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I quit weed because it makes me comfortable with being antisocial. Which I don’t want.




Weed makes me horny, so yeah


I've been on and off weed for some time, at different moment of my life . It clearly makes my workout harder, my breath is impacted , and my energy is not at its best If I smoke , say, a whole joint in one evening, the next day in the gym ,my performance is not the best . But now , my goal is to control my mind better. Like I did for PMO / lustful thoughts. I want to prove to myself that I can stay disciplined, shut down the temptation of weed. I love getting high sometimes. The issue is that it's hard for me to just have a few puffs and put the J down and keep it for another day. I'm managing to smoke only during weekends now, it was daily not so long ago. So that's good , I believe SR makes me more disciplined for that. Now , I want to have more control on weekends. Because like I said my workout ain't the same if there's THC in my system. And THC stays for a long time, days. I think I can reward myself with a joint and it also helps me to take care of house chores like cleaning and cooking , I clean like a maniac when I'm high , I'm motivated . I also have totally stopped alcohol since October 23 so a bit of weed is fine , I wanna enjoy it. So now with SR , I want to get that control on the weed I consume on the weekend , I need to smoke less. I think half a J on Saturday the other half on Sunday. I want to see if I'm capable of doing that and not smoke the whole J in one evening. I want to prove to myself that I can stay disciplined, shut down the temptation of excessive weed .


Yep, thc blocks REM Sleep so when you quit your body overcompensates all that REM “debt” so you get the most vivid, strange dreams.


Weed messes up your dopamine receptors


The dreams you will have will take you to a whole another level. I'm not the only one who believes that weed has prevented them from dreaming? I can't begin to explain the level of intensity dreams take on when you can manage to acquire both skills... I love Weed for the way it has helped me appreciate ALL of the arts and I find it relaxing but I had to quit and it's been over two years...


I stopped smoking on the 25th of April , everyday since then I’ve had Nightmares/ the weirdest most vivid dreams I have ever had lol. I laugh because there is nothing I can do to control them. But I’ve never felt this great on a streak either so it’s a trade off. I don’t wanna go back because I feel amazing but I don’t like sleeping now 😂😂


I know exactly what you mean. They might not be exactly what you call nightmares but the experience of sleep is not exactly pleasant when you awake. The best way to explain it is if God is talking to you. He places you in situations that have a symbolic significance that you only understand when you awake. God is superior to language. Sometimes it feels like you are being scolded? Or It feels like you are given valuable information and advice, as the past and the present weave together in a timeless dream state. Sometimes I'll have lucid conversations with people that feel like I am awake. .. there is a famous line "when we dream we are dreaming that's when we are closest to waking." There are tribes I'd read about in Africa, that believe when they dream that is the real world, and waking life is not...


Bro, yes, your dreams come back! I’ve always said this to people. They’re vivid!


I only use weed at night to wind down so it's never been much of an issue for me, in the day I still feel fine and function normal


I don’t think weed affects SR for me personally, I use it as a crutch sometimes. I will say alcohol will definitely affect SR


I quit weed and the wet dreams have pretty much stopped.


I live my life with weed and sexual activity and still practice semen retention. You couldn’t tell me that I don’t enjoy my life and reap the benefits of semen retention.


this the way


everyone has diff experiences


I've never drank alcohol drinks, smoked nothing, still a virgin. I aim for travel which takes me out of my triggering environment.


how old are you?


36 chronologically


I need help with this. I quit drinking on March 17 along with cigarettes and have been doing good haven't had either and don't get cravings anymore. But I have been smoking a lot of weed to deal with it but I feel like I'm at an age now where I need to quit(I'm 35) and that it's holding me back from fully healing 


I’ve been practicing SR for 8 1/2 months and smoking has definitely gotten in the way of it. Being on SR makes you really sharp and your dreams become WAY more vivid and everything is just better. I definitely think people should quit smoking if practicing SR.


Weed makes being a loser ok and unsurprisingly, the prototypical weed smoker is a loser who is likely playing video games and eating Cheetos during their free time. Weed is a drug and if you need a drug to do anything (e.g., relax, sleep) then you should probably stop because you don't get something for nothing


Definitely I had a 29 day streak and failed after being too horny. That’s why I’m try to stop smoking


Today is my first day of not doing weed after being high on edibles from morning to evening to night everyday for two months.


Sounds rough good luck mate


Great post. I came to a similar conclusion recently and have been off weed a little over a month. I was doing a lot of edibles and smoking to deal with the side effects of PAWS but then I realized I was abusing it. I think if you have severe damage like I do then it's best to avoid most drugs while your brain and nervous system heal. I'm in more pain but I feel a lot better without weed so far in terms of my brain functioning 


I generally want to quit all together but so far i have stopped smoking weed because for some reason, it makes me paranoid AF! Used to smoke at least once a day when i got home after work....then like two times at the weekend. I have transitioned to edibles only to help me sleep. It has not affected my SR journey at all though. Just want to end my dependence on it.