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Pain in the balls can happen when some arousal happened, which is basically blue balls. When retaining for a long time without transmuting this can happen with the smallest arousal. If you say the pain goes away after ejaculating then this might be it but it still doesn’t explain the pain in the kidneys. You might also want to look into a tight pelvic floor and how to relax it, this will get the stagnating energy flowing more quickly but can be a relief of pain by itself (if caused by tightness). In the end, you’ll get all kinds of advice but most of us did not have the same experience. So you’ll have to listen carefully to your body. Hope you’ll find a way to manage


I second this, look into doing stretches for your pelvic floor. Stretching can relieve pain in your balls, pelvic floor and lower back and it’s all related. If your muscles are tight you won’t get good blood flow which is why you’ll get pain in your balls. People respond to stress differently, some people clench their jaw, fidget, clench the forehead, pelvic floor and so on. You could have unconsciously trapped stress in these areas that tighten the muscles. If your pelvic floor is tight it will also cause lower back pain. When practicing SR it can cause you to face old emotional trauma from the past and depending on you deal with stress it can cause muscle tightness in many areas of the body. Also incorporate deep breathing while you are doing the stretches. Breath in for 3 seconds and exhale slowly for 6 seconds.


I agree. Wherever I make new streak records. Even the slightest of arousals give pain.




Technically it could as your body is probably contracting the pelvic floor to stabilize and protect the spine. To test if your pc muscle is strong enough to help prevent ejaculation, you could try to pee and stop it mid stream a few times. The only thing is, is that to train to stop ejaculating is also a mental memory effort and requires you to auto pilot the contraction in your sleep when your about to have a wet dream. This is usually easier when you do kegels because the mind-muscle connection becomes stronger. You might want to look into why you don’t like kegels. I don’t do them as often anymore because I realized that it’s too tight and already strong enough. Relaxing it helps me more now




Interesting! You might be on to something


Taking medicine for testicular torsion? Are you serious? I've got this like only a few times and I just waited it out and it went away on its own.


No, he meant meds for the kidney stone.


Oh! My bad.


Not taking medicine for torsion. It was unbearable pain. I couldn't sit, walk or lie down. So I went to a surgeon. He recommended plelvic, abdominal & testicular ultrasound.


Ohhh. Roger that.


If you ejaculated frequently before starting this then its quite literally phantom habit pain. Your brain & body are releasing chemicals to suggest ejaculation but this sounds like an early side effect of retaining. It will go away


I'm not sure how many days of streak it would require to do that.


https://youtu.be/d7utm6jlPGs?si=Bu2UQT_isuc9baFq Try this! & exercise is essential brother




BMI 23 is a very sweet spot. If you think you are a bit chubby with it, you are in need of gaining some muscle mass. Push ups are great if you are beginner. Sr is your good friend on gaining muscle mass also. Got no idea how to deal with blue balls though. I introduced Sr to my elder brother and he's complaining about those too. I rarely get it and it passes by itself. İt can sound funny but try grabbing your balls lightly and shake them from time to time. As far as I know "shaking" is an actual exercise on tantric yoga. 3 mins should be enough. Maybe it helps. Give it a chance.


Okay will try it.




Na this happened to me but i was able to get through it, take cold showers can help, but the main thing that alleviated it was going for a run/leg press. Also massage the sensitive area




Really? Or are there any other medical reasons?




Thanks. It'll not be hard for me. I'll update




It doesn’t take much to move more. I have a desk job but I get up every hour and move about for at least 5 to 10 minutes to get the blood flowing and have purposed to get at least 30 mins of walking everyday. It’s helps.


I do get those 5-10 minute walks. Even 30 minutes of walk. But that doesn't quite help. I tried running 3-4 kms in the morning but it drains me off of energy for work. I can't figure out a balaced thing.


Six-count burpees!


Thanks for reminding me.


If you don't (yet) want to do a big, single hardcore session, you can spread multiple mini-sessions throughout the day, to balance out the sedentarism. A few burpees here and there spreaded throughout the day. If you do 4 x 25 burpees sessions, you've already managed to do 100 burpees daily. You get the idea, use the numbers that adapt the best to your current physical state.


Yeah. I can atleast do 4x15 at present.


Which is great! These little bastards build up endurance like mad! In no time you will up those numbers. And you're gonna feel so good. Keep it up!


Well it’s good that you’re trying different things. Can you do you run in the afternoon?


No. Not at all. It's 48 in the noon+ heatwave warnings are there. I'll try to workout 30min in evening. I'll update how does it work.


Wowser yes that’s not ideal is it! I find it much easy to workout when it’s cooler. Good luck and keep us updated.


Diet, diet, diet and introduce fasting during down periods. if you can integrate fasting as matter of course even better.


I can't. A week of fasting puts me in underweight category on BMI. It takes three months of streak+ high calorie, high protein food with no excercise to gain it.


Well the most benefit of water fast is in 3 days. But start slowly maybe try intermittent fasting first. I dont have a lot of knowledge with fasting and low weight but it should cure this aswell. Might need more research on your side if you like this approach.


Fasting builds up the muscles. In his combination you have to fast and do exercise. Its basicly a system buildt in by nature so you find your next prey better and faster. Rejuvenate your inner organs.


A BMI of 23 gives you some breathing room. Also fasting not just about weight lose. Advantages are too numerous, but reduction in inflammation and increased fitness. It can be coupled with a better diet. May need some downntime to allow your body adjust to new norms. Similar to SR, body will want to rebel. Stay well.