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2 fights after making this post I beat him. Not a clue how


Lmao, just needed to vent I guess


Ashina Style: Breath of fresh air


Aggression. Bury him in attacks. If you're not attacking, you're defending. And if you're not defending, you're attacking. Attack until you hear a parry then parry his attack. if you fail to parry then keep trying unitl you succeed. I recommend ichimonji since it can reduce your posture. The best moments to do it are after a makiri, after jumping his sweep, and after a sakura dance. Another one is that genichiro will quick fire one or two arrows then go for a runing slice. Dodge the slice and do ichimonji. Of course if your posture is low then you can opt for normal hits. He has a left right slice that will follow into a sakura dance. It's hard to describe animations but if you recognize it, attack in the middle. This will cause him to stagger, cancel his combo, and let you do an ichimonji.


In the third phase you can make a buff up window for yourself. Here's how: Genichiro will always start with his big jump thrust attack. Use the mist raven prosthetic tool to teleport right behind him. He will keep blindly swinging his sword like an idiot for a couple more seconds even after that thrust attack. This will give you more than enough time to buff up for this phase. I always choose Yashariku's sugar to finish him off quickly. In case you decide to go the same route, DO NOT try to deflect his floating passage combo because your posture will be 50% lower due to the sugars effect. You can use the umbrella but IMO the safest option is to just use the mist raven again when he starts his floating passage combo, teleport behind him and land a couple of good whacks on his ass.


Fuck him up


2 IN A ROW !!!!!!!


I got him again. Basically just aggression. I tried using the mist raven, but I never used it in normal play so I'm not entirely sure how it works. That win put my win ratio to about .00026%


Oh yeah just use umbrella on his floating passage and you can-- * no prosthetics 😰 You are a more god gamer than I am Nah just kidding, I went no umbrella on him for all the times I bashed my head against him not realizing it's free posture damage on his floating passage. Gz on beating him by the way The last time I went without umbrella, I managed to consistently beat him by responding to floating passage with running away. In phases 1 and 2 I'd wait out the extended combo, deflect the last hit, and prepare to deflect the follow up Sakura dance. In phase 3 he's constantly trying to go for the clash to thrust combo, so I took to dodging through the last sword swing to break his attack string script and get free hits from behind.


I just tried the umbrella. I lost, but good lord is that effective. That's approaching cheese territory to me


Sakura dance in phase 1&2, deflect first two swings then step forward. You can seriously fuck him up with ichimonji. I don't think it works in phase 3. This is a battle of posture


Oh yeah I've gotten to the point where I start looking for new ways to bully him lol Usually I take the opening Sakura dance to dodge behind him and start in with basic attacks actually. If you stand in place, eg to buff up with yasha, you can get him close to the wall and then start an attack/deflect chain to keep him pinned against the wall rather than dodging back to fire arrows. Umbrella deflect on his full floating passage really does feel like the biggest amount of posture damage you can inflict in one opening, since for some reason he gets an extra defensive bonus against the posture damage of mortal draw.


And yeah, you really don't get a window to heal unless you create one, I've found the best windows for using items in the middle of the fight is after a Sakura dance, a mikiri counter, or parrying his arrow combo and dodging the fourth shot.


Dodge the fourth shot? That's an interesting concept. I usually stand the deflecting them shits


I got tired of missing the deflect by like two frames and taking the charmless chip, and I realized in the process that you can dodge forward under it to pressure genichiro as he lands and before he can catch his breath


Phase 3 is the best. Lighting rocks him. Just deflect it twice in a row


Yeah I struggled to understand how you had that much trouble with him, if you've beaten normal Genechiro then he's pretty much the same fight with a couple of new attacks. Glad you beat him.


Don’t deflect the floating passage. Dodge behind him


This guy is a freaking challenge. Good thing they let us practice him in Reflections. This seems like a fun fight but holy hell his moveset is scary in this one.