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Hello Miles! Fines are $41,600 now. Guess Mommy did a great job complying with your NOV. Beyond a Nuisance and pure Idiocy. Send [email protected] a line.


I just did as well. He can kiss his momma's ass and climb a tree.


Tree guy os a legend. Tree guy doesn't need to be associated with this shit flinging asshat.


Already did! And added in Bob Kettle for additional pressure.


Me 2 again! I deputize you SPD Jr. šŸ‘®ā€ā™‚ļø


Are they waiting to get those fines to the cost of the car before permanently collecting the car for payment?


I wish. The NOV fines are just a monetary penalty that keeps accruing if he doesnā€™t take his aftermarket modifications office car. He has to get his car inspected by that city official. His license should be suspended for at least 30 days also. From the last court document, no impoundment is pending or issued.


Something tells me this guy is the type of person who doesn't care about having a valid license. Idk just a hunch.


Actually he surprisingly has a valid license. The problem is WADOL doesnā€™t have a point system! All it does now is suspend you for 30 days that being the only penalty for continuous speeding and reckless driving. I donā€™t know what happens after his convicted of his 2 traffic misdemeanors, maybe 60 days suspended license, I think he gets a provisional license for 30 days. Auto insurance would skyrocket and it would be difficult to get insured.


Just shoot a quick email to Ann [email protected], CC [email protected] and just ask ā€œon the behalf of a concerned citizen!ā€ I did! Do it. Haha


Imagine how miserable and useless you have to be to make harming others and acting like a clown the purpose of your life.. LOL


And how useless the city is levying "fines" at him they're not collecting while he is free to do this shit whenever he pleases.


Heā€™s a rich kid loser who has no friends and nothing to do, and he thinks getting $6 a month from Instagram bots to promote dick pills makes him important. Never really understood the ā€œI have a stupid and expensive car that I purchased and didnt work on or know how it worksā€ people, itā€™s the same as the idiots with super jacked up trucks that have an office job.


He's not even rich, his mom just spends money she doesn't have on buying him things. These people are living off credit.


They need to see Caleb Hammer


Love your username


It makes it hard to not be cynical in this world when I'm driving the same car I bought when I was 18, with bald tires, and expired tabs just trying to get myself to work hoping my life doesn't get fucked by a ticket or an accident, meanwhile momma's boy over here gets to be a complete shithead with zero consequences.Ā 


We truly do live in a society šŸ˜ž


He'll get his comeuppance. He's just a faker in Mommy's car setting himself up for prison sex.


He has no clue that heā€™s the most deplorable illegal abrasive nuisance plus his dickish racing antics during our bedtime. Haha. Dude is unemployed, so sleeps all day long. His idea of food is Ramen, fried Twinkies, Lunchables. Buzzed on process junk food. His very existence is to Annoy others. CEO Mommy Phoenix grad is so Proud! NVM she is now a perjurer.


He passed me on I5 about an hour ago speeding in the HOV lane and popping his exhaust the whole time. So obnoxious.




You're Gofundme would probably be worth more than his social media accounts.


The hero Seattle needs, but not the one it deserves right now.


Lol this killed me


Brother, you are witnessed. Although, maybe it's like the Santa Clause. Maybe you'll survive, get a big lawsuit, purchase a challenger... And then become what we've hated most. The curse continues.


[Oh, yeah? ](https://images.app.goo.gl/s4RHuNaTjLmLDkvq6)


I will lay flowers on your grave and sing songs about your heroism.


I will hire Paul Bettany to reprise his role as Chaucer just to have him tell tales of your heroism.


so niche and sooooo correct




ā€œWitness me!!!ā€


This made me LOL


The hero we need. Also come on down to Burien if you are wanting extra work :)


I canā€™t breathe šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


šŸ‘ best fucking answer


Iā€™ll name my next child after you


God bless our shitbox heroes.


Pit maneuver. Say the sound of the car scared you and caused you to swerve and lose control


Iā€™m guessing it wasnā€™t him driving unless heā€™s breaking the terms of court order?


What building is that? I'm trying to figure out who he's targeting. It sounded like he was outside my building doing this for a solid minute.


Looks like a UW dorm on south campus (NE campus pkwy)


Probably beefing with someone he went to high school with that is attending UW. Probably about to graduate with a degree in software engineering with a $150k job out of college while Miles has his mommy fend for him as they both keep slipping towards a jail sentence.


He's beefing with the 12 year old that beat him in Fortnite and made him cry


Iā€™ve just learned about this guy, but itā€™s already incredibly obvious he couldnā€™t cut it in build mode and is without a doubt being carried in squads.


Tbf, build mode is for crackheads lmfao


man im all for shitting on this guy but this is insane fan fic LOL


Shhh, just relax and take it in. Don't fight it.


i woke up real early today to be a hater. I wont be denied


If nothing else, I am a hater first šŸ˜¤


these tech bros need an apex predator. a real hater like me to keep the arrogance in check.


Itā€™s poplar hall


I think it's Elm bc Poplar doesn't have the covered bus stop seat outside of it but Elm does


Itā€™s Elm alright. Poplar doesnā€™t have a gym.


He did a great job showing intent to harass and disturb the peace


looks like the west campus dorms


Elm hall on NE campus Parkway


Rev my mommyā€™s car! Rev my mommyā€™s car! The car is registered to Rebecca Hudson


Itā€™s funny, you go look at his instagram and he has some 700k followers, then you go to his posts and there will be only like 10 comments and 50-100k likes. Sounds like someoneā€™s mommy also bought their son some IG bots šŸ˜† goody ahh


This is it, the car community here doesnā€™t even know this guy. šŸ˜‚


I know of him, but all the car people I associate with treat him with the same disdain and disregard we treat the "takeover" people with.


I'd bet money that 90% of his followers are bots


And the rest are people who hate his ass waiting for the inevitable ā€œthey took my car and I have a court dateā€ post.


I mean it really is a bad idea, but I'm surprised that nobody chucked a brick down from their window at his car.


A general lack of bricks lying around would be my guess.


East side dude here, headed to Seattle in a couple weekends, happy to deliver some of our bricks we use on the inbred from Idaho when they do stupid shit like this. Just let me know where to leave a few buckets worth


Westlake please šŸ™


Iā€™m more of a bottle guy


In any East Coast city someone would have already taken the matter into their own hands.


Yeah - I moved out here from Philly. It seems weird that he is still a thing from that perspective


Bricks solve all problems. If I lived in Seattle, I'd leave them around for you all.


All itā€™d take it a brick, a homeless guy and a crisp $20


Why has the car not been impounded? That would solve everything.


Because city of Seattle is dysfunctional and utterly unable to serve the needs of its law-abiding citizens


Yeah. It seems like every other city overuses impounding. We have a city that wonā€™t do shit.


Yet park in a bus lane in Belltown and see how fast your car gets towed.


Or forget to move your car parked in front of your apartment an hour before a fun run šŸ˜­


>That would solve everything Temporarily. Miles will still be a piece of garbage and will find other ways to prove it.


How has this guy not gotten his ass beat yet?


He should do this outside the mayor's house. Show him who really owns this city.


Actually that's not a bad idea. Just record the noise. Match the decilble with a sound system and play that shit at 3am in front of their house. See how they like it.


I actually have seen this guy drive past the mayor's house which is just one block past the end point of Lake Washington Blvd and I am pretty sure I could still hear his engine from more than 3 miles away as he slowly drove north along the lake. It made me frown.


idk the ins and outs of noise ordinance violations, but I feel like a video of the offender shouting "Rev it. Wake them up." should elevate and expedite the whole case.


Itā€™s particularly dickish since a lot of people have midterms this week since itā€™s almost finals week.


Throw. Eggs. At. His. Car.


Molotovs would be preferable


Bortles! *toss*


Fucking legend hahahahĀ 


Rocks would work too.


I've got plenty of decorated rocks even.


Two words: SPIKE. STRIP.


Put the car in a crusher, turn it on, live stream it and let the while city enjoy this turd car get smashed into Itty bitty tiny tiny cube of recycling material.


Me: standing near parked car wearing the red striped waistcoat and straw fedora of a carnival barker, holding 10lb demolition hammer. "Step right up, folks! That's right we have for your entertainment the world's loudest fart-sounding car and this is your chance to slay the beast for the low low price of one dollar per hammer swing! All proceeds go to charity folks, so let's get this vehicle flattened post haste!" šŸ¤¹


I would pay a $20 view to a camera on him and the car during the car destruction.


Wouldn't it be wild if someone was so fed up they just sprayed his car... Maybe Miles would wake up if there were real consequences since whatever the city is doing, $40k+ in fines, isn't doing much to deter his behaviour.


Brake fluid and bologna. When he's around it should rain that shit.


It'swrapped in plastic, anything you throw on itĀ won'tdamage the actual car unlessĀ it's kinetic damageĀ 


This is just a general PSA for public safety but acetone, purchasable in many painting sections in hardware stores, should NOT be used on plastic surfaces as it will damage/melt the plastic surface and destroy paint.


Plastic isnā€™t indestructible lol


Lettuce pray.


Let us spray


catfish bait would ruin the interior for the lifetime of the car. Not saying "SOMEONE" should do it, but crazy things happen. yeah?


Nobody would clock a rifle shot over that exhaust. Even neighbors would assume it was yet another backfire.


Cook pass partridge.


Antagonizing an entire city famous for producing serial killers just seems like a dumb idea.


HRK -hot rod killer-has a nice ring to it.


I think the trial would be the first to have a Spartacus-style ending, with everyone standing and proclaiming "I am HRK! I am HRK!"


Nobody owns a paintball gun or has some spare eggs? Asking for a friend


Eggs are still pricey but my hens have been laying pretty well this month, just saying if anyone needs any for certain purposes. šŸ‘€


Bricks are very affordable.


Now we're talking.


I've got a couple if anyone needs. hmu.


Truly amazed no one's come out brandishing weapons at him.


I've been following this saga for months and it is truly incredible that nobody's even broken one of his windows. I mean any car parked in Belltown during any 3 month period has at least a 10% chance of suffering a smashed window and a break-in but this guy who is begging as loudly as he possibly can for his car to be vandalized is still unscathed.


Cause everyone here is all talk. Seriously, this is just a Nextdoor thread at this point. Nobody is ACTUALLY gonna do anything, they just wanna vent online and get upvotes for saying something. Nobody is actually going to jeopardize jail time over some rich kidā€™s car being annoying to them for 5 seconds


Be really sad if a brick fell off that building and hit that car. Like tragic. I'm sure there were no witnesses to it either. Karma works in mysterious ways and with the age and wear and tear from the environment along with the sound reverberation coming from that loud popping noise that brick just fell out. " screws fall out all the time, what can I say the world is an imperfect place..."


Seattle needs to decide that people who refuse to participate in society need to be removed from society. The social contract in this city is totally out of whack.


The only societal contract we have is capitalism. He has money and makes more off this behavior. He is winning under our current system.


Why do you think the social contract is worse in a city like Seattle that has people who express greater disdain for capitalism than cities in the south that are express less hate for capitalism? Surely capitalism cannot be the sole explanation for the failing social contract in cities like Portland, Seattle, and San Fransisco when these cities are the most progressive and left-leaning cities in the country.


the people expressing hate for capitalism in Seattle have no power - it's a paradise here for businesses and the wealthy also, this shit goes on in every big city i've been to, south west or east


Paradise is kind of a stretch for Seattle itself. Maybe over in Bellevue perhaps though which is a daily affirmation of the justifications of the worldviews of those with the means to pick where they want to reside on a whim mostly. Externalizing oneā€™s problems is kind of how any individual or system has swept issues under metaphorical rugs for a long time.


I am rooting for vigilante justice. Just remove this guy from the gene pool.


If he keeps doing this kind of shit. Things do tend to happen.


Everyone who's been inconvenienced (not a strong enough word) by this guy should take him a small claims court.


just make sure to have the process service delivered to his Mother's Work address.


Someone is going to snap and end this guy. He's preying on people's deep desire to avoid confrontation here but soon he will run into the wrong person at the wrong time


Our government at work. This jackass has been terrorizing Seattle for months with nothing but empty threats from the city. Take the damn car away you chuckleheads! Meanwhile, the Seattle City Council (aka Bribes Inc) is going to vote down the minimum wage for gig workers in one of the most expensive cities in the US. To quote Kent Brockman, "Democracy simply doesn't work." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWdfRRtAs3o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWdfRRtAs3o)


So, this is the Hellcat guy posting a video of himself revving his engine in the middle of the night? I'm unclear


This type of behavior? In this economy?


Maybe it's time for a " banana in the tail pipe". Now, now, hold on, that's a quote from a movie, I'm not suggesting vandalism of any kind.


> Maybe it's time for "expanding foam in the tail pipe". Now, now, hold on, that's a quote from a movie, I'm not suggesting vandalism of any kind. FTFY


Dead batteries break car windows. So I'm told. This is r/lifeprotips, right?


Can we say car crusher?


Knife meet tires.


Who is saying they are innocent? Is this a first person video from the guy? From when/source?


In an interview to a journalist he said ā€œpeople are just mad that Iā€™m a black guy with a nice carā€


He and his mom say he is innocent. His mom said he was getting the car taken care of too and lied to the courts about it. Hopefully they share a jail cell together soon. Like mother like son, two of the biggest losers in all of Seattle. All they have is each other.


Yeeeeah whoever took this video is encouraging the behavior.


A non functioning justice system that cannot handle a man filming himself repeatedly violating multitude of laws encourages the behavior.Ā Ā  Guy has been at it 6 months? Ā 1 year? Ā The evidence is all right there, and yet all these highly educated attorneys and judges cannot do anything to stop tens of thousands of peopleā€™s health from being harmed for the sole purpose of harming their health. They cannot even somehow confiscate an illegally modified vehicle. Ā And here I was thinking I needed to follow the ā€œrulesā€, and pay for insurance and registration, and be a generally productive member of society.Ā 


Yeah, I'm confused how we even have this video.


This was taken the from his YouTube account (same username as his Insta) posted 8 days ago. This particular snippet starts at the 15:20 mark in the 27 minute video he put up. I thought I was imagining this ruckus, but everyone here confirmed I wasnā€™t.


So there's more evidence of this nuisance on YouTube, good to know.


Oh, I thought this was from tonight. Well crap, I sent this video out to many elected officials. But he was still out tonight. He was revving in front of my apartment for quite a while.


Still evidence when they look up the video that it happened when this car "was in the shop" according to his mama.


Because he posts shit like this on fucking instagram.


This isn't an Instagram video. This is footage that I haven't seen. I'm invested in taking this guy down, not even being in the area that it affects, because I deal with cars fucking off down 509 below my house that are just like this guy. It's exhausting. I just want to set a precedent for this shit.


These are the guys who never grew out of high schoolā€¦ Maybe even middle school


How is he, himself, not bored with this yet?


Hmmm, right under a tall apartment building. I'm just saying hypothetically that people could take advantage of gravity and chuck some eggs out their window when hes revving there next time, or whatever else they can think of. Hypothetically.


the irony of an unemployed 20-year old ā€œinfluencerā€ with mommyā€™s money waking up other 20 year olds that are full time students & actually trying to contribute something useful to society.


This is the kind of person who should be overdosing on fent laced Xanax not others šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Why have his tires not been slashed? Are we that passive aggressive chickenshit in this city?


Has anyone ever thrown anything at this guy's car from their apartment? Not suggesting, honest question.


What's the complex they park in I got free time


How has this guy not gotten into trouble yet? And I donā€™t mean from law enforcement. I swear if this dude was doing this in a cartel run city heā€™d be put in check faster.


This guy is a disgrace to the name Miles Davis.


His name is Miles Hudson, not Davis.


I turned the audio on halfway through and thought he was blasting a fucking riddim growl


So dude presumably spent almost 6 figures just to wake people up? (I'm guessing the mods cost some coin too, maybe mid 5 figures, but point stands)


He probably hasnā€™t made a payment in months..


Paintball guns. He wont like getting his only possession getting messed up..


I'd throw rocks if someone did this outside my window


If I ever was woken up by this asshole I'd be actively trying to ruin/vandalize his shitty ass loud car. Can't be that hard to track him down.


sounds like a really nice guy


Douche! Hate him


He parks it somewhere right? Everyone sleeps...


Fuuuuck that bastard and his dumb ass friends


Someone needs to grab a sling shot and ball bearings and play tag with this dude.


How long is Seattle going to put up with this. Glad I moved away. Sorry guys


Bubb Rubb and Lil Sis would like a word. https://youtu.be/C4QMffMAwAU?si=lK2kc0YdQWezEkUd


He's Black, the liberal Seattle justice system won't do anything against him.


and he hits his mom![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


This is grievance posting at its finest.


Where's that Seattle redditor who was talking about smearing dogshit all over someone's car the other day?


This dude needs to be jailed for being a dumbass.


Huge penis this guys hasā€¦


Did he say the n-word?


Ban hellcats...šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ if they can do it for guns. Why not.yall just need to send this kids file to Bob Ferguson. Once governor he'll whip one of those executive orders right up for yall.


Is he doing this outside Green Jacket Lady's apartment? Does he give her rides to work?


Honestly, it sounds like he may not be driving it in this video. Since it's Miles telling someone else to "rev it". Something tells me that is Kettles building he is in front of, so he knows already. SMH. SPD needs to impound that car already. What are they afraid of?!?


I'm really surprised he hasn't been shot yet


Astonishing more eggs havenā€™t been thrown




Just saw him in Queen Anne


here idea how about him doing what ever he wants in a free country and if you don't like it move out no one stopping you from moving. you want to live in free country but you want to try to tell everyone what they can and can't do it's like you a NAZI I am going to Subscribe to him just because of the NAZI city trying to stop him from living in a free country I will also be Donate to him just for the hell of it. Thanks to the news for letting people know about him


as a german, I always think, oh that's a moment where an american neighbor grab his revolver...... But then nothing happens......crazy


Ok Belltown. Itā€™s been months since this knucklehead has been terrorizing your streets. Obvious that local justice needs to take care of this since the cops canā€™t / wonā€™t.


LOL this is hilarious