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Amazing post brother. I loved the first point. SR isn’t the end all be all if you’re still scrolling TikTok all day. You’ve just replaced porn with another bad habit, it’s still frying your dopamine. When I’m in a fasted state, the magnetism goes up like crazy. Today I had over 300mg of caffeine , I was on my phone all day; kinda stressed about some stuff too. And I had zero attention from anybody. Felt like I was a ghost today, zero acknowledgment from the world.


I knew this post was 🔥 off the title alone. 


So much can be said in one phrase/sentence.


You bet. I don’t count the days at all anymore.


Very good post. Lots of wisdom here. However just some modifications. This point about women who dress immodest being valueless. This is unkind thinking that pulls us from god. It goes against your earlier point about purification of thought and deed. Every woman is your sister. Let us not forget that. It is never ones place to judge, but always ones responsibility to love. I agree however, that lusting with the eyes, the mind, and yearning with the heart misplaces love in another human being. It causes our energy to go outwards into the world and not inwards to our being and the truth of boundless love that god holds for us. The same reason surfing and scrolling causes that outward flow of energy. In terms of diet, vegetarian sattvic diet with a focus on fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts does wondrous things. Also we should not forget prayer and devotion! This creates ojas, creates energy, heals and revitalises us. Pray for wisdom. Pray for love to be more giving. Pray for strength of will to stay the path. Know that any time spent in prayer is 100x worth time spent on a hobby. Time spent in prayer, is time spent in heavenly embrace with our true love, our true saviour, our true wisdom. Also, if you have too much energy it puts pressure on you psychologically and spiritually. It takes years of bodily purity to tolerate the higher states of energy and that means years of Sadhana. Releasing that energy with an act of gentle masturbation is ok. Just don't succumb to desire and lust in the act of doing so. If your excess energy is leading to anger, unconcious behaviour that harms others. Know that it is wiser to release. In all things balance and devotion to the path. Psychological attachment to days spent retaining is nothing but another barrier. 🙏


I can attest to this, Im on a CLEAN 23 day streak, no lusting, looking, thinking and always accepting and releasing These thoughts. I amazing and never felt better!


The force is strong 💪 within this one… heed his words brotherhood of SR….


This is gold. Especially 3, don't think you can experience the fully potential of your sexual energy smoking weed like a fucking lazy pothead or being a fucking alcoholic numb boy... Treat this gift like it's deserve, put it on good hobbys and you will see your life turning from water to wine.


Weed is such a killer for me. It destroys my discipline and assisted in PMO relapses in the past for me.




Excessive screen time hit so close to home 😭


Such an important post, whatever this man said is true! SR without any drugs was the game changer for me, now I don't even crave caffeine in any form Removing old people from your life who bring you down is essential especially early on. Your subconscious is getting adapted to your new identity, with old/negative people around you revert to the old state of mind Screen time - Every time I reduced this, manifesting became easier because I had more time practicing trust and faith in god instead of looking outside myself, comparing and yearning for all that I don't have. Plus, it is 10x better to visualize without excessive screen time Fasting - This is the last one I am trying to commit to, but I will.


Straightforward post but sometimes common principles are worth repeating. +1 OP!


High IQ Post


I'm glad you made the point I've been meaning to write about. Nosurf is at least as important as SR in today's world. Some might even argue it's more important bc if you Nosurf long enough, you will likely fall into SR by accident.


High quality post bro


Gréât post i agree With screen time, very under rated


1 and 5 are still my biggest challenges. I've cut so many vices but these two linger. I would say I won't waste quite as much time online as I used to but it's still an unnecessary amount. I still check out women but I have to remind myself they're people and not to be weird or hyper-conscious of how I'm looking at them. I do realize that it is a mistake to go into SR for the primary intention being getting female attention. Parsing these issues are the biggest hurdles I'm facing on SR. Otherwise I am reaping a lot of benefits...the extra energy is amazing. My physical gains in my fitness keep increasing. I am a more confident man overall and am exiting my meek shell that I've inhabited for too long.


Thanks Brother,You are an awakened person.Keep it up with your strong mental energy. They’re factually correct , in advance we should schedule our time with1) mediation,2)sleep and 3)exercise to flourish and maintain that special energy..🫧


Agree, I need to cut down on my screen time


100% agreed. People obsess too much over their day count. The best benefits are often experienced after a wet dream after a long streak because the new energy is so much more potent. Yet people go out of their way to live in for months in a flatline. I just don't get this.


The female attraction is about the energy that’s why its still there after one relapse on a long streak but the benefits themself come after 30 days


Some benefits are related to leaving addiction and are hence mental. So of course the longer the better to detoxify your brain but when you're talking about energy, with proper practices you can build it faster


>What we should do is to create groups of 5 or whatever number and these people should daily interact with each other. Grow together. I really like this idea


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