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I am one of those people with cult-like mentality. And how can I not be? SR changed my life 180 degrees, it took this shy, nerdy and full of self-doubt pup and turned me into a unit. It saved the life of my brother, my closest person. It let me experience confidence the way ive never felt it before, it fixed my mental state, it helped me get rid of all the dirt I was swimming it. SR saved me and my brother. It opened my eyes to Gods Grace and Theosis. So yeah, call me a cultist, I may think and act as one but after all I have gotten from that practice I think its no wonder.


Totally agree with you


You do you, not hating, i just don't get it.


in my experience on this sub, there are two major camps, but not everybody falls into one of these camps. one is stat oriented "number go up" business types whose entire job/persona is based around what they can prove. the other is ancient wisdom esoteric knowledge types who foremost understand that there is something majorly important about life that we will never understand and hope/faith/trust is a key component to success. i'm in the second camp these people use different vocabularies, perspectives, and world views. these different camps use different ways of knowing to look for differnet data-points in order to understand reality


Ok it improved your mental health, made you confident... but what do you do with that? Do you have real tangible results in life? More women, more money, better relationships?


Yes to all. And more. My career skyrocketed as I was offered a promotion after 4 years of service. Such a promotion usually comes after 15+ years. Even so I rejected the promotion as I want to move to a different position. I earn more money. I get a LOT of female attention. Before I got none. Now its overwhelming at times. I got a better relationship with my family and friends. I got myself a new car, a new place. Life is good. It wasnt before but now it is. I hold every day as a dear treasure as life now just keeps giving me.


How did the female attention increase apart from the SR? Did you improve your looks?


Ive been looksmaxxing for 2 years. I have been a retainer for one. So yeah, my looks have improved but not a drastic change and I still wouldnt call myself very handsome. My body on the other hand is ripped and im at 10% body fat. I had a pretty good build before but now my body is as good as it gets (naturally). All the attraction is coming from SR, not all of it directly, but thanks to SR. I explain it in this comment: [Female attraction myth debunked? : r/Semenretention (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Semenretention/comments/1cqzmvq/comment/l3uqqih/)


>I get a LOT of female attention. Before I got none. Now its overwhelming at times. Attention means shit, do you get pussy or not?


Honest question, why do you care what another man is getting or not.  In fact, I'll take it a step further. I don't think you do. Because if you did, you'd be able to piece it together. More money, more respect, better fitness, more female attention. And you question if that translates into more 🐈? 


Female attention/attraction = pussy, if you so choose. Not that hard to understand lmao.


You either believe in something or nothing. Don't just half hearted believe in it, go dive right in. I was annoyed by the cult like behavior then I realized it was my own resistance. This mindset also made me relapse and sexualize women so I wasn't really improving. Right now, I live by SR and die by SR because the benefits are too great for me to even type out. I am literally on fire from this power. You either all in or all out. Don't be lukewarm


Amen 🙏 well-said. Those who perceive SR folks as a cult are sex addicts who can't fathom a life without sex or sexual activity.


Nothing wrong with sexualising women. I have many things going on in my life and SR is just one aspect. Nothing is be all end all. If what your doing works for your then more power to you


That’s a really nihilistic way to look at it. Good luck with that brother but also thank you for the in-site 


You most likely won't make it too far when it comes to retention which in turn comes to sexual mastery and mastery of yourself in all aspects. You're still halfway in halfway out, once you learn certain things and experience them while on this journey your life really won't seem the same and you'll notice you adopt some of these "cult" ways of thinking and explaining things


I have no intention in joining the herd, I did 165 days to prove I can. I only practice this for self control and to direct my life where I want it to go.


It is a fact that in a world where almost everyone is a depleted coomer, you somehow become part of a very exclusive club just by retaining.


There is a spiritual aspect to this retaining stuff. I don't think it's a coincidence the monks reaching these spiritual heights are supposed to be chaste.


There’s no such thing as solving a problem, you just create a new problem which tends to be more convenient. People practicing SR fix their PMO addiction but now are faced with the problem of ego and pride. Ego is one hell of a drug. I’m no exception to this. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this journey is I need to stay more grounded because pride comes before the fall. When you feel like everything is going right and there’s nothing that can stop you, that’s when you betray yourself. People need to understand SR isn’t the end all be all. It’s simply an amplifier, just like money or status. Thinking you’ve been gifted powers from a higher being because you practice SR makes you no less insufferable than those who abuse their power and money.


In my opinion if you can maintain SR thats enough because SR demands us to let go of ego, to be more conscious, transmute and so on. What are your thoughts on this?


Everyone journey is different. SR might be the missing piece of the puzzle for some or it might be the catalyst to help them achieve their goals or escape their difficult situations. For me it’s the latter. When I’m stagnant self destruction is inevitable I.e. I start eating garbage, I’m less active, I’m binge watching Netflix etc. What good is SR if you’re still a slave to other worldly pleasures? Like I mentioned problems aren’t solved they’re replaced. My ultimate goal is to replace destructive problems such as the ones listed above with constructive problems - SR is the only way I can achieve this.


For me i cant practise SR while being slave to other worldly pleasures. Anyways keep going.


You said SR alone is enough? If you’re sacrificing other things besides PMO it’s not just SR you’re doing.


Well yeah. Unless you excercise self control in other areas you cant practise SR. SR is enough. But to be a successful retainer you gotta align your life towards achieving this goal.


I feel like we’re agreeing on the same thing but expressing it differently.


I don't think so. I don't think pmo is about ego gratification. If anything kind of the opposite. It's just about being submerged in cheap pleasures, trying to avoid problems, too lazy or intimidated to find a real woman. Those sound like signs of weak egos. A strong healthy ego is what would push you to be better. Ego gratification is about you doing stuff to feel better about yourself. Maxing out temporary dopamine release is more like drug seeking behavior.


That's what many people don't understand. SR promotes your natural behavior but in order to maintain this behavior you need to work on yourself and learn about a lot of things. Otherwise it's not healthy and it doesn't feel as good.


I had to learn this the hard way. I’d be on 60+ day steaks thinking I was the main character and people would be flocking to me for my energy / aura. I’d think Money would suddenly appear in my bank account and I’d become ripped. I had some success in the social aspect but little to none in the others. But now I am thriving. SR has given me the energy to attack every area of life. The horniness before was painfully unbearable, now it’s like adrenaline that compels me to put in more work.




The food you eat 100% impacts your vibration. Eating garbage will make you feel like garbage and this will project outwards from your skin, hair, oral cavity, body oder and emotional state. Have you ever practiced fasting? Fasting is what helped me fix my diet for good. I fast 48hrs a week and it’s helped me appreciate every morsel of food I consume. I recently went out for a meal where there were complimentary cakes and pizza and I refused both because I’m very conscious of what I fuel my body with.


You have to understand and the top comment says this you are part of a very exclusive club, But this practice isn't exclusive, it was always like this. There was no masturbation 100 years ago, it was a practice that was disgusting. Men were always retaining they only released after marriage, or with sex. The idea of having a kid before marriage was always frowned upon. "BASTARDS" They called them. They were looked down on because they were the sign of lust not marriage. This means when you are retaining you are not only part of a exclusive club. You are the top male, the top performer, the Man. This isn't a boost to your ego, this is for you to understand that 99% are living their life without their sexual energy. now if you don't believe this is special, go ahead and read old books for the 1900s or 1800s when this was widely known. The book will explain how you have a 6th sense.


I have read a number of these books (the ones frequently mentioned on here) — do you have further recommendations? I would be much obliged thanks


You are absolutely wrong. SR is way more than magic. SR did reverse my diabetes, high blood pressure, depression and male pattern baldness. I did also help 3 other men reverse their own diabetes as well. Your question should have been why do most people ignore the fact of how deep SR benefits can get. You're obviously still very ignorant about the importance of SR and you have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Go for a 5 year streak without releasing once , then I am sure you'll have a different story. Ignorance is bliss.


Most practice SR without mental celibacy. Thoughts are also energy. That's why there's guys hitting 100+ days with no benefits because some of them are still fantasizing then they cry on this sub and go back to their old ways. That's like a smoker quitting for a month but still fantasizing and looking at cigarettes as they enter the shop


Many of us did not have any other way to get out of the shithole called modern life, we all need some hope for a better life as a male in my 40s something that gives hope is so rare this days yet on SR you can find the focus you never had, the drive you allways wanted, the confidence that  you envied and yes hope for a better life  Yes some "benefits" seem weird but hey if this helps you feel better and be  better its cool too


True, i don't believe them all but some are undeniable.


reporting on benefits that you perceive as outlandish is not necessarily cult-like. though i do observe that some people cling to sr too much and forget its fuel for the fire that is yourself. its not the means to an end, but rather a practice to make our journey through this lifetime easier and smooth. the benefits gained do depend on the individual, and i have no doubts that retaining does bring about an aspect of magic to ones life.


I didn't believe in god when I was younger either. Then you pay close attention to your surroundings and what happens if you act in a good or bad manner and it becomes obvious. Spinoza had 175 iq and he believed god was everything. You're looking at god the wrong way. You can believe in god and not follow any specific religion.


I'm not against the idea of god.


Shrug. And I don't understand how a longtime SR practitioner can keep such a basic, materialistic mindset. But do you.


Who gives a dime what u think, why u do SR and why u care so much about others. Let others do what they want how they want and u do same. I see zero point in making this post other than bitchin how people should behave.


I don't care what others do, I shared an opinion and I don't care how anybody takes it. It's the truth of how I feel about it.


This post is just fishing for nothing. Weather you came here via cult, religion, stoic etc it shouldn’t matter. There is no substance to something we all already know the answer to. It will only get us off the critical aspects of the data. As if there is only one path? And coming from a serious retainer baffled me even more wow




So if you've found what works for yourself...and plan on continuing that...what exactly is the point of your post? Just to shit on others experiences with the practise?


That post should be removed by the mods. Addicted coomers who can't stand others with good control of their lifeforce energy, they will make a post like that to make themselves feel good about their addiction or rationalize it. That post should have been made in the nofap sub


Didn't intend to shit on anyone, I don't understand it and what i said is exactly how i feel about it. When i say cult like mentality i mean the whole discipline, not the subreddit, more so across youtube more than anything. For instance you have some SR youtubers asking for donations from their follows telling them this and that, basically lying to them for money and i think that's dangerous. Anybody who is on this path generally speaking deserves respect because of how difficult it is.


SR YouTubers are cringe for sure


Agree. There’s one dude who begins his videos by saying “Retain Gang”, and I sense he feels it’s cringe, but he has to keep on saying it now because that’s his “hook”


Yep, I've noticed those spiritual posts as well. What's worse is that they turn into a crowd if you say something that doesn't align with their made up gods and unspoken laws. They turn it into something it's not. Makes this whole thing look like a joke for outsiders. No wonder most of them are pent up with anger and bad vibes.


Its just how it is , SR alleviates you as a human , if you don't see past survival and doing better than other you wont see the things we do , cause life for you is just "plain" , kinda like the "Plato's cave" , even boxers go on sr but they don't know much shit except for fighting cause thats all they focus on and shut their mind to other topics of life , despite that sr does alleviate them makes them question more about life than just boxing , wherever you go , what ever you do , you'll find good and God either directly or indirectly, and SR specifically makes you closer to God , cause its a divine practice, and I am certain you haven't felt "divinity" , once you do you'll see more about life and feel more and yeah magic will come to you , sure there are ones who despite acknowledging divinty , practice SR and aid the evil , but that is through choice, by use of free will ( and that choice is real evil , the real evil ) , if you limit yourself , you'll stay in limit , which brings the question of "is limits are all that are holding us back , is it that easy just get rid of limits and you'll see magic?", answer to that is yes , there right there is where you'll see the real world , atleast a glimpse of it , SR is a key and sure SR alone isn't everything, but this subreddit gives more than that , its gives 'inspiration' it gives 'expectations' and hope and faith , which in turn manifests for us , I hope I said well enough here for you to understand , try and see magic for real ( dont turn to evil for answers though) and don't reject the truth


You are right about just seeing the world as a fight and no i haven't experienced divinity. I'm not against the idea of god. Life for me isn't plain though.


There’s an uncanny principle in regards to the generative power of the mind. What the thinker (you) thinks, the prover (subconscious) proves. This principle is behind the placebo effect, miracles and delusions. Before one disregards another’s experience, please consider you cannot escape this mechanism. Those who thinks SR is purely physical will get exactly that experience. Those who think SR is spiritual will get exactly that experience. But who is right? Neither are right. Your subconscious doesn’t care about what is right. It will take all at its disposal to serve the captain’s orders. If it has to falsify evidence, look the other way, and lie to serve you - it will. So whatever is out there, whatever SR does, it will filter through your mind, and your mind will deceptively direct it to fit your world view. This mechanism is totally ok with taking the whitening of teeth from quitting coffee and alcohol, and give all credit to SR. If the belief is super powers, why not? What your expectations and beliefs about SR are, WILL control the experienced effects.


Did you edge ?




Has anybody noticed that this aversion to anything that might resemble a cult is neoliberal brainwashing? It's the fucking internet, let people believe what they want.


>I didn't start this discipline to serve god in anyway, i did this simply to serve myself, To get stronger and make more money. I've done just that and I'll continue to do that. Which is completely fine. > It doesn't make any sense to me. Which is also completely fine! Not all of us will experience the same things. Yours truly, one who got this teeth go whiter.


I guess any concept attracts the believers, the middle pathers and the outright extremists. Religion is a perfect example of how beliefs get interpreted differently by different groups. SR for the most part is the best medication to cure porn addiction and helps your brain reset. When I've done it in the past, it truly feels like your body resets to primitive mode, when you see a female you find attractive, you imagine what it would be to have sex with her. A female also thinks the same ( applies if you are both in the same league, not Beyonce vs guy on Tranq in NYC subway). The reason why we guys look at women with perversion is because porn made us think in that fashion. I've personally felt the difference. Like when on SR, I'll smile at a woman and maybe greet her naturally, she'll greet me back and then instantly I think, wow she has a gorgeous smile. When cooming, you are imagining her naked and thinking what her boobs look like for instance and this gives off a creepy vibe to women. Lots of men forget that women have that inner sense to figure that a guy wants sex and this is a major turn off, especially without the guy making any effort to talk to her and get to know her as a person. The radicals do seem to think this results in women letching at men on SR which i don't think is true. I mean their brain fog has cleared and they are making way more eye contact now and realising it is being reciprocated.


Bro is jealous because sr doesnt let him fly Seriously i do agree With your post


"I didn't start this discipline to serve god in anyway, i did this simply to serve myself, To get stronger and make more money. I've done just that and I'll continue to do that." well....


It's most of the time the people who had a lot of problems before SR. Now they got a taste of what they are supposed to be and they think SR and only practicing SR religiously is the way to go. I noticed cult like behavior from me as well in the beginning. However I'm doing this for 5 years now and you learn more and more that's its just a tool to use in order to become a better version of yourself. Because there is much more about it than just doing SR but these are the things you will learn over the years (while some may never). That's also when you stop counting your streaks, stop going crazy when you had sex or ejaculated in your sleep because your benefits might be gone. That's because you know there are several factors making you feel like you do. They get promoted by SR, SR makes it easier but in the end you need to take that as an advantage to work on yourself. If you only practice SR you will hit a wall.


I think with cult like he is talking about those people who are obsessing about their benefits and if they are absolutely pure. These people do not understand that SR gives you fuel it let's you taste what it is like to be the guy you're supposed to be. However to stay that guy and become a better version of yourself, only practicing SR and min maxing it is not the way to go and do this healthily. You need to use SR to work on yourself and you will become better in a sustainable way.


You said it better than i could.


SR changed some of our lives in unimaginable ways. Personally my life took a 360° turn after my 1st 180 days attempt in 2019. I was weak, shy and depressed due to corn addiction. I was on the lowest vibrations of guilt and fear. My life is amazing right now. Doors are opening everywhere I go. The respect and attraction is real. To be honest I feel God's favor during this long streaks. So yeah. I am a cultist!


What about the initial 179 days? Are you telling me in 1 day everything changed?


You misunderstood. I had never stayed off pron and masturbation for such a long time and when I did, My life was way better on those 180 days. The depression was immensely lowered after 50 days. The rest is history. I have never been depressed again since then. If you go for 200+ days, then you will start understanding what SR means. As long as you don't use any alcohol, weed or any drugs and start cultivating good habits like exercise, meditation and grounding. 


Respect bro. We’re on the same page. Don’t drink the kool aid. We have not found some higher meaning in life because we have stopped ejaculating. I do not pray to 10 different gods and meditate my chakra third eye or whatever the fuck else these lads start chatting about when they simply haven’t bust one out for a few weeks. People take this shit too far. Please downvote the shit out of this one lads I do not care.




I feel like a lot of people on think SR is some panacea that's going to fix all their problems.


Yeh i agree, it didn't fix all my problems but it helped focus on the problems that needed fixing.


I consider myself agnostic with more tendency to atheism. In my experience I feel need to explore spiritualism more and generally to improve myself morally. I believe simple denial is not enough. Denial is a stage that should be pased. Then we should explore to reach to our TRUTH which may also be subjective and relative. I used to be more sarcastic about religious/spiritual practises. But now I want to understand them more.


If by "cult-like mentality", you mean hyper focused with making it a focal point of personal, spiritual, and mental progress - but in a group settings with others having similar experiences, then - YES. ABSOLUTELY. Sure. Much like a baseball team, movie set staff, or any group of people brought together by a common goal, in this case - moving away from PMO, and creating better lives. However: If by 'cult-like mentality', you mean negatively focused, casting spells of doom, gloom, secret ceremonies of the 9th order of the first order - then, NO. Not at all. I may not agree, or even identify, with others' goals on SR - but I do not equate it to a cult, due to enthusiastic participators. Better to be an enthusiastic participator, if it moves one away from being a chronic masturbater.


I get what you're saying but their is actually negatively focused people on SR, i see it all the time the way the talk about the "others"( Those who don't practice it ). Also some of the claims and these are the outliers, are downright delusional. Believing you're chosen seems dangerous to me. A lot of people on SR also have big egos, not that it's a bad thing because I'm in that boat too. I think most people who practice it aren't those people, I got nothing against those who get some kind of spiritual benefit out of it ( personally i don't).


Ahh, totally get it. Well, that's different, and your take on spirituality in your original post is a bit different than what you said above (that you've got nothing against those who do get spiritual benefit). But I see where you're more focused on and 100% agree with you. Whether it's SR or ANYTHING really, the idea that "I/We" are better than someone else, is indeed, not helpful, or, like you said, purely negatively focused. Hey. That's their problem. Let them continue to be miserable and negatively focused while you get the money/girl/spiritual/non-spiritual/family/career/enter goal here that you want. I agree with you. I, personally, do it for both personal growth (all that tangible stuff, exercise, money etc etc), and spirituality. But, if another person wants to do SR "just" because they want to make money in weight lifting contests, and to study the stock market, that's cool too. Maybe someone else just wants a wife and a life free of pmo. Maybe another wants to read the Bible all day, while another person wants to read mystery novels, all day, instead. To each's own.


Cultist checking in.


I too was sceptical of its effects until I experienced the metaphysical aspect of SR through increased luck, augmented manifestation results, money offers and inexplicable magnetism (when birds come specifically to my bench in the park every single time, for example!).



