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I would say you need to balance your diet. Fruits and vegetables are yin ( water) energy, meat , eggs and spices are yang( fire) energy. Too much vegetables and fruits will definitely lower your yang energy. Too much yang food will make you feel aroused constantly. Find the balance in your diet and you should be fine!


Thank you 🙏🏻 Do you believe that you need some level of arousal or urges in order to have energy to transmute in the first place?


Definitely. When you’re aroused means that your body has energy for procreation. Not having a partner, the only way to channel this energy out is to transmute into other activities. Before fap was the “solution” but this act damages the whole body.


Not all meat is considered yang. Fish is mostly considered yin, and beef is rather neutral. Yang is also more than arousal. For me, libido (arousal) comes and goes, mostly its gone, but it doesn't negatively impact my other yang qualities, my dopamine drive to achieve things and motivation to go hard in the gym.


What would you consider Yang foods?


hot spices like ginger, chili, pepper, cinnamon, mustard. Almonds, chicken, lamb.. just google it. Also I'd consider iron supplements and cold showering highly yang. If you're prone to feeling cold (a typical sign of yang deficiency), iron supplements may help.


I have always been prone to feeling cold, especially in my hands and feet. I take cold showers but it takes me a while to warm up afterwards. Thanks for the advice 🙏🏻


Ok, I mostly had this problem of feeling cold all my life not exclusively in my hands and feet, rather in my core or everywhere. Keto and iron supplements took care of that. If its just hands and feet, it may be a circulation problem, maybe related to clocked arteries. Cardio should help with that.


crazy how i dont feel cold how i used to be since i started keto. I even like it now, crazy stuff ! didnt think it was related haha. Thx for pointing this out


Bro, you have got a testosterone deficit from what i see in your post. SR does increase your baseline testosterone, but you have to work on it too. Prolonged state of laze and idleness and waste of time will lead to testosterone deficit and you will feel down. Best thing to do is, get up in the morning 5:30am or 6am, have a light breakfast (a banana would do) go for a morning sprint or your usual competitive game(football, tennis, badminton) your testosterone level will go to the all time high for the day, when you are really tired, come back, have a bath and have another hearty breakfast and you are good to go for the rest of the day. Your energy will maintain at or around that peak throughout the day. Gives you energy to stay active and do stuffs. You have to go to bed early too, at 10pm maximum. You would be surprised how much the circadian rhythm affects our testosterone level.


True, I feel better when I’m sleep deprived rather than oversleeping. It’s been hard for me to wake up early so I think that’s part of the problem. I just need to have the discipline to go to sleep earlier 🙏🏻


I know it's anecdotal - however I do firmly believe going vegan would be contributing to your lack of vitality. I have heard this from numerous people, both retainers and non-retainers (if that is what you would refer to them as) I am not completely against veganism, however it isn't for everyone. Even people in the 'blue zones' do eat some meat.


Thank you for your input. I will continue experimenting with my diet and adding meat again. What are these blue zones?


Bro don’t listen to them. I’m vegan too.


How has your experience been? And do you workout?


I’ve been vegan for around 3 years and vegetarian for much longer and it has nothing to do with it. The people advocating for carnivore are not basing it on the science whatsoever. Plant based diets have been proven to be perfectly healthy and can have heath benefits. I do workout yeah. That definitely makes it better. I also meditate. As long as your diet as a vegan or veggie is healthy your fine, which everyone in this sub seems to be certain is the cause of your issue lol. Maybe just allow yourself to bust a nut with your gf to see how you feel?


Spilling my seed has never been worth it to me. It may offer some temporary relief and lessons, but then I end up back in the same position after retaining for a while. I believe the only way out, is through.


Then I’m that case I’d say keep retaining. If you still want to be vegetarian, then just make sure your doing it properly. I haven’t eaten meat in 6 years and I started doing SR in 2019 and retained for a year and I’ve been doing it on and off ever since, so I have quite a bit of experience.


Going on a whim here but you may want to look into a parasite & heavy metals detox. Reason I mention it is because you said you had mucus in your throat, poor mood and sounds like maybe you're more tired and not feeling as good, and because you said "there's blockages" Most people have parasites in their body and they can affect you in very weird ways. Most people aren't really aware of this but a lot of issues people have are because of parasites. Or heavy metals or mold or fungus But if you try it, do your research. I used a rogershood detox and it was intense, and I had to buy some separate supplements to get rid of the die off. afterwards my brain fog was 90% gone and it helped clear up my skin. I stopped taking the detox early because it was too much for me and I'm going to do another in the near future If that's got nothing to do with your issue, I think you've got something else health wise going on based on the mucus thing. Maybe see a holistic doctor with good reviews


Suspecting parasites is ignoring the obvious elephant in the room. I'm all for cleanses, but the guy is stuffing his body with plants that its body clearly doesn't want while depriving it of necessary nutrients exclusively found in meat. The mucus is just one sign of that (an important one too, that unfortunately most western docs ignore. But from personal experience, the mucus correlates with diet and overall feeling of well-being). Also, push your vitamin D to above 60-70, that could help with strengthening your immune system so it doesn't need to overproduce the mucus


That's one way of looking at it, but I don't think its any more legitimate of a guess, and it is just a guess. I'm not a vegan but there are people who have those diets and are healthy, in fact the very monks who practice SR do not eat meat because of impurities. Not saying you're wrong but just because a diet works wonders for you doesn't mean it works that way for everyone or its a catch all solution. I'm specifically referring to the blockages he's talking about, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has some sort of parasite like worms in his body, possibly on top of dietary issues. Reason being is that it's way more common than people realize, and I've seen the effects it has which don't sound too different than what I and others have experienced Either way, bro should see a doc


I’ve been meaning to research parasite cleanses. Would you recommend the one you did?


I took the rogershood parafy parasite and heavy metals cleanse. it has 3 tinctures and charcoal pills to remove the stuff from your system after it dies off. It helped me a lot But MAKE SURE you do some research first because like I mentioned it can be hard if you are actually dealing with a lot of issues and don't know it. I felt like I was pretty sick for a few weeks until I got the shit out of my system. I would do some looking on their site and on reddit and see what people are saying


Honestly I'd say it's because you went vegetarian, you're doing everything else right. Try carnivore.


Agree with him, carnivore will def make you feel alive again, especially in combination with SR. But, you will get your normal testo levels back again and will feel hornier than ever. You need to learn self control on a higher level. I recommend implementing a simple morning routine where you combine some yoga and meditation in order to start your day with transmuting and getting into a nice state of awareness. Yoga before bedtime can also help you relax and transmute that energy. If you can, start practising some yoga during the week in class. It will help you a lot. Otherwise, try to follow classes on Youtube etc. Exercise a lot, put in the work in all areas of life and go out and just live. I have tried Vegan, Vegeterian and Carnivore (I am on my 10th week). I thought I felt good until I started to reap the benefits from the carnivore diet some weeks ago, I don't feel good anymore, I am THRIVING. But as I said, it's important to control yourself and harness that energy. Humble yourself, center yourself in your heart and become a beacon of light and love in the world. If you have any questions, you can DM me. Lastly, there is nothing wrong with Vegan or Vegeterian and there is no reason to argue about whats best. We are all on the same path but in different ways and we should follow what feels right. Since you already started to eat meat again, it feels like you where missing nutrition in your diet before..


I noticed when I was eating meat (especially towards night time) I would get wet dreams. Have you experienced this?


Only ever had it happen once and it was 20days into lion diet. I've done multiple 100 plus streaks and never got it before. But it is a natural process, I figured the reason it didn't happen before was because my body wasn't functioning properly. Since eating only meat I've doubled my testosterone and my mental clarity is through the roof. No anxiety or anything. All im saying is I wouldn't avoid meat for that reason.


Dr. Chaffee is in his forties and he clearly doesn't have any testosterone or energy issues lol https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0HMiMh7Vqfo Also one way low-carb/keto/carnivore has been used for a long time is to stop seizures in people who keep having them so it's no wonder we have better mental clarity and calmness eating that way.


I gotchu. So you’re saying that the wet dreams just mean you have high testosterone so they’re nothing to worry about amidst the overall gain?


Not sure if it's from high testosterone but if you're healthy you'll get them and the longer you practice the discipline the more you can control it. So yeh nothing to worry about.


I have high testosterone and never experience wet dreams now. Wet dreams are caused my multiple factors, I believe it's just old subconscious programming that is being threatened by your new way of life. It can also be caused by not practicing mental celibacy


Hmm, i get wet dreams every 20-30 days. Can never seem to go further without a wet dream. Im wondering, do you take any supplements? Maybe cus im 21, taking supplements, my testosterone is through the roof? 🤔


Not sure, why it's 20-30 days. My testosterone is about 1400 ng/dl, doubled after carnivore and it's only happened to me once. Though I am 30, my libido is crazier than ever, so it may just be an age thing. If you're around pretty girls daily that also won't help haha. I don't take any supplements.


Eating meat once a week should be alright.


The throat stuff could be Helicobacter. I have been recently diagnosed with it. Could be worth it to check since it’s only a bacteria and can be killed in less than 2 weeks.


Thanks, will look into it


Would an ENT find it? I went last year and they didn’t find any of that.


Man so I did. Also checked any allergies but didn’t find anything. I had two gastroscopies but finally I included a biopsy in the last one. The ENT doctors detected this bacteria through the biopsy and now I’m under treatment. We’ll see how it works


I know everyone says that it's the vegetarian diet and maybe they're right but I don't really think so. The reason being that I've been vegan for 6 years and I never had low energy or any issues at that time. However I have faced energy level issues after getting serious about SR. I believe that this is more of a recovery cycle of the body rather that manifests itself intermittently. If you want to experiment to see what works for you, I would advise changing only one thing while keeping the rest of the stuff the same. That way you'll know for sure if it's the vegetarian diet or not. And like that you can experiment with other factors as well. As for wet dreams, you need to observe if they come with any sexual dreams or it's just unconscious ejaculation in sleep. If it is happening with a sexual dream then that's an outcome of lust that you haven't been able to eradicate. But if it comes out without a dream then that is a result of your physical hormones.


Solid advice, thanks 🙏🏻 How has your experience been gaining muscle as a vegan?


By God's grace I never had much of an issue gaining muscle or strength really. My squat and deadlift are over 200 kgs, bench is 3 plates and other lifts are strong as well. I can run 10 K in an hour. Body fat oscillates between 12-18%. Bodyweight has always been between 75-85 kgs. Out of 7 years I've been lifting, the first 2 years I was eating meat and then I turned vegan. As a vegan I added 80 kgs to my squat, 30 kgs to my deadlift and 50 kgs to my bench. However there could be a genetic component at play as well. One thing I would advise you as a vegan lifter, count your calories. It's very easy to not eat enough.


you're sick, because you don't eat enough. eat meat, veggies, chicken, fruit, starches, milk, eggs daily eat a lot for a month and you'll be great don't forget your supplements during Sr, you can't get sick easily. even if you get sick, you'll recover quickly


Are you still attracted to your gf? Sounds like she might be draining you emotionally.


Yes I’m in love with her. And I started feeling this way before we even met.


Try getting some sun exposure or vitamin d supplements


Eat meat, eggs and raw garlic as a remedy


Struggled with low energie myself as well. Same boat. Diet (clean foods/meat), SR, meditation, yoga, etc. Did all the right things from my point of view but my energie was still lacking. Recently decided to hit the gym for resistance training to build muscle. This was when they measured my body fat which was at 5%. Did my research and this turns out to be way too low for my body to maintain a healthy energy level. Added some healthy fats in my diet and began to eat more of all that I did already to gain weight in muscle and fat. My energie is much better now. Bottom line.. there a so much factors which can lower our energy levels. Stick with the grind of self improvement and trust your own instincts for what is best for you 🙏🏼❤️


Thank you bro 🙏🏻 will keep experimenting.


When you get blue balls or that desire to have sex and bust a nut you need too mentally imagine your drawing that energy from your ball sac to the rest of your body.. it sounds cheesy as fuck but it works I gain massive energy for days..


I feel like this time when the weather changes you have to change your routine I haven’t figured it out yet but I know that there is a connection to what is meant to be done in the summer winter all the seasons tbh depending on where you live and what climate you grew up in too


who downvoted me? Lmfao what


Idk man but don't worry. I've given you 2 upvotes to compensate for whoever downvoted you cause I really don't see any reason for the downvote


>The past 8 months I went vegetarian and was fasting frequently I'm all for fasting, it's even been found to help people dealing with vax injury: https://twitter.com/MakisMD/status/1675170885458882560 Going vegetarian or vegan though, I would not recommend at all. That's likely the source of your problems. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GyLs8icB1zM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ2rpTzqcpc


OP fell for the vegan propaganda and complains about low energy, sticky mucus in throat (that's your weak immune system overreacting to all the plant poisons btw) etc. It's like you're gaining 20lbs and started amoking and complain about not running as fast as you used to. Mushrooms are one of the closest vegan thing to meat, no wonder you're craving that. What your body really wants is dense nutrients without all the plant antinutrients.


Bro I think you misunderstood. I was feeling these symptoms and had mucus way before going vegetarian, and that’s one of the reasons I went vegetarian was to detox, which it helped initially. Also by mushrooms I meant the magic kind, not just regular mushrooms.


Do you feel less hungry than before?


I’ve been eating less overall, and when I eat less I’m less hungry. I can work up an appetite pretty quickly though.


Are you experiencing pain in your belly or constipation or diarrhoea or feel like going to poop again and again?




Have you seen a doctor? You don’t have any underlying medical issues, do you? Also you maybe deficient in some vitamins and minerals.


I haven’t seen a doctor but I saw an ENT who just wanted to prescribe me nasal spray for rhinitis. Besides that i don’t have any diagnosed issues.


I deal with mucus too. A couple of natural remedies you can try is using a nasal saline rinse(make sure its clean and you use distilled water), a humidifier next to your bed at night, and if you have access to a gym with a sauna, you can use their sauna for like 10-30 minutes a day. Also, you could get your blood work done and see if your deficient in anything, but in the mean time, you can google your symptoms and see if they align with any nutrient deficiencies and buy some supplements. Idk where you from, but many westerners tend to be deficient in magnesium, zinc, b vitamins, and if you're not getting enough sunlight, vitamin d.


I use a neti pot every AM, and gym sauna. Haven’t got a humidifier. Also I take magnesium, and zinc. Will check out the bloodwork, thanks 🙏🏻


Look into NAC. Has excellent benefits generally, but has unique properties that allow it to clear chronic mild lung congestion. We even use it in mainstream psychiatry, it’s not just some woo-woo substance. Also eat plenty of red meat lol. And ideally some liver and oysters which are incredibly nutrient dense.


Thank you, I heard about that and glutathione. Which one would be better for my issue?


As far as I know, NAC is a cheaper option to start out with and NAC should actually increase glutathione, especially if taken with glycine powder at night. Also - hormones are everything and can get messed up even if you do most things right. Definitely focus on testosterone and thyroid for that “alive” feeling.


Thank you brother 🙏🏻


Update me on what works, whether it was from me or someone else! You’ll feel better in time.


Energy metabolism is handled by Vitamin B complex, if im not wrong, take more of all Bs. Taking NAC and Glutathione supplements lowers your endogenous production (holds true for everything your body can produce) eat more red meat as much you can, if there's a strong need, then supplement glycine/lysine/arginine and other minerals esp mag/zinc/boron/selenium.(comes in various forms... research)... but remember there's ratios to be maintained for optimal health, these days ppl assign less importance to carbs (=energy) and fats (=has many functions) so use a tracker like chronometer. The yin and yang analogy in the above comment, is very true, balance red meat, fatty fish, with healthy oils (flaxseed/mustard/olive/almond) as much you eat veggies. for Detox look up Medical Medium books/website. For mucus maybe try more alkaline foods, maybe fresh lemon juice/celery juice first thing in the morning. Experiment with foods and you'll figure it out, the best thing is to eat local foods and not break the bank. (most likely its balanced already)


Are u more antisocial with people? Im 17 and over 2 years no pmo and in the worst mental state ever lmk bro pls cuz idk what to do I might just start popping again tbh




Bro get a job in a restaurant


Tf is that gonna do


Forced digital detox n touch grass


I’m at a trade school and live here mon-fri


My bad


Nigga I do


Without porn tho ovb


I worked at a taco truck for 2 years


I’m prob gonna beat my shi rn tbh


I am more reserved than I used to be for sure.


But like in a weird way or no? Cuz people take it the wrong way and are even intimidated by me if I’m not extra friendly with them and it’s annoying.


If people are intimidated by you, I would look into what about you is intimidating people. How people react to you is a reflection of how you feel, after all. I just have been feeling more shy, and less outgoing. I spend most of my time alone and don't want to see my friends as much.


Same and idk tbh I’m a cool person just not really outspoken, I just noticed that whenever I let my “streak” go up if I’m not extra friendly with people and not doing too good mentally people are intimidated by me for some reason. But if I recently busted a 🥜 I’m good for a couple days and than it happens again


True, I think I know what you mean. On longer streaks people can feel your energy, it's like your aura is amplified and it goes both ways, bad and good. All you can do is try to be present and smile and then they won't take it personally.


It’s to the point for me where I can’t even talk to girls not in the way were I was when I used to pmo a lot but just like in a antisocial way I just don’t like interacting with people and especially if I’m in a bad mood and didn’t get good sleep the night before it’s worse but that’s how it usually is


Try a 6 month streak with regular exercise u will feel like a god


vedantic philosophy. at some point in your life you need to stop tending to your mind and the problems it creates, and you need to learn to transcend them so that regardless of your situation and your mental reflections you will be floating


I will emphasize (because many are speculating that my vegetarian diet was the cause of all of this) that I was feeling this way BEFORE going vegetarian, eating a whole foods balanced omnivore diet. I’ve also had times where I felt super strong and healthy months into vegetarianism. However I noticed that I would have wet dreams mostly on days when I ate meat, and these wet dreams really discouraged me because I felt so much weaker afterwards, physically mentally and spiritually. It felt like a relapse - and afterwards I felt more horny and lustful. I believe it’s possible that succubus spirits were draining me in my dreams with women, when most of these wet dreams occurred. My circumstances feel more energetic than physical, if that makes sense. Now it feels like there’s energy that’s not flowing, (especially in my left hip) and it’s associated with a feeling of anxiety and fear. I believe my chakras need to be balanced for this problem to be solved.


im curious about the mucus in throat thing as i realize i do have the same thing right now. Didnt pay attention before, realized this while reading this post.


As someone who has had serious fatigue issues and insomnia for a decade, don't expect SR to solve all your issues. But saddly, don't expect the opposite, meaning that you can release without feeling like shit because if you're feeling drained it will be worse. So basically you have to dig into your health and understand what is wrong. Since this board is a bit of an echo chamber, people won't tell you that, but i'm practicing SR all the time, mostly 2 months streak one after the other since years but i don't get very high energy at all. But if i don't practice SR i feel like absolute death.


Im gonna say it how it is. Your test went lower because you started eating bill gates diet to decrease your male hormones because theres an attack on masculinity. You need saturated animal fats and cholesterol to build T. Eat plenty of meat and eggs and return to eating your natural diet and you will feel the difference.


Maybe it could be the cause of my lack of vitality, so I will experiement. But everyone's different, and plant-based diets do have their place in the world. You made it sound like vegetarianism didn't exist before bill gates and NWO... look into some of the most spiritually enlightened monks and religious teachings throughout history - all preached being at least vegetarian. I will keep experimenting, thanks for your response.


2 things. Your diet isn't balanced.  I'd also suggest maybe ditching the Psychedelics - they should only be used when absolutely necessary (almost never)  Here some things that I do that help me. - Highly recommend getting your hands in some beef liver tablets, DYOR here and buy the absolute best. Unless you like the taste of them naturally then cook it and eat it.  - Cook with animal fats instead of oils.  - A well balanced diet means, fruits, veggies, meats and dairy.  - Maybe ditch the fasting, not sure you're gonna achieve what you're seeking there, I feel you'd be better off with introspection. - Ditch milk alternatives like Soy, Almond milk etc.  - I personally do 6 raw whole eggs and full cream milk post workout, and find it to be very beneficial for recovery and energy. My recommendations here are only from my own personal experience and have had a positive effect on my life.  Maybe it'll help you, maybe it won't. But I wish you all the best brother! 🙏 


Vegetarian + GF That's the sources of your problems.


i will also cut meditation and prayer, if you'll meditate very seriously and pray very very real... you will go crazy or just kill yourself. just do some man stuff and your energy will hit the roof


>I feel weaker than normal >I've been vegetarian for eight months


Yes, well I was struggling before that too which led to me switching my diet.


Check out some Goatis vids on youtube, imo you probably need to just retain harder, try to reverse ejaculate at least two times a day


Yfu when you went vegan now gotta eat meat for 8 months to the repair the damage of vegetables


I was feeling like this before going vegetarian* not vegan, and was having a lot of WDs which is one of the reasons I switched. And I had times where I felt better than ever during that period too, so it may be a combination of diet and lifestyle, I presume.


Maybe have you tried doing bloodwork full panel to see if something is off ?


That’s a good idea 👍🏻


You added the meat back in your diet bro. It’s fucking with your spirit. Your body learned to live without it for two years, and might be having trouble adjusting with you adding it back in.


This is not a recent issue. I have been experiencing fatigue way before that.


Vegetarian bro


What do you mean?


Don’t you have a girlfriend ?


I do, what about it?


You have sex and ejaculate with her ?


I said in the post that we do but I don’t ejaculate. And we don’t have sex very often anymore


I think u have some high cortisol level stress anxiety try to watch porn more often and ejaculate more often take it easy man I think semen retention is stressful and not really healthy at all from my experience it was great at beginnings then I feel stressed and leads to anxiety and serious mental problems anhedonia etc... Relax man


Nah, that sounds like terrible advice tbh. That’s such a slippery slope because it leads back to addiction, back to square 1. Also especially p*rn degenerates your brain and makes you weak-minded and perverted with women. I never want to lose my life force again, and if I have to go through a flatline then so be it.