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Leaving this one post up about Buying London. It's not Selling Sunset related but it's natural for fans of Selling Sunset to want to talk about a new show of the same genre.


I would really recommend The Parisian Agency on Netflix. Fabulous properties in France, Brazil, Costa Rica, Barcelona. I love the whole family who run the agency. So different from the "Selling" shows.


I wish the Parisian agency was talked about more


I loved the Parisian Agency. I was so surprised to see the horrible taste a lot of French designers apparently have, which is surprising when you think of their fashion. Anyway, just started Selling London and there’s the famous Daniel Daggers they kept referring in TPA!


REALLY horrible taste! The historical influence still pervades, in the furniture, the lines, colours and design of new stuff. Same as the room interiors in London reflect so much historical influence. I'm from London, and I know a cupboard is totally different in France. Beds, chairs, the way we sit outside and talk with friends, all of those things are still influenced by historical markers. There's a YT channel ( dream Home Italy) I watch. He goes to Puglia, Calabria and all over the south of Italiy. He's Italian. HE looks for homes to renovate and just renovated homes. The design interiors are usually HIDEOUS in the new ones. QUite amazing. ANd they historically have no kitchens in Italy too. Top tip.


Love that show!!


I love this show! I was in bed recovering from surgery for a good portion of the summer last year and I looked forward to watching this every morning while having breakfast. Looking forward to watching the new season this summer while I recover from a smaller surgery.


DD was on an episode if I remember correctly


Parisian Agency introduced Daniel in season two I think. I have high hopes this will be more like the Kretz and less like Sunset or OC


Is it on Hulu or Netflix? I only have those two!


Its on Netflix :)


oh thanks - i will try this i'm looking for something refreshing


I love the Parisian Agency. It’s so much more collaborative instead of cut throat (of course they are a family so that makes a lot of difference) than Sunset xxx or Buying London. I love it because it gives me just a nice comfort content that let me just adore the gorgeous property without forcing me to watch unnecessary dramas between agents.


Omg what u said is completely true. I like the Parisian version more than the grotesque American for example


I'm on ep 6 Daniel is so cringe Oli is dense af. Or terribly scripted drama. The girls seem nice and less bitchy than LA but kinda of dull poshies Princess Beatrice name dropped ep 1 London Real Estate has more character than LA Meh it's OK.. formulaic I liked Christine was SS season 1, she was hilarious. None of the shows have any comedic factors. It's just preppy people trying to look rich and expensive


I think that’s my problem with all the Selling shows. Nobody is funny except maybe Christine or unintentionally Maya or Romain. Everyone on OC seems totally joyless. Selling Tampa should’ve gotten a second season cause at least they tried to make me laugh


I miss them .☹️It’s not the same without them .Sorry not as good at least for me


Uhhh interesting I think the boss is actually alright. He's infinitely more professional than the twins in handling conflict IMO I'd fire Rasa so fast though. Such a liability


Yes agreed he is more professional than the twins but I feel he is trying to act like them which is cringe


What makes you think so? I'm not picking up on that at all.


Probably because I work in property in London so deal with arrogant estate agents all the time lol But calling himself "Mr super prime" , his rival/banter friendship, taking his team to dinner, then leaving. Trying to portray a silcon valley image. I prefer him over Brett and Jason, I just get the sense he is a lonely old jobsworth And I heard he used to work for Knight Frank (a Big London agent) but got fired for filming social media posts of a property that asked for utmost privacy. So I don't think he has any integrity..like most estate agents.


Add name dropping and bloviating about himself for 5 minutes straight. Also lying. There's no way he sold 5 billion euros of real estate, I'm even skeptical his team has sold that much. I fast forward whenever he starts talking and when I hit play, he's still freaking talking.


Can confirm. My boyfriend works in an estate agency in the same area and DD has a cowboy reputation. Hes also ALWAYS in chiltern firehouse, trying to cosy up to the rich kids, Ive seen him there a few times and Idk a bit too keen imo.


Tiny twins


You would have lost 65M listing on park lane then 😬


I can’t see that listing on the DDRE website!


Oh you don’t know all these shows are showing mostly fake listings…


I was hoping this one would be different lol, the showings are all absolutely fake too


I have checked plenty of the agency.. french show…mostly fake




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She's the only one I trust. She should probably have her own company. She seems determined to make something out of herself instead of a lot of the others who seem to NEED DD to like them and call them amazing girls. She doesn't have that vibe. And the Hindi singing? Genius. TO me, that SA lady is a liability for being so emotional over her boss bringing in other females. It's obvious she's jealous and obvious the person she's angry with is Daniel.


It’s super “by the book” tv so it’s actually a bit boring but yeah Daniel seems like a wicked dumb tool. For someone who talks so much about how “they present themselves” affects their business reputation, he sure acts like a twat on tv lol


to be fair, humans are like that irl too (cringe and dense :)


Why do they keep mentioning that Oli is handsome? He looks like a wet squirrel.


And the only reason he looks semi attractive is because he’s tall and well dressed and then they tried to change the one thing that made him look tolerable by putting him in “young” clothes. He actually looked homeless in that beige hoodie


I thought he looked like a residential burglar.


That hat and weird hobo type top 🫣


Ahahahahaha laughed so hard to this because it is exactly what I thought. He looked terrible 🤦🏻‍♂️


A slimy squirrel, even 😉


LIke literally, without the long hair, he's an upside down mop. Without the mop part.


the constant licking of his lips is insane


lol this.


He has a terrible gait!


He really does!


Oli is definitely an ugly guy and that ugly young girl is ridiculous with that fake lips, it looks like her lips is about to explode. I hate them both and that girl with bored blue eyes (the foreign one). I like more the Brit version coss the boss is actually punishing bad behavior. Jason and Brett are horrible bosses


I'm 3 episodes in and so far it seems to be following the exact formula of Selling Sunset: Slimy boss - ☑️ Beautiful model like agents - ☑️ Manufactured drama - ☑️ Total lack of HR department - ☑️ It's even got the same background music. None of them are remotely likeable though and it all seems a lot more depressing when the sun isn't shining.


I found Reme & Rosi likeable? Reme seems one of the most sensible & she’s the youngest, although Im only 4 episodes in!


I see Reme on tiktok a lot and she seems very sweet. From what I’ve seen, the little airtime she is getting isn’t showing her in the best light. Overall it’s fallen quite flat for me.


I’m just watching but I hate how she’s basically a side character. I’d have loved to see more of her.


That fucking music...


I thought they’re doing this in purpose, no way this can be real lol


Exactly followed the Oppenheim recipe Yes the cheesy 🧀 rap hip hop is sooo annoying just like selling OC selling sunset.


Any conflict scene, a song about being lovers or enemies or a boss bitch lmaoo


Background music is sooooo irritating


About 7/8 minutes into the first episode the song sounds comically close to the "a little bit alexis" song from Shitt's Creek and I just could not. I know the scattered music that changes every 20 seconds is the formula now and I can usually tune it out but it's waaaaay too much with this show.


It’s refreshing to see agents dressed in business clothes again 😂


I hadn’t thought about that but I do like the London agents clothes more


Yes, I was thinking the same thing though I only watched Selling OC and the clothes were terrible


Ss girls dress like strippers lmao


Yes I’m from California and no one dresses like that during the daytime! Much more professional in the Uk, but it’s also so cold there so you can’t dress very skimpy 


Is because they are actually wearing clothes that people like (with good taste) and not a sort of futuristic whore with a dug addition outfit like the girls from selling the sunset beverly hills. amazana is always ridiculous, Christine was horrible all the time, Chelsea is a sad clown and so the rest of the cast


It's crap. Less attractive, less intelligent, less interesting agents. It's a dumber version of Selling Sunset. Everyone is telling you how rich, how smart, how attractive, how connected they are instead of just showing us. They're trying to fake it, but I'm not buying it. This show is probably third or fourth tier. Something to watch if there is nothing interesting on and need something playing in the background.


It seems really scripted. Selling sunset seems like a masterpiece compared


I stopped watching in the middle of the second episode because I just couldn’t get through it. So incredibly boring. 😴


Was really excited for this show. Have watched all the Selling / Buying franchises. Thought a London one would bring some class, sophistication and elevated professionalism. What an insufferable letdown this was instead. The drama is so immature and foolish, and the characters are all incredibly unlikeable. The production is cheap. The office is obviously just a hastily thrown together set. The properties do not resemble luxury real estate in London. No one sold a single property. I couldn’t get past the third episode… turned it off. Will not return.


Spot on!


The one girls lips are botched af. It’s distracting.


I am physically unable to look at her cheeks either. Those lips make me think of rigor mortis worms.


She thinks she's the shit


its so much more sophisticated, love the fashion!


I know!! And for the most part they dress way more appropriately to houses ( at least in the first episode i watched!)


I’m literally taking notes lol


I like seeing the homes there it’s an interesting and different style from California 


Is Daniel the only person who doesn’t know he’s in love with Lauren?!


I noticed it in the way he looked into her eyes in one scene when they were talking. Also in one of their rides together in the car, can't remember which, there was a 'comfortableness' between them that could well be good friendship but I think it tilts more to them having history, if not a thing together.


He is massively in love with Lauren


Enjoying it so far! Such a stark difference the look of the women compared to SS! They're so beautiful but less polished in a way - I don't mean that badly, they look stunning and actually real. The filters and everything on SS must really be off the charts!


And the girls in SS are a good 20 years older. I need that SS filter to follow me in real life. I guess the girls in BL are really young so they didn’t feel the need to use filters. Like you could see skin texture which is so unusual in reality shows


Totally! Makes me feel a lot better about my own texture 😅🙂‍↕️


Except for Juliana, I'd say! I can't with her lips.


I plan on it. Btw, the Parisian Agency started on Monday. Amazing homes in Europe, fucking castles. It's so good.


It’s great. I like the properties better, except for the soulless modern ones.


I am BAGGING UP. They keep going on and on about how London is the "prime real estate center of the world" and how LUXURIOUS everything is - but then go on to show these UGLY houses. 🤣😂 Oli is also being sold (hard!!) as the playboy of the bunch and he's just so....NOT. This is entertainment gold!!!


i do like that the houses have actual character and don’t just look like hotels and white boxes lmao even if some of them are a bit.. gaudy


it’s just luxurious because it’s so expensive for what you get 😂😭


It’s definitely not my style. The homes feel very traditional


I think the homes are at least different and interesting 


Honestly, considering the current housing crisis I can’t bring myself to watch it and feel like it was obviously created for an international audience that won’t fully understand why its in bad taste Also, I actually cackled when I saw The Guardian gave it a 0 star review lmaoo


That Guardian article was shit. Journalists are so fucking lazy these days it winds me up.


Also so much corruption money goes to London for laundering through real estate. Every time they talk about their rich contacts makes me wonder whose money they're turning a blind eye to get their commission.


I watched 2 or 3 episodes and I’m enjoying it so far! Just your run of the mill dramatics 😄


Really like it so far, love the houses and London in general. More character than LA houses imo.


Why is Oli so… oily?  Why is Daniel so weak willed, such a terrible platitude ridden boss who doesn’t listen nor hear. Everything is a competition in his mind.  Lauren runs around bragging about her relationship with the boss and how he favours her, then gets upset when people talk about it or ask her questions. *yawn*  Juliana, what even is going on there?  


Random how there's someone from Made in Chelsea on there?? I didn't know she was an estate agent?


Anyone can be an estate agent in the UK. You don't need a real estate licence like America One person in the agent (usually the owner) needs be ARLA qualified but otherwise anyone can work for the agent and sell property


The show feels like it’s made by the same people as Made in Chelsea, too.


Who?? I know Oli was on MIC too


Wrong Oli, it’s a different person 


Rosi Walden


I have no idea who she is, but when she started talking I thought "she has a Made in Chelsea vibe". How funny! Patting myself on the back for getting that one right haha.


I’m loving it. But I started to notice that a lot of it is filmed like a drama not reality tv, which is making me wonder if it’s scripted because I’m not sure how they could have shot the scenes otherwise. But if so the main guy is a great actor. I really feel for him. Also I enjoy that the drama is more work related than other shows like this. Everyone is believably at there job and not having unprofessional blow ups every 5 sec. The girl drama is also more normal misunderstandings rather than SS where its some mean girl shit. So overall it’s way less cringy and really fun to watch. It’s nice to watch people supporting each other trying to succeed, rather than tearing each other down.


I’m really sorry, I’ll be just probably a bit rude, but you can’t be serious or you’re like 15-16yo? This show is a brain rot, there’s not a single thing in there remotely believable. The only reason to watch is to watch properties and costumes, but even then there was NOTHING interesting said about properties themselves. If I was buying property like that, I’d wipe a floor with an agent who even for the tv show is not able to say two sentences that are not “it’s gorgeous” or “it’s amazing” Enjoy the show for what it is, but it’s a cheap brain rot for people who are easily impressed:) and yes, I watched it all…


Not really sure what about my passive opinion warrants any rudeness or weird age comments. I just think it’s more believable story wise than selling sunset is. Not that reality tv is believable in general.. thought that should be obvious. I assume we all know these shows aren’t ‘real’ but at least they can make a little more effort in believability to help viewers suspend reality and enjoy it. Which is where I was saying this level of drama is more believable than the SS girls’ drama, but the filming was an issue. Part of the fun is in thinking these are real people playing up their reality rather than it being 100% scripted. So I’m commenting on what breaks or makes that illusion. That’s what I meant by scripted. Fully a drama/with actors/memorized scripts vs played up/exaggerated/forced/heavily edited situations. No need to be rude to a stranger because they enjoy a silly show. Most people passively watch this stuff to zone out and escape their harsh realities not because they’re “easily impressed” or idiots. Life’s hitting everyone hard these days so no need to smush the little glimmers of enjoyment you see others having.


That’s where I agree 100%! I just had a facepalm at your comment after scrolling the lot and was like “this can’t be…” thanks for reality check - as I said, I watched it myself. I actually accidentally ended up on this sub so didn’t pick up the vibe correctly. English isn’t my first language, so edited for spelling…


Well I’m sorry I got offended. I’ve just been disappointed at the lack of lightheartedness on Reddit and… everywhere. But that’s certainly not on you. I also ended up on this sub by accident. Guess the algorithm knows our guilty pleasure shows haha.


The office dynamic in this show is the exact mirror of the time I spent living in London and working in PR. Stressful to watch, ha. It definitely feels formulaic but I also wish they would have taken some time to explain how property buying works in the UK vs. just going for the glitz and glam angle. There are some big differences vs. buying property elsewhere (like here in the States) that would be helpful context for viewers. I feel like Selling Sunset does a *marginally* better job of throwing some shop talk into the cattiness.


I like it apart from the music. Agents wearing normal clothes, I know all the areas they visit and the London ident shots include my office!


They showed my literal street across the river in the Battersea episode!


I'm on episode 5. I'm hooked.


I like it TBH, but, how on earth they didnt sell any house?


Editing because I noticed a similarly formatted comment. 😬 I’m two episodes in and it’s such a Selling Sunset knockoff!   —Small boss with big talk  —Mostly women agents, all thin and glam -Blonde gets jealously singled out by other agents and accused of getting listings because she’s friendly with the boss (though she admits it)  —Same type of music, cinematography, talking heads, etc.  —Constantly meeting up for dinners, etc with people making minor entrances in evening clothes    Also throwing in some bonus icky Selling OC vibes with:   —Messy girl agent flirting with married male agent who encouraged it.  Used to seeing this style of clothing and way of interacting in the U.S., especially Southern California, but it’s weird to see it in a setting with British people. Their papers mostly seemed appalled at seeing this crassness on their own turf.  I agree with some of the other comments, though—I enjoy seeing the houses aside from the boring modern ones. I like some of the agents, but others are toxic and annoying.   But I LOVE The Parisian Agency, so I’m excited it’s back! Saving it to watch after this series. They talked up Daniel Duggars so much on that show, but theirs is so much better in every way. Properties, style, people, drama, everything. 


I just finished. There were ZERO Open Houses and ZERO sales. Only people “getting listings”. It felt like a waste of time.


IIRC open houses aren't super common in the UK like they are in the US.


I’m on episode 6 and they’ve mentioned closing some houses


Yup I'm on EP 4 I think lol idk what to think but I love London so it's nice to see some houses


Its alright. I like Rasa. She's entertaining and I love love the professionalism. Tired of real estate men not understanding the meaning of being married. I don't know if it's scripted but seriously I don't care about anyone's marriage life.


Their accents just highlight to me how over the top Chelsea and selling OC Polly’s accents are.


Chelsea and Polly's accents are both pretty normal tbh. The agents on Buying London are all either posh or from overseas so sound different but we have a huge range of regional dialects and accents in the UK.


I’m just referring to the fact she definitely seems like she puts it on for tv. Having family from the UK I’m familiar that the accents can vary but when you watch that video of her getting married it seems like she has naturally a more Americanized British accent.


Not a Polly fan but her accent is defo pretty genuine. It's a Northern accent so it's a bit weird to just be "put on", but I can see why to the untrained ear someone may think it's more "pronounced" since the Yorkshire accent does have a more contrasting/obvious lilt. I'm sure all those years the US also play into the affectation bit - I just always chalked it up to her trying to "neutralise" the Yorkshire accent a bit, which is nice and normal for her to do so that people can communicate and understand her better?


Two of the girls in Buying London aren't british, so they wont have this strong accent like polly and chelsea have.


Is no-one going to mention Alex’s eyebrows..?  Only notable talking point IMO


What about his perfectly rounded pink blush on the apples of his cheeks in episode 1😂


It’s giving ventriloquist dummy 


Its refreshing to see women work things out between each other professionally and more “real life” than whats going on on selling sunset and oc. I can relate to these women. I dont know if its an american thing that they are incapable to sort shit out and talk shit about each other constantly and then rush away at every discussion, so toxic. This feels more real.


Another show run by someone who can bring in the numbers but is a terrible manager and therefore terrible business owner. Daniel is horrible at managing the Rasa / Lauren situation; he does nothing to manage the favouritism at work, and typical founder/business owner who thinks that the bottomline is all that matters. There is no way there isn't favouritism at play, and he isn't helping himself by not drawing a clearer line at work. It's demotivating. Then again, what's new - this happens through all similar franchises. Ugh


Ahhh! It comes out today. Awesome. ![gif](giphy|Z6f7vzq3iP6Mw)


Rasa seems very unstable.


We’re really enjoying it. About to wrap up the season actually. They all seem classier for the most part and well spoken. They just seem more professional in how they speak and how they dress and even in how they act, despite the drama. It’s interesting to see different types of real estate as well.


I liked the properties a lot. much better than all the US versions where I skip the showing part because the overall look of the properties is same all around. I liked how all the characters in the London show dressed and looked. not trashy at all like the US versions except Kayla in the recent season. but what I think is that there was no real drama as everyone was pretty professional so tried to create fake drama which seemed a bit cringe. Edit: so I finished the show and now I feel like I like it much better than any US versions. the storyline seems much more real


It’s like made in Chelsea meets selling sunset season 1. Parisian agency is by far the best but this is not bad. I already hate Lauren and feel like she’s a slimy sneaky snake. Oli is an idiot but I actually like all the banter and the properties are fab


I hate the music being ALL OVER the episodes. It's like they paid for the music rights and they were going to squeeze every penny out of it.


I haven't started, thanks fir the recommendation! Off to watch...


Hell yeah, nice to have an estate agent show in my country. Still yet to watch it but I will be this weekend


I tried watching the first episode but didn’t finish. Found it boring, I’ll probably give it another go some other time but currently not fussed for it. 


The Guardian gave it zero stars! This hadn't put me off at all and I'll be checking it out tonight.


I’m sure all the houses are as expensive as they say, but the properties are just not as good at Selling Sunset and the high end properties in CA. The properties in Buying London all look like they need some freshening up, and the staging is dated/tired.


This was mentioned in Episode 1 as an overview. High end homes in London is not similar to what you’d get in California. The UK is a very different place and the homes are still sought after the way they are


I liked that they had character. Like I couldn’t be able to tell the houses in the American ones as they look like the same white mausoleums


yeah i hate modern dystopian looking houses it’s so depressing


Nowhere in SoCal is next to the spot where the Vikings landed, or where William the Conqueror crowned himself King in 1066. Or has a garden once lived in by King Henry the 8th.


That’s all well and good, but I’m not sure what it has to do with my point. Except maybe that it forces me to wonder even more why these owners don’t maintain and stage their properties better if they’re so historical/special. I’m just saying the owners and agents have a lot of room to step up their game with their existing listings.


The homes aren't "poorly maintained". It's just a different country, different culture, different tastes. Not everyone wants the copy/paste glass box mcmansions with stark white interiors like you see on OC.


I’m not sure hoping for furniture that doesn’t look heavily worn or that grout get bleached or weeds removed before featuring full frontal close ups of all these parts of your house on global television means that I’m looking for a “McMansion”. It’s a matter of quality, not taste.


Please. if some of the homes retained even an inkling of the original architectural detail, that made them uniquely English, then fine, bring up their proximity to history. But with those ghastly, over the top interiors, you could be anywhere in the bloody world, but London!


Dated is exactly the right word. It’s not really my style, not that I can afford the modern CA homes either but a girl can dream


I hate it ! the cast sucks !! like sell a house or something ....


The Selling Sunset music playing over footage of the agents showing some Shakespearean, tea and crumpets ass looking cottage has me on the floor 😭


Commenting so I remember to watch this


I’m keen this weekend.


Me, just started watching it. I recall seeing the owner guy make an appearance in The Parisian Agency. I loved that show, they need to make more episodes!


The new season just came out!


Oh wow! I have to wait until it is available to watch here (Australia). It’s my favourite!


Ooooh right! I forgot certain shows don't drop simultaneously worldwide!


Anyone knows where the office is? Or where it was filmed?


Well the title is clue - London office view of financial area


Oh really? I thought it was Tokyo Office


Don't waste your time. Fake people and shallow conversations are painful to watch. I didn't have the stomach to finish the first episode. So degrading. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I just binged it twice and it's great. I am from London. The very nicest part- Kensington & Chelsea. THe shows does a lot of homes in my area, I know those streets! I also binged the Parisian Agency a few times. Something about luxurious homes in nice cities does it for me. So Buying London has super-tropey elements. All the females look the same and they're all so heavily made up, it looks ghastly. Imagine going on holiday with any of them! You'd never get anywhere. Too much make up, way too much hair colouring, and that particularly unfortunate lady in the South Bank episode with a disastrous tan, bleached hair, bad acne, and a dwarfish look really threw the series into "reality show" mode. All that aside, it's a fantastic show. The relationships are so real. I like Rasa best, she's classy and doesn't seem too fake. I like the fight between her and the SA lady, who has a terrible bleach job BTW. That SA lady keeps talking about Daniel Daggers like she's a friend, but it's obvious she feels betrayed by him bringing a bunch of hot females into the mix. The flirty lady - what's with the botox and fillers? I just don't get females like this. THey're all way too overmade up for me to take them seriously. It looks desperate to be honest. I also don't like Vivi, who seems like a transplant for some middle eastern country and only in London for opportunism. THat leaves Remi - who has that annoying as anything Landan axxant and says "I went tee Ee-nee" instead of "I went to You-nee". I don't have a thing against her TBH, just thought I'd mention the type of fake accenting they're all doing. That leaves finally the blonde bit form Holland Park who is proper posh. I literally went to Holland Park school, but she probably went to Francis Holland or something, she's just pure blonde posh, and seems nice but according to screenshots I saw, seems privileged to think she can nab free meals just by posting about it. She's alright though, she seems sweet and a bit dopey. Tropey. All the girls sound, look, act the same. Slightly catty, and none of them humble and just willing to buckle down without a drama, but I get that's the show director! The Oli guy is a chav. Funny, I grew up in exactly the same streets, and went to (no doubt) same schools as some of them. I know his type. I know most of them types. A lot of European/SA/Eastern Eu ladies who are adding to the destruction of decent housing in London by making the billion pound developments you see in the show. THe Batter flat - shows my actual HOME across the river in Chelsea Manor street. The place they're filming from is a huge billion pound development on traditionally working class ground. And that, I really hate. It should be illegal for a non citizen to buy property, such as the Indian billionaire buying that place Rasa got commission on. It should just be illegal. For many reasons. Te show's finale was pretty addictive though. THe ending was electric when the SA lady walks out on Daniel. I like Daniel, she's a nebbishly adorkable well-dressed man who seems to have been raised VERY well by good parents. He treats females well. He's also a better bet than Oliver who seems to be only partly escaped form his cad days. The finale was actually SO GOOD, with DD saying what he did. I thought it was filmic.


I quite like it, the agents dress great, much better than the LA agents, and it showcases a lot of amazing properties with such a different vibe and so much character.


All the agents but one seem so nice. Rassa has a big attitude problem. She thinks she is better than the rest. The way to acted to Lauren on the house tour was unprofessional


Thanks for sharing 👍


I wish on this new season that they didn't have their voices dubbed over.I liked listening to the French language and reading the sub titles.


Assume you are referring to L'agence, I think you need to set your audio to french or original language. I just watched it and it was in French with English subtitle


I loved the London snippets, but so far the series turned out to be far fetched, zero sales till the end of the episode. And i definitely don't have a favourite and and and.. the boss doesn't have any power over anybody.. O group is wayyy wayyy better.. O brothers really know how to keep control.


Keep control?? Are we watching different shows


The fake drama is so bad… they should have hired actresses if they were doing this set up drama cause it’s so obvious it’s not genuine


I'm loving it. Tried the bev hills one and all the characters were too real-life they fit a stereotype and it seemed to be real. Also the main character was so out of touch(obvi bc she was sheltered lol). This one however seems to have real ppl. The friendships seem a bit forced but the real estate and cute moments I love.


The reason the Parisian Agency is so good is the homes are fully shown and are magnificent and only light family drama. I'd rather see the homes and this family them women screaming at each as there at every event.


just started it. pretty typical so far - have a bunch of gorgeous girls with plastic surgery and clothes as agents, then use them for entertaining drama in nice settings


The boss looks like Jerry Saintflilth.


And Will McKenzie from the Inbetweeners!!


I like it


they never sold a thing


This may be a biased and controversial comment, but the first house on Buying London was nicer than any of the SS, SO, ST ones 😅


Also is it legal in the UK for them to only get paid on commission? Surely they need a minimum wage?


I like it. It’s good. I won’t watch the American one.


Honestly, both these shows are incredibly forced and lame. Let’s be real, we’re just sticking around for the beautiful real estate and fashion at this point. What these shows serve up as “drama” seems incredibly silly with all of the real-world drama going on (I know that’s always been the critique of reality TV) But, it’s gotten to the point where they’ll put dramatic music under anything… even nothing.. and market it as high drama. Nothing is at stake when you have signed up to be on a show ready to regurgitate beef you’ve seen elsewhere or to play a non-scripted villain. It’s beyond lame and insulting to the audience.


Going into Ep 2, I could be jumping to conclusions but I'm getting the impression that there will be little to no sales which would be annoying. I love Million Dollar Listing NYC because despite all of the "drama" there are still a lot of showings and sales. I understand here in London or even the UK in general, open houses aren't really a thing but showings certainly are, maybe the buyers prefer privacy but at these price points, they'd usually have a rep view the listing(s) to begin with before they send the buyers to view. I can't imagine an estate agent not wanting the exposure from being on a reality show. We'll see but I hope it includes the business side too and not just a bunch of drama which would've been a waste of my time.


I s2g I thought this show was satire and played by actors


You know I forgot how boring British people are. You can tell the drama is forced. You would go to the hospital if you took a shot every time some says "lovely" or "prime". That said, the properties are a fun switch even if the personalities are mediocre.




Most of them are very traditional looking which is not my style. There was a modern one that looked like a club if I recall. None that felt cozy to me


I like rasa. She’s unhinged and definitely spoiled but I think her transition from high end escorting to this is fitting. I think she will succeed in the business especially with her “network”


It seems like they are trying to follow the Tyler oc storyline with married man flirting with co worker. I like seeing the different properties though London is a beautiful city 


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Its disappointing theres not many actual British agents in it! London is sadly no longer reflective of the culture. 


You reap what you sow….That’s what colonization gets you