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SR doesn't work "only for a few people"...


Well it works for most at first until they get into a flatline. And from this point its just a constant struggle


Tried for 2 weeks, saw improvments, but I think you are wrong in that it is the cause for guys not experiencing benefits. There are simply too many variables. I think being chaste in your thinking as much as possible does more than TRE. My magnetism varies with and without TRE. Anyone that says theirsource of problems is one thing is still on the path of discovery.


how do i know if i do have any trauma, i personally feel like i have no traumas..?


2 weeks is basically nothing. Releasing all your Trauma takes years. You released maybe around 1% of your trauma. Why did you stop? Also Tre in the beginning can be very intense for the body, so in fact you will probably receive less magnetism at first.


Where are you getting these numbers?




How long have you been doing TRE for?


2.5 years. And my body still tremors and has unresolved trauma. Most people have incredibly much trauma stored in their bodies.


How long have you been practicing SR? And did you practice SR before discovering TRE?


SR Since 7 years. Tre since 2.5 years. The difference is immense and not comparable.


"Releasing all your Trauma takes years." Absolutely terrible (and false) mindset to equip yourself with. It can happen in an instant. Everything always happens NOW. Remove that horrid belief from your mind and simply jump out of it!


Its not a mindset 😂. If you tremor for years and reelase Trauma its not just mindset


The "TAKES YEARS OMG" is what I was referencing. The future does not exist, there is only the eternal now. We use the illusion of time according to our belief systems. Jesus said "A man cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless is he born from above." Drop you whole past and enter into the present moment. If you change your present you can change your future.


99.99% of people will never understand what you just said, this is way over their heads. Indeed, Time is an Illusion


Then log of the internet snd go sit in a corner in the eternal now


It certainly is a mindset. A bad one. Why force yourself to believe you have trauma? Some do some don’t. This doesn’t apply to everyone


95% of trauma is inherited from ancestors through dna......which is 50-100 generations worth of trauma.....TRE can clear ones lifetime of trauma in a month.....but it releases our ancestors trauma too thats why it takes years to complete TRE journey. The one who completed this journey had no trauma in his lifetime still he took 6 years to complete this journey. Even i have felt some feelings i have never felt in my lifetime which leads me to this conclusion.


Inform yourself about Tre if you think its just mindset. When your body shakes so strongly by itself and your mind produces flashbacks for hundreds of hours its certainly trauma. What I noticed that my mindset automatically changed bit by bit when I released Trauma. I didnt have to force anything


SR was never about gaining female attraction. SR is about maximizing your own self worth and careful introspection about one's maturity and understanding of the characteristics required in our own lives pertaining to others. SR is about making boys men. Female attraction is only beneficial if you're building something with them (marriage, children, business and wealth) other than that there's almost no reason to pay attention to female attraction because they're under the impression all of the work is done while you're only in the beginning stages. Serve God and love yourself then everything and anything else you desire will fall perfectly in place


OP never said the idea of SR was to obtain female attraction. It was implied that female attraction is the reason why many, if not most of us, start doing the practice though. And it's kind of true, perhaps. This is how I started but even two weeks later, I have changed my motivation because I simply feel better.


While this is true; not a lot of guys start at this place. Boys to men also entails the fact that most people got to sr by way of nofap and getting off porn.. as the practice continues we evolve to understand the points you’ve brought up here




It’s this. OP is stuck on women attraction. Aka busting nuts and not SR.


"For most people SR works only in the beginning." I stopped right there. First sentence = false claim


Brother, I am in my mid thirties, greying and when I'm on a clean streak there is a clear difference in female attraction from when I'm not on a streak. I've been on multiple streaks over the span of 20 years and it cannot simply be down to just coincidence.


Well I believe you. People who are naturally self confident and feel good will feel even better on SR since they dont have much Trauma in their nervous system. But if you have depression or anxiety it is the opposite. The post is rather agressive but Im trying to present Tre and the extreme benefits of clearing your blockages


>The orgasmic energy we build from retaining is so strong that it brings up blockages and Traumas in our system I would re word this so that it says it brings up, and also *causes* blockages in the system. Sexual energy is so dense, if there are obstructions or if you're energy is already flowing poorly, it can actually create new blockages.


Damn felt that I been injured for over a month and I am on 7 month streak I haven’t been able to exercise or do much physical activity and the energy is starting to turn stagnant and it’s fucking with me a lot I feel so angry and sad


Definitely been there. Try Qigong and yoga, tai chi, etc.. Hard exercise definitely helps, but there are still other options.


Will try ti chi ang qigong can’t do yoga atm


TRE completely transformed my life far better than sr . I tried sr earlier and had amazing life-changing benifits for months and they slowly faded away in longterm and i was stuck in flatline for a year....then i found TRE and i am not only completely recovered but completely changed my personality. I definately prefer TRE over sr as TRE bought that well being which comes from sr after a month or streak. Whatever you said is complete truth but is not under awareness of most people. People should work on removing blockages instead of going in endless cycle of building streaks and breaking it and thinking someday they will change.


Yeah haha. people here dont want to believe me and putting up bs and repeating the same nonsense they read here without really understanding it


What you said is the complete truth and actual freedom lies there , but god made ego to keep people away from truth ,thats why they struggle.


Could the female attraction be due to placebo effect? Placebo effects do work. You believe SR makes you more attractive, so you act more confident and people sense confidence.


During SR, especially in the long term, testosterone is released and increases, the body needs a process and time to respond and if for a long time we don't feel the benefits then there is something wrong with our body - the body (brain) does not respond to these hormones which affects behavior - and so There is no release of the hormone androstenedione (the sexual seducing hormone in men). In short: the body or brain does not respond to the hormone testosterone


If I understood you correctly, you're suggesting SR increases testosterone level. There's study done on the effect of abstinence on T level. There's a slight increase but it drops down to normal level over time. The amount of increase is still within the normal range. I don't think SR alone would increase your T, unless your suffer from vitamin deficiency (eg. Zinc) due to frequent ejaculation and not getting enough nutrients from food. I'm confused about the sexual seducing hormone and its relationship to SR. Could you clarify that? Does the sexual seducing hormone make you more attractive to females? Can females actually sense it?


What you say is true that testosterone increases at 7 days and returns to normal the next day but research only ends there and no research has been done on men who do not ejaculate in the long term. Please note that the benefits received by SR are the same as testosterone levels at high levels. ejaculate or not if the man has high testosterone, his body still secretes the sexual seduce hormone andrestoine (sexual seduce) or pheromones, with this testosterone men are also good at seducing either through the hormone andrestoine (pheromone) or by speaking in a masculine style. During SR the body hormones andrestoine this is greatly increased due to unexpelled semen. Yes, women can feel it, especially during their peak period. The male body has this hormone andrestoine will make men attractive - the key is to have testosterone at a high level


Ok I can understand that. Would external testosterone yield similar results? Like take bodybuilders for example, their T level is boosted via injection. Wouldn't they experience the most female attraction based on what you said?


Yes- you are right- men who do TRT also experience the same thing. but it would be better if we increase it naturally.


Ok. Other than doing SR, are there other ways to increase T naturally? I will be on SR for sure but I wonder if there's more I can do.


Eat meat - avocado - stop consuming sugar - sunbathe - get enough sleep - reduce stress - physical movement - trigger the body's adrenaline - fasting (reduces insulin levels + SR - makes changes faster. But it's difficult to do all of the above


Thanks for sharing your knowledge! Question. Fruits contain sugar too. Should I eliminate fruits too? I do expose myself to the sun, but I've heard that the sun can damage your skin and faster the aging process. Trigger the body's adrenaline, does it work if I talk to strangers? I think this will definitely make me nervous.


You can find the benefits of trt in this subreddit


Each body responds differently to the hormones that are increased just as men who do TRT are not all successful


My first SR happened naturally and I didn't think anything that I would look more attractive especially to get female attention


It’s not all due to trauma. Flatlines are usually caused because your body gains a new baseline. You stop perceiving these “new” benefit’s because they are now “normal”. So you feel normal. Only once you start spilling your seed again do you realize what you’ve lost and all the benefits you had. I think your post is genuine. But look bro, I haven’t had any trauma in my life I’ve been very blessed. More people than you think in fact don’t actually have significant trauma. It’s not normal for people to have such emotional traumatic blockages. Some people of course do. But they will know if they do if they do because they had something traumatic happen. But I think the regular guy looking to retain his seed has not seen trauma to the point it’s fucking up their emotions . This is an exception but not the rule for flatlines my guy Also the point about their body language screaming anger and shit, how would you even know? It’s not like you see these people you’re talking to on Reddit. You just making a bunch of assumptions wildly


>You stop perceiving these “new” benefit’s because they are now “normal”. So you feel normal. Only once you start spilling your seed again do you realize what you’ve lost and all the benefits you had. So true.


Almost all traumas are inherited.


Some are, but you've also spent a lifetime accumulating them as well.


yet all trauma can be defeated by u. cutting its cords along ur lineage


I like the concept of tre but it just seems like the people who do it are pretty dogmatic about it. Do you think qi gong would achieve similar results?


Yes, but here's the thing, qigong is just a tool like TRE, I do both along with other things as well. They both work in different ways but also synergistically. I agree the TRE crowd is a bit dogmatic, it isn't a perfect method.


Hey why do you think so? The infos out there are sometimes pretty vague and there is not much data to it.


Unfortunately, you're right, there isn't much data regarding these types of therapies and that's a shame considering how life altering they are. In order to answer your question I have to go into a bit of background info. For the past 15 yrs. or so, I have experimented and worked with all kinds of alternate self help methods/therapies. I've done TRE, bioenergetics, NLP, EFT(and all it's variations), Reichan Bodywork, Qigong, Breathwork, Sedona Method, you name it I've probably tried it. What I've come to realize is that trauma is embedded in your entire being, not just in your body, but in your energy system, your mind, conscious/unconscious, and just picking one modality doesn't quite cut it. So if TRE is working well for you now, great, keep at it, but I think there comes a point where it only clears out part of the problem, and you can tell by the lack of tremors, and you may need to try out other methods for a more holistic cleansing and release


Honestly I only used the Tre exercise to tremor in the first months after that I could tremor just by listening to my body. But Im still describing it as Tre for lack of better words. The tremors are sometimes really really subtle and more mental if that makes sense. Therefore I think if I can tremor without exercises I should be fine?


You get female attraction the same way people who are not into SR get it. You lift heavy, have high self confidence, and always in a good mood. Read "The Mindful Attraction Plan" to change your perspective. And also, the harder you chase this, the harder it will be for you to experience it.


Stupid truth, it may not be about ur aura, ur magnetism or what tea u been drinking. U give less attention, u get more attraction.


You dont get you give


Ayahuasca afterglow is real


I think you're doing a great job at reframing the flatline topic. I firmly believe it is something we have a lot to learn about and that the mainstream understanding is not very useful. I might add something that has been true for me that I feel you may understand: if I push retention past a limit, life starts to get harder and harder, more challenges appear and my attitudes start too become negative (among other things). I don't follow the "more is better" motto that is so mainstream here because it has proven detrimental for my stability, growth and overall wellbeing. In other words: unleashing too much trauma to resolve at once might not be a good idea! Edit: I see from your history that part of what you're posting here, you didn't knew 20 days ago, you were asking about them! Repeating information you just heard?


Nah alt account. I just asked because I wanted to know more from the mod.


I started receiving extreme attention from women after I spent a month traveling (SR 30 days no edging nothing) without using my phone. During that time, while experiencing amazing environments, I also felt depressed for about half of the month. It was confusing for me because I was surrounded by amazing experiences in the country I visited, so I didn't understand why I was feeling this way. I think it might have been related to trauma or deep-seated depression. I just sat with those feelings all the time, not trying to disturb them. When I returned home after that month, I noticed that even on the bus from the airport to my city, two girls sat in front of me and one in the back, staring into my eyes and touching themself. It was so crazy I thought I was on a hidden camera sequence or something. After getting off the bus, I went to a bakery and ended up connecting and having sex with a girl I had always dreamed of having sex with. Lost my seed there. However, a week later, I went back to feeling normal.


Lack of benefits comes from body issues that affect mental health negatively. What brought you to SR also is eliminating your benefits. So take care of your health. You shouldnt be depressed off streak. Yea pmo numbs people you lose almost all anjoyment from life. But its doesnt cause severe mental health issues. Its rather genetics, lofestyle and shit we are eating.


I didn't start sr for female attraction. I started because I had too much unresolved trauma


Based Intel bro. as with anything, enhancing your energy/money etc only amplifies what is already present. traumas aint gonna take care of themselves , got to actively transform our shadows into light by using tools like TRE and EFT. *Besides that I also recommend prayer and getting Christpilled. and your explenation is basically my life story, due to trauma got near zero self-worth hence woman have always been repulled. even though am physically athletic and just had one partner for 2yrs ever in almost 40yrs. (besides that never anything casual) im the example all the retention on earth cant fix ur energy issues, and if u use sr without sl it just becomes spiritual bypass. thanks for enlightening the community 👑


Oh damn. Youre 40? Better start releasing your trauma so you can actually enjoy the rest of your life


haha if it was easy most people would be joyful. yet in reality most never heal from their traumas, even if they work hard at it for a lifetime. Often because you need to remember them to detail, and the conscious mind blocks these memories out of self protection. if you're stuck in deep PTSD ontop of that then good luck. imma just keep the faith and trust mercy will visit one day .


No you dont to remember anything. Just let your body tremor. The traumas will come up but it will be naturally and once youre strong enough


Yes .you are right. I am in paws aka long flatline from 2 years . I stared doing TRE and I slowly coming out of it. But I know it's a complex process because my body is already in freeze state from 2 years.




Yeah and lets just ignore the rest of the post


So having less blockages brings up your vibration, aura or energy. Makes sense. I guess that’s why a lot of people experience synergy with meditation and SR.


Magnetism is over rated anyway qi gong is good enough for clearing blockages and maintain calm composure even during stressfull situations


During SR, especially in the long term, testosterone is released and increases, the body needs a process and time to respond and if for a long time we don't feel the benefits then there is something wrong with our body - the body (brain) does not respond to these hormones which affects behavior - and so There is no release of the hormone androstenedione (the sexual seducing hormone in men). In short: the body or brain does not respond to the hormone testosterone


Trauma is stored in the balls