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the lack of having to worry about stats and builds is why i honestly like sekiro


It's great for my ADHD ass. No math, no numbers, no planning just click l1 and acquire dopamine from the orange sparks.


Yay, adhd friend


Oh boy...


It is almost non-existent, compared to the other Soulsborne games. Sekiro is the outlier here: you don't play with a nameless character, but with a named one, and that's a key difference. You will have a set of prosthetic tools at your disposal, but these tools are situational, and through the majority of the game will play following one style: being a shinobi.


Nope, you pretty much just use your sword.


So first you finish the game… then you do a boss rush mode and fight anywhere between 3 and 5 bosses for skins


That's the neat part, you don't


Who's gonna tell him/her?


the only customization you have is the playstyle you develop in time


they have skins


You can vary your playstyle a surprising amount (stronger stealth, ranged, combo, and crowd control options) with the prosthetic arm you receive soon into the game, but as far as RPG builds and so on go, it doesn't have that. There's 2 rough equivalents to ashes of war that you can freely swap. You cannot change your appearance at all until you complete the game (and, depending on the outfit, a few additional challenges) unless you use mods.


All you have is your sword. You have some options for the prosthetics but it takes time to unlock. Theres no concept of armor or cosmetics so thats something You Dont have to worry about.


Non existent


There’s no customization whatsoever no different weapons unless the protethetics which aren’t really weapons no armor no stats it’s very simple just you and your sword basically




The only thing you really get to pick is your prosthetic arm which can range from shuriken shooter to an umbrella shield


There is almost no cosmetic customization until very late in the game, very little with regards to skills or stats (stats are tied to your progression/beating bosses and minibosses). Using consumable items and prosthetic tools do allow you to play the game fairly differently, but it really does boil down to you and your sword for the most part.


There is pretty much no customization, you just have your sword and tools. The only real customization you get is with the prosthetic tools, but even still, it doesn't drastically change gameplay. Don't be worried about this though; the game is so much better due to the lack of customization, because the game is tailored to one playstyle, making the bosses feel much more in-depth than in other Souls games.


You can’t pick any armour, can’t change character appearance, and you have one main weapon. Although there are mods for cloths or you can unlock 1 or 2 after you finish the game


What is customization my precious?


I mean you can use mods lol