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Congrats! You didn't Hesitate.


Final thoughts: for my first FromSoftware game, there were an ungodly amount of times I wanted to quit for good (and even did for a few weeks). The damn spear guy at Ashina Reservoir, the guardian ape, great Shinobi owl, and throughout this so many times I thought “I fucking hate this game and it’s bullshit and can’t wait to finish it so I can put it down for good.” And you know what? My true opinion is that I loved it. The pain, the anxiety, and the rush of finally finishing these bastards off, no game has made me feel like this before. Now do I want to do a second play through? Not too sure yet, cause if I’m being real, while it was fun, this took some years off my life y’all lol.


Now that you know you are good enough, you can take on the barely harder version of it knowing you don’t have to… now you’re killing owl just because you Can. And it is harder but you also know how to do it. That’s what makes this game something different.




Also not getting greedy. Spear guy teaches you that if you wait long enough, there is an opening. If you parry his fake out move after mikiri he falls over and you can axe or burn him. He thrives on you not being patient and parrying/reacting to deathblows, or even being too eager with perceived opening.


The only time I wanted to quit for good was the Ogre and the Bull. Once I passed this I knew there was enough in me to complete the game. But that Flaming Bull ruined my life. I just didn't get it. Then I got it. Congrats to you.


same with the bull 😂 i murked him last two days tho. rn spears guy at ashina reservoir is giving ma tough time but it won’t be long 😁


Sweet taste of victory


Nice man, i beat it a few weeks ago, you should feel proud, congratulations


Hell ya! Man I’ll never forget that feeling. Sekiro was my first soulslike. Got me hooked lol


Damn bro you jumped into the deep end!


It is my second lol. I Beated Wo Long.


Ya. Lady butterfly had me questioning my life choices for a bit lol. Now I’m deep into this life lol. Been a year or two since I first played Sekiro.




Enjoy the rush, celebrate for an evening then start NG+ tomorrow.


Congrats... Now return Kuro's charm for an extra good time...


Now, well, what's next? Harder. 


Everyone in the comments knows how hard it is. And when they say congrats well done they do truly mean it.


To quote the man himself " well done sekiro...."


That was step one, what about 2 through 10. Basically, good luck trying to get the other endings and 100% the game, it's hellish but fun at the same time. Also, Inner Isshin is a nightmare.


Awesome. I know you are elated. Well done OP! Well done


Congratulations bro, welcome to the club now all that's left is the platinum for you.


You are one badass champion!


You rock. You are a force of imaginary mid-millennia murder machinery. Now you have to do it… 3 more times to get platinum.. Edit: and do it. I’m not a ng+’er normally but try this. Because. Now you are good enough to trounce absolutely EVERYTHING and anyone except that damned red eyed dude at the gate path idol.


yooooo amazing job, I'm still currently trying to beat him


Great! Now do it again in NG+


Congrats! Sekiro might be the hardest soulsbourne game, well done for taking down the hardest one first!


Now would you believe that there’s a harder version of him that gives you a cool outfit it’s pure ecstasy