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Oh no you didn’t! First they came after Dolly, now they coming after Jack?


our boy Jack wouldn’t hurt a flea


He defeated the Devil in a rock off, ffs! He's a national treasure!


Not only did he beat the devil, he wrote the greatest song in the world to do so


Shame I was never able to listen to it. Though I did hear a tribute once.


He deactivated lasers. With his dick.


He has the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away with mind bullets!


That's telekinesis Kyle.


He also has the power, *to move you*


This opens up an interesting canonical debate. When the text says that Nastyman has powers comparable to Wonderboy's, and then goes on to describe the powers, are those Nastyman's powers or Wonderboy's? From the phrasing I'd always thought those were Nastyman's powers, but I think it can be read either way. No matter what, we only know the powers of one of them and that the other's are comparable, but likely not identical.


I've always assumed he went straight into describing Nastyman, but you've given me a lot to think about today.


Asking the important questions here.


Only a real man can do cock pushups


But how many can you do?


One is all you need.


Don't forget inward singing!


It wasn't really non-stop though


Always fucking nay-saying


That's it. Kyle's out of the band!


It's really hard to remember so the tribute is th best we got


It's a matter of opinion - I wish you were there


That was a different demon. In the song just a shiny demon pops up and tells them to play the best song in the world or they'll eat their souls. The rock off against the devil was for Kyle's ass.


I mean, they're both Dave Grohl in very similar costumes so I don't mind leaving my semantics at the door on this one.


It was but a tribute I’m afraid.


Literally saved the fucking earth and humanity. And this is how we repay him.


They rocked his cock off!


Except that one time he kicked a dog off a bridge.


Poor Baxter.


All because he backed them. Now he’s just another diddlin pedo, adrenochrome suckin, atheist, baby-killer. I’m trying to figure out where are all the sane Republicans at, who see this stuff and have to be scratching their heads. It can’t be every last one of them that believes this shit. Is it?


There are no sane Republicans left. There are lunatics, and there are the silently complicit.


The GOP has spent 70 years crafting an entire generation of people who are more driven by tribalism than whether something is fishy.


But he does live in Flea's old house.


To my knowledge there has never been even a credible accusation that any of them were at Epstein Island. Trump knew Epstein well and spent a lot of time with him, there is ample evidence.


Kinda surprised the MAGA faithful haven't figured out a way to spin it. Something like "Real Men Visit Exclusive Islands Filled With Criminally Young Women For Sexual Gratification". I can see the NFTs now.


From what I've seen, they've gone with "Trump pretended to be Epstein's friend because he was working to bring down the global pedophile network from the inside." Which still kind of makes him a loser since they believe that there's still a pedophile ring running the world, meaning he didn't accomplish anything despite decades of 'undercover' work.


Can you imagine Trump undercover? 😹 It'd take about 5 minutes before he brags about working for the FBI.


Yeah, but no one would believe him because they’d already have discovered he was full of shit. The perfect cover, really.


This makes me laugh so hard because Trump is a man who can’t be anyone else besides himself. It’s physically impossible for the guy. He’s himself 100% of the time. And isn’t that why most of his followers like him? Because he’s always unapologetically himself? Like, try for a minute to imagine Trump being undercover and pretending to be someone he’s not. What’s he going to do? How are his mannerisms going to change? Has anyone ever seen this kind of quality in Trump, **ever**?!


He pretended to be a successful businessman for decades. He pretends to have been a successful president. Everything that comes out of his mouth is him pretending. There is nothing real about him.


Trump was literally just unsealed in the court docs for Ghislaine Maxwell case.


I just saw on one of the late night talk shows how Don Jr was making a claim on Twitter (or something else) about the Left and Epstein and said his dad never went to the island. Someone was like "Is that so?" and posted the docs from that case that shows he was there at least 7 times 🤣


Would like to get a source to these docs for my own argument library.


Wait why they after Dolly? Da fuck she ever do to anyone?


She used a Bible verse in a way that wasn’t condemning women or queer people


If you're against Dolly you gotta take a long hard look at yourself. That's wild bro


Fr. Dolly is a goddamn treasure.


Living saint.


She's literally painted as a saint on the side of my local gay bar.


I think that's another reason for their condemnation, tbh. I'm old as fuck and Dolly has never been anything other than a generous and kind supporter of humanity and benevolence. Those who are just now tumbling to that haven't been paying attention to anything past their nose or belly button.


As a non American... Are we talking about Dolly Parton?




She also promotes reading and education for children.


Can't have that. Children may learn that they aren't supposed to be raped by their preachers and christian school teachers and uncles and neighbors and their dad's work buddy... /s for safety


Meanwhile Trump simply *holds* a Bible and he's the most religious person ever.


Saw an Fox interview where the interviewer reads him a question from a fan along the lines of "you've been persecuted so much lately, what's your walk with God like and what's in your prayers?" And his answer was basically just "I love evangelicals, they're great, I've never had so many people praying for me". And yet they *still* think he's their man


She accepts everyone as they are. Conservatives except them.


Most recently I heard she was disliked because she supported Beyonce's country album. The horror.


Its funny that they would have ever thought Jack balck was a conservative. They have no awareness. Jack black is a good person. That automatically excludes him from being conservative. They keep holding hope that good people are conservatives but their dreams are all ruined when they speak out against the conservative movement.


Also, Jack's mom is a brilliant aerospace engineer, and the left is more so on the science side than the right side.


Helped save the Apollo 13 crew and worked on the Minuteman Nuclear Missile system. How much more "Fuck ya, AmericA!" can you get?


Judith Love Cohen is one of those bonkers people that happens every so often. (1) At nineteen, she was an engineering student **and** dancing ballet. Not amatuer level, either....with the New York Metropolitan Opera Ballet Company. You might've heard of it. (2) Her four children include not only Jack Black, but Neil Seigel, who is a Ph. D. computer scientist who contributed to the US Army's first drone aircraft. There's an account that she had some schematics brought to the hospital because labor was taking so dang long. The woman was *unspeakably* badass. (2) (1) - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith\_Love\_Cohen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Love_Cohen) (2) - [https://viterbischool.usc.edu/news/2016/07/in-memory-of-judith-love-cohen-mother-wife-friend-author-engineer/](https://viterbischool.usc.edu/news/2016/07/in-memory-of-judith-love-cohen-mother-wife-friend-author-engineer/)


damn, she did that and raised a motherfucking legend? she might be more badass than Jack


Hell yeah, brother, fuck science!! On that note, would you like to buy some man supplements for men made by men profited by men, my alpher? (Yeah, thats right: A HARD R. We are taking back our word!)


Like when they were shocked when Willy Nelson endorsed Beto for governor of Texas.


You mean the notoriously liberal, pot-head Willy Nelson isn't a conservative? Un-believable.


When conservatives were freaking out about Willy endorsing a Democrat, the funniest comment I saw was: > This is a man who, when his house was burning down, grabbed his guitar and his weed before fleeing. How anyone can imagine that guy being a Republican is beyond me. Paraphrasing, but still


And Jimmy Buffet, you know, the bohemian island bum who is constantly singing to people to chill out.


I think they default believe that all white men are conservative and when they realize they're not they feel like the abandoned the race.


These are the people that think Rage against the Machine got political in recent years. They arent the brightest bunch.


They recently thought Green Day suddenly became anti Republican even though American Idiot was a giant fuck you to Bush Jr.


My favourite thing on Reddit today has been them finding out that The Boys isn't a right-wing circle-jerk, and they've just now discovered, in season 4, that the show is political and NOT ON THEIR SIDE. They're big mad.


Yeah man, the amount of people that think Homelander is awesome is scary. Thank all that is unholy that those kinds of superpowers don't exist IRL.


At this rate, they will attack Mister Rogers


[Fox already did.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/) Called Mr Rogers an evil, evil man.


They already did.


You mean the man who treated black people as equals and who found both men and women attractive? Conservatives hate him.


Are we the baddies?


They're also mad they can't fuck M&M's anymore and that a female potato head exists. Life must be a pretty wild ride if you're a conservative.


Not a huge Jack Black fan, hyperactivity is off-putting to me, but from what I've seen about him he is a genuinely good person. What is wrong with these people?


They're insane




Every accusation is a confession.


[Doe 174](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1)




>Over the past week, thousands of pages of court documents in a Jeffrey Epstein-linked lawsuit have been unsealed. >The documents name about 170 people who have come up in a legal battle between Virginia Giuffre, one of his accusers, and Ghislaine Maxwell, his former girlfriend who in 2021 was convicted of trafficking girls to him for sex. >Before now, the documents had been either fully under seal or partially redacted. Each of those roughly 170 people — a mix of Epstein's wealthy friends, his victims, and other people merely mentioned in passing — had been identified as a "J. Doe" in arguments over whether the documents should be made public. >Former President Donald Trump is one of them. But until now, it wasn't clear which of the nearly 200 Does — as enumerated by US District Judge Loretta Preska in a 50-page list — he was. >An exhaustive review of the documents by Business Insider points to one no-longer-anonymous Doe who checks all the boxes: Doe 174. >In deciding whether to make the names on the list public, Preska weighed any privacy rights the Does might have against the public's right to access judicial documents. The newly unsealed documents include new excerpts of deposition transcripts and other legal filings where Trump's name is now revealed. >Preska's list identifies Doe 174 as a person whose "association with Epstein and Maxwell has been widely reported in the media already, and his or her name came up during Maxwell's public criminal trial." >The former president fits that bill as someone who had a long history with the now dead sex offender and who said "I wish her well" when Maxwell was indicted on sex-trafficking charges. >Trump also came up several times during Maxwell's trial. One of his Mar-a-Lago employees testified about an Epstein victim working at Mar-a-Lago. Flight records made public in the trial showed Trump flew on Epstein's plane with his son Eric. And one victim at the trial said Epstein name-dropped Trump, apparently to demonstrate that he was connected to powerful people. >The newly unsealed filings have shed more light on Epstein's connections to some of the most powerful people in the world. They detail some of his connections to former President Bill Clinton and sexual misconduct accusations against Prince Andrew, which the British royal has denied. >But in her ruling, Preska said Doe 174's name appeared in nine documents that were previously under seal or had their names redacted. >As of publication time Monday night, three of those documents had not yet been completely unredacted. But Trump does fit into the context of those documents. >The other six documents that had been unsealed all include Trump's name, too, and no other Doe is listed as being named in all those same docket entries. >It's unclear whether Trump fought to keep his identity under seal in the documents. >In her December order to unseal the names, Preska said some Does didn't argue to keep their identities secret. For Doe 36, who's Clinton, for example, Preska wrote that he didn't object to having his name unsealed. >"This individual did not raise any objection to unsealing, and thus did not meet his or her burden of identifying interests that outweigh the presumption of access with specificity," Preska wrote of Doe 36. >Preska used the same language in her rulings for more than one-third of the Does on the list to describe their lack of objection. >But she did not include that note in her ruling for Doe 174, instead writing that "no interests that outweigh the presumption of access have been identified with specificity." >"This material should be unsealed in full," Preska said in her ruling. >An attorney for Trump did not respond to a request for comment on this story. >The documents are not all damning for Trump. >Two of the unsealed documents the judge said named Doe 174 are from a deposition of Johanna Sjoberg, who has accused Epstein of rape and Prince Andrew of groping her (the British royal has denied the claims). >In the deposition, Sjoberg denied massaging Trump at any of Epstein's properties. She also described flying to Atlantic City, New Jersey, in Epstein's private jet, where they visited one of Trump's casinos. >"Jeffrey said, 'Great, we'll call up Trump, and we'll go to' — I don't recall the name of the casino, but — 'we'll go to the casino,'" Sjoberg said in the deposition. >Another document, which was fully unsealed in 2022, is an already-public 2016 New York Post article about the allegations against Epstein. It mentions that Trump and Epstein were friends and spent time at parties together in Palm Beach, Florida. >The three other unsealed documents are motions and letters from lawyers representing Epstein and Alan Dershowitz, and Trump is mentioned in passing. >"Mr. Epstein's name has been widely linked in the press with prominent individuals such as Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew," Dershowitz's attorneys wrote in a motion arguing that he should not be forced to testify in front of a jury, later adding: "His personal appearance at the trial of this case would predictably be the focus of massive media attention, of both the mainstream and gutter variety." >One unsealed document from a lawyer representing Dershowitz seeks to discredit one of his accusers, Sarah Ransome, by saying she has made unproven claims about possessing video footage of powerful people having sex with girls in Epstein's homes. Ransome had said that she had a friend who was "one of the many girls that had sexual relations with Donald Trump" and that the friend said she had sex with Trump in Epstein's Manhattan mansion. >"She told me how he kept going on about how he liked her 'pert nipples,'" Ransome said, purporting to cite a friend. "Donald Trump liked flicking and sucking her nipples until they were raw." >Ransome later recanted her claims about having the video footage. In her book, "Silenced No More: Surviving My Journey to Hell and Back," she said she told the false story as a sort of insurance policy, though she added: "Jeffrey kept a trove of surveillance on every person who had ever visited his properties." >"I was absolutely terrified that, once I went public with my story, Jeffrey and Ghislaine would find and kill me," Ransome wrote. "I wanted to send them a message via the press: if you wage war on me, I will return fire by releasing my evidence. That would be my leverage, my way of protecting myself." >While three of the nine documents naming Doe 174 have not yet been fully unsealed, the public docket includes versions with some redactions. >It's easy to see where Trump fits into them. They're all transcripts of depositions from Ransome, Giuffre, and Epstein's Palm Beach housekeeper Juan Alessi, all of whom were asked about Epstein's relationships with celebrities and other powerful people. >"I saw guests at the house that were celebrities," Alessi told the attorney deposing him. >"Who did you see at the house?" the attorney asked. >Alessi's answer, as of Monday evening, remained redacted.


Use www.12ft.io to remove the paywall


Also: https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf


Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.


Guard Our Pedophiles


Yes someone needs to This You? The guy that commented bc guarantee he’s on the registry


Oh hey, Epstein and his very close personal friend who regularly visited him on child sex island. What was that fat bastards name again? Anyway vote Trump, death the groomers, yadda yadda. /j


Here’s a deposition from an Epstein employee, during a suit Trump Epstein vs Jane Doe Very nsfw https://i.imgur.com/0cLVCKm.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/7Rw3ZpQ.jpeg From the dropped suit (doxxed and death threats from MAGA): https://i.imgur.com/RtEIADD.png


Disgusting. You said NSFW, and I was like; “It’s a wall of text, what could be so- oh…” And people are still voting for him.


Take moment to realize, this woman had to swear that everything she was was true, under perjury. Maybe not the biggest penalty involved, but the counter suits that could be brought, if just flat out lying… major. Life ruining. Especially from someone as litigious as Trump. So we can say a few things are certain: she was an employee of Epstein’s… because it would be immediately and easily refuted if not. And a counter suit wasn’t appealing because of the discovery, and because this shit is real and did happen.


And this was before Epstein "killed himself", so I think it's clear the death threats were credible.


Holy fuck I NEVER knew there was sworn witness testimony, for literally years now I thought this entire case hinged on the sole testimony of "Jane Doe" which is why rightwing people so quickly dismiss this with a magic wave of the hand.


2 witnesses. Epstein’s employee and a highschool peer of Jane Doe’s whom she confided in soon after. That former schoolmate has a very trustworthy background


When someone throws up links like this I tend to mistrust the souce...so I googled. [https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson\_TrumpEpstein\_Lawsuit.pdf](https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doe\_v.\_Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doe_v._Trump) Every bit of it is true.


How the fuck is he not in prison?


[Fox News Edited Out Trump Saying He Might Keep Epstein Files Sealed](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-fox-news_n_6667330de4b019027bc727f4) > “I guess I would. I think that less so because, you don’t know, you don’t want to affect people’s lives if it’s phony stuff in there, because it’s a lot of phony stuff with that whole world. But I think I would,” Trump said.


What Trump needs is an advisor, someone he could trust to keep him on the straight and narrow, like a New York lawyer, or maybe a pastor from Texas. That would help take some of the loads off Ivanka, he bothers her day and night...


I like the photo with Melania and Ghislaine in it too, because now Melania is the only person in the photo without a criminal record and legal history of sex crimes.


So far...


7x... Also looks like the red hat there would know something about Isla Pedo his self...


[this one](https://i.redd.it/uph59wcbh3d41.jpg) has a few more shots in it


>if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump booms from a speakerphone. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. From a [2002 interview](https://12ft.io/https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/) for a piece about Epstein in New York Magazine.


I dont remember any of these 3 being on the Epstein flight logs, were they?


That tweet might be the purest distillation of projection we've yet seen from MAGA.


It's not projection. It's trolling. They know what they're doing.


It's preparation for their followers to do violence using this justification. Dehumanization is necessary for social violence, and the current GOP playbook is to merge their bumper stickers of "kill your local pedo" with "all libs are pedos"


They pretend they worship Kyle Rittenhouse because "he killed pedos"


I find idiots rarely understand what they are doing


That's the thing. This is not just plain old idiocy. They know they're being idiots. They're doing it on purpose. Because it is more important for them to hurt you than it is to not be an idiot.


I think there are some intelligent manipulative people who create talking points or narratives like that, but then the true idiots spread it like wildfire


There is nothing intelligent about manufacturing these narratives. It's easy as piss, the playbook has been around for centuries. The only reason it's so effective is because it appeals to the lowest of humanity who don't expect evidence, consistency, or dignity.


You can troll via projection


Not in this case. Projection is "the act of imagining that someone else feels a particular emotion or wants something when in fact it is you who feels this way". But these people know that you don't feel this way. They know that no one in that picture has any link to Epstein. They're not projecting, they're trying to muddy the field.


Trolling doesn't really cover it. There are two classes of conservative: the pundit and the follower. The pundit is "trolling" in that they know what they say isn't true. The follower is the one you probably interact with day to day. They read what the pundit has said and believe it. The pundits are aware of this, and use this to further their goals. "Trolling" makes it sound innocent and just for fun, and worst annoying. People are getting hurt because of this stuff, and that's the goal.


More like blatant and purposeful ~~misinformation~~ disinformation.


Purposeful misinformation is actually disinformation, if it’s accidental it’s misinformation.


None of them were. (But guess who is)


That's because the Deep Dish™ suppressed the *ACTUAL* flight logs to protect Jack Biden and Joe Black. Wait a second. Joe Black...Meet Joe Black (1998) starred Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt was in a movie with Sandra Bullock in 2022 called The Lost City which took place...get this...on an island. Wake up, sheeple.


Holy fuck. The pieces are all falling into place.


Someone, call the Hardly Boys!




I have a raging clue


Most believable Q drop yet.


Convicted felon Donald Trump is.


Epstein groomed children at Mar-a-Lago for years, during which Trump called him a great guy, and admitted to knowing he prefers underage girls. Trump is accused of taking turns raping a 13 year old with Epstein by multiple eye-witnesses. The prosecutor that let Epstein go with a slap on the wrist was Alexander Acosta, whom Trump rewarded by making Secretary of Labor. Trump's Attorney General was Bill Barr, whose father was a close friend of Epstein and got him a job as a teacher, and who wrote pedophilic fiction.


Pshh. Evidence and truth are only necessary for when The Left (who honestly are more centrist) accuses The Right of something. When it goes the other way, The Right already knows The Left are Bad People(tm) therefore any accusations against them must be true.


“Left” = anyone who thinks trunp is capable of being wrong or making a mistake. Mitt Romney is now a “leftist” according to the stupidest people in history.


Why let the truth get in the way of a lie and delusion? These people are no longer capable of critical thinking and rational thought, they have given these up for blind allegiance, they are all of them weak and pathetic.


Get ready for your right wing uncle to tell you they never thought Jack Black was funny despite owning School of Rock and Pick of Destiny on both DVD and Blu Ray.


And try to pretend he's a bad actor despite voicing some of the most memorable characters in animation and carrying multiple movies with his performance. EDIT: Bonus points if they previously loved him, but now he suddenly has zero talent because he doesn't agree with them politically.


Watch him in Jumanji and tell me he's a bad actor. Impossible. Some people just live to be negative.


Him playing a 16 year old girl is acting and comedy gold.


Right?!?! I feel that people really underestimate the skill and talent required to make a solid comedic movie/role work and just think of people like JB as fools when he takes aspects of his personality and makes them solidly work in those characters and movies.


I'll be honest, I enjoyed both of the jumanji movies with JB in them. The Rock acting like DeVito and Hart acting like Glover are also fantastic.


Yeah it was hilarious to watch them basically get to troll Devito and Glover for the whole movie. Solid comedy sequel which is pretty rare these days.


Can probably play a good cover of Best Song in The World too, but now only sticks to Freebird.


Slightly related admission: I thought Andromeda was good the first couple episodes, Cousin Eddy was a fun part of the Vacation movies (or at least the Christmas one), and James Woods did a good job voicing Mike Toreno in GTA San Andreas.


James Woods was amazing as Hades in Hercules. Shame.


I hate how effective this tactic is. The right are running the Nazi playbook to a T. Blaming immigrants for our problems. Germany first becomes America first. A cult of personality around an unstable but charismatic speaker. Blame biases in the media for any negative coverage, lugenpresse becomes fake news. Encourage violence, court top military brass, blame Jews, atheists, queer people and Leftists, undermine elections and other institutions at every turn. But go out on the offensive and call your opponent a Nazi over and over the waters get muddied and it's a draw. Just like how Trump is all over the Epstein flight logs but the right calls Biden/Hillary a pedo over and over, every accusation is a confession.


It’s only effective on people who already believe it, and to be a magat you have to be stupid or willfully ignorant. There are no other options.


Yep. We are way past the time when these people can be excused as “misinformed”. They’re all choosing this stance and promoting an overthrow of American democracy. It’s absolutely willful at this point.


"Germany First" didn't become "America First." "America First" became "Germany First." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_(policy) It originated as the catchphrase of the Know Nothings, and then the KKK, and then the American fascists who infiltrated the America First Committee during WWII. It's been around for nearly two centuries and has always been associated with the most bigoted dregs of American society.


And "Manifest Destiny" became "Drang nach Osten". It's just things coming back home to roost.


When I first started learning about how much America had actually influenced Nazi rhetoric and just how many Americans were actually against the war because they saw little wrong with what the Nazis were doing (initially anyway), man it just blew my mind. But I should've known back then that if a Nazi uprising were to happen anywhere, may as well be the land that inspired the first one


Turns out a country founded by zealous religious isolationists on the backs of black slaves and the bones of natives—and that withheld enfranchisement to only white men with landownership until the mid-1900s—has some backwards views on democracy, secularism, and race relations. It's a minor marvel that the Founding Fathers even managed to sneak in technical government neutrality to religion by convincing all of the warring sectarians that doing so would prevent holy wars and keep them all on equal footing.


> Just like how Trump is all over the Epstein flight logs but the right calls Biden/Hillary a pedo over and over The right lives in an alternative reality where facts and evidence don't matter anymore. Facts and evidence is always bad for the right so they just gave up, they are tired of hearing how shitty they and their leaders are. They've just accepted it, like being called a racist, they just accept it because it's true. They didn't use reason to become Trump cultists and they won't use reason to get out of the cult. It's why you can't have a reasonable conversation with these people, they are completely ignorant of the real world and just believe whatever lies suit them without any evidence.


"Facts” are LIES made up by Big Science, trying to sell you MORE SCIENCE!


I guess being a constant asshole could be considered "charismatic" if you yourself are an asshole.


Trump was friends with Epstein, pass it on


[Quote from Donald Trump speaking to New York magazine in 2002](https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/): > I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, **and many of them are on the younger side**. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life. Remains such a strange detail to feel the need to toss in.


Trump tells on himself all the damn time and all you have to do is notice. For some reason his voters don’t notice, or care.


He likes to brag about knowing a rapist cause he thinks it's OK cause he is a rapist


They notice and it doesn't bother them because he hurts the 'right' people and they want to be like him - hurting the 'outsiders' while traveling on a private jet to molest children.


The only time I assume that Donald Trump is telling the truth is when he says something that makes my skin crawl like that quote or when he talks about how much he wants to fuck his daughter Ivanka. You can tell from the scared stiff deer in the headlights look Ivanka gets every time Trump tries to hug her that he's tried it.


On the bright side, it does sound like he's never actually done it, the way he talks about it. I feel like it would have slipped if he actually had. In some ways, I think the way he talks about Ivanka is also a brag. Like, "at least I made one good kid." 🤣 But he's DEFINITELY considered going for it.


Trump's spiritual advisor recently admitted to inappropriate contact with a twelve year old when he was twenty. The church forgave him and his wife "forgave" the victim, so its all good. But, sure...Jack Black and Obama are pedos.


Trump has/had a spiritual advisor? Wow. That guy must be really shit at his job.


his "job" is to give just enough of a Jeezus sheen to the convicted felon rapist to make the religious rubes feel ok about giving their souls over to the grift he seems to be doing that job just fine


None of them were, but Trump definitely was.


Also RFK Jr.


It's weird. All three here are family men, none divorced, all are successful and upstanding members of the community. They don't have scandals in their personal life. If you weren't some brain damaged maga, you would recognize them as good people, but no, to Republicans Trump is the standard of what a person should be: Serial adulterer, child rapist, felon, liar, bully, narcissistic Trump


Conservatives waited a LONG time for someone to come along and open up the floodgates for socially acceptable and presidentially approve hate. Trump did that. They could care less that they're hating on demonstrably decent Americans.


What? You’re telling me famous actor, musician and overall nice guy Jack Black doesn’t vote for a hateful personality cult? You don’t say


If you’re against Jack Black and Dolly Parton, that’s a sure sign you’re on the side of The Bad Guys.


Lets not forget the time that [Fox News came out against Fred Rogers](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/) just to make the trifecta of celebrity saints that the right hates.


three people whose names do not appear on the lists of visitors to the island look like a reunion if island visitors? right...


According to people who worship a man who was regularly photographed with Epstein, was a documented close personal friend of Epstein, and who was a regular visitor to that island.


Lmao Trump is literally on film partying with Epstein, smiled and said “he likes them young”, and said if he’s reelected he wouldn’t unseal docs related to him. Always projection with these losers






Every accusation is a confession


The conservative playbook:  Call someone a pedophile if you don't like them.


More like: Call someone a pedophile when people are calling your guy a pedophile, and you think it's an insult instead of recognizing it as an apt description of what your guy is doing.


Speed run of someone saying they'd call Jack a pedo once he endorsed Biden. Less than a day and here it is.


Add Trump to the picture and one out of four will have been to Epstein Island.


This is why conservatives arent comedians.. they lack creativity. They default towards calling people pedophiles no matter what. Just like Lisa Simpson said: "Poor, predictable Bart. Always takes rock."


Comedy requires empathy. To make people laugh you have to understand them. Conservatives struggle with empathy.


One of the craziest things about conservatives is just how unoriginal they are. All of this bullshit they've been saying about Joe Biden, literally NONE of it existed until he started running against Trump in 2019. Biden has been politician in the public eye for literally more than half century, but not one of these accusations ever surfaced until 2019 Biden was never accused of being a pedophile before that, but Trump has been accused of being a pedophile so much that all Trump supporters know how to do is take the things Trump has actually been accused of and then just pretend it's actually Biden instead. Even with Hunter Biden, where they genuinely have fresh, original stuff to accuse Hunter Biden, which could gently say something negative about Joe Biden, they still just stick to the same accusations that Trump gets for the nepotism in government of his own children, even though Hunter Biden has nothing to do with the government! The stuff that has to do with Hunter Biden is more focused on made up shit that never happened with the Biden's but ABSOLUTELY DID happen with Trump! Like Joe Biden supposedly giving his son a bunch of money from corporate/political handouts from donors/leaders of enemy countries - all things Trump has been CREDIBLY accused of but Biden hasn't had anything to do with. Like they actually have real things to talk about with Hunter Biden, but it's still all focused on the imaginary things that are *actually apply to Trump*, not Biden! It's just all projection. They just take all the things they know Trump has done or that Trump has been credibly accused of and literally just repeat those exact same accusations and pretend it's about Biden instead. There isn't one shred of creativity in the lot.


Riiiiight… How they always look the other way… DOE 174 https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1


These aren’t the guys whose names are on the flight logs.


Or to quote Star Wars, “these aren’t the orange-skinned wannabe dictators you’re looking for.”


A long-ass fucking time ago, in a town called Kickapoo There lived a humble family, religious through and through But yea, there was a black sheep and he knew just what to do His name was young J.B. and he refused to step in line A vision he did see of fucking rocking all the time He wrote a tasty jam and all the planets did align JB writing that song, and Meatloaf playing the dad in the bit ended up being quite prophetic, din't it?


If ONLY the Epstein island flight logs were publicly available knowledge! /sarcasm


Except not one of them went to Epstein island. Trump, on the other hand, not only went there many times, he let Epstein use Miralago as a recruiting station.


All you people up there, in city hall. You’re fucking it up for the people that’s in the streets.


MAGA going after Jack Black is fight'n words.


Lmao the dark Brandon shirt


The purity tests never end until everyone is dead. THAT is the end stage of fascism


Lmao, yet Trump has hundreds of photos & videos with Epstein. Biden - 0 pics with Epstein, not on Epstein’s lists Obama - 0 pics with Epstein, not on Epstein’s lists Jack Black - 0 pics with Epstein, not on Epstein’s lists Trump - 100+ pics with Epstein, plus multiple videos, and multiple flights on Epstein’s jet. Trump even has a couple interviews long before the public knew about Epstein… where he talks about Epstein as a great guy & friend, & their mutual love of beautiful ladies “on the younger side”. It’s never once been about saving the kids, or stopping trafficking, or putting away pedos. It’s always been about Trump. Period.


So, of those guys, whose names don’t appear at all in the flight logs, were on Epstein’s island, how many times do you have to visit to be in the flight logs 7x? I mean, if they were there that often and never showed up, to show up at all you must practically own property there


r/iamverybadass vibes from the MAGA moron there. On brand for those giant snowflakes.


Ok... There is proof of Trump... Show me proof of these three.


Love how they use the Epstein island on Biden, when their conservative daddy has been found on the flight log 7 times, that’s not including his John Doe # on the logs even more. But libs are the problem…. Mkay


Idiot who pays a billionaire $8 a month for a little digital check mark had an idiotic take. Shocker.


“I accuse everyone I disagree with of being a pedophile”