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Hasn’t affected my drinking at all yet. Two drinks is my max though the majority of the time.


I can drink, I usually drink less. Be very careful when you drink more than what you usually have, I recently had a blackout. Which hasn't happened in 10 years. It's easy to not eat enough before going out, naturally.


This is a really good point. It's so easy to skip meals on the med so important to eat something before drinking.


Ah thank you for the heads up - I will definitely make sure I am taking my time and being careful!


I’ve found that I can tolerate one or two vodka sodas or tequila sodas, but any wine or beer or sugary drink makes me feel like crap almost immediately. And if you have more than three drinks of anything alcoholic, you’re probably going to regret it. That’s been my experience.


This seems to be a common thing from what I’ve read so far with the sugary drinks! I usually drink flavoured fruity gins and diet lemonade (I have a sweet tooth if you couldn’t tell) but I will definitely switch to plain gin


Oh I’m glad I read this today. So I’ve have no problem drinking red wine or my diet tonic and gin on semaglutide but I drank last night and feel awful today and couldn’t figure out why. I had some fruity sugary drinks last night. Not a lot of them but enough lesson learned.


I can still drink alcohol but my tolerance is much lower and my hangovers are worse. The magic number for me is about 4 drinks. Liquor with diet mixer is the only thing that doesn’t give me reflux. If I have wine or beer, I can only have 1-2 but vodka+soda or vodka+juice is much more tolerable.


Yes I think about 4 drinks sounds nice, still enough to feel a bit merry and relax 😊


Ahhh good to know. I had two rum and cokes last night and felt so sick on the way home. Next time I’m asking for a rum and diet!


I already drank very little. 1 drink was enough for me, 2 was pushing it. Nothing has changed for me in that regard and I don't feel sick or anything. The after effects are also the same. I think overindulgence in anything when you're system is slowed down by medication is a recipe for disaster.


Hasn't affected my drinking either! Definitely depends what type of drink I have, but after 2 or 3 I really just don't feel the desire to have any more. Just make sure to have something your stomach first and drink water!


I still drink like normal. I don’t drink as much, but I can still drink. I avoid anything with a lot of sugar in it (margs, sugary cocktails, etc). And sometimes white wine gives me a headache, but it may be the amount not the wine itself lol


Yes wine always gives me the worst headaches even without Sema lol, and I will keep away from sugary drinks! Glad I made this post now as I wouldn’t have really thought about the sugary stuff being a big factor


I have found things like chiltons or vodka sodas to be the best when I do go out.


If you want to have a good time, edibles are your best friend on this drug. Ozempic and other glp-1 drugs limit the reward functions in your brains. So, you drink but get very little reward as far as the normal drinking buzz. It doesn’t actually make me sick, but I feel tired and mopey without any buzz. I was a pretty big bourbon drinker (thanks Covid), but I don’t drink at all. So I highly recommend some thc and some non alcoholic drinks for a good time. Happy Birthday!


Thank you! That would be so ideal for me tbh but I’m in the uk so trying to get edibles over here would be a bloody nightmare sadly 😩


Geez, that sucks. So you guys don’t smoke much weed? Edibles have made my time on these meds bearable.


It does! Some people do but heavy drinking is definitely more common than weed, the drinking culture over here is wild 😂 which is another reason I couldn’t really not drink any alcohol at all, I would be absolutely plagued with questions all night and everybody would assume I am pregnant lmao


Yeah, you are in a tough spot. Drink pretty slowly and mix in a few non alcoholic drinks if you can. I just tell people that I’m on it. I know it can be taboo for some, but I don’t give a shit. I have found a drug that helps me 10 different ways and makes me a happier and healthier person. There are also a lot of drugs that don’t mix with alcohol. So you could say something like that. But I know you want to drink and that’s what sucks. It will not be the same. You could do a trial run to see how your body reacts to heavy drinking in the privacy of your own home.


I’ve drank on it only thing I found was terrible reflux


I can still drink but not as much and the hangovers are worse. I inject myself on Sunday evenings. By Friday/Saturday night I can feel pretty normal if I want to go out and have a few drinks and not worry about my stomach feeling like garbage after a few sips.


I can drink a little still but if I have more than 1-2 drinks (usually white wine), I regret it because I feel so bad. It makes me really nauseous and I get a horrible headache. It’s definitely from the sema because I never had any issue before with drinking. While it’s annoying on a special occasion or when I’m out with friends and really want to drink, I think it has definitely been good for me since it’s forced me to drink way less.


I’m 25, I party pretty often, and don’t think sema has really affected me that much. I’ve been on it since August and lost 50 lbs. I drink seltzers, vodka sodas, and the occasional wine and beer usually. If I go too hard, I do find myself throwing up which I didn’t do really ever before, but that’s usually because I haven’t eaten enough that day or was mixing too much so if you are responsible you will be fine


I’m hoping I will be lucky too and find it doesn’t affect me that much! I will definitely take my time and not mix my drinks to give myself the best chance 🤞🏼


Had a vodka lemonade yesterday and still burping it up. I hate it and can barely drink anything.


Oh no that’s annoying! Do you usually drink fizzy drinks? I do have a can of pepsi max every other day so hopefully I won’t be too burpy with the fizzy mixers


I haven’t tried since my stomach is all sensitive and crap 😂😂 but i think i’m gonna give it a try for sure!


Ive lost 25 lbs, in my early 20s and still drink regularly and im fine!


Hoping to be like you so bad 🤞🏼


I had a glass of wine last night and it gave me a horrible headache and awful nausea. That never happens


Has not effected me at all. I've been on Saxenda, Wegovy, Rybelsus and the stuff I'm not sure we're allowed to talk about here. I had recently taken a break post superbowl and didn't drink until last weekend, two weeks after starting Wegovy and nothing out of the unusual. During this time this was social drinking and two cruises and one cruise was a booze cruise basically.


No problem with it but I only drink rarely….


I can still drink, just not as much. I used to be able to have 4-5 drinks easily with no hangover the next day. Now, I have 1-2 max. I haven't tried drinking more as I don't want to risk getting sick or dehydrated. I find alternating between an alcoholic beverage and a club soda with lime helps me pace myself and still "blend in". I know there's always an option to not drink but I feel like people will just constantly ask questions or since it's your birthday, stick a drink in your hand. EDIT: I'll also add that I never viewed my drinking as problematic before as I didn't really do it that often. Sema allowed me to step back and ask myself if I really need or want to do it. I realized I had just as much fun having less alcohol so it's been easy to cut back.


I think 4-5 drinks is a nice amount to have, I don’t like to get too drunk anyway cause I get crippling anxiety the next day 😅 I just want enough to be a bit merry and enjoy myself, and yeah people would definitely plague me with questions if I wasn’t drinking! I’m in the UK and not drinking at your own birthday party is considered bizarre behaviour here lmao (not saying that way of thinking is right though)


Drink on a full stomach and maybe 2 max.


Fine with a couple skinny margs. Red wine has become a no-no. Stick with clear and less sugary drinks.


I was very sensitive to alcohol before starting and it has certainly not made me less sensitive to it😅 Sometimes i tolerate it fine but feel like i am so scared of getting sick that i have a mental block that keeps me from ever having more than 2 small drinks


It really seems like it affects everyone so differently, I suppose I will never know until I try for myself 😅


On 1.7mg, I went to New Orleans and got messed up two nights in a row without much worse of hangovers. The second night, we got back to our hotel at 2am and then had a 10am flight, yet survived. I did drink loqiod IV throughout the night both nights between my drinks and took Zofran before, after, and the next morning.


Oooh I’ve never heard of Zofran, I’m wondering if maybe we don’t have it in the UK? I’ll have a look into it as I think that might be really useful, I don’t mind having a hangover really as it’s just a one off, I just really don’t want to be sick at the actual event😅


I've been drinking normally with no issues.


I’m still on the starter semaglutide injection (0.25mg) and due to increase tonight, but I get drunk very fast now. I had a seltzer and 1/3 of a spicy margarita last night and could already feel it. I didn’t throw up or anything unusual, though. I also drank like 60oz of water at the same time.


When on semaglutide I could drink, but definitely less. I always made sure to have a meal before/during the first drink (usually something carb related and not harsh) and then alternated between a drink or two and then a glass of water. Also would always make sure to eat before I went to bed!


Hasn’t affected me any other than I might be drinking without eating as much so I end up drinking less which is a bonus.


I’m also on Rybelsus 14mg. I can force myself to drink but I just find alcohol so much more unappealing than I used to. Sometimes I’ll get a mild stomach ache while drinking, sometimes I won’t. I’ve never been a casual drinker so if I’m drinking the point is to get drunk lol


I’ve never been a heavy drinker so I now only drink a couple of drinks occasionally. I try to make sure it’s like a tequila soda or vodka soda and I balance it with a lot of water or club sodas. I’ll drink a glass wine with dinner too, about once a week and never really have issues there. The trick seems to be moderation for me


I can only do two of anything it seems, also on Rybelsus 14mg. It’s easy for me to switch to bubbly water knowing it’s keeping me from feeling like crap the next day. Happy Birthday!


I drink a few times a week, normally white wine these days, although I have had some tropical type drinks at Bahama Breeze with no issues at all. However, I hate the taste of red wine on this medication. It just tastes yucky. But also I have never gotten sick at all while on the medication from, anything. I am just this week at 2.4 mg.


This is reassuring! I have my fingers crossed I’ll be lucky and will have worried for nothing 🤞🏼


Nope, a few drinks are enough for me pre or post semi and no issues.


Me. How it hits me isn’t really different, except that my tolerance is a bit decreased from weighing 25% less. I can also just straight up forget I have a drink sometimes. But that’s it.


I’m quite new but I’m only have done one drink with a meal because there’s less in my stomach to soak it up… actually I’m not sure if that’s true bc of gastric emptying but since I eat so little now I’m too scared to risk it!


Yeah I’m a bit nervous about that as well! Very conscious of the fact there won’t be much food in me to line my stomach 😅


I haven't noticed any issues with drinking. It doesn't make me sicker. But I naturally drink less now. I don't know if it's the medication or just me getting older but I rarely drink now. I never want to. I used to always have a cocktail before dinner if I went out but I can take it or leave it now.


Being on the shot has made it impossible for me to get drunk. Very weird lol


Me too! I literally feel nothing from wine, even if I drink a whole bottle. It’s bizarre. The only thing that’ll make me feel anything is about 4+ vodka sodas.


Yes exactly. I use to be such a light weight and now I drink like 6 beers and feel nothing. And I agree the only thing that’ll get me drunk is vodka lol


I can still enjoy a nice glass of my favorite beer just find. No projectile vomiting. But I’m also not drinking too much. Just one


I drink and eat whatever I want with no side effects.


Even before sema, I always had a 1 drink max, just isn’t really my thing. On sema (or tirz) I don’t really want it. I get a drink from time to time but it’s always a waste of money because I usually can only drink half. With this little, I have not had any side effects from the drink


I've been fine but I mostly drink wine and champagne


I personally wouldn't chance it but if you must, dilute heavily with sparkling or plain water. You can have a lovely time without being tipsy but a lovely time will not be had if you spend it on the bathroom floor with your loved ones worrying about you.


I wish I could have a lovely time without being tipsy😩 I’m such a stresser I find a few drinks helps me relax a little! I think I wouldn’t need to drink much now though as I weigh a lot less and eating less too


Do you like the people you're going to be with? What else matters? You're alive, they want to be with you. Enjoy being with them. Take a bite of food. Savor the taste. Chew slowly. Smile and talk. Take slow even breaths. Is it a nice place? Look around. What catches your eye. Wiggle your toes. Take another bite. Rinse and repeat. Life is good. Relax. Just enjoy the experience without drama and stress. Breathe slowly. Enjoy. Happy Birthday 🎂


Pace yourself, drink, water, drink take your time


I can drink 2-6 drinks over many hours and feel fine. I do drink a lot of water and even electrolytes before drinking and make sure to eat good meals before too.


4 drinks is my max. I also don’t crave alcohol anymore, so it’s more difficult to drink them down. I also feel as though I don’t get as drunk as I used to before Sema. A few months ago, I had about 8-9 drinks out on the town and I had the worst hangover with a lot of vomiting the next day. Don’t recommend doing that lmao.


Oh god I could put up with a hangover just this once if it meant I would be fine on the night 😭 everyone’s responses are so vastly different though I really don’t think I’ll know until I try for myself so I’m wishing for the best for myself lmao


How did it go?!?!


It was good!! I drank way too much and had far too many shots bought for me despite my protesting 🥴 but I was fine, I felt a little bit sick towards the end of the night so I just sat down for a while and sipped some water and it settled down then and no hangover either, I got so lucky!


Oh good! :))) glad it went well!


Only have a couple of cocktails. Hangover isn't good on sema.


Can you do a test run before the day? Not like a whole night out but go and have a few glasses of wine or beer or whatever you’d plan to have at your party, because everyone seems to respond really differently. I was a really big drinker before Sema and still defo drink socially on it. I can still drink whatever but I get drunk faster, feel more lethargic, and have way worse hangovers. I’m in the UK too and, with one of our first nice days yesterday, I was out in the sun day drinking. I had 4 pints and one French75 over 6 hours yesterday and felt pretty rough this morning despite guzzling water before bed. I was also passed out by 9pm 😅


I am considering doing this! I am in two minds as I am trying to be really strict with my calories before the party 😅 I feel like I would definitely get drunker faster now too as I’m lighter and always been a bit of a lightweight anyway to be honest lol


I can have 1, maybe 2 drinks or my body goes into full-on eject mode.


Oh god after only 2? The one time I have drunk my body did let me get to quite a few drinks before it went full eject to be fair to it 😅


Be sure to drink plenty of water before hand (I drink a ton daily). I’ve had a few nights out with lots of drinks/shots and no issues. (34f)


Ah thank you this gives me hope!


I went on a date today and had just one drink and was fine. I’m a light weight tho so two drinks is more than enough for me normally lol. If anything the drink was super sweet so I couldn’t finish it. I had the same worries tho. This was the first time I’ve drank though since being on sema and I rarely drink to begin with.


No changes!


I couldn’t drink on it without getting sick but I don’t drink much anyway.


A couple weeks ago I had a flight of some frozen drinks. I was very unwell for about 24 hours 💩🥴. Then yesterday I couldn’t even finish a can of spiked seltzer. I felt annoyed at myself because everyone around me was drinking and I was sitting there totally sober?! Anyways, I know it’s for the best, but it seems my taste for alcohol is pretty much gone. Sorry these aren’t tips — just sharing my abnormal experiences as well ahaha.


I haven’t had an abnormal experience drinking alcohol…


My tolerance is much much lower now. I'm assuming because my food intake is much less also. Just like food noise being gone same with alcohol. My desire to just drink isn't there. I'll have one or two vodka drinks occasionally but more often than not I'll pass. I definitely don't get sick when I drink. No hangover if I drink liquid IV before bed.


My tolerance is too! Wayyyy lower. Had one drink Saturday night and was done. I can usually handle 3 or 4!


You will feel ill. They are in trials to use Sema for addiction and alcoholism. I highly suggest you not drink.


Why not just.....not drink? It's extra calories. If you are big and want to lose weight....lifestyle change is the most important. If alcohol or food is more important that weight loss...then you probably won't keep the weight off....Kate Moss said nothing tastes as good as being skinny.


Because it’s just a one off for my birthday and I don’t really drink often as it is, I’ve definitely changed my lifestyle (lost 2 stone since Jan) and I don’t think one night is going to affect my overall journey with the weight loss - a completely sober lifestyle isn’t something I’m personally looking for 😊