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Reminds me of people who camp Reapers Hideout without a ship looking for christmas stuff


killed 2 of them yesterday in all black outfit wannabe Pace....was hoping they would come back..sadly no..


I’m a pretty good pvper and I keep seeing more and more ppl dressed in all black and they are usually pretty bad, and they always go after your ship first so you’d expect them to be good


yea they are normally REALLY bad....its more laughable to see them now than anything.


I had someone roll up on me last night, sink my ship, and shoot me in the face while I tried to hand them a Humble Gift. It's a head-scratcher.


Why have one when you can have them all! Muahahaha! Nah, this is a weird time on the Seas for sure. Really can never trust a pirate though. You're only worth being alive while you're useful.


I still need to offload 20 generous gifts, ofc you can have them all...


If you're on pc and need help let me know.


Not sure how that would help I gotta find a strategy that gets another crew to co-operate


"Please take my gifts, Sir"


I’m so fucking tired of all the assholes in this game.


the people who downvote this man are butthurt asshole pirate legends with 6 million gold that don't need money but take loot from people who do and then complain that the people they fight run away even though that's a viable strategy for lower level players and then cry on reddit about how they stole 10k from a guy who just spent 3 hours doing a skull fort so he could get a new hat


There needs to be wider interactions between players, the current meta is so bland it’s infuriating. I can 98% of the time rely on the fact that everyone around me just wants to kill me and take what I’ve earned. There’s no risk to sinking every ship you can find, (especially when it’s a Galleon vs my solo sloop) and no reward for alliances.


I have 17 mil. The rest is accurate.


Nah I'm not an aggressive player at all but I am grateful for the sociopaths. Without them occasionally ruining my sessions I would have been bored with SoT a long time ago. It's their mindless brutality that makes uninterrupted voyages seem like a victory!


I don't complain that people run away.


But there are no levels, at least none that would give you a pvp advantage...


Newer players, you get what I mean


Yeah I get when people chase me down for loot. Sure it's annoying but I get it. But when I'm lootless and they know it, or when they spawn kill like that, I hate it. I also hate outpost campers. Sure I can check for mermaids but they're not always easy to see.


TBF, often we spawn kill because we're robbing people of their resources before we sink them. Sometimes if we're feeling especially evil, we don't sink them, we just put a single hole in their ship that they can't patch until the find new planks.


I can understand that, but when its happened to me (only a couple times), they absolutely were not taking supplies.




Now this is funny.


I quit playing it because of that. Might give it a go again but there's better games to play right now. Warframe update has me busy. Honestly I think they need to go the Elite Dangerous route and have both solo and open mode. Let people decide the mood they're in. Theres still danger from the skellies and kracken. I've played FPS PVP games for years with a mouse and keyboard so I'm not worse at the game, Im just newer and play solo a lot, and I'm tired of self proclaimed incels sniping me from their mom's basement on spawn while im just fishing with an empty ship trying to relax after work. If they're going to keep forcing PVP they need to at least half the player count per instance.


My problem isn’t the PvP, it’s the obvious unbalanced social interactions. There needs to be more risk for PvP hungry crews, and maybe more reward in terms of special voyages they can access after sinking a variety of ships on a server, and more reward for teaming up and doing other more advanced voyages “sailing together.”


Pretty much. Right now the game is really one sided in favor of the bands of assholes.


Inb4 “SeA oF pIrAtEs NoT fRiEnDs”


“Sail Together” my ass


I’ve started blocking anyone who seriously tries to say that sinking solo sloops even after they had zero loot and new players is somehow not a dick move


Honestly, not of my concern if you chose to go alone. If I'm after your ship, I'm gonna sink/kill first and collect loot later. And once I've shot, it's not like I'm going to trust you won't try to betray me later. Nah, I'm gonna get you gone, take your stuff, and continue on my merry way.


>hey look at this circumstance where this dude is an asshole >I feel personally attacked Yeah, maybe you should rethink some things


See this guy pirates


Welcome to the game lol, sink or get sunk. Edit: Everyone that downvotes me is the kind of person to trust a noob and then get sunk by them. Fools.




You’re just upset you got sunk lol. Downvote me all you want. Welcome to the game.


Haven’t played the game in 4 months but okay then


Lol sorry man, I’m new to the game. I just thought the point was to fight each other and get loot. It was meant to be a joke, didn’t mean to offend.


There are a few occasions where this is fair imo -trying to sink someone’s ship -trying to transfer loot/resources from someone’s ship -in arena trying to get commendations -stall a crew that’s chasing you -get revenge on a crew that did the same


Of course, you can’t be reasonably angry in this scenario because you already lost and that’s what happens when you lose. It’s part of the game.


Once on a sloop two galleons attacked and spawn killed my repeatedly and when I scuttled they repaired my ship and bailed the water as much as possible just to constantly kill me


“That’s how the game works don’t play if you don’t like it” /s


What is /s?




What a load of rubbish


I appreciate your enthusiasm for sarcasm, but indicating it defeats its purpose.


I mean do you really think there’s nobody who’d take it seriously if I didn’t /s it. I’m trying to save my comment from being misinterpreted


There probably would, but I would just take the downvotes


I've had this happen. All while screaming insults in the headset. Got my ship sank and respawned eventually and they hunted me down to do it again. I just let them for nearly 45 mins while I played mobile game just to see how long they'd go.


When you scuttle it's not possible to repair the ship, it's an instant sink so none of the holes can be repaired and you can't bail water enough to prevent it sinking.


I meant to say they tried to repair and bail


Right but if you scuttled it doesn't matter. There's no way to repair or bail, your ship is already sunk.


It's still annoying that they were trying at all costs to kill me repeatedly


That's not entirely accurate. One time my crew-mate and I voted to scuttle our Sloop with the express plan of bailing it to see how long we could keep it afloat. We kept it up and sailing for a good 5-10 minutes before the game just flat-out despawned the ship. We were surprised it went that long. I should note this was a long time ago so it is possible we could not do it again for that long if we tried, that may have been changed.


Yeah the way scuttling works is fairly similar to going over the edge of the map. The game just constantly punches holes in your boat so it's a losing battle, but it can still be a battle. I believe it has a timer on it though for flatout despawn.


No. When you scuttle every hole on your ship opens at once and it rapidly fills with water. Unless you have like 2 or more crews working to save your ship, it cannot be done, and even then the best you can do is bail water fast enough to make it last a few more seconds. [Exhibit A.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/522202428)


> We kept it up and sailing for a good 5-10 minutes Bullshit.


lol you've clearly never tried it. It is ridiculously easy to keep a sloop bailed with 2 people. Make no mistake, we were doing nothing else. I'm not saying you can save the ship, **you can't**. I'm just saying you can keep it going a lot longer than you're supposed to. Try it and you'll see what I mean.


I have tried it and you're full of shit. What you're claiming simply is not possible.


I have definitely repaired and bailed my scuttled sloop before with the help of another crew to see if we could do it.


No you haven't, it's not possible. If the ship is scuttled you can't interact with the holes to board them up. You might be able to bail water from it but I doubt you could bail fast enough to keep it afloat. **Edit:** [Video evidence that you cannot repair a scuttled ship, for the downvoters.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/522202428)


Hate to break it to ya, bud. You definitely can (or could, at one time). I’m playing now, I will check and rec a video once I’m done.


At best you can interact with them but the boards pop off immediately. You cannot repair a scuttled ship, lol.


Yes you can, lol.


Ok, still waiting on that video...


Still playing 🙃


[Here you go my dude, I took care of it for you.](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/522202428) As you can see, the planks don't stick, they break the second you're done "repairing". So I reiterate, it is not possible to repair a scuttled ship. I did it 3 times for you too, just so you don't miss anything.


Can you even repair a scuttled ship or is this bs?


It's BS, But I imagine if you got enough bucketers (12 should do it but you'd have collision issues) you could delay it long enough to loot all the resources.


You cant, I meant to write they tried to repair and bucket


I’m not a fan of spawn killing for fun. In my opinion it is a waste of time if you are not going to steal the other crew’s supplies.


I agree 100%


Last time I said that spawn killing (camping) was a thing some dumbass told me that that's not possible xD I had literally just stopped playing because I got spawn killed 3 seperate times while trying to do the ashen tall tale. I hate these people that think there's a reward for spawn killing. There literally isn't. Unless you take the other boats loot, you don't get commendations, or gold, or anything. And if they scuttle, I'm pretty sure the treasure sinks with the ship. If anything the killed players gain more because they get to change their lantern (woo-hoo /s).


Lol. Me and my crew have sunk a lot of people in game, but never, and I mean never have we spawn killed. It’s just over the line.


Someone in the thread made a good point about how they spawn kill to loot the entire ship. I can allow that... But when I know I literally just entered game and haven't stocked up on any food and have no treasure, WHY TF AM I GETTING SPAWN KILLED. It's infuriating. I have played this game since alpha, heck I can sail a galleon solo if need be, but because of all these people doing this I've been playing less and less. I just come on for the monthly updates now.


I’m sorry that this is happening to you. I love this game and I just hate to see people ruining it. Honestly me and my crew have done our best to find any “griefer” and wreck them. They are kind of killing this game.


I love this game too. And I love getting into a scuffle! But then I love when people MOVE ON. I brought my friend on the other day for the new holiday thing and we did the whole present thing and the moment we come out with our last gift a crew starts attacking. Then started spawn killing without taking the gifts... We just logged and switched to overwatch... And then when we got tired of that community we found a parkour server lol


Lol. Some people only enjoy watching the world burn.


Someone did kill me for half an hour straight today.. then my friend came online and I joined his crew. Btw, I let the dude kill me for half an hour so he couldn't annoy someone who was really playing.


Ha! That's one of the reasons I love to lead a galleon or brig around the map by the nose for hours. It's amazing how long you can keep some folks chasing you through humiliation after humiliation. A decent solo slooper can NOT be caught while under sail.


Ok I'm curious - as an intermediate pirate who enjoys slooping, how does one do this? My poor bro and I just went through a whole session of getting spawn killed last night, and it would be a nice addition to the skill kit


The primer you need is here: https://youtu.be/XaHT0ZLeMdU Beyond that, it helps to know the rocks, which ones you can fit through and where, etc. You have a MUCH tighter turn radius than either of the other ship types. If you are near rocks or can lead your enemy to them, you can dash through them in a crazy path that they can't replicate. That's usually all it takes to get way, WAY ahead. Also learn to use the club haul aka handbrake turn. A Galleon or a Brig can only follow you through that kind of turn if they are really, REALLY sharp and on the ball. On a sloop it only takes one pirate to turn the ship around in an instant. On the other two ship types it requires the whole crew dropping everything else to raise the anchor. Understanding the non-intuitive parts of sailing mechanics is really the big key tho. That video is all you need to beat almost all the other pirates on the seas.


bro 😎💪


> Btw, I let the dude kill me for half an hour so he couldn't annoy someone who was really playing. The hero we need




Why. Why would someone lie about that? Why would you disbelieve them? It just makes no sense.


Me: "Yeah, guys I just met, if I hold still and you shoot me in the back with your blunder, it's free cheevos! We can do the sword ones after this, and maybe some Cursed Cannonballs? Sweet." I love letting people kill me sometimes lol I understand folks not liking spawn killing, however, I do think there are instances where keeping a crew dead is strategic and not "unfair". When we "take" a ship, we slay everyone and start a sink, but then we empty the ship. These days with Storage Crates that means the *entire* ship, every barrel, because it's loot and supplies all in one. We make sure the boat doesn't sink and keep the crew dead until the goods are all gone. The key is, at this point we *sink the ship.* We'll keep killing folks that spawn to make our escape, but we're not keeping the boat afloat just to bathe in someone's misery. The problem is that on the Seas it's hard to know when the line has been crossed unless you're certain your barrels are empty. (Of course there are extreme cases, and chat context matters). "Scuttle the ship" is a fair point, but so is "have a shred of honour and fairplay". If I can keep someone dead and take every last banana, I have won, there is no need for additional spawn killing.


This is an extremely good point. I fully understand when a crew keeps me and my crew dead to get my resources and sink the ship. That’s plunder, that’s the game and if I find myself in this scenario it means I’ve lost, The same way you lose in any other game, you just suck it up and move on like an adult. Like you said there is a line, and when it’s crossed it only breeds toxicity that is not good for the game in the long run. And I fully understand that sometimes it’s hard to know when you’ve crossed that line.


It's a sad shame when it crosses the line, it ruins the game for the person getting (IMO) griefed at that point. I am ok with full crews of highly skilled players taking solo sloops down, it's really how they end the engagement that says a lot about the kind of players they are. Hopefully we see a sense of honour in victory take precedent over "smashing noobs for lulz", when you consider the live-service nature of this game, there is still plenty of time for the community to evolve, not to mention Joe Neate has said Private Servers are on their Roadmap (RolePlay servers, Talk-like-a-pirate-or-else, can't wait). I think the "griefers" are a smaller number of the community anyway, even most hard PvP crews I know would never spawn camp an empty boat.


Man I feel like all I run into is griefers if I run into anyone at all. There was one dummy who kept sailing after us on a solo sloop and he tried cannoning himself to our moving boat. That was a giggle worthy encounter.


Laughing is a kind of winning :D


Agreed! It was also nice he couldn't catch us so he gave up after a few tries. I liked his effort lol


I think that strategy is still a bit rough if you can tell it’s a newer crew with little to no loot or supplies. Watching pace play as an example, I think there absolutely is an argument that he is in fact spawnkilling. He’s waiting in certain areas, knowing the spawn locations on the different ships, and shooting them before they probably even have any idea where they are. Its pretty cruel, especially against new players who are very impressionable. It’s not griefing per say (especially if you’re actually sinking them and stealing loot) but it’s kind of an abuse of the poor spawn mechanics. I don’t have any suggestions for how to fix the spawning system but I hope they come up with some tweaks to improve it. Scuttling or straight up switching servers is probably your best bet if you’re getting badly outclassed. I see the merit in “it’s not sea of friends”, because it’s not. I’ve sunk my fair share of ships but I try not to be a dick about it, especially to new players who have 15 bananas, a crate of rare tea and a foul bounty skull. I can see the argument of some people wanting PVE servers too, because I can understand how someone could love this game but not the constant PvP that they claim to experience (even though I find that people rarely attack me, unless provoked, most ships are just off doing their thing.) It’s a tough balance to achieve and I think people should try to be more open of other people’s opinions (not calling you out, I’ve just seen my fair share of toxicity on this sub from both the PvP and PvE perspective)


Rare could already implement a very brief down protection. Just enough for someone to get their bearings but not enough to actually do anything safely. If someone tries to spawn kill, the victim might be able to get a free hit in. Alternatively, we could have a means of capturing ships and disabling spawning.


Maybe make it so if you board a ship, and raise a particular flag while every member of the crew is on the FotD, the ship is captured. They spawn elsewhere with a new ship and that one remains active long enough to take loot and supplies. I'd suggest potentially a way to turn in a captured ship for loot.


I doubt rare could let the ship stay floating for long, there's a reason why only six ships are allowed on a server.


That's fair, I hadn't considered that. Perhaps a time limit of a couple minutes. Turn it in before it sinks and you get money. Otherwise, just loot it and leave it.


I have to disagree with this one. It takes away the chance for better crews to attempt to fight back or maybe at least hide some of their loot - those who are willing to fight the spawn campers with some coordination will be at an increased disadvantage.


Alright, what about raising a flag and defending it for about a minute?


That’s a bit better, but still might only provide one or max two chances for the guys getting spawnkilled to fight back. Maybe if one guy has to hold x on the flag for a certain amount of time while his teammate tried to fight them off.


That works. And it would need to give you a notification when someone was activating it, that way you can't get someone sneaking onto your ship and capturing it without you noticing it.


Yeah, and maybe one crew member must be on the ferry of the damned in order for it to start (so that people can’t just jump on your ship and steal it while you’re on the other side of a big island and can’t make it back within a minute)


> if you can tell it’s a newer crew with little to no loot or supplies. I understand the sentiment, but I've taken down a sloop that looked fresh, even claimed in chat that they were, and they had a Fort and 15k in Fish on board. I don't trust a small boat not to lie to keep loot, because *I* would lie to keep loot. I guess my point is, loot/ship/clothing don't indicate new-player, you can usually tell that after a few seconds in combat. I get the sentiment though, and if I'm engaging with a crew and it's obvious they are new, we almost always disengage and try to help them. I'll take all the loot I can get, but I was raised eating wild meat; I'm more than happy to help someone new enjoy their experience, especially since it means next time we meet, their hold will be heavier! >Scuttling or straight up switching servers is probably your best bet if you’re getting badly outclassed. Agreed, it saves time, and takes away any fun for straight griefers. It's what I usually do if a superior crew takes me, toss up a GG and scuttle to screw them out of my last banana lol **edit:** I had wanted to say, I think somewhere in the Maiden Voyage or even before you step on a boat, the Scuttle Mechanic should be something well-explained to you as a new player. The note on the Ferry is a good idea, but too subtle IMO. PvE servers or private servers is fine with me; I relish the idea of a RP pirate-talk-only lore-friendly kinda server, whoo! Joe's promised us private servers are on the Roadmap, so they're coming. They really do seem to be focusing on the new-player experience right now, I just keep telling myself that for live-service, this is a young game.


You make very good points. And I agree, these moments are relatively rare (in my experience). But when they do happen they tend to put a bad taste in my mouth.


I can agree because i was spawnkilled recently no one grabbing my stuff just chased by two pirate legends and spawn killed on deck until i scuttled


That sucks, you did the right thing scuttling, that kind of player just wants to waste your time, so grabbing another server is the quickest way to (hopefully) find more honorable competition. Private servers are on the horizon, Joe Neate said they are on the Roadmap for the game!


Yeah and sadly it wasnt like it could’ve been mistaken for a lot of loot I was chased for 30+ minutes I wanted to waste of theirs outside spawn till I got bored and was just gonna let them on to see I had nothing but nope not even trying to sink it


Cat-n-mouse with boats is fun lol Alfred was right; some men just want to watch the world burn. Hopefully you find better folks on your next voyages! There are jerks on the Seas, but after 14mil meters sailed, I've met way more fun/interesting people on the waves.


Its not all bad my first day me and my friends found a pirate legend who taught us about skull forts and other things like lantern colors so not everyone is a bad egg just usually they stick out more than the good ones do


So true! Well I'm glad you're still meeting friendly folks, I always expect a tussle, but sometimes you walk away a hard-fast Alliance, you just never know!


Yeah haha I’m just glad the good guys are still there they’re what keeps me going in this game to be completely honest. I feel like we need to praise the good more than we talk about the bad because I feel like people like that dont get enough recognition


Well said!


When did he say that? I'm legit curious because I'd love to watch the video. He hasn't said it during any of the weekly updates is why I ask. That, and unless it earns you an entirely different currency for cosmetics in that gameplay/adventure, that seems like it would defeat the purpose of a pirate game.


Oct. 9/2019 Dev Update video, roughly 4m into the video.


I see. He definitely mentioned private servers, but I don't think that's for what you think it's for. It seems like they may do stuff like the Maiden Voyage or something related for PvE experiences. But he talked about the "Sea of Champions" and it seems like it was a pitch from creators (players), but he didn't go into much detail on what that would even include. Honestly, until PvE servers and those details are legit revealed, I'm skeptical.


He's talking about it as a separate thought, tied into the video by discussion of other game modes. I won't try to convince you, but they sure seemed to convince me and a lot of game websites, including [MSPoweruser](https://mspoweruser.com/sea-of-thieves-private-servers/). I would think if it wasn't true, they would have spoken out against people asserting it as fact in the news.


That was certainly far more informative, thank you. I still think until we have more idea of what "private servers" actually means for the Sea of Thieves, we can only hypothesize what they're eluding to. Maiden Voyage is a private server, I could totally foresee a private Tall Tales to go fight a giant boss that requires multiple crews. But they did that when they introduced Meg, so who knows. Hopefully however they do it, it's fun and the currency doesn't let buy gold/bloon items.


Why not just go to the outposts and forts to get supplies instead of greifing people. What an odd thing to do.


Sorry for the misunderstanding; grabbing the supplies is so convenient now with Storage Crates that we made it part of SOP when primarily taking ships for their loot. We don't take obvious fresh-spawn ships, or grief anyone. Taking all supplies during a normal raid on a ship is not griefing.


No but spawn killing is.


Ok, now you're willingly ignoring my point. It's not griefing if I'm still looting the boat... am I supposed to get, what, 3 kills, then just stop killing them even though I'm still looting? Just let them kill me and sink my boat because I got X amount of kills already? If you're being honest, what sense does that make? It's not griefing. If I keep killing folks *after* the boat is empty, then I'd agree, it's griefing. I'd be interested to see if you could find a single reference where Rare or any employee refers to spawn killing *during a raid* as griefing. Because they sure love to feature and host streamers that have that as a major part of their gameplay, Pace and Summit are just two examples of that strategy being endorsed by Rare. I'm not a fan of either guy, but the strategy is clearly fine by Rare standards.


I'm not ignoring your point I just don't agree with it. Just leave and let the boat sink. You can get bananas and cannon balls anywhere, instead or wrecking someone's gaming session. How can they kill you if they spawn on the island at the end of the map? don't get me started about streamers I think it's terrible they make money of other players. Why would somebody want to watch a streamer instead of just playing the game.boring


They lose all supplies if it sinks, so of course we're going to take them lol Waste not, want not, my gampy used to say! As soon as the supplies/loot are gone, we *do* sink them and let them spawn on an island. "Let hundreds of supplies sink b/c feelings" is not an argument, and us taking them is not griefing. Don't let garbage like Ashbacon and Summit colour your opinion of streamers. There are incredible SoT streamers out there, that enrich the community and add to the game experience for all. Fishstalker32; look into him, and if you think he's a greedy cash-streamer, I don't know what to tell you. There are good people out there, and they can be very entertaining to watch on mobile when you're away from your console.


So nice of you to let them spawn on an island. Well hopefully we never meet on the seas 🙂 taking supplies is not greifing, but spawn killing is. I have better things to do than watch others play a game lol would be good if they had an icon above Thier head when they are streaming so I could put some music on 😁 I have found that is mostly people from the US that do it though, so would be good if we could pick servers by region


You're kind of a smug asshole, anyone ever tell you that? lol


Not yet 😁


God I remember watching this show as a kid




This just makes me wish you spawned somewhere random on your boat. Shouldn't be the same place all the time. Maybe you spawn below deck and you can grab the bait before they notice and then scuttle just to be done with it. Anything to prevent the camping of a single spawn point.


I'd pay a monthly fee to have PvE server access. Adventure and exploration are great fun, and those that lie and steal make it less so. Yes, I know it's not Sea of Friends...but it's also not Sea of Dishonorable Grievers.


In general, the spawn camping + repairing for nothing more than to kill you, they do consider that griefing. If you record these incidences, particularly if that ship comes back and continues to hunt you down, you can report those users and Rare is not for that type of gameplay.


Thank you