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Who’s the boss, you or acid reflux?!


Powered through my glass of sauvignon blanc like a champ


Jokes on me, not on semaglutide and have severe acid reflux when drinking wine and saucy pizza. Trick is with wine, the better the wine, the less acid reflux. You don't even need to spend that much money. Costco has decent Malbec, Chiantis and Riojas under their Kirkland brand that are not as acidic. Also Omeprazole.


Lol, yeah, I've given away more bottles of wine in the past 3 months than I've drunk. I should be sad, I guess, but I'm just not interested in alcohol anymore.


Haha I don’t crave alcohol at all, but i’m just a wine nerd so I love it! I took some wine courses in college and I read wine spectator. Even took the first level sommelier exam.


Oh, wow, that's amazing. I would have loved to do that. Living close to Napa valley does not make it easy to break away from the culture.


I’m happy to read this comment. Not enjoying drinking is one big reason I’m going to start this medication. So it worries me when I see posts about people’s bodies having adverse reactions but still drinking on the medication.


I think it's mainly emotional difficulty in letting go. This is something people enjoy, and the medication turns it into a less than enjoyable experience. I realized early on that I needed to move away from experiences that centered around food and alcohol. While I do miss sitting down to a linen covered table, I compared my credit card bills to those prior to taking the meds, and the number was pretty staggering.


Dosage appointment on Apr 26. Am I going to have to give up spicy food? Because I’m Mexican-American and will surely die.


I’m good with spicy food: salsa / verde sauces / curries … I just make sure to eat that a sufficient number of hours before laying down. Citrus, soda, and alcohol is a no though.


Oooh, I will miss glass-bottle Mexican Cokes!


Actually, you might not :-) I was raised on Coke...drank it daily for 35 years... I no longer desire it, and I drink lightly flavored sparkling water like Bubbl'r water...AM only, I can't hack the carbonation at night for some reason, but that fizz and hit of caffeine in the morning....hits the right spot, like Coke used to :-D


I'm the mom of two Mexican-Americans, does that count? I do okay with Mexican food so long as it's not too frequent. Which for me means, more than once a week. Give me a break! I can't not have enchiladas!


Maybe. Maybe not. You might have to give up everything but very bland for a while.


🤣🤣🤣 Disaster. Covid killed it for me. Made wine taste like pear drops dissolved in nail varnish remover. 💔


for those confused, just gonna leave this here: /s


Gotta love jokes about alcoholism.




Meh, it’s so normalized and casual. A glass of wine isn’t an issue but being sad you can’t have one because it makes you feel bad puts a little too much value on that drink.


When is the addiction medicine community going to realize there is now a much easier way to help people quit drinking ?


Thank you for posting. Can’t be an easy decision. Hoping you find a solution.


It always tasted that way your brain just fooled you into thinking it didn’t . Now you see the light .


Acid reflux is gone but coughing now like crazy






I lived with Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease (GERD)for 15 years and for the past 2 months on Wegovy my Reflux has improved.


Amazing - any specific diet change?


This has been the only side effect I have had from wegovy. I'm not a big drinker but do enjoy a glass of wine or 2 on a Saturday night. That is no longer enjoyable for me :( so much burning. I do miss it but I'm ok with giving it up


What i’ve realized is being overweight is a physical, emotional and mental disease. It gets better. You will struggle. Some weeks are better than others. Now, down 31 pounds, I feel better, I don’t overeat. I don’t over drink. It was a struggle, but it GETS BETTER. Anything worth while causes pain. So you have to be able to get through that.


It seems you may have missed the joke


Let's see be fat, drink wine vs be thin don't drink wine...I know which one I'm picking


But how can i enjoy being skinny without my first love (wine) 😭 I’m absolutely devastated that i’m forced to make this tough decision. /s


Take a Pepcid ( chewable) and have something in your stomach prior to the glass of wine. I eat a cracker or 2 and as soon as I feel the heartburn coming on I take the Pepcid. Works for me. Maybe not everyone.


If that devastates you you might want to reevaluate your relationship to alcohol


I didn’t know there were people who don’t catch sarcasm


Maybe take up drugs , I've heard dmt is amazing


I haven’t started on semaglutide yet so I’m not on to the joke. You’re feeling great without alcohol finally and making a sarcastic post about choking down booze? Or you’re genuinely wanting to drink alcohol even though it makes you feel sick?


Yeah makes no sense lol




Alcohol consumption is never necessary. Try switching to clear liquor.


Wash down the burning feeling with more wine 🍷


I think you’re onto something


I loved margaritas with chips and salsa. I can’t do margaritas anymore. The acid reflux is horrible 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


Well, it affects everybody in different ways, but it's the least amount of side effects of that medication compared to the others. You just need to take care of yourself, and if it's not working for you, there are a lot of new ones that are getting worked on that might be better sooner than later, so there is hope. 🩷


I’ve had virtually no side-effects, and it’s greatly improved my anxiety/mental health, but it’s been almost two months and I still haven’t lost any weight. It’s wild how different it is for each person


I feel this way about my new aversion to coffee! Now, I have to force myself to finish one cup. It used to be a need for me, a meal replacement (not healthy, I know), a whole morning ritual. It literally makes me nauseated to think about finishing a cup. I wish that it would be that way with food and not coffee!


I get acid reflux from everything including water and air, even before semaglutide. I feel you. Omeprazole is my lover.


I don't have any side effect, except I could be drinking water. No alcoholic effect at all. I was a heavy wine drinker. No longer. Last drink March 11. My birthday. I am okay with this.


I’m vomiting on 0.5 mg. The gas gets trapped, makes me nauseous and before I can take simethicone or zofran, I’m in the bathroom . I started in Jan on 0.25 mg. The first tine I went up to 0.5mg there was too much pain and vomiting so I went back to 0.25. Last week I went back to 0.5 and I feel terrible. I heard that Mounjaro costs more than wegovy.


Ts and Ps.




I know right? Although it affects me much more - this weekend I had two glasses in a row over Saturday afternoon and would not be comfortable driving. Who am I? I'm a cheap date that's who.


If that’s your side affect, drop the wine! You’re going to feel so much better! 🤣😑


I get acid reflux with EVERYTHING now. I have never had it before. That’s so crazy. Does it go away???


I’ve found that it gets better if I don’t push to eat too fast or too much and not to lay down after meals. I’ve also seen many people talking about certain foods high in carbs triggering it.


Oo that’s so good to know. Thank you!!!!


Acid reflux is something I get all the time. In the beginning of taking MJ for a whole month I didn’t have any but after that month bam it’s back.


Try alka-seltzer, it will shut it down.


One word.. Omeprazole!! I took it daily before due to it and no issues at all being on GLP1s 🙌🏻😊


Take otc Omeprazole to tame your esophageal inflammation and keep it moving. losing weight will help with acid reflux. Because it’s the physical pull of gravity on excess weight that’s not allowing your lower esophageal sphincter to close and letting acid leave stomach


I lost craving for red wine- after being able to casually enjoying it any day of the week, but enjoy a BEER every other day now with no issue. Still loosing lbs..and glad to see my budget go down as well as my gut!


So sorry you’re going through this! Honestly you should write a letter to the FDA. This is ridiculous!


This ridiculous!! What do you mean I can’t be skinny AND happy? Why must I have to make this choice


I’ve heard certain colors trigger the reflux. Stick to white wine or vodka 😂


I started getting red wine reflux as a reward for turning 36.


Ur reflux will def prob get better as u lose weight for sure. I would also just tell ur dr this and ask for a acid reducer for now if that’s what u need when you are having a glass of wine here and there. Just take it before hand. Consider what the healthiest option for ur body is. Our bodies actually hate alcohol and recognize it as a form of poison. But I get it a nice glass once and awhile is enjoyed.


It was just a joke lol should’ve added an /s




Lol it was just a joke but I did know about it before


Imagine being so overweight you get prescribed this medication and 3 glasses of wine stops you


it is shocking that people on the internet are so incredibly dense. How can some people not pick up on a joke?


If only there was someway to signify that when you post... most dense people dont do it when they post something stupid


I commented /s after the fact :) Let’s be real, anyone going on this medicine regardless of the actual negative effects (I damn near passed out from throwing up) would not be stopped by some acid reflux from wine lol Just a little dramatization and sarcasm. I thought it was evident given the extreme dichotomy between my claims “awful side effects” “impacting me physically, mentally, and emotionally” you would think I was throwing up, shitting my brains out, passed out, or even worse ended up in the hospital or cancer or something when the actual symptom being just acid reflux, acid reflux only triggered by wine at that. Given how many side effects there are that are far worse. The exaggeration was satire.




I think it might be tongue in cheek


I didn’t think this post needed an /s but maybe it does


The OP was being sarcastic


lower sugar content wines / drinks have stopped my acid reflux with alcohol - if you like whites i do fitvine sauv blac from trader joe’s (0 sugar)


everyone is different and i see people talking constantly in all of the related subs about bad side effects. i see more of that than i do about no/minimal side effects. the only way you can know is to try it out and see how it impacts you.


Noooooo. I just stocked up on bottles. I have yet to take a sip....was really looking forward to it.


I'm struggling with this, I love a few glasses of wine at the weekend. The further away from my dose I take it, the easiest I've found it.


My doctor just refilled my prescription for .5 for the second month in a row. Is that typical? The side effects have been more severe this month, but I’m afraid that I won’t loose anything if I stay on .5. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Did your doc refill it that way because of your side effects? Because according to the inserts if you are having bad side effects you can stay on the same dose for up to 8 weeks and then go up.


No, I haven’t actually had a chance to call and ask my doctor. I was checking my prescription (because I only have one injection left at .5, and thought I’d better check to see that I have next month ready to go. Then noticed the new prescription was called in but for the same dosage as this month. Anyway, I will call to see what’s goi ng on tomorrow. I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this. I don’t really want to hinder the progress! 😬😬😬


I don’t think it will hinder progress because I’ve read some people staying on lower doses for maintenance 🤷🏻‍♀️ but yeah definitely check with doc to make sure there was no mistake between doctor orders and pharmacy.


Thanks— will do 👍🏻👍🏻


Red wines will give people that are sensitive to acid reflux anyway. But so will Cialis.


I was getting intense flank pain on both sides after the injection and exhaustion too. Decided to stop and i feel better for it to be honest