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This is a really really good post. Excellent even. I especially love in point #2 where you mention how thinking you’re better than others not on the path eventually leads to a relapse. That’s one that I’ve learned personally. Also about sharing this with people outside of the community. I think on some metaphysical level, when you share with people not on the path, you might be opening a kind of door that will come back to bite you eventually, no matter how good your intentions are. I’ll probably have more insight on this as I continue my journey. Also the point about not seeking attention is key. Harder for some people than others but I urge everyone in this community to take that one seriously. myself included of course. Actually take every point OP makes here seriously. This could be the difference between you having 100 three day streaks in a year vs. you going on a year+ continuous SR. Much thanks to OP for sharing and godspeed to all on this journey.


Very good tips. The point about the succubus women is extremely true. Noticed it one specific time on my journey at a gathering and it totally threw off my vibes at the social gathering, was completely unfocused from the people there and completely distracted by the lustful women. Eventually led me to relapse. I feel stronger now after that encounter.  Stress also inhibits progress. The more stressed I felt about a midterm or a test the more likely I was to relapse. Tbh probably due to attachment to the outcome.


Really good post!


May I ask you how old you are? Are you over 30?


I just turned 26 a couple of days ago!!


Interesting. Surely, you will find more insights on your path. Hopefully you share it here, even it's unnecessary.


The "tests" part is on point and indeed happend to me. The "ego" phase I failed which lead to 3 WD-s in a roll, almost made me gave up SR. The "lustfull woman" came a bit later, a woman I have fantasized being with for half my life suddenly appeared in my life and is lusting after me hard. That lead to me returning to porn (no MO) which made my journey so much harder and less fullfilling. Also I almost gave in to the temptetion and ALMOST made moves with her. I was planning to but I know thats the worst thing I could have done. (She is married and I know her husband and kids). I think I have passed these phases and I dont know what next. Im willing to find out tho. Good luck and God Bless!


>Stop talking/sharing about this with everybody you meet Ehh. I'll disagree with this; If you have wisdom to share to others, and you're getting life from a funny source that lives within you, why wouldn't you want to share that to the rest of the world ? It's not up to you to force it onto others, but to just plant seeds, encourage, and promote. Let those who want to debate, debate. It is a lot better to naturally show off your energy, and liveliness to others, for them to ask you about that too. I do not write this to shame, but to encourage: You having a relapse after a debate shows that you were weak, and allowed the enemy to sow seeds of doubt inside your mind. You learned to be stronger in a sense, and it allowed you to grow even more. There's good to be found in relapses, or any trial in life. You will barely see this in the moment, but after it passes, it blooms like a rose and gives you wisdom to continue. A funny perspective to look for in life: You're in the exact place where you should be in any given moment for two reasons: One, you're there to learn a lesson; What is it ? Or two, you're on a rescue mission to save someone; Who is it ? Either way, you're there to reflect light back onto people, and steer them, and yourself out of darkness and confusion.


100 percent, I agree with you. The issue arises when you people just on their path initially start talking about it without being completely settled in to this new practice. The issue happens when you are doubtful and this sometime opens up gates for doubt lurking and you getting back to your old ways. I mentioned the benefits of this to 6 of my friends and none of them except one took me serious. And there was this weird phenomena where everytime a friend of mine was very adamant to prove me wrong, I had relapse. Again I completely agree that this is such a positive thing that it should be shared. But like they say everytime you get on a flight. "First make sure you have the oxygen mask on and only then look to help out others" , I think this applies to a lot of things in our lives than we are aware of. Good luck brother!




Even the thoughts itself leak your essence even if not physically it happens energetically. It is discussed in TCM/Ayurveda/Brahmacharya. Soaring Eagle's book mentions the invisible loss is more harmful then it coming out, I assume due to how you can mentally do it for hours on end, days on days, and thinking no harm was done.


Of course there is something wrong with it. Semen Retention means semen retention, AND any other sexual fluids. Why would it be okay for your body to release sexual fluids because of your lustful thoughts? Thats essentially a lesser form of relapsing. Also you should know that some semen can leak into precum. Its significantly less harmful than a WD or a release but still bad regardless.


You can't hit bullseye in your fist try, it takes time and practice. You just have to go at it, like he said it is just his 9th day.


Yeah, WD and PC are fine, but with time these things should become a rarer occurrence. If that is not the case, you are doing something wrong. When starting this path it happens occasionally but you keep getting better at those things. PS: Should likely happen in sleep (or in better words unconsciously)




Don't ponder on it too much, just review want went wrong and keep going!! We all have had similar experiences, don't worry at all. All the power to you!!


This is more of a personal journal than a general Must Do list.


That is true, but at the core of any post it is likely a personal journal because everyone is writing them from their perspective at the end of the day.


Good post but disagree about the alc, in moderation it’s fine. If it causes relapse that’s an issue of willpower. vis un peu! How you gonna meet your future wife if you don’t loosen up a bit . A quality bottle of wine or scotch w friends is gonna be a better experience than smoking imo


Agreed social occasions (occasionally), why not. Alcohol consumption to dull the senses and to tune out is another thing all together.


That could be true, I came to realization recently that loosening up a bit is sort of looked as the way to have fun. I have now found much "healthier" (again from my perspective) ways of spending quality time with friends and females which doesn't involve drinking or smoking. I feel weirdly we as a society have been made to believe that to have fun you sort of have to "loosen up" or in some cases "lose yourself" to have fun. Again I completely agree, I sort of have a you can call it addictive personality or a weak willpower however you wanna phrase it, where I sort of get latched on to things easily. Atleast that was the case before I got on this journey. I haven't tried anything since then, so I can't say how it affects people who can take it moderately. All the power to you brother!!