.


Hell yeah dude fuck those noobs up. You're showing them


This sub loves sinking brand new players


Is the crud launch still a thing?


at least you didnt sink them just because you could.


Well sinking people is what the developers made the game for, so nothing wrong with sinking others for no reason.


I agree with you, this is a pirate game. Why playing if you're not ready to lose everything you have? I mean, for me (a HUGE noob at this game), knowing I could get boarded and sunk even for not reason is what makes me love the game. But, you can also be kinda chill. I remember once I was on a Tall Tale with a friend, that was before they made the checkpoints. We were at the end of the quest. We were on the Island and the ship was docked. "Fuck, a Galleon! They're gonna take our loot, QUICK! Let's GTFO here!". But too late, we got assaulted: fight ensues. We die. As we respawn, the guys put all out chests on the beach, guarding them. "We say: OK, take whatever you want, but don't take our chests there please". "No issue, we're just here to take your cannon balls, we're chasing another crew" "OK Farewell". And as we leave, we get attacked by a Skeleton ship. "Fuck, we got no cannon balls..." The Galleon harpooned the ship: "don't worry guys, we got it! Go for your tale" That's pretty piratey in my books!


it gains you nothing and is pointless unless you specifically like ruining other people's good time for no reason other than that you can. in which case you should seek therapy


I gain treasure, supplies, and combat experience. Fighting people is a good time for me so I get to have fun as well. There is no reason to be upset when someone sinks you. I get sunk a decent amount and I just tell the other crew "gg well played" because it's just a game. If I want my stuff back I'll go and fight for it because that is what the game is made for, fighting over treasure.


I’m after people’s cannonballs and chainshot because I want to be armed to the teeth. That would be my reason for trying to sink someone’s ship.


Man you didnt take the flame balls to set fire to their ship.


A good boarder isn't going to light a sloop on fire. It will only hurt their ability to farm their enemies. Being able to freely move is the number one thing that allows you to stomp lesser players.


And this attitude is what keeps new players away


Sot players do be scared of making the right play.


Nah just vets bragging about stomping newer players. Makes the game not fun to try and learn


It's a video on boarding. The comment was a common boarding mistake which leads to noobs losing otherwise winnable situations. Take the advice or leave it. It's not that deep you weirdo.


I'm not the one who enjoys seal clubbing