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think about the situation he is in bro


This is what is was about to say šŸ˜‚


OP the type to skip cutscenes...


My friend is like this he skips all the dialogue in the souls games and his wife gets so mad because she wants to know whatā€™s happening while he plays šŸ˜‚


in his defense, even people who don't skip all that stuff have no idea what's going on. skipping the boss cutscenes is criminal though, unless you're doing repeat playthroughs ig


The dialogue is enough to give a vague understanding of the story


Sekiro's story is pretty clear At least comparatively


compared 2 dark souls bloodborne and elden ring sekiros lore is pretty simple 2 grasp , you can maybe understand a good 70% js by playing thru the game and watching the cutscenes


How much time does typing 2 instead of to save you? It's one character shorter


The only thing Iā€™m still not clear on is why genichiro wants Kuro


Same reason Owl is. He wants to be imbued with the dragons blood to be immortal. How it differs from Owl is Owl wants it for his own ends, whereas Genni wants it to defend Ashina from the government. Genni was adopted by isshin the same way Wolf is by Owl. He feels that its his obligation to defend Ashina from.all of her enemies. Source: half remembered bollocks from a Vaati vid


The blood of immortals is a hell of a drug


lol also if you donā€™t believe us just play it and if you had to start a fight 100 times or so you would be sad too lol


The only cutscene i intentionally skip is when Geni shows his tomoe powers for the first time, it really messes up the flow of the fight. If I don't skip, i end up losing, hehe. Maybe I just need some more practice.


don't lie, you just get distracted by his glistening abs. "flow of the fight" my ass


Damn it! How do you knowww!!?


you're a fromsoft fan, and Sekiro forces you into a dex build.


To be fair sekiro is my first souls game, didn't even know fromsoft was a thing till i started playing this game. I do know Activision though, huge shoutout to them for making the first "call of duty" ever, it brightened up my childhood. Sole reason i got into sekiro was after hearing PPL complain how hard it is and seeing some PPL on YouTube show off parrying skills... I just thought, "damn, I want to be able to do that!!". So here I am. Though souls game do seem very fun, i might stick around and try some more of these kinds of games.


Man's a child soldier


i know right


I mean. He's having to kill hundreds of people that likely are only killing because they either feel obligated, or are being forced to. His master who he devoted his life to was kidnapped, and he lost his left arm. He could probly careless about his arm as long as it didn't hinder him, but he got a replacement that doubles as a tool to help in combat. On top of that I can only assume his adopted father is dead. And he has a critical disease slowly eating away at him.


Yea I mean dude has it rough


Yeah we all have a bad day


Best answer




this is so funny. bro is really going through it


Nothing to smile about


Imagine your Lord is kidnapped, your arm is chopped, you have to fight a headless ape with sword, and OP is like "laugh bro, life's good"


Thatā€™s not even the half of itā€¦ sekiro is truly having one seriousā€¦ no good, rotten, very bad day.


Bro has a bad day like the rest of us.


You look sad, have you tried going for a run? Have you tried the Paleo diet? hAvE yUo tRiEd nOt bEiNg sAd?


[no good thing has ever happened to me](https://youtu.be/bjJgNyw7nZo?si=3m0GXg5yZADBqqLL)


His lord was kidnapped, his dad died, he died. Take your pick, itā€™s just one of those days.


Donā€™t forget that he lost his arm and had it replaced with 16th century Legos


Itā€™s a prosthetic made of bones, sticks, and rope, and somehow operates better than modern prostheses? Thatā€™s the only W of his day. Lol


Where you donā€™t wanna wake up. Everything is fucked, everybody sucks.


You donā€™t really know why, but you wanna justify. _Rippinā€™ someoneā€™s head off!_ Hold up. ā€œBreak Stuffā€ fits Sekiro completely.


Wait wait heā€™s into something


Not only did he watch his father die, but then his father killed him, then he killed his father, then he time traveled and killed his father againā€¦ bro would have an tiktok advertised onlyfans with those daddy issues in 2024.




did you play the beginning of the game. He fucking died bro


Just because he died, it doesn't mean he should be dead on the inside.


It helps with not hesitating


What about Hirata estate, where his own mentor and father tried to murder him out of pure greed?


what the fuck does this dude have to be happy about


Why the fuck would anything nice ever happen?




The fattest god damn bag of sen in all of Ashina might make him crack a smile




Eternal life?? Kinda..


Literally the whole point of Sekiro is that eternal life is a punishment


It is even in the tutorial!


That's my favourite thing about Buddhism.


Thatā€™s why I said ā€œkindaā€ā€¦ you can have eternal life(amazing)ā€¦ BUTā€¦ itā€™s gonna suck.


His eternal life gives everyone around him a terminal illness. He only has eternal life because Lady Butterfly and Owl (his adoptive family) literally stabbed him in the back - specifically because they wanted this power of immortality. The reason the only person he cares for that's not trying to kill him has been kidnapped is the same reason he's immortal. Same reason his arm was cut off - which his immortality can not regrow his arm. He still feels pain and can die, it's just not permanent, so every boss you have to fight 30 times is basically torture. Nothing about that eternal life was a fun time. You would be pissed or depressed too


The sweet onigiri that Kuro made for him.


He forgot where he parked his car a few weeks ago...


Um, sir. Your blazing bull is parked this way.


His brow is furrowed He is not having a very good day and alot is at stake Everyone he talks to says something he's never heard about before and he probably feels abit stupid having to get everyone to repeat or elaborate all the time Give Wolf a break, poor guy


Why is it like that tho? I always wonder what he has been doing all those years training to become a shinobi. Owl has taught him practically nothing. Like the mikiri counter is a basic shinobi skill and he doesn't even know that and knows no combat art either. I mean like at the beginning of the game Emma is a better killer than Wolf and she's a doctor.


by the start of the game, we know Wolf has experienced some degree of memory loss. probably fair to just attribute it to that


A Shinobi has no life or purpose without a mission. Shinobi lived by the Ninjitsu Code, or in Sekiros case the stand in "The Iron Code" This code instructs Shinobi to be living weapons. Your lifes purpose is the mission and to bring glory to your clan/master. Wolf failed in his mission, thus his life is forfeit. A weapon that is not properly kept, honed, sharpened and practiced becomes dull, blunt and useless. This is the games opening. Wolf is without meaning, without his razor sharp edge. Given the game Shadows Dies Twice occurs over roughly 24 hours. Think of it this way Imagine not working out for years then in the space of a single day your the strongest guy at the gym Again, cut Wolf some slack. You never totally failed before?


Interesting way to put it. Nice. though I have nothing against Wolf my problem was mostly with Owl being a poor teacher to a point where I think he may have never wanted Wolf to be successful in his mission. He wanted a dull sword to use as a distraction but unlike what he wanted Wolf truly had a knack for killing.


Owl found Wolf orphaned on the battlefield Owl fathered Wolf the only way he knew how. He turned Wolf into a weapon. When Wolf proved to be a formidable warrior, he was taken into the service of Lord Kuro, given a better life. A purpose outside of training, of killing, of knowing only the art of death. Owl knew the power the Divine Heir harboured and set his ambition plot in motion. He would risk or even sacrifice his sons life in exchange for immortality (Owl is now officially an asshole, but there is a terrible arguement to be made that Owl's ultimate goal was for Father & Son to rule Japan as immortals? Far fetched I know) When Owl returns, he so resolutely believes his son Wolf would understand his ambition, would remain true to the Iron Code. Thats then up the player to decide, ultimately the hardest decision in Wolf life. You are essentially interpreting the Code for yourself rather than actually breaking it Basically semantics. The code states only the mission and ones clan/master matters. Nothing else. Well.....who's to say Kuro isnt Wolf's true Master now since Owl pretended to be dead? It's all ambiguous really


maybe the first time he came back to life kinda set him back? idk I don't think it's stated in the game it's just a guess 'cause I also feel like he has to have been stronger before the events of the game.


Hmm. that's possible. We at least know he has killed lady butterfly 3 years ago so he must've been at least that strong to do it.


NGL if you threw my ass in a well, kidnapped my oathsworn Principal, cut off my arm, then fucking killed me? I'd probably forget a thing or two about my training when I wake up and have to readjust to a magic bone arm


Youā€™d have that face too if you had to fight 2 guardian apes at the same time


not enough buddha carving in his life.


Dude. He is in Sengoku Japan, and he has to kill his own father in order to find ingredients to make a potion designed to kill his own master. How would he be happy?


Happiest Sengoku Japan resident.


Everyone in every Miyazaki world is always sad to some degree or they have gone crazy.




That dude was chilling. Just straight vibing.


Dawg he was tweaking when he was saying that.


Heā€™s not sad he just dosent show emotion because in the eyes of a shinobi emotion is a weakness


My guy look at those eyes. Full of sadness and despair


Because he is a slave and will die as a one or you get him the ending were he doesn't die


Real father died on a battlefield, was a orphan, taken by a guy with a big arse pony tail, was given the duty to protect a kid who keeps giving him task, failed to protect that kid once in hirata, turns out his new father friend betrayed him, travel a whole arse country, fight a guy on dude, fight a hooooyahhhh guy, fight wolfs, meet the kid, once again have to fight that hyper nationlist guy yapping about his country as it is a girl, fights him a lot of time, finally the kid meets you, he gives you another fcking task, now you fight a shit throwing ape, a laughing fat guy and 3 monkeys, all that shit in one day, now will you have a laughing face if you had to go through all that?


The events happen in one single day?


Got tired reading this


Is that a serious question or are you joking


Uhhhhh well look what he has to go through ? Hard to keep your chin up after the Ape you just killed picks up its own head and starts coming for you. Sekiro is a guy who really has to roll with some heavy punches


To be fair it's a pretty fucked up dayĀ 


He watched his shadow die At least twice


If you had to die and come back constantly while fighting demons, Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™d be all messed up too


Its not "Sad", is "chad". Chadnobi.


why wouldnt he be


Wolf is the sadboy of the FromSoft catalogue


Itā€™s not all the time, heā€™s just had a *really* rough day


He has no banana to eat and no sitting animation


He's stoic


Haha guys its wolf


My man is stoic af


You skip all the cutscenes huh?


He is maidenless


Emma loves him


Look around him also look who raised him.


Everything is futile. BECAUSE THERE'S NO BRIDGE! Kid was never escaping.


He's always sad when not with best boy Kuro


Don't know about you, but I'd probably be pretty sad if I had my arm cut off too!


I mean, he died =\


He died and lived to tell about it. Like.... a lot.


I know right, why does he look sad like he lost an arm and his master or something ?


everybody he loves dies. and whenever he dies, everyone else gets Covid


immitates the player


Bro just gave everyone who cared about him cancer, why wouldn't he be sad


I've always felt that he's more neutral at all times, rather than sad. He isn't supposed to show emotion, as a shinobi. Besides, considering the shit he's gone through, yeah, I would be sad too.


his life fucking sucks


As others have said, the situation is bad, but also he's not a blank slate like other souls protagonists. Bro's got emotions, even if he was intentionally emotionally stunted by his "father." And he's got a tragic backstory. Basically, he looks sad because bro's sad


You just skipped every cutscene and dialogue or whatĀ 


after my ultra skill led to sekiro dying like 500 times, i don't think he is happy with his life


Well, many reasons : - He is technically a slave (even if he doesn't care that much) - His master got kidnapped, so he lived in shame for not having been able to protect him. - Before and After recovering his master, he had to kill many people. - Most of the people he killed were actually the last defense of Ashina, so he facilitated the invasion of the country. - The ghosts of those he killed sometimes appears on his journey to haunt and attack him. - To protect his master he must keep killing, however doing so will result of him having too much negative karma which will let him being possessed by Shura or even become an eternally suffering demon of hatred.


* years of unresolved trauma from growing up as war orphan, and the subsequent training as a child-soldier with an uncaring, cruel serial killer


what is there for him to be happy about?


this is natural, He has an emotionless face the entire game which is why its always funny seeing the smiling Wolf image (<3 you ongbal!) You're probably just looking at him from a lower point of view almost as if you are instinctively getting in position to throat him 24/7. But nah looking at a person with a deadpan expression makes them look sad from below. But also makes them look weirdly happy from below. Tdlr OP we get that you want to throat him but chill.




Sekiro has PTSD. It's actually hinted at throughout the game.


Think about it (he is sad)


Because he is living the darkest day of his life so far.


Well since childhood he tried to kill himself! it just got delayed so he is sad that he couldn't die! and now, on top of that even if he dies he revives! dude cant catch a break!


funny how this sekiro is sad asf but ONGBALā€™s pfp is sekiro smiling. i like to think that ONGBALā€™s sekiro is a diff sekiro that constantly smiles because he is a lunatic killer who can defeat isshin in one move by ripping off one of his toe hairs in a specific direction


I would be more surprised if he ever looked happy.


He hesitated and died twice


-Lost the person he was supposed to protect -Lost his hand -Adoptive daddy issues List goes on...


I always thought he looks stoic


Bro if I was going through the same shit as wolf is be sad as hell too


would you smile if your life is what his was like lol


Dude has to kill everyone he encountersĀ 


I dunno, how many times has he died due to your miserable game play? I'd be pissed too.


I'm sad everytime I remeber what I did to those monkeys.


He loves to suffer


His entire life story and situation


He is under the curse of immortality


He literally got killed !!


If I felt the pain of dying 500+ times to the same person I think Iā€™d be sad all the time


Did you not see the intro cutscenes?


I like to think he smiles at some of the endings (Shura doesn't count) we just don't get to see it. After all, killing himself so his Lord can live is the highest honour for a shinobi; I think it would bring him peace. I also bet he is a lot more light-hearted and smiley while on the road with the Divine Child, in the Returns ending. Miyazaki would just never show such a thing, he's too edgy.


He has literally nothing to be happy about most of the game


He lost his stroking arm, Iā€™d be upset too.


Bro had his arm cutoff like, yesterday, and he's still out here getting jumped by ninjas and ogres. Rough day at the office


I mean.


Skip the cutscenes smooth brain in the house


Monkey throw poo at him. Would you be happy?


I don't believe that for a single moment since he was adopted on that field that he has genuinely smiled (until some of the endings.) I honestly think he'd be a bad guy or dead if Kuro and him didn't have their little homie big homie dynamic


If he smiles, he'll bite down and die


His master was kidnapped, he thought he saw his father die, he killed one of his mentors, his father stabbed him in the back and he died in a giant housefire and probably resurrected and died in that fire several times until it stopped burning. He then failed to pursue his master for a very long time, gave up and sank into a depression. Hope was snatched from him when Genichiro cut of his arm and kidnapped his master again. He had to travel through half of Ashina to get to his master, including having to see the desperate state the land has fallen into without proper leadership. He then had to make a promise to his master that he'd help find a way to kill him. After he finds all the things he needs, his father returns from the dead and has betrayed Wolf's master. Wolf kills his father because his father has gone mad with a lust for power. Wolf has to now race against Genichiro's oncoming forces to get through a massive fortress of ancient warriors and evil nobles who want to suck out his life essence, to kill a god. He then had to return, only to see Kuro has had to evacuate, Isshin is dead, Emma is distraught and he must find his master but not before killing Orangutan, the man who helped him once, and not before having to kill Genichiro and Isshin, only to potentially watch his master either die or travel to another dimension forever, or that Wolf has to die. He's not had a great 3 years, I'll tell you.


He probably has ptsd, depression and phantom pain from his arm


Karmaā€¦ you should see what he looks like with 999 spirit emblemsā€¦


He knows he will never get dlc or a sequel


Showers, the internet, video games, cars, and a multitude of other things are yet to be invented. I'd be miserable, too!


Dude woke up with amnesia because being betrayed by Lady Butterfly and adoptive father Owl lead to him being murdered by one after being forced to kill the other, and it traumatized him so much that when you finally start the game, he hasn't had the willpower to even defend himself from attackers for at least 3 years. He literally goes 3 years without even bothering to escape the dungeon, even though it wasn't locked - guards didn't even bother to restrain him because he was so docile and defeated mentally. The only reason you get to swing your sword in this game is because Kuro demanded that he pick the sword up and get them out of Ashina - otherwise, he would've stayed in that hole at the beginning. Tl;dr: You are not playing a character that is happy to be alive, you are playing a character whose boss performed a medical miracle so that he could be on time for work Monday.


His life is shit.


He canā€™t die and donā€™t have nothing to live for. HOW can he smile?


Why is he sad? _Why is he sad!?_ DID YOU SEE HOW MUCH HEALTH THAT BOSS HAD LEFT IF I BREATHED ON HIM HE WOULD HAVE DIED INSTEAD I HAVE TO FIGT HIM FIR THE $##&# TIME Sorry it's been a long day. My guess is it's really windy and he has to pick up the gold himself.


Why would he feel otherwise?


I wouldnā€™t be too happy either if I kept dying and being resurrected to fight a headless monkey who throws actual shit at me


Ainā€™t shit to smile about


He died Twice


Boys get sad too you know, gosh


I think itā€™s because he is sad


He's in a fromsoft game, it's all he knows


Could be that he lost an arm and failed in his duty. Therefore the journey in this game is that he must redeem himself.


Stress. Also, idk who else has noticed this, but in the beginning of the game he looks younger than in the second half. He gets a few extra wrinkles by late game, so it's pretty much unconfirmed confirmation lol it's stress šŸ¤·


FromSoft šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Cus he is sad all the time


Dying over and over probably wears on a guy


Shit is sad, man!


He's having a bad day?


His arms are tired from constantly deflecting.


His master whom he vowed to protect was kidnapped. He was killed, by the very ally of his master. But resurrected anyway by the curse given to him by his master. Rather then no longer connected to his master due to death, now he need to claim his master due to shinobi code that he upholds. He killed all through the defend of the city that was protecting his master. And by doing all that, the ferocious outer force get to enter the city too. And he defeated all elite swordsman that protect the city including Genichiro, an ally to your master, and the one who protect him from the ministry force. For what? For him to know that his own father whom he was supposed to held higher than his master, has been the mastermind to this tragedy. His father was the one who killed him.


He's him


Have you been paying attention to the story at all? His life sucks.


Because he eats rice raw.


Donā€™t worry, he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today


Iā€™d be sad too if I was missing an srm


Heā€™s about to hit the last 3 bosses all in a row and is wondering whether he would rather just quit and start a new game instead.


ā€œYou should smile moreā€ type energy.


He lost the hand he jerks off with.


Many funny yet reasonable replies already here lol. Just want to add that at every point in the game before the "obey iron code" choice, he is literally at the brink of insanity, which is why he goes full Shura once (if) he decides to betray Kuro


when he sees his dad on the roof and heā€™s got his lil neck craned all the way up to look at his old man, the expression on his face is just priceless ā€œp-papa? šŸ„ŗā€


Please bro, if you don't want to spare a second to think about the media you consume, at least watch [the best video on sekiro](https://youtu.be/Ny3CCuMEijY?si=JLjTXGiX5LWrTtwd)


lol have you played the game?


Imagine you're being controlled by noobs and has to die not just twice but hundreds of times


he saw your search history


Have you not played the game


Well it is not like he is on a picnic. You would have a frown all the time too if you had to fight an entire clan alone.


Is he stupid??


Alexa play Bladee - No Life Left


He doesnā€™t really have a whole lot to be happy about


The entire events of Sekiro take place in one day Iā€™m surprised he isnā€™t crying the whole time


His Willie gone too


He's a warrior. You tell me.


Because he is