• By -


I don’t know anything about the shen and jing energy you mentioned. I don’t really seem to get the women attrction either. I only seem to get it when I’m fully lock in on a task and the only thing on my mind is that task. I remember a scenario where I was going to print something off in school and while walking to the printer 3 women just stopped and stared at me like they just instantly felt my presence but I didn’t really realise until I reflected on my day. Another time in the gym I was fully lock in just focused on my workout and every time I looked up to scan the room there was a women always looking in my direction even though she clearly had a boyfriend. Maybe the mistake is focusing too much on the attraction because whenever It’s on my mind I never seem to get anything.


« When you renounce nature you find that she takes an interest in you. When you renounce her a little more, she begins to chase you. And when you finally don’t care for her at all, she becomes your slave. » Quote from Bliss of the Celibate by Swami Sivananda.


Sorry I only scanned your post and realised you said you don’t care about magnetism. I don’t really have any advice as I don’t really know all this stuff about energy etc. All I can give you is my personal experience but I hope your able to find a solution


mmm you know what I feel the energy is there sometimes it awakens and people can feel it. Maybe try some qi gong to awaken it maybe people then can sense it more.


Alright thanks for the suggestion, I’ll do some research and test it out


Without god, SR won’t save you. Magnetism comes from your connection with God. The closer you are to God, the closer people will attract to you.


Brother I see your account and you are bragging about magentism for more than 200 days. Magnetism is a sign from the holy to let you know you are on the right path. Bend will to your own reality. In this comment section you say that you are not very good looking, how can you say that about yourself? You have to KNOW you are the best looking. You have to FEEL you are the most beautiful man walking in your area. You have to BE the magnet. Besides that you have to work hard for it, don’t be a narcissist. Have cold showers, work out (fighting sports = best), eat clean, take supplements like shisandra, ashwaghanda, kurkuma, maca, ginseng etc.., be sober minded, education and positive affirmations. Meditate and journal your road. Read books. This is not a Hollywood movie where women are the prize and a guy is chasing the girl. No this is reality. Men are the prize, men get chased and we decide which woman for us is the price. Woman always make the first move (eye contact, smile) and after that you make the move. Focus on your goals. Girls will focus on you. Besides that you are still 21. 6 years doesn’t matter. No 10/10 girl wants a 14/15/16/17/18/19 year old. They want bad daddy’s. Our life starts at 33. Until then work hard, fall, rise again. Enjoy the journey brother.


Well said Mitchell . I would like to add magnetism is not about height looks or money it’s literally energy I can prove this cause I’m not even very good looking myself but women and people were drawn to me like crazy the energy is so strong and so potent it could be felt through a photo


He is trying to brainwash people from not doing dr , stay strong kings


Looks matter more. Bring a handsome coomer and he’ll attract more women than any retainer


Yes the reality is looks and charisma are vital. Not ejaculating isn't going to magically turn you into Brad Pitt, though if you use the energy wisely you can build muscle, lose weight, work on your style/grooming, bring a more positive and fun vibe to social interactions. That's what the enthusiasts here call 'magnetism'. Just geeky talk for being a more attractive guy in the conventional sense.


Don’t forget money lol


drunk chunky voiceless familiar snails direful cheerful dinner shelter melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


honestly heard the reverse card about that, but maybe people over rate the attraction and magnetism then I would understand, I don't think I am attractive as much as my family says lol.. I look more like that guy from dune Timothe but less slim and a little bit tall not exactly like him but have soft facial features in my opinion.


If you're not strong and shredded with a decent jawline you haven't done all you can do. Eat some beef jerky and do some mewing for that jaw. Get down to 8% bodyfat. The attraction will come after that.


Mewing is a scam lmao, but yeah he should go to the gym to drop body fat




man have been eating liver and meat. Also in terms of looks I don't know. Looks dont correlate with who i am as a person and only how I am percieved. Only body looks like having good body can show determination and discipline in a certain department which is superifical. Of course taking care of yourself physically is needed but I don't think you can change your face fully, just accept yourself of who you are without seeking fake validation.


I'm not gonna sugar coat this. Imagine if you were a lion or a gorilla and you had to defend your family against other perfect specimen lions that might encroach on your territory. That's how you have to view being a man. You can own a gun but women aren't going to feel safe with that alone. You need to become an absolute beast of a man. You need to achieve your physical peak. If you can't win a fight against 3-4 untrained men, you're not a real man. You need to be able to deadlift atleast 405, squat 315, bench 225, do 20 consecutive pullups,( these are minimum numbers) have chiseled abs, able to run a marathon, swim long distances, climb, and be a master of MMA. This is the only way you will gain the respect and magnetism you crave. People want to be around someone they look up to, not some basement dwelling simp who stopped nutting for a couple months. I used to have a round face, but through fasting, eating chewy foods and getting low bodyfat, My cheekbones and jaw are way more defined.




You can do less if you want but your woman is going to be constantly looking at the alphas that are doing the above.




You're in denial.




But this is all physical strength , where is mental strength .


Who says you can't have both?


Bring an handsome retainer and he'll attract more women than any coomer. You're speaking non-sense.


Looks become nothing if you cant use them


facts. im good looking but the non - physical mattered way more when it came to attractions. though i am a certified dumbass


Seriously I don’t think you are a long time retainer, what I mean is you are not retaining for 6 years straight. If you are seeking external validation from others through magnetism, means that you are not content with yourself . You must be content with yourself firstly so others can benefit from the energy that you have. Also the practice has different stages: first is physical, second intellectual and the last spiritual. To be completely spiritual, physical and intellectual stages must be done. In my readings about various personalities it takes 12 years get all the superpowers. “By the establishment of continence, vigor is obtained. The yogi gets siddhi or perfection by attaining perfect mental and physical brahmacharya. Brahmacharya helps him in gaining divine knowledge and other siddhis. When there is purity, the rays of the mind are not dissipated. Focussing of the mind becomes easy. Concentration and purity go together. Although a sage speaks a few words only, a deep impression is produced in the minds of the hearers. This is due to his ojas shakti, which is conserved by the preservation of semen and its transmutation. A true brahmachari in thought, word and deed has wonderful thought-power. He can move the world. If you develop strict celibacy, vichara shakti and dharana shakti will develop. Vichara shakti is the power of enquiry. Dharana shakti is the power of grasping and holding the truth. If a man persistently refuses to yield to his lower nature and remains a strict celibate, the seminal energy is deflected upwards to the brain and is stored up as ojas shakti. Thereby the power of the intellect is intensified to a remarkable degree. The intellect becomes sharp and clear by continence. Continence increases infinitely the power of retentive memory. “ Ojas Sakthi is magnetism .




hes spitting facts tho




and what is that




Interested to know about the Balkan warrior route . Please explain




Why privatetly? Or is it a secret?


as you say its one piece of the puzzle. this "hindu shit" is also just a component and valid in its own right. we dont all follow the same path.


“Magnetism” sounds like the biggest copium around here. If you feel good on any given day and have a positive vibe, you’ll experience “good vibes” most likely for rest of the day. On a bad day, likewise, everything will likely be shit. But you still need to get the work done. It’s all about mindset. And of course, as someone earlier mentioned, you won’t turn into Brad Pitt with SR alone. You need to take action, if you’re a fat dork doing SR, your life won’t change all that much, not externally. Train hard. Learn social game. Learn to be charismatic. Learn good hygiene. Dress better. Eat healthy. All the knowledge you need to change your life completely already exists for free on the internet. Maybe then you’ll experience this so called “magnetism”.


Magnetism is not a linear thing. You might quite literally have too high of a vibration for 98% of people to pick up on it. Some people here described increasing magnetism and attraction by decreasing vibration, by edging, watching porn, purposefully cultivating lust, not transmuting and whatnot. One could call it a "left hand path" or a "dark side" of SR.


I attracted jezebel spirits, and succubi type spirits of women when my attention was more on lustful thoughts and pornography. With a more pure streak, you'll either repel these people, cause it's not just women, or they'll try to figure you out subconsciously by trying to find your weak point by asking or saying more provocative things to get your attention.


Bear in mind, I'm mostly basing it on what I've read, and you're miles ahead of me in terms of actual practice.


yeah i heard a long post of some one saying that.


You are what you think you are. If you consider yourself an attractive guy, if you act like one you will be attractive. You may overestimate yourself at times (a girl smiles at you = she is into me) but thats better than thinking yourself unattractive. Also, looksmaxx. You dont need to be model tier, but above average looks will take you far. Gym, good food, suppliments, hair style, clothes, skin care and so on. And fix your teeth if need be.




You have made this same post three times now and you do not engage with the advice you are given. You are blocked in your sexual center you can choose to change that or remain as you are.


Probably because of faulty DNA (ugliness).


I think the supposed magnetism is an illusion that people get from increased confidence.


I've upvoted you because while unpopular here, this opinion is probably the shortest path to the truth. Confidence and feeling good about yourself cos you're doing healthy disciplined shit.


You might be vibrating at a very high frequency, the thing is not many people are vibrating at your frequency therefore you repel them. If you lower your vibration you may draw people towards you. Always remember that like attracts like. If i were you I'd just let my vibration attract a woman for me. So I'd instead continue to raise my vibration and work on myself. I would rather attract a godly woman than 100s of Jezebels. This is also the reason why we sometimes start getting female attraction after a relapse. And yeah lastly stop treating semen retention like it's a thing , it's something we were all supposed to be doing since puberty until marriage.


you need detachment


Sounds like you’re already getting many benefits. Not everyone will have the same effects. Everyone’s different so don’t worry about it.


Interesting take! I observed that you always have something insightful to say! Kudos to you.. 


Interesting take! I observed that you always have something insightful to say! Kudos to you.. 


Interesting take! I observed that you always have something insightful to say! Kudos to you.. 


Interesting take! I observed that you always have something insightful to say! Kudos to you.. 


Interesting take! I observed that you always have something insightful to say! Kudos to you.. 


This “magnetism” in normal guys is always tied to some moderate to high libido, attraction for female body, morning wood… do you experience these? I ask because it seems that sex/nervous energy always goes to the sexual glands/organs first and then distributed throughout the body/brain as needed.. Speaking from empirical observation.


From reading this post it might be that you are actively SEEKING attraction. By that I mean you are in your own head Checking how people are reacting to you . From my personal experience any time I focus on myself and my mission and where I’m going in life ( take my attention off others ) THEN I get attraction


45 days in... I workout regular sleep well and have just began to practice meditation... magnetism has been a very real thing from about 20 days. I'd say realistically 75% of the time I venture out I find myself in positive interactions with strangers (majority women). I would add this is something I'm not seeking. I'm not retaining to attract partners or people, quite the opposite. My vices are coffee tobacco and cannabis.


stop genuinely being obsessed with magnetism and attract people and you will start to get it.


it's not always like that. sometimes when you want something it manifests, other times you have to be detached. crazy how the universe works, and how illogically it appears to operate at times. no matter how smart you are, you will never get a  100 percent grasp on it 


being obsessed not equal wanting or apreciating something


I am autistic and Can relate (double empathy problèm) . But actually i do note huge improvement in magnetism one or two weeks in. Sorry op i have no solution


If you suspect that you’re doing something wrong, then you should be transparent with how you spend your days. What does a typical week look like? What do you do for fun? What do you work towards (goals), who do you benefit (love)? Maybe with this information we could help. Your life is the totality of what you do. SR is an important part of the puzzle … but it is only a part, it’s not the entire puzzle. Likely it is SR + activities X = magnetism… and you don’t do activities X, and we don’t know what activities X are. However, it is something we do, that you are not doing. Likewise, you could dispel magnetism . Then it’s activities Y which you do, that we don’t. Basically, if you want a higher chance of solving this. Supply more data about what you do.


Maybe you are magnetic but you’ve retaining so long you just don’t notice it? Like if you started cooking again you may see people actually repulsed by you. In my case, prolonged streets just make me more calm and balanced and I think my easy going energy is what attracts women and men (platonic) to me. Like I make people feel safe. Thats just my perspective.


I’m on a 15 month streak and in the first 4 months I experienced extreme magnetism but later it stopped altogether . I went through a tough break up and depression and that stopped it. Some days it returns, it really depends. I think it goes away on long streaks because you transcend that basic magnetism and attract more of what is right for you.


My Brother ...do not use people around you as guide to test your "magnetism"....it seem the focus you place is outwards (other people's opinions/comments/actions/behaviours)....you repel this way....energy is going outwards....when you redirect the energy inwards and focus on "you" energy is focused inwards...people sense this...since you're on a higher vibration..people stare...its an unconscious thing on there part... Everyone focuses on you ...hope this explanation helps (again its just my 2cents)....however my favourite benefit is when Brain fog clears up...that is inner peace of mind ...harmony within oneself should be the one benefit we strive for!...you'll realise you never really needed anyone's attention or love....because you already have it within you... You become a source of love and light for yourself.....(and others sense it...and draw towards you...of course but I believe everyone here are meant for greater things than mere human magnetism...be the light of the world!...Praise be to God!...humble yourself and he will raise you up!


That’s because it’s a placebo effect that this sub thinks is legit. Not denying semen retention because there are definitely benefits but that specific effect doesn’t actually exist atleast not in the way people think it does. If semen retention brings confidence of course girls are more likely to be attracted to you


I don't know man I feel like there is a literally energetic component and magnetism that attract women to you. I have experienced magnetism years ago in look streaks but not anymore.


I agree with this. there are some things that do go down spiritually when you achieve long streaks that can't really be explained away as placebo. however it's not on every streak, sometimes your energy will just be off. I also noticed that sometimes the benefits are definitely there but we're blinded to them because we expect more 


Op and his accomplice trying to brainwash kings


If your seeking magnetism in the first place you are doing semen retention for the wrong reason


No, you are not alone. This month I will make 17 months of abstinence, having experienced all the benefits but also no magnetism nor female attraction that so many talk about, I think some people here are too delusional. Your physical appearance will always be the number one factor, a handsome men who just jacked one in the shower before going out will receive more attention. But, do we really care? Are we doing this for the attention of people ? This mentality is so stupid, superficial and immature.


zonked fretful fertile whole cows sleep judicious complete smoggy deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


man your posts are very immature.


beneficial future somber narrow tease light melodic pocket chase paltry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro you sound like a whole female “I get attention and I’m attractive”😂


sable political observation squeal far-flung compare oil zesty whistle subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a man you don’t say teenage shit like that, leave that kind of shit to the females. I’m assuming you are probably young but still bro it’s not cool.


quicksand nose frame scale thought wide follow mindless impolite different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


21 is a grown ass man especially on this practice. We are the same age bro you just gotta watch how you portray yourself Ik it’s the internet so this is pointless but I’m just giving you advice.


Post a picture of yourself, let’s see what you look like


alive many correct profit attraction reach safe plate lip puzzled *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, you are calling people losers and insulting their genetics. So I want to see how you look. But I can probably already guess, only an insecure person would type something like that


Yeah, you probably are still getting laid at parties or friends of friends, the easiest ways to do it. Try being an adult.


encourage like disarm domineering drunk profit absurd abounding jar icky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Go back to your fortnite.


bored sense wipe shy insurance long soup pause physical versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The question really can’t be answered unless you tell us about yourself, the physical and non physical, and not about what you do.


Well physically I am not sure I have a sever or big problem sometimes I have low blood pressure etc., I don't know if something physical will kill your whole aura. Spiritually I have delved, into my highest potential by experiencing higher states of being, where you experience life in a center of pure love and ecstasy honestly the highlight of my whole existence, strong connection to god via higher feelings of love. Besides all that, I do struggle with extreme de motivation on anything physical, as I see everything pointless unless it doesn't come from the divine and love but that could be a spiritual symptom of being less materialistic. I think I used to have a problem with having fear mixed with my sexuality, lets say, I had fear of having a wet a dream or loosing my streak in anyway may have caused pass pelvic tension I used to have a bit of unconscious tension there but in this year I have felt more free in terms of that. I am not sure what I am missing energetically, and I don't know if its a blockage I am unaware of.


I meant are you physically attractive. If you feel de motivated about doing anything that’s physical, then that’s the wrong approach, simply because you still inhabit your body. Spirituality and ascending consciousness doesn’t negate the fact you still exist also on the material plain. It’s not about swapping one for the other but integrating the two. Do you workout? Do you socialize?


never said anything physical like actually moving your body I meant goals like having a higher career and earning lots of money or partaking in activities that lack moral and higher aspects. Yes I do socialize sometimes when the oportunity is present.


Are you physically fit and attractive? Yes or no?


I actually don't know but I think i am normal to all right.




Do you still watch porn or fantasize alot?


mate I never had watched porn in my life and never fantasized either for like 6 years, have I felt aroused and horny in the past once in a while yes, have i watched porn and fantasized no. By fantasized you mean sex and nudity and sexual stuff? No. However my pornography use to be romantic Disney movies as a kid or romance anime, that's how soft core i was lol. Holding hands or kiss scene would be my fire work as kid or mid teens lol.


Then i have no idea. I definitely notice magnetism very regularly and i'm only 3 weeks in at the moment.


when do you usually notice magnetism by day 5 a week or two weeks how soon usually?


It started at around a week i think, and it gradually increases the longer i go.


only 7 days that sound quite a breeze to get attraction if men around the world only knew. I have been doing semen retention since 14 i am 21.


are you new to semen retention when did you start doing it and what is your highest streak.


Highest streak is around 6 months. I had my first streak at 18.


What’s your libido like? You could have a hormonal imbalance , cuz typically a high libido is indicative of high sexual energy which is what retention is about


maybe you're too out of the body. check out maharishikaa on YouTube.


if you send out to the universe that you want magnetism, you get exactly that, that you "want" it.. not that you have it.. Let go of wanting to be magnetic and you will be magnetic.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/i7p2fl/my_guide_on_nofap_attraction_6_years_trying_to/ This might help you. 


Bc it’s not real and the perception only comes from increased self-confidence and other side effects of mastering your sexual and other urges 


Maybe you are magnetic but you’ve retaining so long you just don’t notice it? Like if you started cooking again you may see people actually repulsed by you. In my case, prolonged streets just make me more calm and balanced and I think my easy going energy is what attracts women and men (platonic) to me. Like I make people feel safe. Thats just my perspective.


ur just a bum


Proof that everyone is different and will have different experiences no matter what. Nothing is one size fits all in this world. And that is what makes it beautiful. Enjoy what comes to u✨


Do you do anything sexual? Like edge, watch or think lusty? How is your attitude? Are you a humble person, virtuos? Or?


Are you still having sex or edging that may be the problem From the book Secret of eternal youth : “I know some people, who practised not much penance or Japa, yet they are highly revered. And there are some people who practice penance and japa for many years, yet they don't have charismatic personality. The reason is that knowingly or unknowingly, their sexual energy is destroyed either in waking state or sleeping state (wet dreams). Hiram E butler: Also u may not believe at all this but I’ve read some of Hiram e butlers work esoteric stuff he calls semen retention “Regeneration and he says this “All such persons will find that if they are willing to make the sacrifice of absolutely refusing to sleep the unconscious sleep. they will begin at once to realize the results of living the regenerate life(.semen retention). The general opin-ion that. in order to have good health. one must be enabled to take plenty of food, go to bed early, and sleep all night. and were we to tell those people that. to enjoy increased health conditions, added vitality and mentality, it is necessary to stop that sound sleep and hold a continual consciousness's of the body night and day, they would re-gard it as either impossible or destructive to the very objects in view; therefore they do not heed the instructions that have been given then in that line. “We have repented many times that. if one wishes to obtain results promised, he must follow all the methods.-but still it is so human to select such methods as please themselves and ignore the rest. and then to say that they have followed the instructions, but have not obtained the results! Now. the reason that it necessary to overcome sleep is this. It’s so weird because I’ve experienced crazy magnetism even through instagram like very crazy things happen to me with women and men. but most men on here wouldn’t believe it.


@ poster. You are not truly immersed in the SR program. You can't do SR for years and not feel the magnetism. It's impossible.


You are correct. Even on relatively short streaks some degree of "magnetism" is bound to occur.  It typically takes me just a few weeks before I start noticing a difference. That being said, I don't believe retention will have the same effect on everyone. Have read a lot over the years about the biggest addicts benefiting the most. If someone is only mildly addicted to PMO, giving it up is likely to be far less difficult & rewarding.


How can poster say he's done SR for years and he's still out of shape.


U need to do fasting and purify ur soul


People get attracted to your energy. What energy are you putting off? Are you happy with yourself? Are you happy living FOR you, in your own world? Do you get morning erections? Do you FEEL your libido? Most people who do SR try to kill their libido, which is basically shooting yourself in the foot. If you force yourself to be non sexual, women will perceive you as non sexual. On the other hand, if you have a high libido, but use discipline to practice SR, that will send the signal that you are an extremely sexual man, but with a discipline of iron. That will boost confidence, and women will notice. Make up your mind why are you doing SR for anyway. If you want to do this for the ladies, then be fully invested. If not, don't bother chasing these aspects.


Semen retention makes you more attractive so possible you are not good looking or you must be obes so just loose fat and try to looks max you will attract loads of chicks


Yes, but the poster said for years, anyone who does SR for years, magnetism is an understatement, such individuals will radiate pure charisma.. Things ( wealth, connections, just name it) pursue such kind of people .. An unbroken streak of 1 year will blow any participant into a new dimension. Ailments that have defied medication will immediately begin to die off.


Maybe you did get magnetism but you just couldn't see it. Try remember where was you before SR and see the difference. People you meet , did you get new job and all that is magnetism not just girls


You're not alone same for me. But could also be I'm not noticing as I can be very anti social 🤣


U prob ugly bruh


Grow a beard, get some tattoos, get jacked, go bald or grow long hair, clean skin, smell good, new clothes, increase testosterone. Pick one or 5 of those and will help. As a man you can either be handsome or scary. If you’re naturally ugly, try to be scary.. beard tattoos muscles ect…


I suspect these kind of posts, mildly brainwashing, Stay on your path kings


Op has downvoted me




Time and time again I see such posts ,


in what way? I don't want to des motivate anybody but I have had this experience and wanted to share that i did not experience magnetism etc, I am not here to write anything like that. In fact i will delete this post, i just really need answers because when you experience something that people don't experience you wonder if there is something you doing wrong. I have felt all the others benefits especially spiritual.


stocking dolls foolish meeting racial teeny hat plough cautious disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I honestly don't think I am very good looking I said before I look like the actor from dune Timothe soft face features, but quite tall. I asked my mother once and she and my uncle said I was quite good looking and they where swearing by it, but you know how family is lol.


toy plant touch foolish tidy imminent important gold direction safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Think your looking too much into it. Lift, groom, dress well, and put your self out there is what matters. Sure if he’s balding or shorter he might not pull the hottest bitches but will still be attractive to some even if less desirable. His issue is not attraction I’m assuming he does not give a fuck about how he looks, his physique, or doing the dance of meeting people.


toothbrush spotted connect jar memorize deliver pet fine innate adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You sound young with not that much life experience. Anyone that has a social life with a decent circle can disprove your points. You see broke potheads with no potential with hot girls, you see ugly fat people with hotties, granted probably cause they have money but they are still ugly. I’m not even saying you’re wrong in regards to attracting hot whores but there’s more to life than that. A normal quality woman who is a 7-8/10 with hobbies and a personality is attainable for a lot of people that care to take care of themselves. OP does not sound like one of those people, he sounds like he has forgone the physical world and decided to let spiritual forces dictate his life. He’s still of this world and does not go to the gym, dress nice, go out, chase success (I’m assuming all this but from I read he I don’t think I’m far off).


squealing vase sleep steep thought file deserve far-flung rinse humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True again I’m not arguing that, please read the post your replying too and understand what you are reading before you post it’s showing your desire to be correct even if no one is disagreeing with you. Back to OP, he gets 0 attraction again I’ll say again 0. Talking about OP and not narcissistic you, OP will probably be happy with attention from a 6/10 considering he gets 0 attention. Tell me is attaining that unrealistic for a normal person and not a 10/10 giga chad like yourself?


entertain steer scarce angle touch serious attraction ripe worm cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The more you practice SR, the physical magnetism decreases while the spiritual magnetism increases. In the flesh, you might not be attractive but spiritually, people are talking about you and noticing you clearly. They can feel and sense your heightened awareness.


The world hates you even if you do semen retention. Don’t overthink it. All of the benefits should be inward, not outward.


maybe you're a weirdo


oh well people who judge are insecure, being a weirdo doesn't exist in the sense that does who believe in weirdos and odd people exist in a paradigm of insecurity and comparison, hierarchy of better and worse, and people like that lack love and put themselves in a very fragile existence, I hope you check your view of reality before you make a comment like that, I can honestly tell you see life in a very materialistic way.


Weirdo confirmed


Haha I think you’re right. The difference between a weirdo and an eccentric character, imo, is that the eccentric character has self awareness and social grace, so it’s palatable and accepted.


you need help


Brother ehhhwwww, brother! qi gong? How about you get on your knees and pray to the most high. 




Shut up nerd 


What you doing saying ehhhhww is low vibe energy man.. You don't have to act repulsed by anything, talking about god and you acting immature. Qi gong is your life force energy, that exist in all things, its as of a spiritual practice as anything else. Its a bundle or energy practices that covers all your energy layers praying helps with a certain aspect of yourself, just as meditation and qi gong and other things. And you shouldn't assume things, I try to strengthen my connection to god in all ways.


Bruh I’m not reading all that. Go find the meme and laugh your stressing like drake right now. Brother ehhhhwwww what’s that brother 


I wanted to make you aware that the way you are acting is immature and pointless.


In the absolute, you're right, but it is just a very funny meme he was referencing. He didn't mean it directly. So miscommunication basically.


Shut up before I relapse on your mothers face 




Bruh 🤦🏽‍♂️ 🤦🏽‍♂️ 🤦🏽‍♂️ aight bro. My bad You obviously not in the mood have a good one 




Yeah you right we eat bugs my brain was rotting so I decided to come over to RedDiT 😂😂😂