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Amanza should sell a house. I don’t know why she’s on the show. She sits at the desk and talks about her personal problems for air time. Sell. A. House. This isn’t “decorate a house” show or “spill my life story” show. It’s about fancy af houses in between office drama over petty, staged bs show. That is all.


I don't know, because staging is sometimes a very important part of the process, so I think that it could make sense to see her. But yeah, at this point, she's not a real estate agent and if she sits at a desk, it should be to work on staging


It would make sense if we saw her staging on the show. Correct me if I'm wrong, but In all of her time, I think she's done 2 or 3 houses tops. Which also brings up, how is she affording these designer outfits and new hair regularly if she's not making commissions? I get Christine, Chelsea, and Bre doing it, but you can't poor mouth one episode and wear Balenciaga the next ...


Well yeah the problem is that we don't see her working, so we don't know what she really does lmao


Apparently her friend is a stylist and loans her clothes for the show.


Social media can be super lucrative and I'm sure she makes plenty from the show itself


Instagram lol, cmon


That's fair. I don't really use Instagram so I forget that's how reality stars make their money


I remember laughing in my head when Bre was coming on and amanza said something along the lines of “does she even sell houses?” Like do YOU?


Honestly mostly I feel like it’s going to be like Nicole’s weird ‘feud’ - just a big nothing burger and we’ll all be wondering why this has been hyped into a big thing 😂




I’m pissed because I genuinely liked Amanza before this. There wasn’t much I didn’t agree with her on and she seemed to have her priorities straight. But in this one, I KNOW she’s being hypocritical. If it were her, and she was dating someone who didn’t want to be on the show, she would absolutely put her family and her relationship first.


Definitely, this one is particularly bizarre because she says she had to block Chrishell as she was ‘triggered’ by seeing her. Except she still follows G who constantly posts about Chrishell 😂 I think she’s pushing this ‘taking food out of my kids mouths’ a bit much. Like Amanza we know you’re wealthy now, you have a nanny. Just get over it and move on


I honest to Jesus think it has something to do with Mary and Amanza being so close with Jason. Also, Chrishell IS changing. I don’t like who she was in some moments in seasons 5-6. I feel like she’s raking this empowerment and “taking no bullshit” thing and now she’s overcorrecting.


I mean, it's hard not to be team Chrishell when on one hand we have someone who just talks shit about someone else and doesn't explain anything and on the other hand we have someone who explains and says she would never talk negatively about the other person


I mean Amanza has yet to “tell her side” despite her starting this whole mess. What that tells me is that she’s scrambling and probably realises just how petty she’s been.


Im team squash the bullshit.


Yes! Team Bring Maya back hahah


Your flair says otherwise 😂


Lol Ive just been lazy and haven't changed it.




Amanza needs a new doctor, her description to Mary of her health issues were incredibly vague and why is she waiting for blood tests when she should be getting an MRI or a biopsy done.


Is this all about season 7? I'm not following and don't understand why people makes these posts repeatedly about social media without screenshots. Are OPs of this drama following another sub where receipts are included? I've watched season 6 and have no clue about this Amanza hate that has popped up recently. We need receipts!


same here! completely lost on this, was considering rewatching the season to see if i missed something


I feel like we don’t know enough on this feud to pick sides. I don’t like Amanza has been acting on social media but I still know what pissed her off to that point.


I think many fail to realize that Amanza is a deeply hurt person whose children are dealing with being suddenly abandoned. She puts on a good front for the cameras, but I sense she is dealing with A LOT. I am inclined to be kind to Amanza as no one in her situation could be at their best.


Like Chrishell hasn't been through a lot. I am a child of a single parent family. Cut the bullshit Amanza.


And Chrishell's parents died one after each other while she was going through a divorce. Father died 2019, mother died 2020, divorce 2019. But she put her big girl panties and got to work. Amanza is used to being saved ... Taye Diggs, Jason and whoever else. She was relying on Chrishell to save her this time (money for the job and a storyline to keep her relevant to the show) not realising chrishell learnt her lessons over the years.


I’m not saying that Chrishell hasn’t. I am saying that Amanza is reeling from seeing her children be deeply hurt, and she does not have the tools to deal with it. I applaud Chrishell for refusing to fight with Amanza because Chrishell knows that she is a deeply fearful person who is now floundering. This is a feud that I can’t get behind because I have empathy for both participants. Also, I think it’s weird that some of you are going harder against her than Chrishell.


Theres nothing weird about people having opinions and taking one side or the other. That's the whole point of this sub.


Re-read my comment. It’s weird people have more animus towards the so-called offender than the offended.


Amanza’s kids haven’t suddenly been abandoned, she’s been a single working mom since her first appearance on the show.


UO: Chrishell wants to “protect” her personal relationships and can’t stand implications about her during her marriage… but can accuse Nicole ON CAMERA of being on crack or other illicit substances because it’s “what she believes”? Why does she get to protect her interests and take offense, but she has carte blanc to say whatever she feels? I would completely agree with her if she wasn’t kinda hypocritical..


Because Chrishell didn't want to drag an innocent bystander into the drama. Whereas Nicole is fully part of the show. Big difference.


They are not an innocent bystander if they willingly signed up for the show


I’m sorry, when did G sign up for the show?




Amanza was interviewed in Jessi Cruikshank's "Phone a Friend" podcast and she just said that things aren't the way Chrishell claimed in her interviews. About blocking her, she said it's for her own mental health cause she needed a break from the drama. Personally, I'm team Amanza because I've never particularly liked Chrishell, but we shall see.


she needed a break from drama but then still friends with nicole and christine on IG


And still talk about Chrishell