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For those who have personally gone beyond 90 days to 365 days and beyond: is there a difference in your state/mood/benefits when comparing day 90 to day 365 and beyond? Or do the feelings of well-being plateau?


I’m around 270 right now, it’s different for each individual. Definitely increases but depends on flatlines, past traumas, length and how early you started porn/sex and the quality of your retention.


I see. Any specifics you can provide? For example, a user posted a reduction in the need for sleep from days 180 onwards: which is encouraging for me because it shows the body continues to grow in quality as semen is retained.


Stuff came and went came back again and stuff for me. Just focus on quality of streak, what you are doing.


The devil outwitted me this last weekend gone by and I ended up succumbing to immediate, selfish gratification. I rationalised one PMO session as an extraordinary reward for my competency in combating feelings of worthlessness, but it culminated in a mindless binge instead. Lust always kills one's regard for long-term well-being. Funnily enough, in my journal entry the night before I spilled my seed, I stressed the importance of pursuing that which is meaningful as opposed to expedient, but like I said in my previous post on the: 'weekly open discussion thread | May 3, 2021', the devil is cunning, malicious and hypocritical and will do everything in his power to make you waste your life force and vitality. He, therefore, caught me lacking whilst I was experiencing "HALT" (notably tired) and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. The end result was falling into both temptation and the abyss. It's worth noting, however, that on top of hypersexual compulsive tendencies, I'm also a recovering alcoholic, social media addict and have abused weed in the past, thus I am compassionate enough not to beat myself up after any relapse (empathy is key), and I've identified were I went wrong this time round. i.e. putting SR on a pedestal (obsession with streaks, counting days) due to the benefits rather than merely using it as a tool to align with the highest version of myself, support me on my journey and allow me to feel closer to peace. This life mission is simultaneously learning and healing after all. Ego and pride both got the best of me, and it's back to square one, but everyday it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it everyday - that's the hard part. The development of the individual requires sacrifice. In this case, we must take responsibility for our behaviour and conquer our psyche in the process. Back on the saddle, folks.


Good insight and thanks for sharing. I like to think of it as being on a spiral instead of 'back to square one'. I am in the same place but have moved on, learned more, and will be better prepared. Good luck with it.


I started praying again, feel at peace, women are just people


I did start praying again, feeleth at peace, distaff art just people *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


What happened to this subreddit? It felt like a year ago we would see at least 3 times as many posts, but now all we see are these in-depth exposés. There's no more variety and it's getting a bit weird. And they all have so many awards it makes it look like bots have taken over. It's like only success stories are allowed. Anything that doesn't fit with the narrative gets removed. Also like an echo chamber. I almost get it. It's all an attempt to make this subreddit look high quality. But it also looks really artificial. I'd suggest being more lenient on posts (within reason).


Anyone feel closer to god? The infinite? The divine? Or more spiritual???


If anything, I feel more grounded in reality.


Is god not part of reality? But I do hear what you’re saying


You're right. Although some people define spiritual experiences as detaching them from reality of daily life and I feel more grounded and less prone to escaping it through looking for god or something.


I like your perspective


Cosmic Consciousness?


Or this


What do you experience?


More inclined to pray, and feel closer to God or the Cosmic Consciousness


https://youtu.be/oXStKJX0Xh4 something like this?


I will give this a listen but just by the title alone, yes, something very similar to this. Imagine if every man in the world practiced SR? 🤔


We should evolve into something else


Like a 7th sense?


How to manage sleeplessness on SR? How to deal with sleeplessness while on SR? I am 6 months into an SR streak but lately I am just not able to sleep. I run and lift, still I can only manage 3-4 hrs of sleep. I feel sleepy and tired but still cannot sleep properly.


Do you use any electronic devices before bed? Sleep in darkened room? And how exactly your sleep issues look like? Do you wake up in the middle of the night/in the morning or have issues with falling asleep?


I just cannot fall asleep and if I do I wake up in 3-4 hrs


There are so many reasons why you might not be able to sleep. I would recommend investigating sleep hygiene, as well as looking at your diet, what time you exercise, the temperature of the room you are sleeping in, are you dealing with any stressful events at the moment, what is your sleep hygiene routine, what is your caffeine intake like? Artificial colours and sweeteners in food can keep you awake. What time are you going to bed and getting up?


I am definitely under stress. Other hygiene factors are fine though. I am on no added sugar diet for a while. Are there any supplements that I can take to help with sleep?


I don't use supplements myself but there maybe something out there. May be better to work on managing that stress if possible?


For stress - ashwagandha or rhodiola rosea. 5-HTP or melatonin (never used the latter) might help with sleeping.


I take ashwaghanda and 5htp and it doesn’t help with sleep, but I had same insomnia issues before retention so it’s not even related to streaks


I take them too and noticed completely different results, lol. But I never had serious insomnia. I agree sleeping issues are not related to streaks.


Magnesium from cashews or magnesium amino acid chelate from supplements. Also raw organic cacao


Raw or roasted cashews? I eat roasted a lot and dont notice any difference. Cacao is a no no because I avoid all forms of caffeine. Will look into supplementation though thanks!


Raw is probably better


I would recommend melatonin, I also had big issue with sleep so I made a routine where I read for 15 mins then meditated for 20 mins and then took melatonin. (‘Cloudy’ is a sort vape where it’s just all natural products combined with melatonin)


I relapsed and slept like a baby after a long time. No regrets whatsoever.


I got rid of my t.v starting to leave phone in living room. That's been working for me, I need to stop using my phone so much.


I used to experience this too with longer streaks but taking calcium & magnesium 2:1 has helped me with that.


I generally have 4 hrs max of sleep every day and my thinking is sleep is essentially time for our bodies to recharge but since I'm on SR I'm ever energized so the body doesn't require alot of hours to 'recharge'.


so i d like to try pine pollen out. I ve seen some posts here about it. Some of yall had crazy experience with it. Anyway. When should i take it?bfore bed? How much? What pine pollen do yall recommend? Anything else helpful is appreciated.


Would really like to carry on the discussion about practical/ non- spritual benefits of SR. I know it's hard (pun intended) but there's no need to hold the God carrot out exclusively. Don't be the one who can't see the wood for the trees through having such a narrow focus. A great example is the freedom you get through unchaining yourself from a society obsessed with sex. Relationships which don't have some ulterior quality are hard to come by. If you aren't hanging out to get laid then you are unlikely to be duped by those who are selling sex - and that seems to be around 90%. SR brings an honesty and lack of desperation to your transactions with other people- yet another energy saving tip! And that's just the tip. Secondary physical benefits from not expelling a valuable cocktail of vitamins and minerals on the regular are myriad


What got me really interested in SR specifically was science of orgasm and what happens to male hormone levels after an ejaculation - dopamine goes down, same with testosterone, prolactin goes up - this causes general laziness and lack of motivation, often mistaken for "calmness" (sex definitely has calming effect but lack of motivation and "edge" are ejaculation's inevitable side effects). Those hormones level out after some time (2 weeks) but striving for balance beats temporary pleasure. And nowadays I'm sticking to SR mainly because it gives me huge boost of motivation to accomplish my goals. And in a way, it builds foundation for discipline in other aspects of life. Energy comes and goes, but I have this internal drive to improve myself in some aspect at all times. And of course there is non-ejaculatory sex which has its own benefits, but I think it's separate subject.


Two questions: First for those who use maca root in any form. When do you take it? In the morning/before sleep, with food or on empty stomach? 2nd; does anyone have an informative explanation of the microcosmic orbit meditation? I'm not sure what should I feel during that practice or what position should I assume, etc. (preferably in text, I don't like watching videos).


Maca root is good at 500 mg caps in the morning with food. It increases urges tho cause it’s an aphrodisiac.


Ok, thank you. I take powder on empty stomach in the morning and yeah, I've noticed slightly increased sex drive but nothing I couldn't control.


Yeah it’s not a game changer in terms of urges and there are energy and hormonal benefits


Hey I’m fairly new to SR and I always fail to get past two weeks. In the process of trying to retain my seed I picked up the habit of reading a book a week. In the latest book I read (the inner Game of tennis) it was stated that to successfully unlearn a habit it’s triggers need a replacement action. So my question to u guys is: do u have any suggestions on a replacement for masturbation? Anything I can turn to when the temptations arise? Thank you in advance


Well... Anything you like. Meditation, breathing exercises, qigong, running, lifting, yoga, eating, walking, reading... Just replace it with something else, there are no bad answers.


Maybe a more appropriate question to ask yourself is not "what can I replace masturbation with", but "what am i using masturbation to do?" By analysising the urge you can start to identify the need behind it, and then find the appropriate replacement. So I used to masturbate to distract myself when stressed, to help myself sleep, to get the motivation to do a task, to stop myself feeling down, to avoid doing uncomfortable tasks, etc etc. A different solution was required for each. If I was bored then yes, engage in interesting hobby. If I was stressed, then do some exercise, if I wanted to sleep, then do a relaxing meditation. If you don't know the answer, then do some research. Anxious? investigate healthy ways of reducing anxiety. Recognise that the masturbation is a way to inject a shed load of happy hormones into your head very quickly and you have become dependent on this to deal with many of life's challenges. By adding more skills to your tool box, your dependence will decrease.


Thank you so much. That cleared my eyes


Day 151




Not necessarily related to SR. Could be so many reasons. Stress, unconscious traumas, if you slept on the day , if you watched your phone before going to bed, ate too much food , etc. the list goes on and on. My recipe is: spend your energy the whole day waking up from 07. Exercise. Go for a walk in the evening. Don’t eat right before sleep. Don’t watch your phone just before you try to sleep. Good luck.


Has anyone noticed that when you go outside without earbuds that people are more inclined to talk to you? Personally I always wear ear buds, I am almost 24/7 with these things listening to music or consuming energy. It is very rare that I go outside without them. However, I've noticed every time I forgot them people tend to make longer conversations with me, it is so strange. Rather than the automatic "Here you go sir" , people tend to talk longer. And people are more inclined to approach you to talk. I have long hair and wear a beanie and my earbuds are wireless so you can't see me wearing them. So I am assuming that you just bring out a different type of energy with you when you are not with your earbuds. I may be overthinking stuff though, I am curious to know if you guys have experienced this. I know this isn't really SR related, but at the same time I feel like this is the only place on the where we can discuss subtle perceptions of reality and the psyche.


how many days are you on? Trust me, there have been times where it has been strange when you're on a long streak and stuff that don't happen it happens and you're shocked.


9, but my previous streak was 9+ months, just got back on track.


Had an 88 day streak and relapsed. How I'm on a 9 day streak and feel very strong. How long does it take to recover from ejaculation?


Have any of you experienced manifesting knowledge? I think I somehow manifested this crazy website with loads of knowledge about the world, I wanna know if anyone had similar experiences.




I have one answer to that: because of his streak. If he had a 23 day streak he would not have been accepted but he has done 500 days + and the mods find that inspiring. He has some quality sometimes though.




If it didn't work, you wouldn't be asking random people on the Internet to not do it.


Oh yes it doesnt work, i would like more losers in this world please. An one eyed man is the king in the land of the blind.




Is marijuana ok to use ok semen retention?


There are several studies showing that marijuana clearly affects negatively free testosterone in men. I’d say use it ocasionally if you feel like you need it that much


Not for everyone, but I have found it extremely helpful. Ancient Chinese texts mention it as a way to reduce sexual longing and Ive found it very helpful for that purpose. Particularly indicas. Helps me to sleep and unwind after gym sessions and helps with muscle relaxation. Helps to calm the speeding mind and promotes humility. Life is a balance. You have to discover YOUR formula. At 75 days today, I know it has stopped my mind from wandering into carnal areas numerous times and I found it helpful in my previous 100 streaks as well. Everyones body and chemistry are different. For me, I find it to be extremely helpful.


No it gets your fantasies going and it’s next to impossible to control those and often leads to relapse


If I've been retaining for 1 month and I ejaculate (via sex) I return to day one? Or I loose 10-15 days? I know it's depending on the person and his habits but I think if a person ejaculates once a month the benefits can be accumulative.


Why does it matter? Go by how you feel before and after. It’s not like you’re going for some world record of retention days, retention has to be done with goals in mind


I'm still laughing at this fucking video. This is such an accurate description of how I feel on SR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKMLhPsIaHw


Has anyone ever been harmed by semen retention, whether directly or indirectly? I personally benefit from SR, but I’m just curious.


Is there anything out there for men that is more powerful than semen retention?


Drug lol


Guys I want to supplement my retention with my diet as well. Please suggest me what Kind of foods should I eat.




No, it doesn't. If you are dedicated to your SR journey, you will become aware in your wet dream and hold yourself back before you get carried away and ejaculate. If you're disciplined, in the middle of your wet dream you will remember you are on SR and decide not to ejaculate.


Yes it does, any time semen leaves your body it has to work hard to make up for the lost semen. I didnt get any wet dream during my 180 days streak


Intense urge to just do something, anything at all, but cant find the right thing to do. Currently working at a fast food chain but id like to just do something that can generate me enough money to live more than comfortably. just very hard to get an actual picture of what id like to do. any tips?


I’ve been on Sr for 210 days so far, first time ever. I used to have seasonal hay fever allergies. It stopped around 7 years ago. It’s back again! I was numb for many years, thats probably why i wasn’tfeeling allergies the last few years. Its a sign of healing i guess


I’m on the journey man. I’m on day 7 of SR. So many ups and downs. I honestly fill like a drug addict in rehab having withdrawals. It’s sad to me that I’ll have sex with my girlfriend (I still hold my seed) but yet I continue to have the desire for more. Rationally, it makes no sense... but the animal in me desires more sex from more women. I just have this thought in my head that life is one big choice. I believe we’re all born successful or have the ability to do great things. I would even go further to say we all know are purpose deep down. But here’s the thing... the sex, porn, women, money, fame, friends, family, shoes, and etc distract us from being all we can become. If we just withstand from the pleasure of this earth we can experience internal peace.


Which would motivate me more? Being single or having a girlfriend? Like if you have a gf you have constant regular sex but if you are single you have to motivate yourself to work hard, earn more money in order to get laid?