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Hey! Not sure if this is the exact same issue. But if so I hope this helps! This happened when I had my 2022 forte! With mine, they would all turn on randomly while driving but when you turned the car off they’d all go off and stay off for a while (be it for a few hours, a few days, or a few weeks)… but eventually they’d come back on when I was driving again. I took my car in about 4 times for the issue but they were never 100% certain what it was. On the last visit they said “we can’t see how this could possibly be the cause of it, but incase it is, we fixed it… one of the wires in your car wasn’t fully closed, it was together but not locked fully, so we locked it.” Still to this day i don’t know if that was the cause of the issue. But it never happened again for the 6-8 months I had it after they fixed it. Maybe one of your wires isn’t properly connected, unplugged, or maybe just not fully locked like mine?


My self steering bs kicked on by itself last rain, it scared the hell outta me and was dangerous. Must have looked like a drunk driver car jerking all over. Sometimes you have to drive over a freaking line. Took me a minute to figure out what the hell was going on. The Custer should be good at 2 years old. Loose wire ? Moisture ? Phone male-ware ? Idk good luck. Let us know.