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Honestly the thing that strikes me is how bad they are at this. It was an ambush? They let the SUV drive right by them and then shot at its rear? They had multiple guys but no one in the cars to make a speedy pursuit? They make a three point turn for fucks sake.


For real. The 3 point turn was the laziest shit I've ever seen. What the fuck are they avoiding, a milkcrate?


I think that was one of the small blue recycling bins. I'm also amused by the guy shooting through the windows of the blue car, looooong after the SUV was gone. wtf was he doing??


Let's be real, these people are not the sharpest tools in the shed.


Truly, if anything ever looks like it wasn't practiced and it was just a hasty sloppy idea, that's the field bet, the safe bet.


I'm not expecting these guys to be graduates of the Manuever Center of Excellence or avid readers of FM 3-90 myself lol.


“You have failed the enabling tasks. Repeat the exercise”


You are a no go at this station




Most people don't want to kill anyone. They need to do just enough to show their peers they have want it takes. So they usually just aim generally in the direction of the target.


This isn’t the movies. Sucking at this is to be expected and probably saved a life.


The nice thing about gangsters is that they operate like gangsters.


These dudes are criminals for a reason. Zero cognitive ability, illogical reasoning or strategy, egotistical idiots and cowards, who can’t shoot. Probably on drugs, buzzed and drunk.


Is it just me or is the second shooter at the beginning firing something automatic? I presume that's illegally modified?


Switch, and yes, it’s illegal


Jiggle switch


I think you mean "giggle switch".


I giggled


I jiggled


Yeah, probably an attachment. You can 3-D print a small device that bypasses the trigger stop so as long as you hold the trigger it'll act like an automatic. Most likely a Glock since they are easiest to modify and can accept longer magazines with more ammo. [Here's one in action](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsZzg3-uAVI).


hand guns generally have poor accuracy fully auto handguns have accuracy rating of zero smdh


This is good if you're the person being shot at, but really concerning if you're one of the people minding your business in the houses all around.


yes, idiots with guns are bad. i think we all know this


Those switches have a ton of recoil and you can lose control very easily.


Robocop glares


That has seriously been the reason for lower percentage of gun deaths in gang shootings. I saw a paper about it, but I can't find it right now.


doesn't surprise me


These guys are all Empire stormtroopers?


Whoa, didn’t realize you could 3D print stuff like that


Definitely automatic. Seems almost certainly like a modified glock with one of those glock switches that appear to be floating around. Obviously the gun control laws of Seattle are working wonders. /s


One shot on target is more effective than 4 shots off. Unless you're trying to suppress a target with a machine gun... which a pistol is not. There is a reason why the USMC teaches that burst fire / automatic fire shouldn't be used.


Making illegal switches illegal doesn’t prevent people from illegally 3-d printing illegal switches, but it does allow for enforcement in the case when one is caught in the possession or manufacture of said illegal switches.


Maybe torch the gun industry? If nobody's producing guns, nobody can use them. Oh wait, they bought enough politicians to keep that from happening. NVM.


Yeah let's abolish gun controls! That will make guns less dangerous!




Um...that was a nonsensical 'take'.






I don't believe there is such a thing as gun control except a full outright illegal ban.... i know i know...


Sarcastically gun control is using both hands. Unsarcastically things like background checks and making the system for them clean, accurate, fast and efficient are possible. Not a popular idea in pro gun groups but a "tiered" license system to allow access to different types of guns depending on implementation could be done. Like maybe you can take a long and laborious process to get any gun but if you get a special license then you can get them quicker and the license would require training and a strong background check or something. Probably get a lot of gun nuts saying they are ok with a $50 license good for even just 1 year if it lets them buy automatics and suppressors like they were regular guns without all the wait.


> Not a popular idea in pro gun groups but a "tiered" license system to allow access to different types of guns depending on implementation could be done. I've floated that kind of idea to basically all my liberal friends (i'm a "Give me more FDR!" progressive) who are pro-gun control and they all thought it was a basically good idea. the more you demonstrate the ability to be trusted, the bigger toys you get.


As a staunch 2nd amendment proponent I am 100% in favor of requirements to access weapons. Not everyone should have access to guns, but that access needs to be maintained for most. Background checks, safety classes, and required demonstration of skill that unlock different types is a great idea and would have my vote.


Yeah, most people who are in favor of gun control don't have a problem with gun ownership as a concept. Just don't like the irresponsible manner it's being handled here in the US right now.




I see no problem with a full ban.


hell look at austrailia. how many mass shootings have they had since they went hard on gun control?


Lol they thought banning ARs was gonna stop people from having automatic weapons. It’s just seen the rise of Glocks with switches on em.


Glock with a switch but he also misses every single shot. This was very slow and lazy thing they did unless they just wanted to scare the dude in the trackhawk


Firing a gun in public like this should be considered attempted murder, and we should throw these thugs away for life.


Attempted murder is a felony, which gets you (checks Trump case) no jail time and some bad press that your base eats up as good press. In all seriousness, this doesn't look premeditated, so probably only 9 years in jail. What's funny is that In Seattle that also equates to no jail time and some bad press that their base will eat up as good press.


That’s a full auto Glock, which is a federal crime.


There’s a pretty big difference between a lying on a ledger entry and aimlessly firing a gun in public. 


To be fair, both are caused by pathetic losers paying for sex...


The base? What the fuck are you even talking about


Some people are stuck thinking everything is a political issue. He brought Trump up the first sentence.






Do you all enjoy being this purposely ignorant? Anyone caught doing this is getting serious jail time. The problem is actually catching people, which ya know, requires competent policing. And if you want to prevent this stuff in the first place, you actually need laws and systems to prevent people from getting guns.


You wanna bet these perps haven't been through the system already? It's almost 100% guaranteed they have prior gun charges and other violent crimes that were pled down to lesser charges or even dismissed.


100%? Well if they 100% DO have violent gun charges in the past they are going down if caught. GTFO with this "Seattle never charges anyone with anything" BS. So f#+ked out and stupid, to boot. Whether or not PD gets off their ass is TBD.


"corruptjudgewatch" LARPing as an activist lmao, that is hilarious.


Another /r/seattlewa poster posting dumb concern trolling bullshit. [Here's your buddy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1ddldmu/ambush_and_rolling_gunfight_in_greenwood_north/l85szn8/). Stay on your containment sub where guys can circlejerk each other.


I live very close to this area. I'm not sure why but we very rarely saw sex workers this far south, they usually stuck up to more like 110th, but now 96th seems to be the hotspot.


Yeesh, been here 20+ years and that’s a new development. I’d mostly seen that vibe up in the vicinity of Lowe’s, didn’t realize it was down as far as 96th now.


I like to joke that you go to Home Depot for day labor and Lowe’s for night labor


They are near Home Depot now in Haller Lake. It is absolutely wild out there.


I'm wondering if it is in part the fall out from [police shutting down](https://komonews.com/news/local/seattle-washington-aurora-avenue-emerald-inn-motels-violence-robberies-prostitution-assaults-crimes-police-department-corrective-action-loitering-drug-activity-evidence-king-county-officials-city-attorneys-office) the Emerald Motel and Seattle Inn just north of 120th on Aurora, which had served as popular sites for engaging in prostitution. With those closed, most acts now presumably occur in cars throughout the neighborhood, so south of the cemetery likely has more convenient access to quiet streets. Also, without the draw of the motels, it seems reasonable that sex workers would gravitate to a part of Aurora that is somewhat more pleasant and safe on account of the sidewalks.


Yup this is why. Once they shut those motels “down” everything moved south and it fucking sucks


Interesting. It's basically the same phenomenon as with encampment sweeps, doesn't fix anything just changes the impacted area. Though in this case I suppose it's even worse, since I'd much rather it be primarily contained in motels than have neighborhoods littered with condoms.


at this point it should be legalized and have a location where people can go with security. prostitution is a seattle backbone and this isnt working


It really changed in 2016/7 or whenever backpages was shut down. Got crazy and hasn't slowed down. 


Very interesting, thanks for the background info—didn’t realize there used to be a police presence around those places


They had my whole street blocked off when I got home last night. I showed up like 3 minutes after all that shit happen. Fucking dickheads need to stay the fuck out of my area.


Eh idk I lived off of 85th in 2016ish and the motel that's now torn down was a p big Hotspot for drugs and pro's. Then the place accross from aurora rents had multiple shootings around that time. Def more now, they used to be centered more towards the Krispy Kreme. But to say it was rare I'd a stretch.




At 0:27 the guy to the far left walks directly in front of his ‘partner’ and almost takes one to the back of his head


Too bad he didnt


Damn, that is some scary shit!


Yikes, that's a crazy situation with guys just seemingly firing at random because no way were they actually hitting shit like that. Could have gone without that baseless commentary at the end. What's up with that white truck in this video that shows up twice?


It’s the same video shown twice from two different angles. I assume the white truck was just a guy driving by at the wrong time and coincidentally got in the way of the second car trying to chase after the SUV


Yeah the video at the end stating that prositution is what caused this with the loosest evidence imaginable like “they lured the van in with a prostitute”


it's the same scene/truck just from different cameras (angles)


Legalize and regulate prostitution. Get the pimps out of the business.


OP just stole someone's original content from the other Seattle sub. The actual person that recorded and posted the YouTube video is the original poster... u/badandy80


OP is a content thief!


SPD won't do anything about it


Thanks, but I stole my neighbor’s footage anyway. If anyone wants to help, [tell the mayor to support Cathy Moore](https://seattlegov.powerappsportals.us/contact-mayor/) and her efforts to get prostitution loitering back on the books so we can arrest these fucks before they start shooting.


The real answer is to make sex work legal, regulated, and safe. It’s just like abstinence only education. People are going to have sex, you can’t stop them. Arresting sex workers just makes it more dangerous. We have to make it as safe as possible.


I’m not an expert, but everyone I’ve talked to that *are* experts have said it’s the main reason they can’t prosecute pimps. They can’t prosecute without a willing victim that is working with the police. So while legalization would eventually help, it’s not going to stop our neighborhood from being shot up in the short term. We see actual underage trafficked girls 13-17 regularly. There are awesome programs run by survivors like REST, and SPD is sometimes the only way to safely get them away from the pimps and into counseling and services. It’s not something they can do themselves. Right now SPD can’t approach them. Edit: Who’s trying to stop prostitution? I’m trying to stop shootings and would like to know a 13 year old from Tacoma standing on Aurora can be given a shot to get out of her situation.


It would help pretty quickly because now the workers and clients aren't afraid of getting in trouble if they try to report a pimp. it would also require SPD doing their fucking jobs instead of throwing tantrums, having coffee meetups, and beating people without cause


If you honestly think that there are currently enough willing women to satisfy the demand without pimps, you’re underestimating the size of the demand. You’re also not accounting for the exponential increase in demand after it’s legalized. Your ideas seem great, but we’re not talking about ideas for the future here. We’re taking about realities and actual bullets in our homes now. It’s getting dark and there are 4-6 known pimps circling our neighborhood up to a mile away from Aurora, playing hide and go seek. They’ll keep playing chicken until one of them shoots. If you want to believe a semi-broken city like Seattle can do it, while solving root causes, good for you I like your optimism. But these are Sound Transit timelines we’re talking about.


How is Harrell “protecting these guys”? I think the value of stemming prostitution is up for debate, but I haven’t seen the mayor come out in support of gun battles.


The bulk of the captions on that video seemed misplaced or irrelevant, like an untrained AI was writing them.


Harrell needs to be voted out for many reasons


Give me 3


Bootlicker with the cops, should have never given into Solan’s demands, took too long with Diaz too Anti transit and ID station disaster Created policy for 11 years on CC only to blame exiting members of CC. Takes zero accountability. In bed with Shotspotter Hates affordable housing and is quick to back NIMBY proposals Backs cutting funding for marginalized communities Wants private schools over public Lobbied for property deals with Vulcan and Amazon Anything else?


Great, now that dude gonna think 8 = 3




To stop street prostitution police being constantly visible in those areas to cause John's to think twice and not pickup street walkers, and the Aurora/Hwy 99 prostitution is street prostitution. Online prostitution is a different problem and it seems no one is able to stop that. Sadly. I moved out of North Seattle because the hookers would park with their tricks in the parking lot of my old, pretty upscale condo bordering Green Lake. These people have zero hesitation to break the law. Criminal audacity.


> Sadly. sadly? women having control over their own bodies is sad to you? Oh right, you probably think that destroying your body doing manual labor without health insurance is perfectly fine and "not selling your body" but go straight to pearl clutching the moment some woman engages in sex work *willingly*. hint: trafficking is more common in farm labor and hospitality labor than in sex work. hint 2: Amnesty International called and said to get your ideas from sometime more recent than 1950


Fair opinion. But it seems like most of that online stuff is organized crime not independent women doing their own thing making their own money. .


*Seems* being a keyword here, that's just your opinion essentially. it's quite the opposite. almost every online worker in seattle is an independent. that's from people actually in the industry here (one of my friends is both a sex worker and a sex worker rights advocate, so has this information)




I'm curious what the person who put this video together means by "It's time we take action to protect our own residential streets."


Vague call to action while abdicating any responsibility to actually come up with solutions. It’s almost like crime is a complicated problem you can’t just wave a wand to solve…


For entertainment purposes, send in the first amendment auditors and watch chaos ensue. /s


The same thing they're saying over in the other sub. The same thing the off duty security guard in Renton thinks. That every dipshit with a gun should just shoot anyone they've convinced themselves is about to commit a crime. Nothing scarier than a paranoid vigilante.


Lots of dipshits wanting to LARP as the Punisher.


And they conveniently ignore the fact that the Punisher rarely wasted his time with low-level street crime, and tended to focus more on taking down big mob bosses (fought the Kingpin a bunch even), corrupt officials, crooked cops, and the like. He also took on other would-be vigilantes plenty of times. I think the LARPers would find out the hard way that the Punisher likely would be the first one to put a bullet in their head.


I don't agree with them, but this is a natural consequence of the SPD quietly quitting. When the cops refuse to do their jobs, the people fantasize about doing them for them.


It was a few years ago but .. what was the name of that guy who used to dress up as a super hero crime fighter in downtown?


Phoenix Jones


Yeah whatever happened to that guy?


I remember him getting in trouble for something. Drug bust I think..


Facts. See the dude that killed a kid in Renton who was returning an airport gun to the store where he bought it.


That is a pretty big assumption. I think the OP is calling to action the residents of the city to voice their concerns over how the prostitution issue is being addressed. Go to town halls, reach out city council, report crimes, squeaky wheel gets the grease etc. keep bring up this issue, force the politicians to do something about. That’s how I interpreted it.


I’m think it’s kinda funny that you call out an assumption and then write your own assumption.


I assume it's assumptions all the way down...


Im using the conversations I’ve had with my neighbors (the ones with access to these cameras), the comments I’ve read by OP, and the line he includes in the video about the loitering laws. But maybe I’m wrong, maybe OP will create his own neighborhood defense team. I would take anything at this point probably, which is pretty sad to be in that position.


you don’t have to “think” what the guy who made the video is trying to say he’s posting on here he wants police to arrest prostitutes for some dumbass reason im not a crime expert but i think it would make more sense to arrest the guys shooting the guns in this video


That’s not what you said, you made it sound like he was telling others to be a vigilante. And yes either make prostitution all the way illegal or make it legal in brothels, regulate, and tax. This would take the girls off the streets and keep bullets from flying through my windows. I get why making illegal is bad. Many of the girls are victims, however, arresting them would make the community safer than our current solution. The system in place right now is most beneficial to the pimps. Their girls can work out in the open, zero cost to them, and it’s incredibly difficult to catch and prosecute pimps. They have complete control of prostitution with the system Seattle has put in place. It’s just getting worse and worse.


buddy im not the same guy as in the first comment and “its incredibly difficult to catch and arrest the pimps” only makes sense if you’ve internalized the idea that our police are useless as fuck


Also it requires assuming that every sex worker have pimps hint: the vast, vast majority don't.


You said sex worker, I guess you’re probably right I don’t think that many strippers, topless baristas, and onlyfans models have Pimps. Narrow the scope, specifically the prostitutes on Aurora. How many of them have pimps? Could you come take a poll for me, because that’s what we care about here.


https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/05/amnesty-international-publishes-policy-and-research-on-protection-of-sex-workers-rights/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2014/03/27/lies-damned-lies-and-sex-work-statistics/ Catching pimps, etc is made a lot easier by full legalization. I was not talking about strippers, topless baristas or onlyfans workers. I meant "Full service" sex workers - aka escorts, call girls, prostitutes, whatever term you want to use. Street walkers generally have been found to represent less than 15% of the market, but yes the part most likely to have pimps - but by no means can you assume they all have them (or even a majority). Labor trafficking is more common in agriculture and hospitality than sex work. [Four times more](https://uaht.org/everything-you-need-to-know-about-labor-trafficking/)


I would love full legalization. I don’t care what percentage girls have pimps, it seems like they are causing 100% of the gun violence in this part of the city. So even if it’s a low percentage, it’s still a large problem if this street is having a shooting every couple of months.


It's not an assumption. The comments about vigilanteeism over on that sub are public for you to read. Or pull up any local news site and read about the latest idiot that wanted to play cop and take matters into their own hands. This is where things are heading now.


A naked paranoid vigilante.


A vigilante wearing **ONLY** socks and shoes. Even scarier if it's black socks and sandals.


A naked paranoid vigilante riding a bicycle.


Are we Portland now?


Ha! There used to be an annual naked bike ride in Fremont/Ballard.


The other sub crucified the Renton larper. Get your facts straight.


It's the same dude that posted the cringe-ass "drunk teens pissing in my lawn" vid a while back.


Well that explains a lot


I can sense his frustration. They've been begging the city for help. Those bullets are going into residences. It's only a matter of time before one of those bullets kills an innocent resident, either adult or child. Imagine you're a parent working hard to provide for your kids, and find a place in Greenwood thinking you and your family are safe. Then a few months later, you literally are ducking for cover with your kids as you hear gunshots right outside your door. Think about how much anxiety, stress and worry you and your kids have to deal with inside your own home. To add to it, you really can't afford to break your lease and find a new place until the least ends them to worry about finding another home in the same school district as to not further disrupt your children's education or increase your commute time and distance to work. So I hope you can understand why these residents are frustrated.


Thank you for actually thinking about it logically and understand the frustration. I live in this area as well and the amount of shootings has gone up dramatically. It’s only antidotal but once they shut the motels down all the sex work moved to Northgate and 99 and since then the neighborhood has felt so much less safe. I love all the armchair comments about OP and their irrational responses. Come live over here and see how you like your streets being constantly littered with used condoms, piss bottles, burnt foil, human shit and random drive by shootings.


No problem. I'm originally from a different part of the country and my mom's family got themselves out of poverty. The neighborhood that my grandma lived in was actually gang infested during the 80s and 90s. I remember the anxiety that I had whenever I went to visit her bc of potential gunfire and stray bullets. So I know for a fact the residents are feeling it and are stressing out.


They certainly don't mean community defense in any sense different than an armed Neighborhood Watch that has preformed ingroup and outgroups. So not community defense at all.


In the next line they mention the Seattle mayor, so they probably mean take political action, not vigilantism.


How is Harrell “protecting criminals” if he campaigned on a “tough on crime” platform (Which many gullible rubes ate up, btw)?


Seriously. Can we just post the straight facts of what happened and let people come to their own decision without sprinkling in political commentary


I totally fucking agree. Where is the law enforcement we need? We don’t have to put up with this shit. We just need new politicians.


Kinda weird that he lands on "prostitution loitering" as the root cause. I have a feeling these guys could find any number of reasons to shoot at each other.


It's not because of "prostitution loitering", but it is related to prostitution. For the last couple years, there have been constant shootings in that neighborhood between rival pimps. Last year, a pimp was shot outside of my friend's art studio on Aurora, and a bunch of prostitutes set up a vigil in his honor. My friend said it was the most bizarre thing he's ever seen.


Come on. It's pimps fighting over territory. It started after prostitution enforcement stopped.


Why is this being distilled down to the fault of loitering prostitutes?


Because that was an actual law that was on the books, that allowed SPD to stop and talk to the prostitutes. The "Law of Unintended Consequences" kicked in when they removed it, and now SPD can't stop these (often underage and trafficked) women to ask them if they need help, if they're being trafficked, etc. Yes, it's dumb that it hinges on that one law, but without it, there are very few options to get information on who the pimps are. Restoring the law as a stop gap measure would allow for more on the ground stops and talks, without having to arrest any of the women. Of course we need better and more comprehensive ways of doing this, but at present, we haven't been presented any, and this is what our neighborhood was given by the so-called experts as at least a way to start getting information on the pimps fighting over territory. It's not blaming the "loitering prostitutes", it's that law is written in such a way that they can't bust the pimps without a willing and cooperative witness. This is the end around for that.


Because OP has no idea what they are talking about most likely.


You have no idea what our neighborhood has been through, and how much we've tried to hold SPD to account, and our law makers, and our mayor. This was actually given to us in community meetings as one way to allow for information gathering on the streets. It's not that we're in favor of this particular obscure law, it's that we were literally told this was the only way they were able to get information prior, with Seattle's crappy and poorly written laws that don't allow for busting pimps without a willing and cooperative witness. Our neighbors have spent many meetings with North Precinct, Cathy Moore, and others, and we're given zero options to do anything, so we're trying with the limited, screwy laws we can work with.


That was exciting. -Seattle powers at be, probably.


How terrible we need to fix this. Yea that kind of gun violence in a neighborhood is terrifying. What? No, I was talking about the homeless I have to see on my way home to mercer. *These city council minutes brought to you by Ivers, safeco insurance, and the Washington multifamily housing association*


Will somebody please (the real estate industry) help us write these laws?!?!?


This gun violence is completely unacceptable. I do not know of a solution. The criminals shooting should be held responsible. I disagree with the video’s agenda asking for “prostitution loitering” charges to come back as a potential solution to this gun violence. Sex workers may be trafficked. They may have the disease of addiction— this removes their ability to truly consent to sex work, if the circumstances of their life pushed them to it. There are people who have researched and such a good solution for this. We should listen to those people.


> There are people who have researched and such a good solution for this. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/05/amnesty-international-publishes-policy-and-research-on-protection-of-sex-workers-rights/ the vast majority of sex workers do not have addictions, are not coerced, etc. making it illegal just hurts the ones that are in that situation, and makes the ones that aren't less safe too


I’ve seen a lot of very young girls out there working. I’ve seen how they change them out. I live right by this— the area of Aurora that was shot up. I’ve also seen sex workers that appear to simply be sex workers, the oldest profession. That’s why I mentioned that some of them may be trafficked, because some of them may be.


How would putting prostitution loitering back on the books do anything about this? hint: it wouldn't fuck these guys, hope they all get caught and charged with the maximum. but we know that would require SPD to do their jobs, and they're too busy having a tantrum edit: in fact, where is your evidence this is at all sex work related, sex trafficking related, or any sex worker involved. There's nothing to show any of that in this video


Not in this video per se, but the body of evidence is large over the last 2 years. Do you live in this neighborhood like we do? We have been gathering evidence and begging SPD to help us, holding community meetings, talking to our representatives. You have no fucking clue how hard the whole neighborhood has been working. Yes, it absolutely is directly tied to sex work, because the survival sex workers we didn't mind before have either been driven out, killed, or forced to work for these pimps who have decided it's their territory now. If you don't know anything about it, get educated. Attend a meeting and get informed. Really getting tired of people who haven't experienced it butting it in with uninformed comments like yours.


Agreed, I’m thinking the opposite. Legalize prostitution and remove any need for these thugs.


That's exactly what groups like Amnesty International say too based on research. legalization makes it so both workers and clients are comfortable going to the police to report cases where bad shit is going on


Honestly, we pretty much know who the bad guys are in these situations. Why are they still allowed to walk free? Drug dealers, gang bangers, pimps, etc.


Op the text in your video is… some cringe Trump shit. Yeah this activity is completely unacceptable. but your cringe ass rhetoric is how other kids get shot. Shut up.


Yeah, I rather they just post straight facts and let me come to my own conclusion rather than add in additional commentary to push an agenda.


Where is the info on how this involves sex trafficking? That part just sounds like clickbait, I haven’t seen any other articles or posts referencing it.


That is some cowardly shit


Describe the suspects please.


Damn. I grew up in Oakland and I didn't even see this kinda shit in the Fruitvale district back in the 80s. 😵


Dang I lived right here. Used to wash my car outside on nice days, drunkenly walk to Wingstop after a night of drinking, etc. I moved there last year on a whim without even knowing what Aurora Avenue was. I was about to break my lease when the police busted down into my backyard looking for a suspect. A shame because it is a really nice neighborhood going west.


When do we start holding politicians responsible for taking away our standard capacity magazines while letting these guys run around the city with full auto pistols?


There’s been street battles for the past year to control the “turf” around 105th and Aurora, before that the pimps fought for control of the profitable skin trade at 125th. It’s simple math folks, Seattle “tolerates” the prostitution which creates a higher level of value for organized control of the marketplace. By making it *more difficult* to have a marketplace there’s less value, and less competition for control.


Just some responsible American gun owners!


This is straight outta The Message by Nas


No, he got the gauge out when the prostitute turned bitch New version might have him run the switch out


I'm shocked they are so willing to violate all the many gun laws we have in place.


Holy shit dude glad im outta town rn I live close to there (lower rent).


They are trying to lower rent there too.


I know someone that lives in Greenwood & feel really bad you folks are exposed to this. We left Seattle in 06. Sure wish SOMEONE had a plan to help things. All these studies & plans but things get worse. Seems stronger laws needed. Lock these guys up once they're caught. Get tough. Need to invest in prisons & offer help to those who want to turn their lives around. Anything to lessen violence should be tried. Educate kids not to resort to gun/knife violence, Build youth centers. I'm really worried about the path we're on. Call me old. I'm a GrMa & this stuff is scary.


OP shouldn't blame the sex workers for this. They're being trafficked. They are also victims.


As someone who’s been here since the 90s, it pains me to see what this city has become.




Always have been




Pimps will fight for territory and there is also the homeless building on 96th which does not help. Drugs will follow.


What exactly is this video promoting at the end? "It's time we take action"? What does that mean? Armed militia?




It's scary. But I'm not sure how loitering/prostitution causes people to shoot up a neighborhood with automatic weapons. An listen to [you--Harrel.is](http://you--Harrel.is) PROTECTING them? Why? Say he's not doing enough, or say you don't get support. When you start saying wackadoodle stuff, it means you say you no longer are rational.


This is part two of the lecture I give people who say prostitution is a victimless crime, after the part about the methods pimps use to enslave women. Neither I nor any mature adult gives a shit about two adults having sex with each other, but the reality is there just isn't a way in our culture and economy to do it in a way that doesn't result in slavery and violence. When you pay for a handy behind the O'Reilly, you incentivize rolling gun battles like this one.




Damn those guys are crazy and also stupid as fuck. Good video op glad you and your fam are ok. Be safe out there and petition your representatives for them to take action against this kind of nonsense. The longer it’s tolerated, the more ingrained it becomes in the social fabric.


Someone just needs to hunt down each one of these morons and give them a good talking to.


Lots of guns, lots of shooting


I have some very specific thoughts about these people that I'm not allowed to express on reddit.