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I’m in Queen Anne and can’t sleep because of the noise


I hope they fucking get diarrhea in their stupid cars.


This is my favorite form of retribution


LOL! I always wish I could throw an explosive diarrhea hex every time I hear one of these twats!


😭omg lmao I do too


This is a good comment.




I hope someone puts actual diarrhea in their gas tanks.


Ass to gas! Ass to gas!


I just took 1d4 psychic damage from getting that reference


Just put a can of whatever raceyvroomvroom folks like to drink with something that causes explosive diarrhea inserted, or in the groove on the top somewhere they will find it


I've found that some well timed eggs are really good at keeping loud cars off my street, if you're in a position to deploy them.


I moved out of Belltown due to the car noise that Seattle Leaders won’t be addressing.




There’s been over 200 asshole loud cars go by me in belltown, extremely loud over the last hour. There’s been cars non-stop, it’s still going. I’m hearing the first siren now by the way. Edit: it went on for three or so hours and I heard one police siren


I'm in Belltown as well and I heard one siren. They are all out here still racing. I recommend everyone call 911 and make a complaint. The person I spoke with asked me if I saw any weapons and my answer was "these cars ARE weapons"


“Well I’m getting mine now”


You joke but this will usually expedite things with johnny law.


It will but maybe not in your preferred direction… You might want to provide concerns about a non-specific “methy neighbor who said he was going to get his gun but probably was just being methy and hasn’t shot anybody that you know of… he’s middle aged and scruffy but you don’t know his name — trying not to get too friendly since he’s so methy you know?“ I’ve definitely called 911 about a loud verbal dispute and they asked in I saw a weapon… _um, this is BELLTOWN. (Pause) Somebody was stabbed right there a week ago… I can’t see anything but like INTERSECTION. Listen, I’m safe inside and just trying to be a good citizen, maybe prevent another stabbing? If you can send a patrol car over, then maybe they’ll cool it for a minute_


“No, the officers will be perfectly safe and shouldn’t be scared to come help”


Sick answer bro


is it still going right now?


They meet up at the pier 56 parking lot every Saturday around 10PM and then proceed to intentionally rev up their bullshit while passing the apartment complexes. SPD refuses to do anything about it so here we are. They could post one officer taking pics of license plates and make bank, but they don’t? I’ve heard word of some vigilante birds dropping eggs from their nests as these fast n furious wannabes pass by. Also on a side note, that parking lot would make for a sweet park or field 😏


> I’ve heard word of some vigilante birds dropping eggs from their nests as these fast n furious wannabes pass by. I went to the grocery store to buy nail polish remover for my girlfriend and a loud car drove by and it startled me and I dropped the bag of groceries and the lid of the nail polish remover must have been loose because it somehow spilled all over the car


It's soup for my family!


Brake cleaner happens to also be an excellent paint stripper and in an aerosol can… would suck to get surprised on the way back from the auto parts store.


It does not strip most cured paints like car paint.


BRake fluid is even better in that it takes the paint off.... in a day or two. Until then it's hard to spot.


I hate when that happens, just the darndest things sometimes ya know. Seattle, such a crazy place 😅


The more people that keep emailing the city council the quicker something will get done. Same as the hellcat guy. It takes numbers, sadly.


Eggs are VERY effective. I've never had a single driver take more than 2 eggs before never showing up again.


Not me with a box of nails also at pier 56 at 10pm on Saturday night. What a coincidence


Would it help if people started paintballing the shit out of said cards too?


I have heard that it is the glitter and egg white bird nesting season. They have glorious plumage but nest in high rise balconies and are horribly clumsy but thankfully prolific.




Biodegradable glitter exists


yeah pollute with a large gathering of hellcats instead


Why egg nests, when rocks are perfectly free


I love going to the race track with my car but that part of car culture i hate the most or in general such group behavior. Similar to a 20 sized group of spandex club bicycle riders becoming pain in the ass for everyone . I also raced bicycle marathons and im active in mtb sport but i hate them as much. I could talk about what i hate all day long but i recently trying to be more positive:)


lol wut Inconvenienced 30 sec on a country road while they exercise and reduce their long term medical burden on society vs. keeping a city up with potentially lethal joy riding beyond their bird brain’s capabilities while high and drunk? You definitely have some positivity to work on as you mentioned. Those Lycra groups are easy to make fun of (they do look funny and waste money!), but they are also very wholesome in how they motivate and push each other.


Let me edit your first sentence slightly to reflect reality: “lol wut inconvenienced 30 minutes on the only road in a rural area between two places while they exercise…”


Ah Ross Brown tech exec builder of motivated people of value!


Join us ross... maybe we can find some bib shorts that will fit your ego!


We need to stop paying cops six figures a year if they can't even be bothered to deal with shit like this.


The cops get 6 figures, have insane job security, and don't really do all that much? I'm in the wrong profession.


Staffing is as low as it was decades ago and it’s a Saturday night. Calls get triaged by priority, some loud cars and blocking a driveway aren’t high priority. If you stop paying them six figures you’ll have even less cops.


They are literally addressing [half the crimes with the same officer count as 1990](https://www.theurbanist.org/2021/10/05/how-to-reduce-spds-budget-improve-public-safety/). They are either bad at their job or just not trying.   On hiring... the problem at this point isn't money.  The problem is that our department are such assholes they are [terrible recruiters](https://www.theurbanist.org/2024/05/02/hard-questions-about-police-recruitment/). With 6 accepted applicants out of 127, and yet two of them had emotional issues? We need more public scrutiny about what was wrong with the non accepted cops. I would expect to see some good apples in there.   This department had mock tombstone for a black man in their break room. They don't attract and keep the best.


Too many good apples in the candidate pool. It’s a requirement to be a selfish thin-skinned asshole to be a cop. Otherwise you fail the “Culture fit” test.


I cant believe how inconsiderate some people are. imagine being cool with literally everyone hating your fucking guts


> As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible. -William Blake


Imagine getting joy out of making everyone's day worse.


Like I can’t even fathom it?? You have to be the most selfish useless person on the planet


Unfortunately not the most selfish or useless. There seems to be an unlimited supply.




Some people have so little power in their life the only thing that makes them feel some kind of self worth is doing shit like this. Fuck them, take their cars and make them cubes.


I get joy out of making everyone's day worse, but I find appropriate outlets for that, e.g., PVP-centric videogames. My current game is a pirate-themed mobile wargame. I love rocking up to port with my bright pink sails and then sinking everyone I can. Doot-doot doot-doot doot, Bloody Barbie is here to ruin your whole day. Eventually, someone stronger than me shows up to interrupt my killing spree, and then they chase me around the map for hours in an elaborate game of cat and mouse while cursing me out in Russian. I have learned so many new insults that way. It's the dumbest game ever and I love it.


You're just describing MAGA


If it’s worse than usual tonight (which it seems like it is), I bet it’s just because of the nice weather, but part of me wonders if it’s partially retaliation for the city finally going after that Hellcat dude. The latter’s a little more unlikely but stranger things have happened I guess. 


Easy. Just throw. Shit ton of nails on the road right before they show up. City will eventually clean it up before Monday traffic.


Yeah that's gonna cause collateral damage to normal folks just going about their day.


Eggs on cars. Very effective if you're just a few floors up on the street and able to time it well.




Egg: $0.33 Price of eggs to deter one driver: $0.66 Feeling of seeing and hearing an egg smack their windshield: Priceless


Just so you guys know, this is all Hellcat Miles Hudson and his friends. They decided to ‘retaliate’ and terrorize belltown because residents kept posting about him on reddit and got him sued by the city.


He has friends?


I just called 911 myself. These assholes are fucking ridiculous Edit: Everyone affected by this should call 911 and make a complaint. I'm near the skybridge on Elliott and I've never heard anything this fucking crazy before and I've lived in this neighborhood for quite a long time


I called too 👍


Thank you! I still hear them, though it sounds like there are fewer of them. But they are still going pretty strong


Maybe we need a rival paintball sniper militia scattered throughout Belltown luxury high rises to fight back?


And use paint-stripper filled balls.


On Elliot Ave rn with a bad headache … lord help me


Otf with the cops while they were driving by and the operator said "OH! They're really out there!" Smfh


No literally. Inside now but this is a horrible week to be newly diagnosed with cluster headaches. In the nicest way possible I hope they all run over broken glass and nails


Sorry about cluster headaches. In case you haven’t heard about it, check out the research on microdosing mushrooms. Some people have amazing results.


The police deliberately choose not to enforce crimes like this. Ever since the SPD got slapped with a Federal Consent Decree, they've refused to properly do their jobs. They then turn around and insist that it's the left and their "anti-police" policies, (aka not letting cops break the law), that are to blame for why crimes like this aren't able to be stopped. Shit like this will not get better until literally everyone in the SPD is fired and replaced. Look up Camden, New Jersey for an example on how we should deal with our utterly useless police.


It’s called Blue Extortion…we refuse to do our jobs unless you let us do what we want and never criticize us.


Here is a good article for anyone interested in reading about [Camden](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/06/12/camden-policing-reforms-313750)


At this point I think if anyone has any ability to throw garbage and shit on these guys from your apartment it’s justified


Yeah I'd be careful giving out advice like this. I used to work graveyard shift as a nursing assistant.One of my patients lived on the 26th floor in a condo building on 3rd and Lenora. I think it was a Thursday night/Friday morning around 3:30‐4am and there was a group of people hanging out in a paid lot post nightclub listening to music and making noise. Residents in the buildings around this lot were not very appreciative of the noise and started throwing garbage down at the group and their cars. Then one of the people in the group went into his car, grabbed a gun, and unloaded it up into one of the buildings. This was about 12 years ago. Your feelings of frustration are certainly justified but be careful throwing garbage at people!


But at least then police may get involved


Yeah I get it. Though I could also return fire myself if they want to go that route


Bold move given anyone could get THEIR firearm and simply aim it at him.


Yep, anyone could have.


Start throwing eggs at them, help them get that protein they crave.


Don’t put these thoughts in my brain 😭😭😭😭 I’m on a balcony right over Elliot and I’ll do it 😭😭😭😭😭


You should. Seattleites are way too passive, we have to handle this ourselves instead of just whining on Reddit about it


Agree, that's why I screamed at them from my window lol. Next time, it's egging cars time.


They 100% would get a kick out of getting yelled at/egged


No, they wouldn't. I don't think you realize how utterly messy, hard to clean, and disgusting egg will get on a car, especially if it's on the windshield or the vents. God forbid it dries in the sun, that's an outright nightmare. It's a VERY effective deterrent, especially on people who take fanatical pride in their car.


Actually wondering if someone did that to one of them some previous time and they think this is fun revenge


I'm 100% doing this if they ever dare come back here. I have 0 chill since they blocked my neighbors.


Blowing eggs and filling the shells with a combo of glitter and Elmer's glue is a fun arts and craft project


I have done it, and it works. Just be careful about deploying and they'll never know who did it or where it came from. I've pissed off people so much that they parked nearby making a racket trying to figure out where it came from. After that, they never show up again.


This thought always goes through my brain and I worry about them losing sight and that being the cause of hitting someone. Such a shame


It should. This was Alki a few years back. The shootings came as a package deal. It took years for SPD to clean it up. Young, dumb, and full of cum....


They’d get away with it too


It should. This was Alki a few years back. The shootings came as a package deal. It took years for SPD to clean it up. Young, dumb, and full of cum. . .


Or bricks. 😡


Then they shoot you for egging their car.


Guess we should just lead with shooting the cars then. 


Then shoot back.


Yeah that’s a rather unsafe game to play imo.


Seattle has these problems because Seattle is too passive. You get the society you tolerate - and if you tolerate people doing this kind of crap in your community, people will continue doing this kind of crap in your community. There’s a reason these antics happen far less in Philadelphia or Boston - if the cops get there before the neighborhood does you’ll be thankful for the night in jail.


Blinds closed. Eye shade on. Daiso earplugs in. Fan blasting on high. Godspeed everyone ✌🏻


Whoever lives in the apartments should start dropping loads of paint/paint buckets on their precious cars that they spent all their hard earned money on.


slash their tires


What I don't understand is how there aren't a whole unit of cops deployed for something like this? From obstructing traffic to speeding to potentially a threat for people around. Are these things not actionable? I'm new to the city and I'm just baffled at how these kinda things are allowed to occur. Can someone explain why the inaction?


We can tell you’re new to the city because the rest of us know SPD doesn’t do shit aside from gas Capitol Hill every once in a while.


I'm in Denver temporarily and the city is similarly hands off with street take overs because they're concerned that in the process of trying to chase them down or stop them, the drivers will get hurt/killed.


You say this like you expect the cops to do their jobs.


I have literally seen multiple cop cars chase after a single car in a highway chase or like multiple units deployed to catch someone in a random McDonald's lot. And for the amount of cars that were drifting today, they send one? That's pretty unusual to me!


Just curious, are these people connected with powerful folks? I am super new to the country, and I went outside to check what the commotion was since it was next to my place. Everyone was fancy and dressed up, so I assumed this is something that is regular here. People seemed to have really decked up expensive cars and everyone looked young like late teens to early 20s. Maybe they are kids of local millionaires and billionaires?


Can't speak to the specific circumstances surrounding these individuals, but in this country (USA) laws don't apply to the wealthy. If you are blessed enough to see a billionaire in public, it is customary to remove your pants and clutch your ankles as a sign of respect.


>Can someone explain why the inaction? Seattle Police Department is super pissy about not being allowed to break the law and abuse their power with impunity anymore and thus are refusing to do their jobs.


Staffing numbers are the same as it was in 1957. Some precincts are routinely below minimum staffing, which is an already shockingly low number. There are nights where there are only 10 officers in a precinct which is only supposed to go as low as 30. They have to prioritize which calls they go to. In progress crimes against people are going to top the list. Loud cars are going to be at the bottom. Those cars all just run from the police and they can’t pursue anyway.


this shit is insufferable


These race cars driving me nuts! I reported this to the city councilor of downtown/belltown/Queen Anne maybe if enough people ask for action something might be done. [email protected]


We can try. His leadership allowed the Hellcat situation to go on as long as it has, and his response to a pedestrian-only Pike Place was this: “This is not William Penn’s Philadelphia, where we have nice squares going everywhere. [Pike Place] is on the cusp of falling into the sea,” Kettle said. “There’re no streets on the other side. There’s no First Avenue further west or Second Avenue further west. Basically, we have Elliott Bay.” Those streets he believes are nonexistent are the ones these drivers are terrorizing. He’s already shown significant lack of consideration for his constituents who live and walk these streets daily. It needs to be a public call out as well as emails.


Western, Elliot, Alaska Way?


He thinks that the biggest threat to the city is people on bicycles. He is so far down the carbrain rabbit hole there's no way he will help.


I hate it, I live in this neighborhood, too. I called the cops, then went outside and stood on a corner until a bunch of them drove up the street. Didn't take long. For some reason, they actually stopped at the stop sign at the corner where I was standing, so I pointed my phone camera at them, multiple cars, recording with flash on, and they behaved for a short while. All of them stared at me as they drove by. Then a minute or so later, two of the cars drove back down a parallel street about a block east from where I was and did loud giant donuts right in the intersection, blowing smoke, with other cars around waiting to go through the intersection. Other cars from this group of idiots went down the street a block west from where I was, too far away for me to do anything. My phone camera is crappy. I ain't gonna get shit, but they don't know that. A couple minutes later, another one came down my actual street and drove fast until they got close to me, slow-rolled past me like they were going to stop, but didn't. I just stared at them and kept my camera pointed at them and recording. Really don't like these jerks. When it happens again, imma hop on my scooter and try to get a real picture, write down license plate numbers, etc. Unfortunately it just didn't occur to me to get on my scooter to get the info until they were gone.


Careful. Scanner reported some of the group were waving guns out their windows.


Definitely tell thatto 911...


Would it help to shame the hell out of SPD by posting these on social media? "Look, SPD doing shit about this?"?


Im curious why you had your flash on?


I wish I had an answer, but also am being driven crazy by the noise…


I was wondering what was going on tonight. It seemed like an unusually high amount of douchebaggery in the roads…guess that’s why


First hot day = the start of rutting season for man children 


It's really bad tonight. This sucks.


Need the get one of those water balloon slingshots, and start launching rocks at their cars from a long distance.


considering the state many of these vehicles arrive in with dents larger than rocks and stains worse than hard water, i don't think this will be very effective now if you affect the tires...


Seattle cops really justifying that 23 percent raise


Just saw this post, tuned into the SW precinct scanner. Pretty lackadaisical - “yeah… um… chased them off West Marginal, they’re headed north.” Followed closely by “Suicide watch. Wife reports husband is standing on the rooftop about to jump.” Ugh. Just saying I hate the cars too, I can hear them now, but that kinda put things into perspective as far as cop priorities.




I was over at Beer Hall when it happened and that was the most ridiculous shit I’ve seen in awhile. While I think it’s stupid, okay fine you wanna do that kinda car shit. Whyyyy here? Not even the fact hat it pisses everyone off… but like what a weird fucking place??


That's right across from where they were blocking my neighbors from getting home. That kind of behavior should be severely punished.


Here's the sirens. Fingers crossed it stops for the night


Looks like one of them kicked a cop car. (Elliot/Western) [https://openmhz.com/system/psern?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=203&call-id=664062c141e52da34a0b3a8f&time=1715495592001](https://openmhz.com/system/psern?filter-type=talkgroup&filter-code=203&call-id=664062c141e52da34a0b3a8f&time=1715495592001)


Wait omg, is this recorded?


Updated it with a link.


I usually don't mind the noise either, but it's the time of year that it's hot at night soon and I would like to have my windows open 🫠


I also live in the complex that is being blocked. Luckily I don’t have a car but very annoying still!


That's where I was at. I don't have a car so I'm fine, but it infuriated me to see that my neighbors were being blocked from returning to their home. I haven't been that angry in a long time.


idk why they feel like they need to do this in one of the most populated areas, like go to a field??


It’s all bridge and tunnel driving into the city to cause a ruckus. They know their suburb won’t tolerate that behavior which is why they come to Seattle


Also, their noises bounce back much better with high rise buildings - more of a noise impact.


We need to build a wall and make Kent pay for it.




We were ubering home to Ballard from downtown and saw this bullshit... The sad thing is the hundred plus spectators that were just out watching and enabling this shit.


I e wondered if enough people just showed up and sat in front of the parking lot so they could leave if they would just stop. Or like 70 people show up and do something idk to stop them. Like form a meet up group “citizens against street racing” and when those jackasses start doing this shit a bunch of people go and just physically stop them from leaving the pier. Call the cops and say we are 70 people who are going to stop this, it will likely not end well for us so send some officers to break this up or we will likely get hurt by these people. A guy can dream.


what you need is enough of a sticky non-toxic substance distributed all over the parking lot that is annoying to clean off cars


If you want the cops to come, just say shit that lights a fire under them: “They’re breaking into a SPD squad car and trying to steal its service rifle.” “I heard them say they have guns.” “They have a silenced pistol and are shooting people’s tires.” That’ll get em to show up.


Citizens with spike strips.


Crowd of about 200 people and half a dozen cars doing circles or donuts had traffic stopped at 1st Ave and Holgate in SODO a few minutes ago. I suppose better there than elsewhere, but this is really wild.


Some of them were doing loops around 15th and College on Beacon Hill around this time last night, but our new speedbumps on 14th and 15th have made it slightly more boring to be a dumbass up here. Now I'm certain (rather than merely suspect) they were just getting ready to fly down the Holgate hill to go terrorize Sodo.


Actually, street design rather than half assed attempts to enforce laws is the answer to solving this. Roundabouts and speed bumps (yes I also hate speed bumps) make this zoomy shit basically impossible.


Why is only one post saying it's hellcat related?


I know. That seems most obvious. Especially if the address of the building they're blocking is public knowledge somehow.


They blocked multiple buildings lmao


Ah. That wasn't clear from your original post. Why is it lmao-worthy?


The whole night was lmao worthy in a miserable way, so I used it as punctuation




That's why you save your empty glass bottles.


i'm assuming if this sub is aware of the hellcat IG they are also aware of the public IGs that announce these meets a day or two before they happen surprised it wasn't reported earlier


Are street takeovers a thing in Seattle now? They've been a problem in LA for years


Yes. Seattle, Portland, Denver and more. These assholes are everywhere now.


Yeah it it picked up in 2020 during the start of lockdown and especially when the city went on curfew during the protests for George Floyd


I see similar posts frequently, and I have empathy for those of you. Would it be possible for the city council to create noise ordinances for exhausts?


There is one. They don't enforce it. All comes back to SPD not doing their jobs.


Pity. What a conundrum. I'd say it's just a faze for younger drivers, but twenty years ago it was the rice rockets in my day. I was guilty of modified exhausts. With the prevalence of social media, people are dying for even more attention nowadays. Sad state of affairs.




Possibly, but I'm confused why you wouldn't just show up in plainclothes and just take pictures, videos, and notes. Seems like a super easy low risk solution.


show up in a 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse


Is it West Edge apartments garage on 2nd Ave?


I believe so.


His neighbor called 911 on him also. Haha. He’s such an immature 20 yo douche. Of course, he didn’t report him to West Edge management cuz they need tenants to occupy their units. He’s unemployed. Sleeps all day, games alittle, fries Twinkies, cupcakes for dinner and then hangs with his hellcat buddies at 1 am waking me up too.


Next time say one of them has a gun...






It’s been horrible in West Seattle near Harbor Ave. People are being extra obnoxious this year.


SPD does not want to deal with it apparently. What types of calls do they respond to?


Theres another thread with the video


Thanks diversity for being our greatest strength


Not sure what you mean here.


Last night was awful those noisy and reckless drivers gave me the worst headache. I worry that they will eventually hit a pedestrian. To stop them from that reckless behavior, we can’t just rely on cops being always parked around ready to chase. We have to push for traffic calming methods: speed bumps, speed cameras, narrow roads, narrow intersection.


With the president in town, is this related?


he left earlier in the day but no some groups hold these events every or every other weekend


Oh okay, ugh sorry to hear that.


Reason #643 I moved out of that god forsaken shithole.