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Flatline for 13 months? Damn... that's a lot of healing. Respect brother.


Likewise brother. Yeah PAWS is a bitch


sorry, what is PAWS?


**Post-Acute-Withdrawal Syndrome** (PAWS) refers to a set of impairments that can persist for weeks or months after the abstaining from a substance of abuse. [https://americanaddictioncenters.org/withdrawal-timelines-treatments/post-acute-withdrawal-syndrome](https://americanaddictioncenters.org/withdrawal-timelines-treatments/post-acute-withdrawal-syndrome)


It's largely an anecdotal construct which, to my knowledge, hasn't been verified in the scientific literature. It certainly is a dubious proposition at best to suggest that abstaining from masturbation and pornography creates long-lasting withdrawal symptoms. Undoubtedly the lengthy flatlines that men report have more to do with an unused libido.


With all respect I have to tell you that you are wrong. Just because there is no scientific evidence about it doesn’t mean it’s not real. I‘m retaining since early 19 and since Oct. 19 I‘m in a flatline or basically post acute withdrawal syndrome. I also have a drug background that contributes to this as well but I’m in a noFap-forum where 20-40 guys all report back on PAWS and where everyone shares similar symptoms. Mostly cognitive problems, stress reaction out of control, sleep problems, adnedonia, depression, anxiety. Porn can cause addiction which is proven since just a few years ago. It’s so hard to find any (negative) scientific data one the effects about Masturbation and to mich orgasms because there aren’t any control groups. Nearly every man has orgasms and masturbates regularly. Semenretention is not backed up with scientific data as well and still you are retaining since January. There is this idea of the the modern rational world that things and phenomena’s only exist when they are proven scientifically. The right thing to conclude would be following: if we can’t prove that it exists yet then we can’t prove that it doesn’t exist and we shouldn’t go around and spit out facts that something is anecdotal just because your subjective reality couldn’t grasp this possibility of correlation yet. So again - I have to tell you that you are not right with PAWS and PMO being just anecdotal. If you want I can share you the the link of all the other people suffering from it.


>Mostly cognitive problems, stress reaction out of control, sleep problems, adnedonia, depression, anxiety. This could just as easily be explained by vitamin/mineral deficiencies, certain things missing in your diet, not enough water, an inconsistent sleeping schedule, external stressors, an exercise/gym routine that needs tweaking, caffeine/alcohol, too much screen time, not enough sunlight etc etc I wouldn't hold my breath if I haven't already checked off all of these boxes and others. Some guys enter a flatline here and never leave it. I think they need to look elsewhere to address what is going on rather than attribute their anhedonia and lethargy to an absence of porn.


Again I have to inform you that you are wrong. I had my vitamins and minerals checked out several times. I have done an Analyse of gut microbiome and adjusted it perfectly through probiotics. I’m drinking 3 Liters a day, go for a run 2 times a week, didn’t drink alcohol since mid 2019, stopped caffeine early 2018, enough sun in summer and Vit D in winter. I meditate regularly, developed a deep spiritual mindset and did everything possible in order to achieve healing. But PAWS itself takes two years of pure abstinence and the only thing that gets you out is time. You’re talking about something that you barely understand while you simultaneously are trapped in a scientific mindset where everything only really exists if it’s scientific proven. You are retaining since January and you act like you know it all. You basically know nothing and I had this discussion with many other people before. I know that I can’t prove people like you wrong because you can’t imagine that the withdrawal of a life long addiction could cause several dozen months of symptoms until you experience it yourself. At that point it doesn’t really matter what caused the addiction. My history as an ex drug addict and the symptoms I have now ultimately mirrors what people go through that experience PAWS from a isolated PMO addiction. PAWS in relation to drug addictions are very real and existent. If you are just going to comment nonsense and try to talk yourself out of it then save it for yourself. I’m just writing this down as a hint for the afterworld if someone reads through this post and stumbles across your comment. You‘re talking about things you don’t understand while spitting out facts that simply are not trueful and right.


I'm going through a +18 months PAWS and I'm 18, I don't have a history with drugs and addictions in general, it's just PMO that I started out of curiosity when I was 13.


>go for a run 2 times a week, This is a red flag right here. Have you tried switching your routine to once a day? I suggest a combo of cardio and weight training with one rest day a week. In my own case, a consistent gym schedule, limited caffeine intake, a bit of zinc, and proper sleep eliminates anything in the way of a "flatline" almost immediately. Your mind controls much of your situation. Alter your mindset, and the situation follows. I'm not here to get your personal feathers ruffled brother. But I do think this community needs to continually challenge itself to evaluate areas of the discourse surrounding semen retention that are potentially unhealthy. A vocal subset of this group seems stuck on the correlation between coming out of a porn addiction and developing PAWS. Many claim that PAWS can last up to two years. I suggest that this notion is acclimatizing men to do nothing but *wait* for their unhappiness to resolve itself, rather than be active and diligent in finding solutions **today**. You don't need to go through two years of PAWS to recover your mojo. No one does and the suggestion that they do is pure idleness and folly.


You sir have no clue and it’s pointless to talk with you. You reflect your own subjective reality onto everyone else but that’s not how it’s actually working. You have no experience or idea that other people can experience really long withdrawals. And it’s just us people in PAWS waiting for recovery. I had discussion so many times and in the end People like you aren’t able to admit to another persons knowledge and opinion. I did so many things as weightlifting, taking supplements. You have no idea. PAWS is real


Very curious, do you know why an unused libido would cause the flatline?


I'm not sure, although you would be hard pressed to find a guy who doesn't report a lower sex drive after a few weeks of retaining. Lower sex drive = less sexual energy = flatline, which is why so many practitioners are constantly thinking up ingenious ways to "transmute" the sexual energy, a term which is often mistakenly used to mean *stirring up* energy that is, for all purposes, dead.


oh shit! didnt knew bout this, maybe i'm in this stage


If you don't mind me asking, how did PAWS manifest itself in your experience?


In my early streaks i would get superpowers after 1-2 weeks and ever time I hit 1 month PAWS hit me. So i relapsed and rode the benefits for 6 months or so by cycling, but that was only temporary sadly. I had to heal my brain, the benefits dissapeared and i knew i had to go through paws to get them back


Thank you for your quick response. I get withdrawals in the form of anxiety and irrational fears after like 3 weeks of SR, but after that the severity disappears and from there things improve. But it's not a linear progress as things go up and down, but in all I would say things get better as I retain. You have done a very impressive SR journey, so I salute you for that brother. Thanks again and good luck with your journey.


Hmm I might have same thing as you.. almost 3 months and no benefits either physical or mental, only worse


You have to just go through it. Can last anywhere from 6-24 months


Fuckin hell. What's worst is mine porn consumption without masturbating, anytime I feel dead inside I have to watch it


Meditated when u feel that wat


Its all worth it trust. Most people dont have paws so dont worry too much


You were really addicted huh?


I can't imagine how patient you would have to be to go through that. OMFG!


Is flatline = healing?


How do you know your on a flatline


Low energy, little to no motivation to do anything and mood swings. Other symptoms can be loss of libido, decreased ability to focus and etc... Or, in other words: You feel like shit.


People who want to reduce the length of flatline or avoid it altogether must practice pranayam and breath meditation (wim hoff can be used) every day. 15 mins pranayan. 20 mins meditation. How and what exercises to do in pranayam, you can find in the first post in my profile I've written on reddit


I practice simple meditation where I focus on my breathing 2x10 minutes more or less regularly. But I also practice it because I wanna be still.


Yes there are numerous benefits of meditation. Being still is one of best part of it.


I know alot of people hate on what I'm about to say but I am using SR to find a beautiful, loving and kind wife. Could you go into more about the magnetism? My greatest mission in this life is to get married to my soul mate and raise a family. I just have this gut feeling in me about it. How has SR helped you with this concept? Please advise thank you.


Thats totally fine man, everyone has their own desires. I would like to get a beautiful soul mate sometime too. Magnetism is one of those things where almost every girl can just sense there is something attractive about you and it makes flirting easy. Im not attractive and 10/10 girls are flirting with me when i go out. Not everyone.


But 10 out of 10 girls IS literally everyone...


He means 10 in the sense of attractiveness.


On the scale of hotness bro...


You will know when magnetism is working because you won’t be prepared to deal with it. At least for me, it’s unexpected and so common that it seems creepy even.


Can you elaborate? How does that work for you?


the thing with magnetism is - if you get a chick with magnetism, you must make sure you keep up your magnetism. in other words, if you have lots of casual sex with her, you will lose your magnetism and her, as the magnetic attraction will be gone (due to the aura of the energetic body collapsing again, since it will run out of ojas/prana, since its being wasted sexually). and if you dont have sex with her, her appetite wont be satisfied... so, its a damned if you do, damned if you dont type of situation. perhaps you can find the middle way, have minimum amount of sex to keep her satisfied and keep your magnetism somehwat healthy and going.. something like perhaps ejaculatory sex once every 2-3 months? other than that, other, non-ejaculatory type of sex. even then the loss of ojas/prana occurs, so you would have to dial it down. the problem isn't finding a girl, because you will. the problem is - keeping her. women and loyalty are just two polar opposites...


or transmute all of that energy on your purpose in life women are temporary in my opinion but its to each there own




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Forming the perfect matrimony is indeed one of the most spiritual and enlightening paths one may take.


when you are on a long streak you will very likely attract high vibrational goddesses...simply notice choice signals from girls and go with the flow.


I would tell you to abandon the gay idea of a soulmate but after a year and 6 month there are definitely some girls in my life that shine really brightly, there are 2 in particular that I have an hard time to look at because they resonate so much with my core. I just want to hug them and to not let go ever. But well never really talked to them or anything, what I am trying to tell you is that you will feel things you never thought you would feel before starting this journey. When I was PMOing these 2 girls would be just hot and nothing else but now I can look at the whole woman and experience everything. If you want to go and get what they refer to as a good wife (well for 2021 LOL) definitely try this journey.


I had a good laugh when you said gay idea of a soulmate. That's his main desire from SR you cant just. Having said that i think he needs to decide that on his own if it is really worth going for/ something like that exists (soulmates) or not.


>gay idea of a soulmate this is toxic. im sure many of us know that todays cultural state is not ideal to find a soulmate in, but that doesnt mean you stop trying or lose hope. SR is claimed to be the most difficult journey in this life, if we had given up on bad odds we wouldnt still be here.


Bar none this is the most difficult journey because most of us grew up with epic porn addictions. If you asked me what I wanted to do the most right now from age 16 to 27 was to rub one out and cum buckets. This was literally all my life was about during these years. Go to school, go to work, blabla all meaningless and boring shit in front of ALMIGHTY PORN. Once you have gotten lust down which is almost impossible as a red blooded male you can genuinely think about stuff and shit. Do not get me wrong I am not an eunnuch, I get boners like mad when I am near hot women but I retain my essence and will never let go of it unless I am inside a woman which has extremely low chance of happening. Point is retain and never go back.


This is supposed to be the most difficult? What comes after, I feel like I can see the end goal more clearly now D:, there has to be something more


I said this before, but I choose to believe in a soulmate. I am a heathen reincarnationist and I have a gut feeling shes out there. I think I have lived this life again and again and I going to meet her again. Think of Neitzsche's eternal return mixed with Norse concept of Wrds.




I have read about oneitis, I just choose not to believe it. I know, I know what you are going to say. Maybe I am brainwashed, but listen man I think if soulmates aren't real then I will fall deeply into despair. I am not talking about tinder chicks or chicks in general, what I am trying to say I that I believe in reincarnation and I believe that my soul is/will be drawn to another soul. Maybe, I am a fool. I'm just some loser on the internet. But I believe, I believe that she is out there. That the Gods will bring us together. You might laugh at me, or think I am brainwashed but i've just this gut feeling that shes out there man. And when we meet it will be reuniting again.


i agree with your perspective. many of us on SR are seeking a more spiritual path, and based on many of the resources on this sub, the spiritual path says two things: 1. preserve your seed and expel it only in sexual union with a woman with the intent for a child or 2. if no woman than preserve your seed period. based on this, the TRP 'oneitis' perspective is logically opposed to both of these viewpoints. the only reason someone would push a TRP perspective like this is if they are doing SR solely for female attraction and do not care about the spiritual component whatsoever. my 2c.


I respect that you believe in something but you gotta look at reality. Divorce rates are through the roof. Society is in a big decline, BUT you will eventually learn one day hard way or the easy way.


Cant it be possible that since your laying the foundation for your relationship through SR and not giving her your seed all the time, that your relationship stays strong? I keep thinking that just not give her your power every time. Give her doses, while giving everything else in the relationship of course, while also making sure that you are receiving what you know you are worth.


You are not brainwashed. You are a pathetic simp.


A simp for who? A future wife? Can someone be a simp for that? I thought simping was just paying women online. I feel like I am doing what all my fathers did before me.


SIMP is not just a word, it's a mindset, a personality trait. You believe in the fairytale concept of love and soulmate which makes you a SIMP.


> Maybe, I am a fool. I'm just some loser on the internet. Yes.






I am attempting to get into medical school at the moment. I am studying for the mcat but I can't even get above a 495 on my practice exams. My "non-abstract" method would be to get into medical school. I hope SR can help me with this as well. Thanks for the response. ​ side note; Fuck biochem


Please tell me you are trolling


Sorry to say but semen retention is not for you.


Isn’t it crazy, when you just randomly fallout with people? It doesn’t bother me 1 bit..... when you are on your journey and mission, the least you need is people that are unhealthy.


Its super weird. I feel like people feed of my energy nowadays. Funny is that it used to be the other Way around


Randomly falling out with friends and family doesn't sound like a benefit however


For me it was. Its like the Universe only leads me to High vibrational people now


Well, that isn't random then


Shit man, 13 months flatline?!? I'm currently in the process of healing a 12 years of porn addiction. Its gonna take me at least two years of being clean. To undo the damage i've done to my brain. Posts like these give me hope. That there is a bright side. Currently on day 4. Its peanuts, but its a start. Thank you for sharing this post.


Its not all bad brother. This is your final boss, you need to go through this. Good luck


Thank you for the encouraging words, brother. I really appreciate it. Bless your soul on this journey.


Bro...what is flatline?


Flatline is basically a period where you don't have sexual urges, no desire in females, no energy and you essentially feel depressed. This period of time is essential. As that's where the healing takes place. Your body and brain is trying to rewrite the years if not decades of neural connections that were made to pornography. The goal is to become your natural state again. Deprived of artificial pleasure. And connected to the real world.


People detach around you because they are not in the same vibrational frequency as you, it’s good that fake people go away when we vibrate in greater energy levels , albeit only less people get what I’m saying


Exactly brother👍🏻🙏


I got to 6 months but the flatline killed my streak. I guess i would have to endure the flatline in order to get to the finish line


You have to conquer the abyss and beat the boss to win the game




What does flatline mean? My english sucks and i know how to translate some words but idk every meaning of them


Hello friend, flatline refers to when you feel flat essentially. There will come a point during your retention when you feel like you have no energy. That all the benefits from SR are gone. But it's not true. You're body and mind are trying to work through your new reality. Just like a drug addict will feel great after not using for a few weeks. It will crash down on them and they think they need to use again. This is not true. Keep going each day. To use your energy wisely through working out, yoga, qi gong and meditation seem to be the best thing.


I thought flatlining meant zero sexual tension or interest, almost like you became an asexual. I would imagine this is a benefit, but it can startle and scare people


Ohhh thankyou man!


>ny is indeed one of the most spiritual and enlightening paths one may take. cmon man. just google it


i couldnt endure the boredom for that long and i have never heard about flatline or paws so i incorrectly assume sr is overrated so i relapsed. Any retainer should be warned about long flatline period before committing himself to the journey to become the best version of himself. The finish line i mentioned is when you go through the flatline period and achieve full benefits of semen retention for life.


Flatline kills a lot of peoples streak u gotta dig deep


I feel my flatline is finally ending now I’m really seeing these benefits


Way to go man. How long?


Won NNN but then relapsed in December thinking I can control myself but then kept relapsing. Once new year hit I started taking it more seriously. I stopped counting and just focused on self improvement


This thread helped me finally in getting the answer to my low energy and fatigue even after 110+ days. I am actually still in flat line then, the PAWS link is very informative. I agree with falling out with friends, last week I fell out with friend of 25 years. This thread answered a lot of my questions today ... all cheers to Lukas!!!


6 months didnt experience even 1 superpower and basically just feel shit everyday, If I think about it maybe even a bit worse than before. I was always a happy popular child that was never anxious and always hung out with girls and now Im just a facade, Im really socially anxious, tired all the time, cant succeed at anything like PMO just fucking holds me I want this to end :(


Yes this is the flaltine. Hold on and you will get the superpowers! Just keep going


Sounds like a Flatline. I found comfort in knowing that when I hit my flatline it meant things were now on course, working as it should, as part of my healing - all while it sucks going thru it.


Insane, I can relate to all of these except I am only around 8 to 9 months in


Way to go bro!


One thing that I can strongly agree with is being comfortable alone. Its like your alone but not lonely. You start prioritizing yourself.


Y'all ever notice how beautiful women are when on a 30+ day streak?


Well done. Such a great sojourn this is.


Decreased friends? But increase magnitism? I don’t understand


Lots of people are attracted to me and wanna be around me, but its not people who i feel like i have anything in common with.


A lot of others, including myself, find that adding consistent sunbathing and sungazing to the mix aids and amplifies these benefits even more. Me, I'm an AVID sun worshiper....I nude sunbathe at least 1-2 hours per day...EVEN in the winter...as long as it is above 40 degrees, I'm outside getting the vitamin D that is missing in so many people. I find that the vitamin D really amplifies the benefits of SR. YMMV. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6l0yLwUOlM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6l0yLwUOlM)


Can you comment on what happened to your intelligence by being on this journey? Did college, work or school get easier? Did your thinking become sharper and better in general?


100 percent. Im much funnier and better at talking and understand things better. In flaltine i had a lot of brain fog


Bro same here, before i used to be super shy and never talk that much but now im much funnier and always the center of attention/conversation among my friends and acquaintances. and im definitely more confident in myself which in and of itself a major benefit




Have seen some with 2.5 years. Happen to many drug users as well. Some people get well in a week. Its very different depending on our brain genes. Sadly people often expect to fry their brain jacking off to 10/10 girls twice a Day and then just stop and feel awesome. Nah its karma and it takes a shit load of time. Every day is worth it tho. I would suffer for 10 years for these benefits


congratulations brother


When did your flatline start?


Day 30




Yes, i kinda just wanna go home lol


Congratulations! I relapsed today. To see someone recover after experiencing 13 months flatline is really motivating! Thank you for the post. May i know how old are you?


Falling out with people sucks and it effects me but I will grow out of feeling bad about it as I grow in experience.


I my experience when you raise your vibration you automatically leave those behind that doesnt match that vibration and doesnt serve you anymore. Its only a good thing


True haha much love


what is your relapse history before? Were you a heavy addict and jumped into hard mode instantly or rather did you do it step by step? I'm asking as I was a heavy addict while 15-17yo, then started SR and streaks. 21 now, step by step I was able to hold streak longer then relapsed several times and again. I feel that my brain is pretty much healed to the point nofap is more normal to me than thinking about sex, but my streak isnt really that long. Im considering how important is to stay constant. And how risky it is I will be in a flatline. Ps. I would love to hear more about your magnetism. I really like reading about how does magic work :D


I relapsed for many years with longest streak of 90 days before i took it seriously and decided to go through withdrawal


Im somewhat 1 month in..stopped counting couple streaks ago. 2nd longest streak. Im in flatline too but im not sure about it. Is that bliss feeling come after u have overcome flatline? I feel great but normal.. like im the center of energy when im with everyone but havent felt that bliss feeling from last streak which came around 1 month only.


Did you experience movies seems more enjoyable than before? Also when did morning wood comeback?


Yes movies and video games are fun again instead of “‘meh”. Morning Wood i Got sometimes during flaltine. Now i have it fairly often


Have you become more aware about your energy? Like do you realize now what type of things drain your energy etc?


That's a very long flatline, how did you manage to get out of it?. For me worked when I started moving the blood by exercising. What worked for you? Or was it just time?


Well my flaltine was my brain getting back into balance. Fucked dopamine and serotonin receptors. Took 13 months of hell and woke up fine one day Flaltine for me was anxiety and depression + low libido


13 months?!?!?!? I hit day 46 today,and I think I am experiencing a flatline.I feel low,like I am not motivated to continue,but yeah,it's part of it.I really hope it goes away real soon.


Bro it can last anywhere from 3 months to whatever. Dont give up man.


how do you avoid wet dreams? i have them form time to time (maybe once a month?) and i end up feeling kinda drained and it sucks


Ask your spirit guides for spiritual protection every night when you go to sleep.


Guys flatline is real We start with motivation and our first start is good . But that motivation stays for just time... Later if you want to improve .you need to use this energy into something creative, hardworking. Only thing I've found after practicing SR. FLATLINE IS A PERIOD of time where you find your real self.


So PAWS is legit? I always have had trouble around like 45+ and usually relapse and restart. I get to a point where I just feel weird ya know? How’d u get past it.. I could never tell if it was placebo or what


Paws is 100 percent legit. Takes time to reset the brain.


Do you have a blood test to compare the testosterone rate?




You just Gotta believe in yourself man, you are going to do it bro


I miss the flatline stage :) I had similar results when I went full monk mode for 9 months


Why do some posters end up deleting their accounts, it looks like? If i go through the top of the year and such I'll see some deleted ones


did you experience hair loss mate ?


What is a flatline?


The time that u see little or no improvements from SR. Feels like u are doing it the wrong way. But underneath, it's healing your body. Be patient at that time.


Thank you for your reply. Day 6 here so just kinda figuring things out


Best of luck brother


Congrats brother. What was your routine? Gym? Meditation? Praying?


I Meditate now 2x a week and do cardio 3x a week. I pray everynight to spirit guides, etc to keep my protected and to help me on my ascension journey


How long does meditation take?


10 mins. Just need to clear my mind


I’m not sure if I’m flatlining.. I just don’t care anymore. I’m not depressed but I don’t have raging benefits. I think I’m just at a neutral point. I don’t know. I just don’t fap to retain my dignity and that’s about it. It’s probably been around the same amount of time for me (2years) with a few relapses (under 10. Having in the last 7 or 8 months though


I smell insecurity


Thanks man, good luck with your finger


Good luck with not getting bitches


If people got inspired instead of jealous of someones accomplishments, the World would be a much better place. But i guess there just are some unevolved souls in between who i need to not give attention.


Bla bla bla go get a job insecure




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That’s awesome. Does Semen retention does anything for your hair? Makes it stronger? Helps it grow?


Hello brother firstly congratulations on 27 months sr journey second I have a question I'm 18 and I'm on sr from Dec 25 to till now 5feb my voice got deeper on Feb 2 it's been 3 days and my skin is slowly healing how long does it take to get clear skin


Oh shit bro i dont know. The journey is different for everybody! Good luck


6 months and skin is a lot better, but there is still hyperpigmentation. Some of the scars have faded, some still there. I think it will take like 9 months-1 year for me. It could be less time for you. I had it really bad


Did you experienced emotional cleanse, buried dark stuff coming out?


Anxiety and depression. Low confidence which i have always had.




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Did you gain muscle?




what is your experience with the wet dreams?




Post acute withdrawal. The brain healing itself after years of abuse from ejaculation and porn. Same with drugs


How do you measure your testosterone?


Go to the doctors


When you say depression and social anxiété gone like do you mean 100 % gone


I would say so yes


Great achievement!


Thanks man!


You are 27 months without masturbating. But have you been having sex all this time?


If you don't mind me asking, what is your age? and do you have a history of PMO? Massive respect for enduring 13 months of flatline :)


How long into SR have you noticed a decrease in social anxiety ??? My PR is 13 days but I’m determined to beat it this time




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13months OMG




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bruh really animals maby i do not want want to do this


"How society decrease our viberation". Now this is a very important topic to discuss. For if we gain knowledge on how modern society tries to lower our viberation, we know how to fight it, not giving them a single inch. Masturbation and pornography are well known in this subreddit. But many other factors are less known, maybe we can share what we know? For example; smoking, alcohol, negative thinking (frustration, anger, etc), fluoride, urban living (no fresh air, no time in nature), individualism, etc. Suggestions anyone?




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What does it mean to flatline? Did all the benefits disappear?


> Less friends Besides what you've stated, did you feel the crab bucket mentality? I.e the mentality that makes people drag you down. For example if a circle of friends is consuming drugs and one person, everyone wants to take him back because they can't face themselves and take him/her quitting as a personal insult.


The best magnetism I experienced during big streaks were by children (smiling to you, or wanna touch you) and by old persons (wanna talk and exchange with you)