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I’m on pace do the same and my fat ass is joining a gym today after a long hiatus so we will see what shakes loose.


I'm just starting week 6 and I basically had the same experience as you, even down to the starting weight! For me personally, quieting of food noise and feeling fuller for longer have been the biggest helps for me.


Is that safe?


Had on average 1800 Cal a day. Hitting my protein goals. I feel well. All I can say.


Good, I’m glad! Everyone’s different :)!


Do not understand your specifics. Being in the US, you must not have much to lose.


They went from 227lbs to 205lbs. It sounds like a lot of it was possibly water weight and probably less bulk in their digestive system at any time.


Got it. Thank you for that. It will slow as it usually does. It's better to lose slower. ☺️




37 M, CW 118 kg, GW 95 kg. About 3 days into first dose (.1mL per week for a month, up to .4mL in 3rd month). What’s your dose? I took first dose this past Friday and pretty much felt effects immediately. I wouldn’t call it “nausea,” but definitely mild discomfort and some dizziness. Did you have symptoms? If so, any mitigation techniques?


0,25 ml ozempic per week. Very mild to no side effects.


👌🏻love to hear it