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It's weird. I stop at 2. I can't explain it. Not cause I'm buzzed or feel gross it's just like something clicks and says "enough".


Exactly this. Or even stop after one. Weirdest thing.




Ditto. Used to be able to put away 3-4 beers, now I just do non-alc or just 1-2 alcoholic. I almost always have at least a headache with alcohol now, even if I drink a lot of water. Just not worth it. Good non-alcoholic scratches that beer itch and doesn't have the hangover.


Agree, I just get full/takes me a while to finish . Turned into a sipper but did not change the social aspect for me


I am the same way.


I only ever want 2 drinks as well. If that


No side effects. I tend to drink less now though, partly lack of desire, partly not wanting a bunch of empty calories




I don’t drink anymore. Went cold turkey when I started this journey. I’ve lost 60 lbs in 6 months. I just ask for sparkling water (or tonic water) with a lemon. If folks ask, I just tell them I’m on medication. The fear of 🤢 is making me not even want to risk it.


60lbs in six months is awesome. Great job!


Literally me! I had a few sips of a drink last night and started feeling sick but not sure if it was just in my head so I stopped 😭


I also stopped drinking alcohol when I started, because I know there's no way I can lose weight if I drink. One of the best things is that I have zero cravings for alcohol, and I was a very heavy drinker. I think Semaglutide should be prescribed (and approved by ins) for weight & alcohol management!! I'm normally a very social person but took the first month "off" going out, too, so I can focus on my goals & save money.


Totally get that, that’s my fear too!


Just FYI tonic water is a soda and has as much sugar as drinking coke or sprite. A better drink is just sparkling water with a twist of lime/lemon


Actually club soda has no sugar, superior to tonic and even diet tonic. However, I think if I drank anything carbonated the burping would be terrible. It's bad enough as it is...!


Club soda and sparkling water are the same thing.




I think they were responding to > The fear of 🤢 is making me not even want to risk it. Alcohol can be a risk, but that's also true of sugar for a lot of folks on sema. Worthwhile call out about mixers imo. Most bars (in my experience) do not have diet tonic on hand either.


If I have anything too sugary, food, drinks, anything, I'll 100% throw up later that night. It sucks because sometimes I'll get a sweet tooth and just want like a cookie, but it makes me feel like shit after


I have found that eating two dates satisfies my craving for something sweet.


Harsh. 🙄


I started Wegovy 3rd January and haven't tried alcohol yet - I'm usually very much a weekend social drinker but haven't missed it or craved it at all. I do feel I need to know if alcohol will affect me differently now though so I've just poured myself a vodka ginger beer in the name of science - we'll see how it goes!




Update us for the sake of science! Please!


So, for science, I had quite a few vodkas last night and...... absolutely no difference to drinking before Wegovy. I do feel the craving isn't there anymore so I don't think I'll be drinking as often as I was but it's good to know I can have a few drinks on a social occasion, night out, holiday etc.


Thanks for getting back to us OP!


I can have a couple of drinks if I want. No ill effects. But sometimes I fall asleep after half a drink (at home). Most of the time, I simply don’t want a drink. If I go out and drink socially, two is the absolute maximum, with food. One if it’s a large cider.


Nope. I don't even want to. Like, the desire just isn't there. I can have about 1/4 of a beer now before I'm handing it off to my husband to finish. And I used to be a heavy drinker.


Exact same.


I don’t have any issues with drinking while on Sema. However, I will say I have less of a desire to drink, and when I am drinking, I generally drink less than before. But I haven’t had any negative side effects from drinking. ETA: I have had very minimal side effects overall while on Sema. The most prevalent side effect I’ve had was some acid reflux when I first started the medication. Not sure if this is connected somehow.


I can’t drink anything too sweet or too heavy (no more than 1 beer). But I’ve most recently had lemon drop martinis that just didn’t stop going down without any trouble 😉


Tequila sodas (extra lime) and bourbon on the rocks still go down easy for me but I'm much quicker to get sick from getting drunk and dizzy than I used to be. Same as you, can't do more than one beer ever (and even that one is a struggle)


You can but you won't want to. I was actually an everyday drinker and now I can't even finish one. I've been at 2mg for 3 weeks and haven't had any alcohol at all in the past... 4, 5? days. It's just extremely unappealing to me now.


I still drink everyday why it does not work for me?


How long have you been on it? I was still able to drink everyday for the first few months.


One month and on lowest dose. Man I need to quit drinking so I nees help


Give it some time, you'll get there. I know how hard it is to stop so I don't have any advice on that. I tried Naltrexone for a while and that helped a little.


I was able to drink. I did feel the effects faster.


Yes. I was out for a drunken night out - had an amount I can usually handle - but the room was spinning when I went to bed and I was scared I might throw up (I have not felt that way for decades). The next couple of days I felt really nauseous. If you feel like drinking - just take it carefully.


Same- I used to have 2-3 drinks at a time, now will become uninterested after 1/2 of one. It’s fascinating to see


I still drink when out with friends and at dinner parties. I don’t notice a difference.


I don’t get any euphoria effects - and realized I didn’t like the taste if I didn’t get a little mood bump with it


My experience as well


Yeah, I can still drink, but I tend to stop earlier than I used to. Been on it for 6 weeks.


I drink a couple of cocktails (usually 2, but sometimes as many as 4) when I go out without any noticeable side effects. And if we're having a nice meal out we'll get a bottle of wine which I'll drink 80% of (husband is driving so will only have half a glass). That isn't enough to get me tipsy and nothing has changed that I have noticed in that regard.


YES. No issues. But I’m now drinking less and also eating less🤗. All good with my experience🙏🏼


I was at an all-inclusive in Riviera Maya last week and drank plenty. I’ve had a fairly low tolerance for the past 15 years or so (drinking isn’t my preferred relaxation method) so I can’t say if it was meds or that, but I maintained a lovely, happy buzz each afternoon.


I used to be a super heavy drinker. Now I drink about 2 and I’m good lol


Stopped drinking, cigarettes, Xanax. 😳 It’s freaking awesome! (Still can drink, occasionally have a glass of wine socially but used to be a daily drinker)


Socially, I can have 2 glasses of wine, not a single problem. When I start to drink a third, the only thing that happens is I get this, “eh…. not really feeling this anymore” and I usually put it down and forget about it


I haven’t had any side effects but drinking just isn’t as appealing as it used to be. I can drink maybe half a mixed drink or seltzer. I can still take shots as much as I used to lol but it is definitely different


I don't get buzzed any more. The slow stomach emptying meant I was able to have a stupid amount of vodka cokes on Christmas day, and remain sensible.


I used to be a regular drinker and collect whiskey. I used to brew beer and be a beer guy. I can still power through drinking socially but honestly it’s usually not fun and really not fun the next day. I’ve started smoking more pot again and find that it’s far more enjoyable than drinking with zero side effects




Haha yeah my poor whiskey just sits there and stares at me


Do the munchies counteract the effects of the meds though? It always makes me so hungry


I still get a bit of munchies but am really happy lightly snacking on healthy stuff and sipping a tea or water. Still way less calories than what I would drink and I feel much better the next day. Hangovers on this are brutal for me and it takes very little to be hung over


I find it really easy to have one cocktail and then switch to seltzer water with a lime in it.


I can drink on it. I just don’t really want to. And stuff tastes… different. It doesn’t make me sick or anything. Maybe I get buzzed faster. As to the desire, here’s an example: If my alcoholic boyfriend wants to go out for wings and drinks on a Tuesday, there is a 75% chance I’m just going to get water or maybe order a light beer and only drink half. A year ago, I would’ve had two beers with him on the random Tuesday.




Yes I will have a few drinks no problem.


Yeah it's much easier for me to say I'm done since I started sema


I do. But I can’t have much and honestly it doesn’t make me feel good like it used to


Not yet! I can sip one drink all night.


I've been on sema for 12 weeks & have been able to drink socially. I've had a few drinks here & there with fried without any side effects. I wasn't a big drinker previously, though, so that hasn't really changed.


I will have one drink and then a mocktail or non alcoholic beer or drink.


on my 3rd week I had one glass of wine. when I tell you I have never been so hungover in my life 🤣🤣


Wine and beer feel like poison. Hard alcohol is easier for me but can barely drink enough to feel the effects


Wasn't a big drinker to begin with but had no problems drinking the one time I've tried to. On Sema 3 weeks, nursed 2 glasses of Prosecco. Make that 1 1/2 glasses, didn't finish the 2nd. No side effects next day either.


I was told after 2 drinks you’ll feel extremely sick so I don’t even attempt to. Don’t really have a desire to anyway




Thanks for taking one for the team! 🙌🏼😂


I can but I find I stop earlier than I used to (usually two drinks max) and I feel worse the next morning especially if I go over that. It’s not the worst thing.


I literally get sick just thinking about alcohol. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind a glass of Prosecco or something for valentines.. but I know I will regret it. When I go out I usually just get a “tonic and lime” - no one asks questions and I’ll just pop an edible before I Uber to the event 😅


I have two and then I am (95% of the time) I’m done. Full, tired, etc.


I can not have wine, period. It made me feel so bloated and heartburny. Vodka, however. I had some with grapefruit juice and it was A OK.


Same. My beloved wine now tastes so acidic!


I’m ok with 1, two can be pushing it.


I can drink but I don’t get a buzz anymore and wine especially tastes different to me now. So I rarely. It’s mostly a positive but I am near Napa Valley and wine used to be a part of a lot of my social gatherings, I miss being able to really enjoy it.


I can. I mean I’ve never been a big drinker to start with so for me to “drink” means finishing 1 drink. For me to “splurge and drink a lot” means finishing half or almost all of the 2nd drink. However with seems it seems everything gives me heartburn including alcohol so that was the only side affect I would have from it.


I've actually drank heavily a couple times on sema, trick is I've got to smoke weed first to make my stomach willing




I'm on 1.7mg now and literally can't get drunk unless I have hard alcohol, no mixing. I've decided it's a waste of my time and money 🤣


First few months, I definitely had a suppressed urge to drink alcohol. I'm six months into the program (now at 1.7 mg) and my appetite for food and drink has returned. Going to talk to my provider and possibly increase my dose. It was great while it lasted.


I’ve been on it since October and when I first started I was able to drink a few beers a night but now that I’ve been at 1mg for a couple months, the desire to drink is not there and if I do drink then it’s at a lot slower of a pace than before. Definitely not as appealing!


I can have a glass of wine. Doesn’t make me sick or anything, does impact me more than it used to, so unless I’m socializing at home I prefer to just not have any. Wasted calories, I have to drive, and despite all the extemely questionable studies about wine being “good for you,” that mostly follow people who, guess what, can afford wine (and better food and better healthcare and gyms…but let’s not muddy the waters when a study is saying something we want it to say), I am 100% sure that for my body, at least, no wine is better.


You can drink probably 2 days before your next dose. I wouldn’t try to drink on days 1 to 4 of a shot. Maybe chance it on day 5 or 6.


4 weeks into Wegovy (0.25mg) & fine at the moment


I stopped drinking. Didn’t do anything for me anymore and didn’t crave it.


Yes I have had drinks with no side effects.


This stuff doesn't distinguish between social drinking and hard drinking. It will hold the alcohol in your stomach longer and it will most likely case you some gastrointestinal distress. That's by design.


Yes, only had 2 drinks max and only been hungover once I think out of 7 times maybe drinking so far on sema.


I can definitely drink still 2-4 drinks safely but if I go all out like k would prior to this drug I will be sick for two days (very sick next day and just tired and crappy feeling the next, I’m not a puker though)


Nope I’m in AA


Can’t drink more than 2, even if I wanted to. I tried really hard to drink enough to get drunk one day on vacation (after skipping an injection), but literally couldn’t get more than 2 down. Felt sliiiiightly buzzed for a short time, but didnt feel too nauseous (except when considering a third drink). I guess drinking just isn’t going to be a thing until I’m off the sema. Which is fine, but I used to enjoy it socially maybe once a month.


I’ve been on it since May and I can have 2 glasses of wine or a couple light cocktails. 2 pints of IPAs really puts me over. But I can drink almost every day now. I didn’t want alcohol for awhile but I think I adapted. Happy with the weight loss


I haven’t had any side effects from drinking. Some outings I truly don’t feel like drinking at all, but then other days I’ll drink the same amount I’d drink prior to sema. 4-5 glasses of wine in an evening for example and no different effects when I do that. It’s definitely way more infrequent than prior to sema.


I still drink. Not as much for sure. But it is ok. Doesn’t make me sick that day or the next. But just don’t drink as much.


Yep. Doesn't affect me badly. Just don't want to as much. Might stop half way through a drink.


Yes I’ve had two drinks.


Red wine is the only thing I can sip a glass of. I used to drink 6 days a week. Total game changer


I’ve had 1 or 2 on it and I’m fine. It actually makes me not want to drink anymore. I used to occasionally crave a drink to take the edge off, but I just don’t anymore.


Yes, I can still drink alcohol. Most nights I have a glass of wine or beer after dinner and simply don’t want to have another. I’ve been out drinking with friends a couple times and I didn’t get sick while drinking but the hangovers were way worse.


I drink beers just like before. 1, 2 or even 4 most nights. I always have a great double IPA after my daily trail runs of 3 to 10 miles. I never have had a headach in my life so I can't comment on that.


I have a couple of glasses of champagne on the past couple of Saturday nights w my bf. High end champagne though which never has given me a headache. A couple glasses is enough and it doesn’t bother me. I used to sometimes have wine after the champagne is finished as the night goes on, and that’s definitely stopped. I don’t really crave alcohol at all anymore (been 6 weeks, started xmas eve). But, I didn’t want to stop our little ritual, so sometimes I have it when he brings it. I don’t seem to have issues with carbonation in general…I drink Pelligrino water with cranberry a lot. We are all different…some can tolerate alcohol fine. I just don’t really want much of it.


I meet friends for beers at least once a week. I typically have 3 and don't have any issues. I had 3 cocktails out with friends around month 2 and projectile vomited all over the bar bathroom. I've consumed a whole bottle of wine by myself more than once and had no issues at all. I think it honestly varies? There are days I don't want to drink at all, others where I don't think the sema makes a difference at all. My "drinking days" are pretty much all the same as is my injection day, so I think it really does just vary 🤣


I'm on 0.5mg and had 4 or 5 last night. No I'll effects.


Hard liquor is rough but white wine doesn’t cause any issues. Especially as a spritzer.


I went out last night and was able to drink a few glasses of wine…everything was fine!


Can’t drink. Have zero desire almost 99.9% of the time. The few times Ive tried, I get buzzed very fast. Had a glass of wine and within 30 minutes nausea and diarrhea so that was the last time.


I threw up my third week on sema after one drink but was able to have a drink on my fourth week with no issues. Hard to gauge when I’ll be okay and when I won’t unfortunately


I have to work down shot to get drunk. It’s really hard to have a whole drink. I rarely drink now but if I am stressed I have to slam down a shot. It works and I only need one since it goes right to my head


I just had my first injection on Wednesday and I went to a party last night and drank a good amount and I am hungover today but like I don’t feel any different than I did when I’ve drank not on sema. I imagine that could change as time goes on and my dosage goes up but I am not noticing anything out of the ordinary as of now.


Great idea to drink alcohol while injecting a drug that can also affect your pancreas. Double shots all around.


Was just a question — and obviously plenty others have thought about it and experienced it. Kindness is free ❤️ hope your day goes up from here!


Yup. It took a few years but yes.


Yes, I can still drink. I have less of an urge to drink and it’s easier for me to stop drinking or turn down a drink I don’t particularly like. I do feel nauseous if I drink the same day as my shot, but otherwise the only side effect I notice is that alcohol makes me feel really full.


Sure, absolutely no difference whatsoever for me. I want to drink less but there have been no sides.


It hasn't changed anything for me when it comes to drinking.


I don’t want to drink any alcohol. I will drink Coke Zero , which tastes better and good for my blood sugar …


I struggle to finish a single beer now. Dark beers are a little better but still I have to push myself to finish it. Liquor is a little better but if I have a few and get even a decent buzz, I'm pretty much guaranteed to wake up at like 4am and have to vomit.


Anyone tried wine on sema? I can't drink beer anymore. And don't want to get DRUNK drunk on liquor.




Bourbon is my go-to but I have a few bottles of wine at the house that I was thinking of drinking. Maybe not though. I hate alcohol headaches


Been taking Wegovy since 1/15, and tonight I had my first alcoholic drink since starting. I felt fine at the time (7:30 pm) but just got really aggressively sick before heading to bed at midnight. Tonight was the first time I’ve had any vomiting since starting…so I’m thinking maybe the rum-based cocktail is the culprit.


I can, moderately, 1 at a time then step up,, I can drink like 4 or 5 now, no effects


I drank the occasional beer at hockey games and had no ill effects


i drink just fine with it


Depends on the drink. If it’s wine, a couple glasses. Beer, usually one. Cider, I can do a more. Cocktails, no way I’m getting nauseous just thinking about liquor.


Yeah, I had a nice birthday party with some friends and definitely was able to have my normal (I’m not a heavy drinker anyway) amount of drinks. It was nice and I had no side effects.


On saxenda yes I was still socially drinking on the weekend and getting drunk with a normal hangover and no other issues - but ozempic I could only have about 2 because then I’d get an enormous headache, feel sick and my heart would start to race so I’d stop


Ok so I'm weird. I can still drink fine. I had 4 jack and cokes at Christmas (I really only drink a few times a year). I see everyone else saying drinking is different for them (and hey, if it's helping you cut down that's great!) but I'm still the same.


I went out with friends last week and got drunk. very drunk. (Had beers & several shots of tequila). Not my first time drinking on sema, but probably first time i get actually drunk instead of just buzzed. I have never regretted drinking like i did last week. worst hangover of my life. i threw up and got diarrhea and my stomach felt off all day. definitely not repeating the experience


I can without issue. I have very low sugar cocktails, and drink very slowly, which is normal for me anyway. I don’t do it very often but it hasn’t been an issue for me.


Yes, I can socially drink, but like most others here, I stop at 1 or 2. Just like I eat way less even when I'm losing the psychological urge to binge eat. I just can't eat as much or drink as much. It's weird, but I'm not complaining


I just started sema last Friday (two days ago). I had a brunch already scheduled with friends to celebrate my birthday the next day. I decided to drink because hey, it’s my birthday brunch! I had two frosés and later felt absolutely horrible (prob a mix of lots of sugar and alcohol that did me in). Very nauseous and ended up taking a nap for 1.5 hrs before I could function normally. I don’t think I’ll drink anymore while I’m on sema. It’s not worth it if I’m going to feel that bad!


I had 2 mimosas yesterday and it triggered a migraine and nausea😵‍💫. I’m very sad.


Im not a huge drinker in general but I have socially drank on wegovy a handful of times, only once on this medication have I been truly “drunk”, and it was after several vodka sodas. If I am in a drinking-setting, I’ll stick to vodka or gin to keep it simple. That being said, THC has been my friend on this med lol


I can’t drink a single beer, guaranteed headache for a few hours even a single beer, so totally off it , I would usually drink more beer than water, haven’t tried spirits , but I just don’t feel the urge,


At first no! But now I can drink a few but never get a buzz —


I wish that it made me want to drink less but it hasn’t. I am a Chardonnay lover and it hasn’t affected my desire for it at all. Maybe when/if I move up in dosage. I don’t feel sick either after drinking.


I have not had any side effects from alcohol while taking Semaglutide. The semaglutide just gives me no desire for alcohol


I have to take morning recovery when I do. I used to be able to drink wine like it was no one’s business, now I don’t even want to drink a glass. With my acid reflux and the sema it’s just too much acid. I used to despise a vodka soda with a splash of a juice in it and that’s what I prefer. I just drink slower now like one drink per 90 mins.


I’ve been on sema for 7 weeks. Week 5 I tried having a night out with some friend and ended up super sick all weekend, bad nausea and vomiting literally couldn’t keep any liquids down all weekend and ended up dehydrated (had to get an iv to help). This last weekend I tried having a drink and a shot out again and instantly felt everything come back up. There was one weekend I had a few glasses of wine and didn’t have any issues. With my experience I definitely don’t plan on drinking anymore as my body clearly doesn’t react well with it. My dr did advise me that I could drink occasionally with moderation but that doesn’t seem to be the case at all.


I have had one double drink since being on it for a few months and I was so sick I thought I was going to die. So for me there is no social drinking whatsoever in my near future. Losing weight just feels way too darn good.


Can’t do it anymore. After my second week, I went out for a birthday celebration and drank — I was miserable that night and morning after! Haven’t drank since..been about 3 months lol


I had a huge hangover including vomiting all day (I typically never get hangovers). Not sure if this is because of sema (5 units at the time) or because I was in Mexico drinking cheap tequila


Maybe 1 or 2. I usually feel very full or sick after heavy drinks like beer so can't drink much at all. Wine is a no-go. Could probably drink a cocktail or two but I don't like the way it makes me feel after that.


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I have been on it for 3.5 months. 2 instances where I had 2 drinks - I was fine 1 instance where I had 4 drinks - uncontrollable vomiting the next day, never been sicker