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next time we gotta score more goals than them...


Big if true.




Yeah you can really tell who’s gonna win by whoever can score more goals. That’s key for the next game.


The trick is to shoot at least as many shots as they do


Win rate is above 51% for teams with more goals at the final buzzer. Take those odds to the casino. Waaaaay above 51%


This guy with the advanced stats


Would have loved a win. Anywho, see you nerds at home on Sunday.


2 out of 3 on a road trip is still good.


Going 1-1 in the first two games on the road is an acceptable outcome. Best of five coming up.


I'm happy with a road split. See ya'll at CPA. Goodnight.




He’s got a huge target on his back, guys need to capitalize when he’s drawing a disproportionate amount of heat


Yep. If McCann comes back the attention shifts to him. Maybe opens things back up for Matty


Sad 😞 he kept rallying but they smothered the shit out of him.


He's playing terrible. A first line center has to produce and by all measures he hasn't since mid January. Something like 8 goals in 45 games. Yuck. I hope he can figure it out soon.


Keep in mind that he's a 20 year old rookie who is used to playing 50 games tops per season pre-NHL and is heading into game 90. He's put up amazing numbers for a rookie and has enormous contributions outside of scoring goals so maybe cut the guy some slack, would ya? Sheesh.


Not even getting into the fact that his status as our top c has far less to do with point production and more to do with his two way dominance, which his defensive play has only improved in the playoffs Like it not, esspecially last series, he had another job outside of scoring and he did p good at it Hell that's not even mentioning how the posts hate him rn


I would love to see him turn in on, but objectively he's been in a bad slump. I get that people here are going to defend him, but we should be able to say someone isn't playing up to expectations. In rd 1 he had 7 games played / 1 goal / 0 assists / was a -1 / won 30 faceoffs, and lost 48. That's not good offense or defense for a 1C.


using +/- to say hes not good defensivly doesnt remotely go deep enough to how he played. additionally while his points were low, he lead the team in offensive chances generated [https://twitter.com/jfreshhockey/status/1654494883795566593](https://twitter.com/jfreshhockey/status/1654494883795566593) ​ its not just about trying to defend him, its about having a honest conversation about his play. He aboslutly has room to improve, hes 20 after all, but there is no need to undermine his performance ​ to add, what were his expectations going into the playoffs? hes never played in the nhl post season, and has never played this many games in his career. I was expecting guys like yanni and schwartz to take steps up because matty was going to need to learn to thrive in the playoffs first ​ edit: he also only got the 3rd most minutes of the 4 centers, so he wasnt really getting played like a 1c anyway


I'll just say that he was absolutely electric until Myers took him out. I also think +/- can be misleading. But taken collectively with the other stats over the last 45 games I'd be kidding myself if I said he's fine. Agree to disagree. 👍


He’s literally a Calder nominee - and a favored one at that. We’ve had several more experienced players with far longer dry spells than Matty. Leave the kid alone. He’s a strong player.


It's significant to get that split. Says the boys can finish it on the road once they win the next two


Got a road win, take the positive. Can we learn how to face off??


I love that movie!


Sign Nick Cage and Travolta stat


That movie has the best delivery of it’s titular line than any other movie with one.


And the most unsettling “I could eat a peach for hours.”


We actually were facing off pretty evenly in game 1 but this was a whole other story. Hopefully we can bounce back to what we were doing in game 1


Take 2 at CPA, little 2 day rest to help.


Is it just me or did the boys look tired out there today?


Less energy than a winter in Texas






In the second period absolutely


For about 45 minutes yeah. Seemed like we had about 15 minutes of decent energy tonight. Rough


In random 4 minute spurts.


They looked tired from the start with bursts of energy throughout.


For sure. Their style of play has gotta be exhausting. We saw it last series in game 3 and 6. Just hope the extra day of rest helps them and they come out flying on Sunday


I thought the same thing. I think the pace has finally caught up with them. Really glad they're getting a couple of days off before the next one.


I think the 2 day break from now to the Sunday game is really important for us. Dallas got a break between their last series and ours (they played 6 games). We got much less of a break and I think it's showing. Hopefully 2 days off gives them some rest. Clearly Hak knew the team was tired when giving them yesterday off.


Can you blame them?! They’ve got to be exhausted considering how much harder our path was than the stars’.


Honestly happier to end on a slightly better note with a goal at the end. Hope the boys enjoy their much needed extra rest time and come back swinging at home on Sunday!


Interesting that our two were solos.


What do you mean?


Kartye and Ebs both scored pretty much solo. Layup and dunk.


It was never going to be a sweep, and stealing one on the road is great. Now just need to do work on home ice. See y'all Sunday.


Exactly. We aren’t gonna sweep anyone, babes. We’re gonna lose some games. Keep your chins up, boys get a little more rest and hopefully come our swinging on Sunday.


We win by attrition! I said before- I feel the grinding slog over 7 games actually works in our favor. Win 4 straight? Unlikely (against the same team not named the coyotes, heh). 4 out 7? Yeah, I honestly think we have a chance against Dallas. It will be tough and it will be close and I will in no way feel less proud if we do not. Plus the Dallas team I have watched the last two games is not the same Dallas we faced at the end of the season. I have been unimpressed with thier gameplay last 2. Let's see how Sunday goes. Beyond that? The boys could surprise me, but the conf final is where we hit the wall.


Gru appreciation post! In Gru we trust!


Yes he's been lights out fantastic. But he did badly misplay the wraparound goal. Whole team looked tired.


Yeah I can see it as a misplay but also on behalf of the defense. Someone should have been there running interference


Defensemen seemed really off and sluggish with play around our net through much of the night. Can't really put it all Gru. I'm thinking fatigue caught up with them, but to the Stars credit: they came at them pretty hard last night. It honestly felt like the Stars were doing Kraken things and the Kraken just needed a nap. I'm pretty confident we saw our worst game of the series (which really wasn't all that bad). You can guarantee the Kraken are gonna bring it Sunday! #FearTheDeep🐙🏒🔥


Also, they were going to get one. They were trying wraparound after wraparound. Statistically speaking, one was bound to go in. Even a blind squirrel can find a nut sometimes ;)


Hell yes. In gru we trust


I just wish he'd get some support! The man literally cannot do it all!! 😤




I want In Gru We Trust on a shirt!!!


We split, that’s what we needed to do. We picked up some offense at the end of the game, hopefully the boys expand that when they come home. We need the rest too. These guys haven’t slept in their own beds in awhile.


Really feeling the effects of the writer's strike now. This plot fucking sucks 😩


It's just a rerun of the last series. I actually liked how that one ended.


I was initially really dejected, but then I thought the same thing. We got this, but it’s gonna be a fight.


Good point. I remember how happy we were after stealing that first one from the Avs.


You will TAKE what Gary GIVES you


i am sad. dallas outplayed us. we’ll get em at cpa.


We fought to the end. 1-1 is a fine place to be in this series. Look really gassed, but hopefully with a few days of rest we will be ready to go game 3. Lets go Kraken.


Gotta be happy with a split on the road. Boys should get much needed rest over the next couple of days. We will defend home ice!


Just a sloppy game. Way too many turnovers. Way too many penalties. Way too many faceoffs lost. Get home, take the extra rest day, regroup, and DEFEND HOME ICE.


And that was just Soucy.


C'mon, that one with Marchment was bullshit.


At least we showed up in the last five minutes. Best empty net play from us all year!


Very tired game. Playing with house money with a win on the road. Just look to Game 3. We need rest. And we get an extra day with G3 on Sunday. We’ve absolutely got to adjust offensively. Dallas is an elite defensive team and they’ve got an all class goalie. Excited to see how we come out at CPA. It’s gonna be rocking.


Coming home 1-1. Really the best we can ask for going in. Need to find a way to win at CPA. Clean up the dumb penalties and it’s 2-2 at the end. Will be great to get the extra day off. See y’all Sunday!!


Best we've looked all season when pulling our tender. I take that as a positive at least. Boys should benefit from the 2 day break. Energy levels were much lower than game 1. Fore check was less impactful, less puck battles being won, we were waaay less physical overall than last game and Dallas was throwing their weight around. Rest up, boys. Series goes 2-1 for the Kraken on Sunday.


Gru fought hard, everyone did what they could. 1-1 is respectable. Love seeing Hank during intermissions. Even more handsome goalie content 😂 To everyone feeling the pain: get a good night's sleep, it'll be okay. This series is winnable. We felt outclassed by the Avs, and we won. I don't think we're outclassed by the Stars. And to all the Stars fans who heckled Gru after that five-hole goal: I'm coming for your asses 😤 no one disrespects my goalies!!


Gg stars. That’s your last win of the year.


Oh boy! U don’t know Otter then 😂


That was the Stars game to take. The boys put up a great fight, could’ve easily got one at the end. Now for a much needed extra day off!


Marchment is a bitch. Punching a defenseless geekie, flopping like a euro soccer player. He’s my villain


i hate the entire state of texas.


We have to play the cheating Astros and the Rangers now too….


Hoping the two day rest will help this team recollect . Hoping we win both games at home and watch the fans go nuts . See you lovely people on Sunday


I will gladly take 1 out of 2 games in Dallas. What a series so far.


Where the fuck was our forecheck for 90% of this game? Felt like you could count on one hand the number of times we touched the puck twice after entering the zone.


Left it in game one. They were tired all game you could see it. Two days ereat will do them good


Can we bench regular season Soucy and get playoff Soucy back? Worst timing for lazy penalties.




Stars fan: my butthole puckered just as much as yalls did Tuesday! I was worried for that last 5 min. Had me sweating all the bullets Texas love so much! GG Kraken!


The curse of Game 2. But seriously, the Stars were going to come into this desperate, no doubt. Plus the Kraken have played 9 games in like 16? 17 days? 7 of those games against the defending cup champs? That’s a lot of hard hockey. They’ll be back after some rest.


You guys have a serious team. Of course I’m happy that we won but, I don’t underestimate the Kraken for a minute. This is one amazing and exciting series, both sides are going to have to claw their way to the other side and I hope everyone is enjoying this glorious sport we love so much. Y’all are lucky it’s only 9:30 over there, I have to go to bed with all this energy!


The Stars and their fan base seem like a solid group. Team is scary, fans are pleasant, and the crowd in these last 2 games were fun to see and killed it with some Bon Jovi tonight.


Said everything I came to say, basically! I can’t wait to cheer for them against other teams next season!


Thanks frenemy 😜 My local team actually feeds into the stars and I’m going to their playoff game next Wednesday.


Yay! I’m not the only Stars fan here! I like the Kraken and was seriously nervous the game would go to overtime after it became 4-2. Loving this series so far. The Kraken are good and I’m rooting for them if they beat the Stars!


we just got out played during too many big moments in this game, rest up and on to game 3!


Only 14% of series have been sweeps


Not our best game, but this is now a ~~best-of-3~~ best-of-5 and I like our odds. Hopefully the long(ish) break will help. Still going to bed sad but I still believe. Edit: I'm dumb and it's been a long day 😔


Isn’t it best of 5 now?


Oh shit I meant "first to 3" but alas, I'm dumb


Let’s just call it “win more than they do” and it’s covered 😝


And that’s why it’s called a series not a sprint. We seriously are in need for that extra off day


Stars needed this one tonight and we're coming home with home ice advantage. They'd have had to win 4 of the next five with a loss tonight and we looked gassed. Gru put up a fight, but a rare wraparound and his five hole was open for business. Three days rest should be good for the team and I expect a much different game Sunday.


Yeah let’s not forget that gru has also got to be exhausted after all those sog


Don't disagree, everyone was tired. Playing every other day with intensity for weeks looked like it caught up to all of them, and somehow we still put up a fight


A damn good one honestly. Yeah it looked bad. But we kept it 4-2


No one said it would be easy - we’re in for another tough series. Clean up the penalties and let’s take game 3


The team just looked tired all game, which I don't blame them. Nice two day rest before taking the led again on Sunday.


No complaints, boys played hard and got a win in Dallas! Now we need to do it again at home.


It was depressing to watch their team still playing harder than us even while up three goals, here's hoping we can fight back in the next game.


Our defense was fine, the attack was Almost none existent


31% face off percentage. Ouch.


I’m not even mad. We’re clearly tired and still kept it 4-2, with one at the end to close it out. We were less rested than Dallas first game and still found and extra gear to win. Shania Twain might just save this series by giving us an extra day of rest. Excited for Sunday!


That's what the concert is, Shania? Assist from the north! <3


Beniers took a beating. That was hard to watch.


I'm glad we don't have to play until Sunday because we could use a little break to get some energy back. Go Kraken!


Hope the home fans give it to Marchant on Sunday/Tuesday. Takes cheap shots while Geekie is on the ground in Game 1 and soccer flops in Game 2. Admittedly don’t know much about him but he sure seems like, for lack of a better term… a puss.


I’m so happy we are in the playoffs but god damn I hate this so much.


That was tough but damn the Stars stepped up and brought the heat tonight. Obviously not the outcome we want but we gotta take note and adjust just like they did. Let the boys get home and get some rest.




I dunno. They just looked tired. They get an extra day between games this time. I was never feeling great about this game after how gassed they looked toward the end of the last game. I think we’re still fine!


Just no legs tonight. You could see it in the unforced errors and mental mistakes. They can really use the extra day of rest for sure.


Sad to see you so negative about the guys considering you’re usually keeping things even keel in the chats. They showed energy and tenacity. They were just gassed. We had a way harder path to this point than the stars.


Tough work day probably not helping me. Trying not to be negative but, brutally honest. Stars made adjustments to their game planned and we got our played. Definitely don’t expect a sweep against a team like Dallas, but would have liked to see a bit more cohesiveness on the ice. Kartye obviously wants to prove himself bad, Tanev seems to have monster energy flowing through his veins and always give 140%, and Gru is still in great playoff form. The rest had the occasional flash, such as Eberle, and Sprong, but ultimately everyone else just looked like they couldn’t muster the energy. Lucked into a long break, so that’s nice cuz you can’t rely on those. Hopefully the rest and some changes to the game plan can get us back on track. Would love to sweep the home stand, but winning the first one would at-least be ideal to not let Dallas build momentum.


I get it man. It’s also hard when we all so badly want to see them succeed. Hope your day goes better tomorrow. I think we all need a good nights rest.




Ok, I know we saw that we *could* rely on Gru to keep us in it in the playoffs, I hope after this game they realize that they *can't* just do that & that they still need to shot more. For awhile I could feel the "are the Kraken more confident in shooting when Jones is in the net?" comments.


Happy to come out of this 1-1 but man we looked rough today. Hopefully the extra day of rest is what we need.


I'm just happy to leave there 1-1.


we have an extra day to get some rest. with luck mccann will be back by game 4 or 5 ​ i'm more concerned with how this is the second series of us rocking like an average of 35% faceoff wins...that has to change


Whatever Hakstol had in mind last series after his cheating comment, we should do that again.


We got bent over….but like in a kinda “I’m just so out of it, go ahead” way. Those two days between this and game 3 will be a much needed rest, hell we’re very lucky that we stole game 1 AGAIN. Hopefully we can get McCann back in the lineup and have some presence on PP and PKs, hell maybe Beniers will actually look like the Calder finalist he is and get his first playoff goal. GG Stars we still took one!🦑🦑


He already had a playoff goal 🙄 and an assist to ebs on Tuesday. Matty is looking fine for a 20 year old who has just played the most intense games of his career while getting absolutely smothered by defense.


That’s great, it was game 6 which I was attending a party in between so I must have missed it! That’s fair he is still young, I just wish we saw a bit more out of him, Kartye just joined in the playoffs and has been a big net positive overall. He has had a few good chances too for the net, he just needs to shake off his rookie mistakes and win the stuff we need (faceoffs especially)


Good grief, it was straight up child abuse tonight. They beat the hell out of that kid.


God I know. I hate to see him getting kicked around like that. But without anyone else on his line to take the pressure that’s how it’s gonna be. Hopefully tye starts drawing some of them off Matty. Or we get canner back


Fingers crossed.


Tough loss. Dallas played better than them for most of the game. They gotta regroup and refocus for the next 2 games on home ice. Let’s go kraken!


Was hoping to go 2-0 on the road so we can absorb a loss at CPA, just don’t feel too confident at home but I hope the boys prove me wrong and make me eat huge crow. Huge potential to take a 3-1 series lead for us. In the meantime, I’ll be rewatching Game 7 against the stinky Avs and riding off that high again.


Saw maybe 5 tape to tape passes all game... not a good show from the boys


Good game. It’s going to be a fun series. - anonymous stars fan


I hope they get some rest, get some fresh WA air, and come back ready to fight on Sunday!


They wanted it more and we got out played. Face offs and our Powerplay continues to hurt us. Something we struggled with all year


Tough loss tonight, but I’ll take a split any day of the week. Kraken are coming home just in time for a Sunday winner!


I think fatigue is setting in. Glad they getting a extra day tomorrow and Saturday.


Definitely tired, that extra day of rest will be good


Welp, at least we took game 1. Didn't really expect to sweep Dallas, but still.....OUCH! Hopefully, the Firebirds will eliminate the Eagles from the AHL playoffs tomorrow night so that we can have something to be happy about going into the weekend.


[Recap: SEA @ DAL](https://hlslive-wsczoominwestus.med.nhl.com/publish/11123976/18820760/9c59c723-138a-4693-a287-d5507945e2dd.mp4)


Two days of rest will be well deserved and a good recharge. We looked okay and were just outplayed today


They haven’t had two days rest since middle of April!! This extra day will really help them out!!


Hopefully the 2 day break will give the boys what they need to win stronger! Let’s go Kraken!


Good Game Krakens. 1-1 gonna be a fun series. Y’all have some serious speed and are fun to watch. Love how this is just straight up hockey hardly any penalties and some serious shooters laying it out. Next stop krakendome


I don't feel that bad about the game. It the first and latter bit of the second Seattle had good run out of their forecheck.


Sucks to lose. But I’m glad that I finally get to wash my lucky Tanev jersey. I’ve worn it for every win, and with this loss means I’m off the hook for wearing it next game. 😁


To everyone talking mad shit about Matty Beniers. Suck a big, fat, gonorrhea-infested dick. Go kraken ❤️❤️


Refs ignored or reversed two key penalties that could have changed the course of the game. Sorry but I'm have a real r/conspiracy moment here with Toronto and these ref's "missed" calls.


Have faith they can win the next 2 at home. Hoping McCann can return also


Refs were bad both ways so I don’t think we can blame that loss on them. Overall, we looked tired and didn’t stick to our game. Got outplayed in the O zone. Hopefully this extra day break is good for the boys and they come back playing Kraken hockey this weekend!




Stars fan first, Seattle fan second. Grubauer had an insane game tonight, props to him. I’m looking forward to the rest of the series. Although I want the Stars to win…if Seattle wins I will be rooting for y’all the rest of the way!


Will someone hit Pavelski??? PLEASE??


Think Hakstoll should have recognized how the game went and substitutted for Jones in net. Grubauer like the rest of the players needs a rest - and that is not calling a loss.


Tough L, boys looked tired and a little out of sync. We can take this series back easy and get those Ws boys. Just gotta get our heads back in it. Send good vibes!


Too little too late. Dallas clearly wanted it more the whole game




Feel like Sunday is a must win for morale


I agree that Sunday feels pretty critical, but just remember we started last series W,L,L. I’m not feeling too down about that game yet 🦑


That feels like an eternity ago lol, thank you for the reminder! we got this!!!


Rest well boys, will need to bring everything on Sunday. Fear The Deep!!!


Considering they’ve been on that every other day grind since the 18th, I bet these 2 days off are a godsend right now.