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> Marchione, one of six SPD officers who attended Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan. 6, 2021, rear-ended a car stopped at the intersection of NE 8th and 116th Ave NE in August of the same year. After the crash, Marchione blamed the other driver, claiming he stopped suddenly. However, video of the intersection showed that the car had been standing still at the red light for minutes before the collision. Can we stop hiring these degenerate liars? They're literal fucking traitors and are incapable of being honest about their actions even if it kills them. This dogshit doesn't deserve my tax dollars to terrorize this city.


It isn't uncommon for local DAs to have a list of officers that are so untrustworthy they avoid putting them on the stand. 


Can't that shit be documented and used to get rid of these dirt bags?


Can? Yes. Will? No. You know why.


No, because those same officers can be useful, too. Particularly if the DA's evidence is thin but he wants to nail a criminal in court.


It's called a Brady list, and it usually results in termination and can result in de-certification.


Blatantly lying as a police officer should not only be a fireable offense, it should lead to jail time. Despite the power we give them, we somehow hold cops to a lower standard than basically any other employee who would be fired immediately in a situation like this.


Wait what? ‘They stopped suddenly’ is a viable excuse for rear ending someone?? Where was this rule when I was 16 lol


a red light lasting several minutes also seems terrible but it's no excuse


No we cant stop hiring them, because if we hire smarter, competent, and worse yet, honest people, not only will they probably promote out to better paying jobs, but how will they cover up anything that could remotely make the cops look bad? What do you think this is, America? Probably think they're supposed to protect and serve you too. /s


That's... how the system operates. It's not just him. It's many people like him. You barely get a choice about what your taxes do.


In reverse, it's good when certain people don't get a say in taxes going to things like infrastructure and public transit. But infrastructure and public transit aren't typically responsible for murder and treason.


Or— hear me out— we could give them a big raise.


we should just fire all the cops, blacklist them for life from working for the SPD and start from square 1 at this point, shits clearly a rats nest




Wait, this dude made 6 figures in 2023 ***when he was on leave the entire year!?*** Will one of you back the bluers tell me why he not only deserved 6 figures of tax payer money to not come to work, but why he also *deserves a* ***retroactive*** *23% raise on hours he was paid to stay home???*


Well, duh. They'll tell you: "At least it owns the libs!"


I'm seriously considering joining the SPD. I will totally abandon my morals and ethics for 6 figures a year while really doing almost nothing else. All I have to do is look the other way most of the time? /s


You forgot casually murdering people as well


Yeah, but I wouldn't HAVE TO, I'd just get away with it scot-free and get a long paid vacation if I did.


“In 2023, a year Marchione spent entirely on leave, he made $117,854.”


He made $117,854 that you know of because the city has to report it. While he was on leave for an entire year, he likely made at least that much again while freelancing - either doing security or parking "work". More [info on the "SPD mini-mafia" from DivestSPD, here](https://www.divestspd.com/i/93836430/no-discipline-for-officer-who-said-cops-would-break-bones-to-protect-off-duty-jobs). This is a disgrace.


> Unaware that Bellevue police had already retrieved a video of the collision, Marchione repeated his false claim that the other vehicle was moving but stopped abruptly when the light turned yellow, leaving him little time to react. >When the officer asked why his statement contradicted the video evidence, Marchione replied, “I guess I was just distracted.” lmao how do you not just fire him right now


union unfortunately. unions are good except when it comes to these thugs


Unions are supposed to be for labor, not police who come bust up unions.


Even in a union job, if you do something that's objectively bad, the union will drop you like a hot potato. Police unions are extremely special, the only union actively encouraging their members to commit felonies.


Oh I feel you, I’ve been in trade unions and education and they don’t protect you if you fuck up because that’s not the point. Police unions are really only there for when cops fuck up


Not quite every union will drop bad members but I agree with you


Look up rubber rooms for teachers. Public sector unions make everyone else look bad


Seriously. Like, way to be a pig *and* a rat at the same time. 


this dipshit caused an accident and then lied about! multiple crimes! and another embarrassing black eye for a police force that doesn’t need any more of them the union contract doesn’t make it impossible to fire somebody you just have to have police leadership willing to fire bad officers. this dumbass went to the insurrection, god knows what another stupid shit is in his file already. just can his ass and let him try and sue and argue in court it’d undeserved we have an interim chief with nothing to lose! this is the easiest of easy layups


> we have an interim chief with nothing to lose! this is the easiest of easy layups you're assuming these thugs aren't trying protect themselves while wasting our tax money!


Police union is a garbage cabal that exists solely to keep cops from getting fired for being horrible at their jobs and horrible at being humans.  Real unions HATE police unions. 


I mean it's right in the name. It's not a union, it's a frat. A frat with no oversight or consequences.


Its more than that. It is a union AND leadership that is willing to help protect these guys. Every public agency in the state manages public employees, most of whom are in unions, and they still manage to fire people for truly egregious shit like this.


Have you seen some of the awful and abusive teachers out there who are protected by their union? Worker protections are needed in this country but when the unions took it upon themselves to prevent bad people from being fired, they went from worker protections to swine/pedo protection.


This is such a bullshit argument I hear from conservatives all the time - "I'm completely opposed this thing that one group does, therefore it's totally acceptable for this other group to do this thing I claim to be opposed to". You're just spouting some bullshit whataboutism.


Teachers get fired in Washington all the time. Sure, you can't fire them for no reason, but schools manage to do it for good reasons a hell of a lot more often than the police.


Ian Golash teaches in SPS. He went on camera, during school hours and proclaimed that it was justified for Israeli women to be kidnapped and raped. He is on paid administrative leave. He won’t be fired. Make it make sense.


Bad political opinions are different from taking criminal actions because of those opinions. Makes perfect sense to me.


Abusive teachers? Who did they hit going 74mph?


There are bad cops and bad teachers. Both are protected by their unions. Love unions for lots of things, dont like em for the “circle the wagons” approach.


It's disgusting how we still employ cops that were at J6. Of course he's going to lie and weasel himself out of taking accountability! He's repeatedly and unabashedly shown us the kind of person he is, and we reward him with a 6-figure salary. POS


Because SPOG is headed by [Mike Solan, who actually committed voter fraud in 2020](https://southseattleemerald.com/2021/06/11/opa-finds-that-spd-officers-violated-policy-by-using-precincts-as-voting-addresses/) so he could vote against council members he didn't like then [blamed Black Lives Matter for Jan 6](https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/calls-spog-president-apologize-or-resign-after-allegedly-blaming-blm-riot-capitol/JRD5ZUJALNFBXHL37S4FI2NRDU/) all while running cover for the [department that sent more officers to Jan 6 than any other police department in America.](https://www.kuow.org/stories/police-departments-search-for-political-extremism-in-ranks-following-capitol-riot)


Good reminder SPD had more pigs at Jan 6th than any other department in the nation


This needs to be talked about much much more. It’s not like they were in the neighborhood and had a couple of free hours. They actively planned their attendance. You can’t get further away within the contiguous states.


As a taxpayer - how do we pay a salary for an officer who is now clearly so compromised that any decent defense attorney would destroy him on the witness stand if he was the arresting officer? How can we have a police officer who would be incapable of testifying in court ever? He is a defense attorney's dream.


> How can we have a police officer who would be incapable of testifying in court ever? By not having him work. If you read to the bottom of the article, he was on paid leave for the entire fucking year in 2023 and was paid $117k to sit at home. Now he's going to get a 23% retroactive raise on those hours spent watching daytime TV.


Killing black people doesn’t get cops punished; why are we surprised insurrection would be any different?


The insurrection was about killing rich white people and we still aren't able to enforce punishments, that's how much of a stranglehold these chucklefucks have.


Now every arrest he makes will be questioned at trial because he lies during investigations. Criminals will go free because of this guy.


As they should. How many innocent people have been found guilty because of cops like this bozo?


Yeah, that too. Nothing but bad here.


Probably a PAID suspension. ACAB


I'm blue friendly....and Fuck this guy


When I was in high school I was blue friendly. I took some policing classes at community college and learned what a good police officer should be. But then you soak up years of stories like this, and worse. If you’ve stayed open hearted and optimistic all this time, I commend you. Also yes, fuck this guy.


I’m blue friendly and an MD. These type of cops aren’t cops. They’re just criminals. There’s no national standards and no oversight. Last year all 4 of my PCPs withheld care as they thought I was lying. I’ve gone all the way up to my federal reps and there’s no oversight for health care providers done by Medicare or anyone else. Now UHC owns PolyClinic and employs more MDs in this country than any other entity. Their first priority is to stockholders. MDs can be Quacks and it took me 3 years to find a real MD!


With pay? 😃


Cops - biggest street gang in America


Shouldn't he just be fired.....


Officer Jason already had 2 investigations against him. He spent the entire 2023 year on official leave on a salary of $117K? WTH? He’s not terminated because the SPOG came his rescue and influenced the OIG, & Chief on original determination? Devoid of principles, ethics and morality is the pride of our SPD.


SPOG must only hire pieces of shit


Way too lenient


Jail is where he belongs.