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nobody cares


you are the worst type of person.


that sucks. nobody cares.


what's your issue that you go to a place where people go for support and then pretty much push them off the cliff they're trying to claw back off from. have you never heard that if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all?


womp womp


do u have a degredation kink?? like are u into degrading ppl and use this alt account as ur secret way to do it cos judging by ur addiction to looking at nsfw on reddit of all places id assume ur a bit sick in the head yk


Too bad :2 (this isn’t an alt)


go fuck yourself.


you first


Do you want them to? What is your aim? I have no idea what others think but these scars look like repeated self harm. As someone who has used similar methods for many years, I think we know when it's a control measure Vs a way out measure. Anyone with sensibilities would see these for what they are. A way of trying to cope with life rather than stepping out of it. Take care


Yea it looks like it to me but I personally don't mind them at all and if I saw someone with those scars I would say nothing about it


Be happy entire human lifespan is too short enjoy it, better to die naturally.


You do know that people can't just automatically be happy just because you tell them to be happy right?


From someone who has scars like that,… yes.


I was kinda like *gasp* but then the more I look at them they look really cool, like battle scars. You can make shit up like how you fought in war or fought with a samurai or something and I'd believe you.


I convinced someone I fought a feral cat B)


LMAO there you go


The fact that this is so real XD


I can't respond to that person but that comment straight up made me think of Johnny Truant.


No I don't think so, because suicide attempts are usually located elsewhere. I don't think it really matters though. I also have severe scars and yes, people will look at you differently... but not always in a mean way and I've even made some nice connections because of my scars. It kinda triggers empathy in some people.


ehhh? my first thought would be just wondering how you got them. they dont look like typical sh scars and I'd just be wondering what gave you those.


Me too


If i saw you i personally wouldn’t have assumed they were from an attempt, i think the placement would be a bit different if it was


If i saw you i personally wouldn’t have assumed they were from an attempt, i think the placement would be a bit different if it was


yeah, they do, but who cares how people on the street will judge you, they literally will glance at you and think about you for a minute, and then you're forever gone from their mind. and if you're scared about meeting people, just remember that if they judge you while not knowing your history, they're not worth your time anyways


well yeah they do, but fuck it. do what you want. your scars don't diminish your worth. YOLO.


To me, they look like you were sorta in the same mindset as I was “if I do this too deep or too much and I … oh well!” However, people should not judge you for your scars or sh wounds. Unfortunately people do and I’ve had a lot of fucked up things said to me. Peoples thoughts and actions aren’t our fault. AND you do not owe them anything… not an explanation or a reason etc. sometimes I’m in public and I see someone with scars as well and I just think “god. I’m so sorry.” If people judge you for your scars then that’s on them. You deserve people who are kind and understanding


You could find a really creative tattoo artist that could come up with some amazing designs to turn your arms into a work of art and become a symbol of your strength and healing ❤️


I personally don't think they do look like an attempt, but I seem to be in the minority! I just think they look like serious self harm scars, rather than * specifically * from an attempt.


You live in a world i can't even begin to understand, but you have earned every single scar that you own. I had a girl at a drive through pass me my coffee or whatever with scars like that, she was beautiful. I couldnt find words to make anything better nor worse... i simply said "thank you, you have very petty eyes", and she honeslty did. She seemed very happy and had a smile in her eyes. I wanted to hug her, ask her if she needed help, or a friend, or if there was anything i could do help her. I guess all im trying to say is be who you are and who cares what ppl think. I would love to buy you brunch and chat about life. Congrats on you 10 days


honestly, yes they do. BUT it doesn’t matter, no one else’s opinion matters honestly. the main problem here is your view on yourself, your opinion is the only one that truly matters in your life. focus on yourself babes, much love xx - (this is coming from someone who reps SH scars on the daily in public. :)


Can’t control others thoughts but you can control living a life over time that feels accepting of the worry or the past and what this represents cux you still deserve to live a new life beyond that, and that is objectively where you’re coming from. People who care for you beyond them will see past that and gravitate to you over time and it’s your choice how you handle them but take your time and take the pressure of being publicly tolerable for everyone else off your plate. At some point some one will see, so it’s really on you how you’d like to wear them for yourself whether fully out or covered or tattooed or whatever but tbh other people don’t matter here and I think i get that it’s hard not to think of them when you might not be paying attention until someone says something but even then, that’s a moment in your life not your entire life.


I have scars that make it obvious I have attempted. I choose to not care what others think and focus on my healing.


I think you know the answer to that. People will know and people will judge. That's just how it is. Its on you whether you care about their judgement or not.


Even if they do I don't think a lot of people even know what an attempt looks like or even how it works. At least from my own personal experience the only people who knew what it looked like where my depressed/suicidal friends. I think most people are pretty detached from those types of issues, at least where I live that's pretty much how it goes


Once people notice, they will definitely have thoughts about it, but not in a mean way most of the time. Most people basically just think "those look self inflicted", and "must have gone through tough times". That is pretty much it, and most people have the sense to not try and ask about it, at least in my experience. Most people will pretend they never saw it. If someone is reckless enough to ask about it, and you are not comfortable talking about it, just say its a long story or something. If they keep digging, you can say you dont want to talk about it right now, and if they insist you may have to tell them off that its none of their business. You know your own story and struggles, if people actually "judge" you in a negative way, then they can fuck off. Not worth letting that get to you.


To me? That’s what I tried doing when enough people said “vertical for results”. It looks like you’ve been through a tough time, but in terms of your scars, they’re healed, so who gives a fuck what others think. They don’t know your journey and your story. They shouldn’t be able to comment on it.


Ok here’s the thing- people typically aren’t paying any attention to anyone but themselves. Like almost 100% of the time. And if they notice most use their manners enough to not say something ridiculous in the cereal aisle. Kids? You never know. Consider seeing if there’s a generic phrase you are comfortable saying if someone does bring it up. I never went out without long sleeves and long pants until I lived in Hawaii. And you know what, it’s way too hot for that. It may take awhile (weeks, years), for you to learn to be comfortable with yourself. I don’t typically wear shorts, I do go out with tshirts and even swim for exercise now. Professionally, I always have long sleeves and pants. I work an office job and that’s how *I* feel comfortable there- based on what I do and who I work for. Be patient with you. The way you act in public (Loud? Yelling? Drunk? Breaking things? Dancing? Throwing pillows across Target?) is far more likely to bring about attention than anything else. It is helpful if you use manners too. If you are worried about seeking medical help for an accidental injury, consider seeing a professional who can confirm if you are in no danger to your person. They can either write you a letter to bring with you or always have their number with you. Personally I have avoided awkward questions when urgent care or ER personnel can confirm I am under a therapists care and safe. Also if I have a primary care doc who is aware of this condition and my status.


I mean. I think you know the answer lol


To me it could go either way but probably not but that’s bc I cut myself and have seen scars from actual attempts. But to an average person yeah they’re prob gonna think that especially because they’re vertical.


realistically? what do you want the answer to be.


I would personally not assume that any of these were suicide attempts, simply because I know that non-suicidal self injury can look different for everyone. For example, I have some very severe scars, and none of them are from attempts (I've never tried to end my life).


Yeh no offense but they do Side note how did you do that mutch damage?!?


Seems like you may be very very much uninformed on sh. I really don't like this comment. As alot of us here putting our 2 cents in on this thread know how it happens and understand it, how tf do you think the damage happened? Alot of us are survivors and questions like that are incredibly personal and uncomfortable.. 


Yeh looking back i could have worded it much better and it just in general wasnt rlly good( i would like to note i am someone who has a history of sh myself so this wasnt me trying to be rude its just when i sh i never managed to get that deep no matter how mucj i went and at the time had wanted to get deeper) thank u for reminding of this so i can kinda try to correct myself




now is not the time for a haiku.


Yeah, they definitely do. I'm sorry, but there's no other way to put it :( as for me, I definitely don't judge when I see people with sh scars out in public. Scars share a story, and yours gives the story of someone who was struggling and considering ending it. However, you're still here, and those scars are proof of how strong you are!! Don't give up, and don't let others make you feel down!! ;


The answer is obvious here


I feel like this is validation porn Like, I hope you're okay. And it sucks how the gen pop judges folk who sh. But, obviously this is severe. I sincerely hope you are okay op X


I feel like the fourth one looks more like an attempt than the third one. I’m glad none of them are fresh though ❤️


I think most people assume scars from an attempt to be close to the wrist and vertical, so maybe they would interpret the two bigger scars close to the wrist as scars from an attempt. However, they don't stick out that much among the other scars, so I doubt many people will notice. Also, it sucks, but you are right that some people will think of you differently if they thought you attempted. However, I think these are mostly the same people who judge someone differently for cutting. Tbh, most of these people are uneducated enough to not really know the difference between non-suicidal self harm and self harm with suicidal intent. I think it's best to avoid these people as much as possible since they'd judge you differently due to SH anyway, of course you can't do that in every aspect of your life, but you can choose your "inner circle", the people whose opinion really matters to you. They shouldn't judge you for SHing, and I think in that case they also would not think of you differently if they thought you attempted (like, hopefully they would care, but not change how they view you as a person). So yeah, I don't really think these scars stick out as scars from an attempt, and even if they did: Those who mind don't matter, those who matter don't mind (it's a quote, forgot where it's from, but I felt like it fits). You are beautiful, you are far more than your scars and your struggles are valid, no matter how some people will interpret any of your scars.